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Lua looks like THAT?? I'm sorry for hating on lua
incel pedophile thread
Useless language in 2024. In fact, there are way too many general purpose scripting languages these days.
incel pedophile website
Yet none have ever managed to be as simple, effective, and elegantly-implemented as Lua. Why do you think that is?
I hope that's a little boy.

I am a Rust programmer btw.
Is that Robotnik's shadow?
Meme language meant for modding games. Not a bad starting point but you could do better.
If Lua had type annotations and good async it would be, the best scripting language. Teal gets around the first part.
Why do you want type annotations in a dynamically typed scripting language that only has 1 data type per kind of data?
Also what do you mean good async? Are you unaware of how powerful lua coroutines are? Everything that tries to implement async does it wrong, Lua is the only one that gives a straightforward coroutine library. Javashit promises can be emulated in Lua coroutines for example but not vice versa.
Inevitably you wind up in situations, especially with ex. mods, plugins for software like vim, or even with projects like awesomewm, where the complexity of what you're doing would benefit from type annotations.
>promises can be emulated
Which is the issue, a standard implementation would simply be better.
>a standard implementation would simply be better
You're a mouth breathing drooling retard.
Promises are absolute garbage. I just used it as an example to demonstrate that they are inferior to having access to an actual coroutine library.
Cloudflare uses Lua in prod and I don't like Cloudflare. Defend this Lua users.
>promises are garbage
Stopped reading there. I can already tell you're just a dumb script kiddy.
I've seen this image before and I still don't see it. Are you a terminal coomer or something?
I love how you can always find the underlying reason behind a poojeet's complaint about X thing just by asking a few questions.
>"I hate lua because it doesn't have types and other features" = "I hate lua because I learned javascript in webdev boot camp and I confused by task scheduling tools"
If you don't understand the benefit of type annotations for any language you are, genuinely, a brainlet. It is very obvious you have never worked on a large project and your opinion is worthless.
I accept your concession.
That's not called backpedaling. You're upset that I ignored your blatant attempt at character assassination and have zero reasoning to defend your stance.
>waah waah *fart noises*
Nice argument lmao
In any case, this conversation is going to go nowhere because you are too immature to have a reasonable discussion. I never said I hated Lua. I write it frequently; when I do I use Teal.
buy an ad
>why do you need type annotations
Have you ever tried to debug a 5k LoC nvim plugin?
Teal is based
>he's resorted to samefagging
Truly a sad display.
>debug a 5k LoC vim plugin
Yeah, it's definitely one of the biggest drawbacks of the language. When I was working on a mod for Zomboid it became a nightmare to debug. Even Python recognized the advantage of type annotations and it would be nice if Lua had native support as well.
At least try to change your typing style. It's becoming sad how much effort you are putting into this jape.
no, that's your uncle that gave you child trauma
I see it, how do I unsee it...
>unironically defending dynamic typing in yool 2024
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Schizo webshitter
Currently writing a plugin for nvim and its my first big project in the language, couldn't imagine doing it without tl.
>defending dynamic typing
I think it's fine as long as it's optional. It can be really nice for quick prototyping or small scripts. There's really no reason for the added mental overhead that comes with static typing for such purposes.
>a plugin for nvim and its my first big project in the language
What kind of plugin? Lua was actually my first language, started writing it because the private server for WoW I was a GM on way back in the day (close to 14 years ago now) needed more scripters. I've had a soft spot for the language ever since.
You would prefer this to be a noncel pedophile thread? noncel as in non celibate
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Tranime thread bringing out r*dd*t typers


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