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They falling for the WEF meme. But we can't blame them. Asiafaggots have long succumbed to CBDCs so this is just natural progression.
Why would you buy consoles now when everything except gpus is cheap
>inb4 back to pcbg kyss
I just tutorialed from a tech nigga channel I happened to watch at the time and I didn't pay a cent for any game I've played since then
No shit.
>New 'petabit-scale' optical disc can store as much 1.6 petabits (200 Terabytes)

dataplay sized disc if it could hold %10 of this tech would be 20 Terabytes
>gpu costs more then the console
Guess sailing the high seas is the only way to recoup all that.
Why do you people keep posting like this? Everyone here is a man
So will hollywood accept being relegated solely to streaming, or go hard on digital stores, or what?
Is there a single video game which requires a new GPU that is worth playing?
Well I got lucky
my brother collects his gpus so he gave me one
I'm sure you can find something halfway decent used if you just won't play slop
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Wait, does this include blank writable optical discs?
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Why can't they just use pic related? Make it look like a cartridge for le heckin wholesome homage and rape it with DRM somehow. This will save them a lot of money on proprietary discs and disc readers, or the alternative of supporting even more users who download and then delete hundreds of games a year.
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>Sony continues their prolonged suicide
How long can data last on flash memory? 10 years?
You will rent all of your movies from now on.
I already have plans for it. Would be better if Valve puts out a desktop version of their own slop before I push thru.
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it only includes these. op is shitty bait without context.

Good I don't care whether something releases physically or is streaming-only I just pirate it either way although Blu-ray releases are usually slightly higher quality than digital releases.
>WEF meme
It's what they call "market forces", and it's very simple. (You) haven't been buying enough Blu-ray products for continued mass production of them to remain profitable. This is very easy to see if you don't overdose on redpills.
Cool I'll never watch any new movie again then, not a big loss considering how garbage they are now anyways, still the decline continues..
Would buy it if they sold it in my fucking country, good enough faggots sub to netflix tho so that they even do dubs in this language that literally 5 people speak worldwide, i hate it all so much.
Save money? You think USB flash drives are cheaper than plastic discs?
Depending on the manufacturing process of those discs, quite possibly. But if they've gone the usual Sony route where a significant portion of any blank Blu-ray disc sale goes to royalties and payments to movie studios for movies that you "might" burn onto the disc, it's no surprise it's going the way of Betamax and Memorystick.
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With a clear conscience (after fapping) I can confidently say I hate chinks
With read speeds of 60mbps and write speeds of 25mbps
This is /pol/ brainrot. Normally on /pol/ your post must be formatted in very specific way or it will be ignored, those subhumans think that the same applies to other boards and thats why we have tons of posts like that. grab that filter, boi.
>/let me guess|now that the dust has settled|we lost|we won|we got too cocky|cant stop winning|are they still relevant in|why are you not|this kills the|what am i in for|so this is the power of|fell for the|what went wrong|(are|is) technology|this makes the|this destroys the|the great debate|cures your|the final redpill|the year of the|is it bad that i don'?t|this filters|this enrages|its over for|come home|on suicide watch|how can .* compete|for me,? it'?s|i don'?t feel so good|\/g\/ approved|what('| i)s the best|never obsolete|name (a|one) (single )?flaw|noa/i
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reminder that even CEOs are into piracy
Sony cds were always low quality and shit. I only used Maxell cds.
you guys realize the only sony success operation is fucking california gay station? the gays over there control sony, they killed optical disc storage media products.
Optical was killed by it's inferiority experts say
Goodbye world. Jews win.
Discs cost fractions of a penny to produce. Cheap cartridge USB stick fucker gonna cost way more than that son
I have not paid for games since sega genesis. And these days you get punished for buying games. Lmao.
Keep torrenting. They think they';;ll make more with subscriptions.
reptile wins
> retards that didn't even attempt to read the story
>>Sony will eventually cease production of Blu-rays altogether in the future. A timeline for that decision was not included.
two more weeks, everyone.
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With snoy you own nothing. Don't give them a single dollar.
why suit so shiny?
Good thing "gamers" are mentally infants and won't give a shit as long as the keys keep dangling every time they press a button.
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More than enough desu
We have been promised 1.7TB optical disc circa 2010. It never happened.
It's like I'm looking at walking garbage.
Fake news, Sony stocks went down billions due to Playstation underperforming
Dragons Dogma 2, Cyberpunk 2077. Depending on how modern you're talking about, Elden Ring
Can we store Gaussian splats video on this?
>They think they';;ll make more with subscriptions.
Well the average consumer is more retarded than ever so they probably will. Sony raised pricing for all PSN subscription tiers not long ago while providing a lower quality of service and golems lapped it up.
what can we do to make every single boards on 4chan feel like as its own forum without any other board influences like /pol/ or /r9k/? This is why I like /diy/
The PSP is garbage and it uses UMD, not MiniDisc. The latter are great.
Pol is 4 chan retard. Hasn't ever occured to your red dit brain that we cross post all the time. Now back to whatever tumblr shit hole you crawled out from.
Election tourists not welcome.
are newfaggots retarded? xthing-sisters is the opposite of xthing-bros, they're making fun of the userbase of that thing by calling them women, dumbass.
least schizo lefty pol tourist
UMD is so much better than minidisc it's not even worth mentioning.
you forgot "how come"

Added "how come" to my /sci/ filter and it gets rid of half the posts. Basically all the "the vaccine makes you believe in climate change" are gone, which is the majority of what used to be the science board. Most boards are dead due to /pol/
Thank you for the filter
they would continue to make them if there was a market for them.
MiniDisc can still make a comeback if they use the new high-density discs. The size seems right, even for movies and video games.
When it comes to music, people seem to be buying it more because of the aesthetic of the physical media than the actual music itself.
/v/ is 4chan
This shit started on /v/, not /pol/
That's really sad. End of an era.

What physical medium are we supposed to use for reliable long-term data storage now?
newfag award


PlayStation is most profitable buy by far from the only success operation. For example it's a Sony camera sensor in every iPhone
I strongly disagree. MiniDisc is much better in every way and yes, it's worth mentioning.
I differ.
you can argue with quads man >>101231111 unless you have better numbers, those are the rules
i mean cant
People still buying a console in current year deserve to get scammed.
its what the kids call "drip"
>it will soon be literally impossible to get content without streaming artifacts
what a world
faggot channel desu
there were like 9000 variations of this shitty optical media, none of it is viable.
Fuck does CBDC have to do with Blu-ray?
>not selling physical media discs in an era where everyone just hosts on servers (hard disks and ssds) and downloads things is just like le 9 year old WEF tweet guys
Reddit sisters, you have to go back
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>Why can't they just use pic related?
I would love to, but a flash drive would cost 10x more than a disk of equivalent size.
Nintendo sells picrel, which is ROM (I think?) and it's much more expensive than Blurays. I gotta admit, it's much more magical than using disks or cloud services. Makes me feel I'm playing a GameBoy
noooo go away!
But that doesn't make sense either. What about independent film companies? They just have to stop making movies now? They can't buy and burn their own films to distribute anymore?
so what if you're not into roleplaying? I mainly like old-school arena shooters and single player campaign shooters and most recent games are shit because nobody else but a small niche still enjoys Quake and because people can't write for shit these days (as also witnessed in film&tv; i don't care for politics in and of itself but writers at least used to hide their propaganda in a tasty sausage before 2010 or so)
>Makes me feel I'm playing a GameBoy
you're not, though. You're playing some lame ARM device that actually runs an operating system between the hardware and your games. Who would by a console only to get cucked like that? On a gameboy (and any other real console) this rom is memory-mapped and the game boots straight from ROM, no OS, no filesystem, just memory mapped assembly. At least a computer offers something in return for playing your own game in front of you (productivity) but what meaningful feature has WiiOS ever offered you aside of hogging cpu time?
honestly it doesn't make sense to me that you should have a piece of hardware for a piece of digital data
your data should be saved on your hardware that you bought for this purpose
what should instead be talked about is how you don't geta usable copy (a file) when you buy a movie but just a license to stream it, they should fix that
it was inevitable, normals want nothing more than to own nothing in the name of convenience
Did you just asume my gender?
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The future is NFTs old man
>not physCISters or cisters or non-cisters or literally anything that would require a modicum of creativity.
>making something about trannies
Pick one.
Nearly all of those came from console war bullshit on /v/
blu-rays are too expensive.
when CDs or DVDs where a big thing you got movies and music for like 5-10$. new blurays now cost 25$ or sometimes even more.
Why would I EVER pay that much for physical media when the download costs like 9.99 and I just save the files on my harddrives
There aren't any user-writable UMDs, there aren't any UMD PC drives (internal or external), and there aren't any devices which use UMD at all besides the PSP.
- Cost. Consoles are way cheaper than a PC that can handle a modern title at smooth 60 fps
- Convenience. Most people don't want to bother installing anything, they want things to just work after they plop into their couch and start the console up
- Larger customer pool. Believe it or not some people don't have PCs at home/can't afford them/don't know how to use them, but they want to play games, so they buy consoles, there's also another category of people only using PCs for work and only playing on consoles, because they associate PCs (actual sitting at the computer) with work and chores.
Do you know how much this would cost and how much space it would require if it was physical?
I imagine a vintage SNES from 1932 would incur quite a premium.
That is the number of roms I have anon.
one could make a case that we lost physical media in gen 6
like the game might be still on disc, but you still need to copy it on the console's drive (automatic and unskippable proccess) and then, as it became common today, download any patches that came out for that game while the disc is still on the 1.0 version (it doesn't mean that it's literally unplayable without patches, but there was a reason to push them anyway).
Before the game went golden and you kept the game as is, now publishers leave games on life support until it becomes not profitable.
Pckeks gave up physical a long time ago and I don't see people living in pods and owning le nothing (yet /v/ freaks out each time steam is down because let's face it, your tranny slav has been defeated by denuvo and people want to play actual games and not 15 year old garbage and purchase them from safe sources)
>Verification not required.
sure it's not
>but what meaningful feature has WiiOS ever offered you aside of hogging cpu time?
People unironically used the weather, news, the browser and Netflix back in the day.
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Old men made this decision tho...
Yeah but it sonly writes 20MB/sec.
Flight Simulator 2020
these are a replacment for tape drives, for archival storage. And that cold fusion video never mentions tape drives because it makes the whole thing a nothingburger. Magnetic tapes are being replaced finally by optical discs. This happened in consumer tech 30 years ago, enterprise just takes longer. These disks can hold 3x the amount of current 2yr old tape drives. By the time the technology releases maybe it will hold 2x or 1.5x.
Its literally only revolutionary tech if you dont compare it to its actual competitor.
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Ama physical with your sisters.
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Wdym I'm a kawai animu gril.
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everyone's mad at sony for this when they should really be mad at discovery. if sony continued to host and serve discovery content, even only for those who already purchased it, they could be sued by discovery for unauthorized distribution.
Everyone is mad because sony deleted files from your hard drive. If they still wanted to be assholes like that they could automatically refund you. They chose the most Jewish way instead where they basically robbed you.
Sony isn't the only one making those. No worries.
Blame Discovey for wanting those gone. Sony had no choice and had to listen to the IP holder.
This is only for blank blu rays faggot OP.
They had a choice. I've literally said what they could do.
>filter-tranny with /pol/ living rent free in his head
pc is much cheaper if you pirate everything
Discovery would have to issue refunds since people bought Discovery content. Sony just hosted it. A similar thing happened with Cyberpunk 2077. Sony allowed refunds, but the devs had to pay up, not Sony.
If you buy cyberpunk from steam cdprojektred is not the one that will be issuing the refund.
Considering banks still use tapes, I don't really care about speed if it's reliable.
I didn't mention Steam. I mentioned Sony and what happened on PlayStation. This also happened on Xbox.
Blame Discovery for being jews, not Sony, who couldn't do anything without getting into a legal shitstorm.
I will blame sony for not being like steam.
DOOM: Eternal if you want high FPS at a high resolution on max settings.
Quake Champions still runs like ass if I don't fractuon the resolution and use medium settings, though. I'm wondering if that's a CPU issue, since one of the lead engine devs for D:E said fixing CPU scheduling was the biggest breakthrough they had for performance on the DOOM games, and QC doesn't use that engine, unfortunately.
That is only because the format was so shortly lived, in fact the only device ever released that used them was the PSP. If Sony and the market would have given it a chance....
There's nothing wrong for a console to be able to do other things that isn't gaming. There's also no way for gameboy games to preserve their saves back in the day without using magical third party stuff.
Yes, I know. I was talking more about the physical feel of it.

>There's also no way for gameboy games to preserve their saves back in the day without using magical third party stuff.
What are you talking about? Are you considering cartridge saving "magical third party stuff"?
those are called memes newfag
This kind of madness is the inevitable consequence of "intellectual property" being enshrined into law instead of dismissed as a delusion. Removing the delusion is the answer
The people who screech about /pol/ ARE the election tourists, no matter how often you try to parrot it back. Reminder you're freaking out because someone used a reference/meme that has nothing to do with politics at all
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>There's nothing wrong for a console to be able to do other things that isn't gaming.
By itself? No. The problem is what it invites: becoming a shittier locked-down PC covered in ads, service upsells and push media that you have to rent your own internet connection from.
He means hardware backup tools that extract the save to a PC. Things like Action Replay. It's important to understand that GB/GBC/GBA cart memory isn't flash. It's volatile, with a battery. Once it dies(or if you replace it) the data is lost. Takes 10-20 years, but it's inevitable. You can replace the battery ofc but it will die again in another decade, so you have to keep backups.
>extract the save to a PC.
If >>101239027 is talking about that then you can't do that on modern consoles anyway.

DRM killed bluray
>nooo how can you ignore my goyslop threads like this!!! how will I afford my HRT now?!?!
Good, physical media is obsolete
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Aren't the best quality movie and TV show torrents from blu rays?
What will we get for the same quality now
4K Blu Rays, yes. The quality is glorious. There is nothing comparable.

The future is looking from with the our only option being WebDLs
*The future is looking grim
all the things in the filter are 4chan culture
if you don't like it go back to dilating on reddit
>they're making fun of the userbase of that thing by calling them women
youre not making any fucking sense.
Smartphones cannibalized the console market.

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