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>there are unironically retards who buy windows keys off ebay
>while simultaneously calling open source activators like MAS malware
>MAS has detailed documentation of every step of the process and how it works and even how you can manually perform the activation without using MAS at all
how does someone even get to be that retarded?
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/v/tards don't know anything about technology other than slapping together a pc (if not just buying a prebuilt or a gaymen laptop) and double clicking steam but they still come here because their manchildren games require interacting with computers. If only you had to associate your github or leetcode account to post on /g/ the board quality would rise immeasurably.

>personal website
>activating windows
The funniest part is that paying for stolen keys is far worse than using MASGravel, which is free and uses Microsoft's official servers.
nakaԁashi usagi-chan
I have been thinking this for literally a quarter-century
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>there are unironically retards who buy windows keys off ebay
>retards who buy windows keys off ebay
One zoomie at work bought the lisence from the store that built the PC for him. With EuroPoor taxes it was over 100€ but at least he got a fancy looking DVD box. (story doesn't end there, he also paid for the installation ~90€ ("to make sure it gets done right"))
t. non-IT job
Wait you can get 11 on optical Media?? When I bought it it came on USB.
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Was the drive itself from Microsoft? Yeah I heard you can get that but DVDs are still the norm.
how can poop derail trains?????
If that's retarded what do you call someone buying Windows 11 Pro for Workstations for 299.99?
I dont consider it malware but when i have to download a script and multiple exes just to get windows to not call home every 5 seconds and to not update without asking i find myself questioning why i bother with such a user-hostile experience.
I'm convinced MAS devs have some kind of sexual blackmail relationship with whoever at Microsoft is in charge of taking down illegal tools like this
>when i have to
sounds like you're just a dumb fucking tech illiterate nigger pathetically trying to find a scapegoat for your nigger retard technology illiteracy, just like 99% of windows crying on /g/
windows has tons of legitimate documented problems, but you subhuman niggers never complain about those, you only only cry about non-existent schizo fantasy make believe or problems anyone with 3 digit IQ could solve in 10 seconds
a boomer
The same way airplanes can melt steel beams
>open source activators like MAS
Have you ever wondered why Microsoft (the owner of GitHub) allows MAS to be hosted on GitHub?
No I don't. Do you?
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Windows main revernue source are from companies and OEMs, retail are chump change

Prevent people from installing cracked ISOs which could be backdoored

Preserve user share by making it "free"

The last 2 reason are why MS lets you to use and update unactivated Windows pretty much the same as paying users
>Corpos pay
>money from retail is data, not sales
Pretty much it.
/g/ users will shit on windows and turn around to "upgrade" to a mac. There is no limit to how retarded "people" are on here. And no I'm not saying Linux is the answer to windows, but holy fuck you're jumping 3 levels down if you go to a mac
I'm talking about the ads and telemetry.
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>intentionally installing consoomer trash
sounds like you're the exact type of nigger retard he's talking about
>M$ decides enough is enough
>sends "update" targeting MAS users
your OS is literally your whole "digital life" and you're really going to play stupid licensing games with a trillion dollar corp who needs to continually reach higher and higher profits?
You can just do the sane thing and stop playing the game and use Linux.
I kek looking through the scripts and how they intentionally obfuscate them.
what about the impact?
>but you subhuman niggers never complain about those
I literally complain about them all the time because windows is objectively worse than Linux.
Cope winjeet. also enjoy your ads.
>dvds are still a norm
bullshit, I haven't seen an optical drive in a corporate computer since hp elitedesk g4 iirc, that was probably released in 2016 or so, all the new laptops or desktops don't have it
I bought a windows 10 pro key for 1.5$.
It worked for 3-6 months, hasn't worked ever since.
I have never seen a single ad on any wangblows that was installed by me, I literally can't fathom how much of a skill issue this fucking is
or is it just the burgers getting the ads? what fucking gives
I paid 0 currency for windows since 98 and it has worked for more than 20 years now
>Guys seriously don't use this script, Microsoft themselves are secretly using it to hack your PC!
>Pay actual money for a key from Microsoft themselves!
Talking home users here.
Foot in the door technique anon, it's not like it's the source of their main revenue. It's no big loss to them if people pirate it, even if people don't pay for it these exact same people still make Windows more relevant.
Software developers will target relevant platforms and this inevitably drags in corporations who will not only use Windows and pay for it (the fines for using pirated software are huge), but other Microsoft services too.

I bought my windows key out on Gamespot for like $35 out of principle. If I’m gonna talk the amount of shit I do about the OS, I should be part of the solution.
if you want to be part of the solution you would do everything possible to let MS know that you refuse to use their consoomer shit editions, including blatant piracy and activation of ltsc editions and encouraging widespread mass adoption of ltsc usage
We have these "people" in Europe. They're the scourge for anyone having the misfortune of living in their vicinity.
MAS phones home and it's NOT documented
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xp my beloved...
where is home, what is phoned, and why do I care?
The core parts definitley aren't. The only fully """opensource""" part of it is the KMS activation and that literally just makes windows point to some random server. HWID isn't that bad since you can patch gatherosstate yourself(good luck understanding what the binary patch does kekw) and the OHook source you have to dig through to find the sourcecode for presumably the dll they're injecting into Office
then wipe your install after activation and do a clean install, the key is already registered on ms' activation server
their customer service actually uses it
>n07 l337c0d3
Speaking as if
>Open source
Implied any sort of safety in post-xz fiasco world, where even jQuery, literally plain text script you can view as you run it, got hit by Chinese malpractice.

Truly a m$ shill trying to install spyware on illegally activated systems, hoping to catch some company redhanded for settlements. (True practice btw.)
They don't need to worry about me using MAS.
Their OS is so hard to set up nowadays compared to Linux.
well shit
meds schizo
Because Windows is just the vessel to ensure MS Office domination.
I paid 5$ for windows 8 key. It's just easier and more convenient getting a working key like that rather than installing a ton of random software and connecting to some dodgy servers to activate
>activating using MAS
you activate using an universal glownigger controlled key obfuscated in the iid
>activating using a cheap key
you activate using a key stolen by a nigger which then is sold to gullible retards until it stops working
>wintard elitists
I gave my product key away because I use Arch.
>buy windows keys off ebay
i've never heard of anyone doing this ever but zoomer retards have stopped surprising me
It's like 2$, so whatever. Probably a better alternative than some malware injector.
I buy keys whenever I resell a PC, I can upsell by a lot by just slapping w11 pro at the end of my publication, don't even use windows myself.
I've been shittin on the rail road
All the live long day!
MAS can't activate W7 Ultimate, so it sucks major dicks
Daily MAS fakekey cope thread. Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
Eat shit and neck yourself.
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>upgrade w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2015
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade friends from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2016
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade family from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2017
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade classmates from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2018
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade random people from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2019
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade /g/ from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2020
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade coworkers from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2021
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade your mom from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2022
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade your wife's son from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2023
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
>upgrade your wife's bull from w7 to w10 with fake upgrade method in 2024
>>Your fake key will be nuked by microsoft anyday now
kek keep seething cuck

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