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How true is this?
More like Tim Cock lmao faggot
FAGGOT month still hasn't ended yet? Why are we forced to celebrate cocksucking so much anyway?
he's right
the alternatives have to be pretty bad for me to use linux (they are getting there)
unfortunately, it's still June even in europe, and in america, it's still middle of the day, so you will have to suffer faggots like 12 more hours minimum
>leads to faster technology development
>does not allow big companies to keep the monopoly of the market

ofc this fag of a CEO shit company dislikes it
"Tim Cook is basically feral
technology veganism"

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FOSS is cooking communities where people share recipes and collaborate on them together. They are not always the best, but you can cook whatever you want as long as you are capable.
Proprietary is restaurant where you go and pay a waiter so some pajeet cook will make something off the menu for you. You can only get what's on the menu and you have no control over anything else.
if the fucking pajeet cook shares the recipe, the restaurant goes bankrupt. That's the only reason they don't do it. It has little to do with the quality.
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>FOSS is cooking communities
veganism is only possible through modern technology
people go to restaurants for professional cooking, don't hire pajeets, hire a professional cook
So much so that Apple themselves used and (continue using) literally all the FOSS bsd userland for OSX.
So I'm guessing that makes Apple chaps technology feral vegans?
If the quality does not exceed what can be found for free, the company goes bankrupt. This provides them with an incentive to make something that people want. The community, which does not really care about quality of experience for normal people, thinks the answer to every question should by "type this into the terminal..."
now imagine if all the cooks in the world never share their recipes. world disaster, no advance in the cuisine world.

if they DID tho... even the shit heads and pajeets would cook
>recipes and collaborate on them together.
lmao even
pajeet will never be able to cook as good, keep coping retard
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FOSS is a meme. Money is the true motivator in life. People will pay for things but don't mind taking advantage of free things. The only one that's hurt by it are FOSS developers who foster a community of communists who refuse to pay for shit. Look at Linux. Just a free version of UNIX for hippies that were too poor to pay for it.
>Just a free version of UNIX for hippies that were too poor to pay for it.
>Money is the true motivator in life.
The true motivator in life is elitism.
Being special and above everyone else.
Being rich is just a path to elitism, but some things money can't buy, like knowledge and taste.
If only that was the reality behind software.
what's wrong with veganism? lmao
Okay, delete money then
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I don't see you complaining when it's free, Tim
Their entire OS is based on a FOSS kernel.
I don't think he really said that.
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imagine bragging about being cucked
That's a picture of a guy who licks his own shit off another man's penis
I wonder what % of the software used by Apple in their products/services comes from feral tech vegans.
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>takes your tech vegan code
>makes 3 trillion off it
>gives you $5 so you can by a mcburger
>Food analogy
Girls do that all the time, also their pussy juice so that makes them twice as bad.

I'll defend this gay man this one time just because your argument was really stupid.
there is nothing i wouldnt do.
Do you have more Tim Apple quotes?

> vegan monks train in martial arts since four and meditate to reach nirvana, absolutely based
> vegan white people talk about muh ethics and do jack shit while wearing expensive harmful plastic leather alternatives

Just like FOSS, there’s two sides to veganism as well
I did.
- Tim
>Why are we forced to celebrate cocksucking so much anyway?
Because you clicked into an Apple® thread.
Tim is too cucked to say that
found a couple of literal faggots!
Tim Cook is like faggot Jewish Moloch keto

Isn't most of MacOS open source via darwin? or did that change recently?
Imagine being at computers
Whenever authoritarians of any stripe try to demonize something, they make up a scary word salad about it. Interesting this goes for the proprietary vs FOSS debate too.
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feral vegan here.
for me, it's cinnamon mint
Apple is the veganism of tech. They don't follow any standards, their tech is needlessly difficult to interoperate with non-apple tech and they insist that you do things their way. They're also a brand for hipsters and liberals, much like veganism.
A man of taste i see.
It makes sense because FOSS is a threat to Apple's predatory business model.
Only vegans use Linux/MacOS
Cope, iToddler.
>don't hire pajeets, hire a professional cook
What if you want butter chicken?
>posted it again
>use bsd license
>get cucked
i'll stick with GPL, tyvm. I probably use plenty of BSD/MIT shit, ofcourse, but if I'd publish any changes they'll still be licensed under GPL
maybe you ought to learn to cook a fucking steak before you come online spouting shit assuming you could for cook shit just by memorizing a text. Maybe ask your mom to teach you next time you leave your stinky room, faggot
FOSS is like going vegan in exchange for being completely self-sufficient in food supply by growing your own vegetables
Proprietary software is like eating goyslop from mcdonalds for the rest of your life. unhealthy and emasculating, but at least you get your treats.
No that means they cuck BSD licenses, which is what they're for.
Why does this faggot always have the shittiest opinions?
Can he go fuck himself for once?
I think it's a legitimate development process but I don't mind using a proprietary solution if the FOSS equivalent lags behind in some way
Also how are people falling for this bait image
>muh foss
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>More like Tim Cock lmao faggot
have sex

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