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Best /g/ youtube channels?
literally the only one i can watch without wanting to kill myself
no /g/tard buzzwords, no vpn shilling, no meme software
a rare combo of edutainment that doesnt resort to gimmicks
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You have no idea how good we used to have it
faak u zoomer faakheads
Brodie Robertson and his podcast Tech over Tea are pretty gud tbqh
ThePrimagen is pretty based.
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I miss him.
I like MandaloreGaming
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Side note what happened to Luke smith is he still alive hasn’t posted a video in like a year.
I wouldn't go as far as calling him based, tho his content sometimes is entertaining.
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>youtube channels
This is a 18+ site, you read documentation like a man
Ltt, mkbhd.
No, I will not be buying an ad.
he ran off to frolick in the fields. He doesnt own a computer anymore
Several years ago it would've been Druaga1 or LGR (both still very kino channels, I just don't watch much LGR anymore) but Druaga1 is gone and the only thing still close to him in content is Action Retro so he'll have to do.
kys prime
D* ***e
F**** *******d
N** *********y
T********** *****e
10/10 the best to ever do it
TechLead is based and makes redditors seethe
Me if I had the money
You wouldn't hear my voice, just cool tech stuff
Maybe would hire someone with good voice to voiceover
There is this text-to-speech like million of youtubers use but I don't know the name, just use that
>using tts in Engl*sh
Major cringe
tts have advanced a lot in 30 years anon, disregarding language
This guy makes good content, though he's a bit of a grifter and forces you to pay up to see more of his interesting content.
The only one I watch is Brodie's channel because issue and mailing list drama are highly entertaining.
If I watch a video in English and it uses tts, it's pretty much always garbage. There is no culture around it. There are great videos in Japanese though.
Luke, Mental (Black Luke), Jody Bruchon (Fat Luke), Louis (Right to Repair Luke), Rob Braxman (Schizo Thirdie Luke), Naomi Brockwell (Hot Luke), TechLead (Sarcastic Luke), Laurie (Trannie Luke), Explaining Computers Dot Com (Bad Haircut Luke)
Linus Tech Tips
>Laurie (Trannie Luke)
>he doesn't know
I have LMG blocked on my frontend. It's absolute garbage
I will fill you in on a comfy one, if you’re a Unix head. You might like DJ Ware.
He’s basically just like this elder techie who bullshits about distros and such. Maybe “tracks them” even. It’s relaxing, lmao.
huh? do you think they arent?
I hated linus before but I hate him even more now that he uploaded a video with vxundergrounds malware sample collection because now his viewers are going to shit it up
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you get a lobotomy and live like a wild animal
>rapes a milf and drugs her to sleep
sci fi was based before they pozzed it
>Phils Computer Lab, Gamers Nexus
general tech content
>Janus Cycle, vwestlife, Michael MJD
retro/obscure tech
Can't stand him and can't stand his streams.
He's always reading chat and when he does he puts chat on screen, but it's fucking enormous, it's so big you cannot even read it. And then he just alt tabs between the code editor, chat and documentation. He doesn't keep anything up for more than 5 seconds, he NEEDS to alt tab.
This motherfucker is on drugs.
neetcode (Navdeep Singh) is the most loved content-creator here
that's a man
Usagi Electric
Adrian's Digital Basement
Technology Connections
Nostalgia Nerd

Last i heard this old fuck got a prostate cancer diagnosis or something, and then he quit making his kino review vlogs
I like Hardware Unboxed, Gamers Nexus, and Digital Foundry.
Tech Tangents
He got married
I don't know what you're on about. He released a video just the other day
why aren't my fucking posts going through
Not sure
Braxman is a moron that sells crap. Don't listen to him.
LTT is true /g/-core
This guy is a fag but ignore his politics. He makes good videos on old tech
>youtube channels
owari da
you read books
Andrea Borman
>Usagi Electric

Bits und Bolts
Low Level Learning
Tech Time Traveller
The Serial Port
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Laurie isn't a tranny. Most retarded forced meme on this board. I did some pretty in depth investigations on this. Picrel, those are MY posts on her screen.
why does youtube want me constantly watch his videos?
i watch one occasionally but most of the time i dont click it but yt still shills him hard
suckerpinch (a very funny guy who does awesome but retarded tech projects)
protesilaos (he lives in a hut... his videos are slow but I love his philosophy talks)
dickmao (if you love/hate emacs)
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Is this jaw line natty?
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>G3 iMac with functional webrowser in 2023
You sir are a liar
nah bro he mews for SURE
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Linus Tech Tips
Here is a youtube link in case you haven't seen it: https://www.youtube.com/@LinusTechTips
Technology is good on that show
I have so many subscriptions now that I'm starting to lose track. Really wish youtube would let us organize our stuff more like making groups or something
This guy convinced me further to enver go into webdev.
He's supposed to be a senior with shitloads of years of experience, yet he's basically clueless about anything outside his tiny webdev bubble.
Fuck off tranny.
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>yet he's basically clueless about anything
to this fag and every fag in this thread, these people are youtubers or streamers they don't know shit about fuck, most streamers just read chat to entertain chat but get all the benefits, most youtubers talk about anything just so you watch their videos making videos about the most useless information, trust me you don't need to know about a 50 year old cpu, go garner some skillz and stop watching this slop
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He killed himself after the topic of GPL vs BSD came up on usenet and he was thoroughly and irrefutably destroyed in the ensuing argument.

That and a nigger fucked his wife.
He comes off as a spergy junior, he could tell you how javascript works under the hood like it was nothing, but his actual developer skills are average at best. Between his weird half-hours schedule with Netflix (which I'm not sure how he got) and his greenfield projects, I can only guess he basically embedded his junior habits into seniorship
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buy an ad faggots. yes that means you too, laurent


honorary aryans:
Posting some I haven't seen mentioned:
Big Clive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtM5z2gkrGRuWd0JQMx76qA - Circuit reverse engineering of cheap Chinese garbage most of the time but also sometimes more industrial equipment.

Connections Museum - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm87i_qG_B-rRvG7NWqyVLw - See how phone systems worked prior to the digital era and how close we were at having the infrastructure for the internet before computer networking.

Zilipoper - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJeTqOt4xDuL2imX7zYnJlw - Crazy Russian guy who plays with magnetrons

CuriousMarc - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3bosUr3WlKYm4sBaLs-Adw - Guy is currently reverse engineering the computer systems from the Apollo missions with the goal to get all the pieces working so they can be installed in a museum exhibit
Linus tech tip for cool info
GamerNexus for drama news
Someordinarygamers for dark web info
LGR for retro gaming kino
this nigga:

Na fuck this guy, just watch mental outlaw and you will get the video in half the time, less headache from his autist giggles and 2015 memes, and won't have to hear "at the end of the day ladies and gentlemen" 20 million times
Schizolab, a zoomer who shares his NEET/Hikkikomori lifestyle and Terry A Davis
RTP Tech Tips, a privacy schizo who shares privacy tips and ham radio
>Adventure Sin 9, a youtube channel about anything related to Plan 9
>mental outlaw
a shitskin who retells the current /g/ meme and isn't capable to filter bait and bullshit
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Careful anon, Kenny is a heck of a lot whiter than (you)
Tom Scott, Standup Maths, Mentour Pilot
actual "/g/ youtubers" suck assballdick
a cutie
/g/entoomen-core channels:
>Luke Smith
>Mental Outlaw
>Eric Murphy
>GNU Lectures
>Xah Lee
>Pink Sid---
>Swindles McCoop
>Biased Riot
>RustyBucketz30 (only a few videos though, the rest are existantial rants while he plays Minecraft)

Wise and based tech boomers
>DJ Ware/CyberGizmo

Reverse Engineering + Cyber Security
>John Hammond
>The Cyber Mentor
>Loi Liang Yang
>Cody Bernardy
>Eric Parker

IT + Homelab:
>Techno Tim
>Christian Lempa
>Raid Owl
>Lawrence Systems
>Novaspirit Tech

Game dev:
>Kaze Emanuar

>Protesilaos Stavrou
>The Hated One
>Louis Rossmann
>Programmers are also human
>Naomi Brockwell
>Bryan Lunduke
>Gamer's Nexus
Lol that shirt is rad
Linus tech tips
Asianometry is the best rn

Any hardware anons?
Any cute tech girl recommendation? I lonely right now.
If you're lonely, unironically consider becoming a self improover. Cooming to e-girls on a regular basis will ruin your life.
it's not for cooming, just to watch them
Asia man is based
>cute girl
Anon. You might be asking for too much. It's hard finding content that isn't normie slop like gamer e-girl making a cozy aethetic PC build. They barely exist in the tech industry and when they do, chances are that they might unironically a tranny. Here's my list of biological women that I've seen: LaurieWired, NerdForge, BashBunni, Ania Kubow, Anastasia in Tech, Macintosh Librarian, Sayaka's Digital Attic.
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hyperspace pirate
sam zeloof
A real /g/entleman's channel:
For me it's Sayaka's Digital Attic
>He got married
To his Thinkpad?
All my respect for Mental Outlaw disappeared the moment he started his own shop gimmick and shilling crypto
i like random videos about random shit from 2000s like that logitech keyboard with a screen
I like Eli the Computer Guy, even though he's a liberal and a Buddhist who's going to split Hell wide open when he dies.
I used to respect Luke until he started shilling credit cards. At least Kenny runs a based e-commerce website where I can save money by using Monero
lmao is that really his fanbase
>uses mac
into the trash she goes
Only children and fags can watch Linus's content on a regular basis without going insane.
Laurie's feet:
These are the quality posts
I come here for.
tripcode is a faggot
>Brodie Robertson
knockoff luke smith
holy shit. he literally married a zoomer.
a zoomer from SYRIA LMAO
Blow for slow, occasionally interesting stuff
Tsoding if you can bear the autistic outbreaks
I've seen a couple of these channels pop up at exactly the same time
>young "girls" in their early 20s
>weird accent
>really into tech shit, mostly retro
>wearing dorky/geeky shirts referencing old stuff
>huge studio/workshop with a bunch of stuff
>instagram and twitter filled with lame shots of their new "tech" acquisition
I can't put my finger where but it feels so artificial, not bad per se just somewhat shallow and manufactured, also the timing is suspicious
is this works of the algorithm, ai, or just older millennial parents propping up their daughters for updoots?

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