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What are you working on /g/?
I made a diffusion model from scratch in javascript and used paintings I made to train it.
very nice
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Inputing fruits and getting gems?
Wasn't the main points of ElectronJS it being cross platforms?
I tried the arduino ide on linux, the .deb version was unusable,the .appimage oje was good, you should give it a shot
consider Tauri?
>forced to write the backend in Rust
I can assure you that you do not, GUI's are irrelevant, so if for whatever reason you will make one, just use Python and Tkinter, it's literally a 5 minute job to wrap any actual real usable program in the unusable GUI.
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>Notified that a breach happened at one of the services I use
>Personal data on "dark web" including email
>Begin getting phishing emails written in a brown language
Like clockwork.
What did papers/books did you use as references?
Sorry anon but I wanna click buttons.
>unnamed classes
you mean anonymous classes? ive been using that shit forever
I watched a youtube video by 3blue1brown, about neural networks, and then I heard this about a week ago and made a new one to try out their method.
I don't mostly read because my eyes are bad. By proxy, whatever they referenced I think would be the foundational work to mine.
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Can you write an app that has a gridview images gallery with fluent ui style i can do that very quickly with WinUI 3
Java was alway late when it come to adopting new features, one of my acquaintance told me that Java implementation of functional programming is horrible
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BMO my beloved
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i wrote my own booru viewer with 4 different gallery display options
simple grids are inefficient for space usage so i made my own packing mode that always fills up 100% width
I want to understand how computers work starting at the point where hardware meets software, so I thought about learning assembly. How do I approach this topic (what's the roadmap) and what books do I read?
>starting at the point where hardware meets software, so I thought about learning assembly.
nothing is real
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That actually nice, i'm planning to implement a gridview gallery as a part of my next webp project, is your viewer written in qt?
Also based touhou enjoyrer i lovr flandre
objectively worse sister.
I've never actually watched adventuer time, I just found that cover and pic comfy
it's written in my own gui toolkit
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Cuteness deserve forgiveness
It's for teenagers but it's a good show
Cool, sadly i'm not smart enough to write my own toolkit
Any recommendations for a book on ML?
WHY? just learn trig and make sure to do it for x11.
machine learning silly :)
kys, ML = meta language
fuck off with your llm shittery, pajeet
How reliable are initial values on datasheets?
I'm pretty new to embedded systems. Idk why (inb4 autism), but I always find myself setting registers, for instance, to 0 even though their initial value is already listed as 0 "just in case". Hasn't really caused any problems yet, although I imagine that as my programs get bigger/more complex, I might want to abandon these sort of practices to save space/processing power. Honestly just curious. Thanks
stupid post.
Learn C, it directly controls the bare metal of the CPU (literally made of metal) with no layers of abstraction above that like so-called high level lenaugages
>with no layers of abstraction above that
Can't tell if shitposting or not.
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My doujin gui has full basic functionality! It can catalog, and it can search. Happy days and jubilation. I've still got a lot of polishing to do though, and some more features I wanna add, but it's 4:30am so that can wait for another day
this looks like shit and I can't figure out an usecase for this
what's the point of using a java newer than 8? it has javafx and it's still getting updates.
not being a retarded luddite to start
>use the new thing because... humm.... just use it!
After being unable to call any methods from the library I installed and looking into it some more, I've found out that PowerShell actually doesn't support packages that aren't specifically designed for it. So now I have to drop PowerShell and learn... what is that, C#? I have to dabble in C# to make the program I want
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really starting to like std::expected
auto parse_number(std::string_view& str) -> std::expected<double, parse_error>

I don't understand why people started using this retarded "auto ->" synthax instead of just specifying the return type.
>I don't understand
because you're retarded
eat my ass
Some thoughts I want to share:

1) Currently I'm working on an application with a very limited scope. It literally just does CRUD operations on 3 fields in the database. Yet I've been working on it heavily for 11 days now. There's simply more and more to tweak and polish, more features to add around the operations, new ideas. So my advice is to do this, decide on a small set of features and make the best interface for it.

2) Whenever I have thoughts about if I should add or change something I usually disregard them, but turns out they always come back again, I'm bound to implement these ideas. And I discovered that allowing these ideas to be implemented purifies the code as it gets more refactored to accommodate the changes. My advice is to implement as much stuff as you can, your code will get better.

3) Don't succumb to the remove-features demon, which I think stems from some combination of laziness and fright. It's easy to say "you know what fuck this feature, and this one too". Don't throw effort way unless it really makes sense.
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i like knowing what the function does before what it returns

>passing string_view by reference
why tho, pic related
Actually usable HTTPClient from the JDK.
Virtual threads.
Multiline string blocks.
Async futures.
Improved garbage collector.
(Eventually) Valhalla.
(Probably never) String interpolation.
trailing return type is easier to see since it's always at the end, it also looks nice in general
the support will end eventually
I literally can't code anymore. I think 'oh I should do x' and I can't even bring myself to open a terminal.
No it isn't. Symbols have a different psychological effect to words. Not only are they generally larger and more complex than symbols, they have far more verbal and semantic implications perceived by reading them.
Arguing over measurements on construction documents is not relevant to what I'm talking about, and less ideology does not mean no principled arguments occur. Nor was I saying that such ideology cannot happen when programming more with symbols.
My point was that the more you program by exploiting human language, the more you are liable to create and fall prey to such ideology. This is why "clean code" was pioneered by enterprise and OOP people that program in languages most closely approximate to human language. You see a direct, inverse relationship between the dynamism of a programmer's ideas and their commitment to arbitrarily structured programming languages, especially those designed to bridge the gap between programming and traditional methods of communication.
Java and OOP langs, lisp and other languages based on Church's work, even APL through the domain specific knowledge cope - these languages all come to mind as such programming brainrot, but "natural language" analogues in particular are the worst.
Well what's your problem?
Is it that you're too busy whining about how you can't code on the internet? Nobody's going to do it for you, get on it.
Telling yourself you can't do it is what reifies it in your mind, so just stop being a faggot and actually think about where to start, then start.
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yup, we going all in with C++23. libc++ is being a bitch though for some reason
so this is how rustrannies are trying to sabotage C++
You know what would be cool? A tool that would let you search a codebase for member variables by offset. Frequently idiots will corrupt memory, and I'll be able to identify from the crash dump that e.g. some already freed block or whatever was written to at such and such an offset. If I could paste this offset into a tool and get back a list of all variables that are at that offset from their given "this" pointer, it'd be much easier to find the culprits of these kinds of bugs.
What's with all the strings? Just return the error code itself and get the string only when you actually want/need to display it.
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Made a Brownian motion simulator today, but instead of little particles it uses coloured noise the RBG value as a little vector - then averages the internal vectors. It only use two colour channels cos it's 2D, but it would be fun to try and do a 3D one. Also, might try using different types of noise so it doesn't look so fucking ugly.
Go, C, Haskell!
yeah, if only debuggers could do this
>switches to qt
>wins in one day
figuring how to write to cgram and do my words with that because i think firmware on my thing might be gay (for some reason after writing ascii codes in memory my lines are showing up as full blocks)
It depends on two things: what probability of a botched initialization is acceptable for your use case and where you get your hardware. Some vendors are more responsible and erratalicious, others are chaotic motherfuckers who lie in their docs, change internal revisions when you least expect it, and generally have to be nannied all the time. Even with sane and respectable vendors you always have a chance to encounter a partially broken chip. This chance, by the way, is empirically known to be noticeably higher if you buy from what they sell to DIY amateurs. Big corpos are known to despise DIY people. What are DIY people going to do if you sell them chips that failed some subset of the tests, cry to their mommies?
>if you sell them chips that failed a subset of the tests
>chips failed tests
are they not legally liable for this?
Chinks are scumbags and liars. They simply do not care.
Leading return type is easier to see since it's always at the beginning, it also looks nice in general
A little while ago, I changed my C function declaration style to
static struct thingy *
my_longish_function_name(struct whatever *w)

Honestly best of both worlds, ignoring how it looks a little weird if it's all really short.
>selling potentially dangerous faulty hardware to the citizens and then not compensating the citizens for the damages.
the US might just care.
long function names make the code unreadable and untypeable, plus you are wasting lines.
This is a basic and quick implementation, i'll do something bigger with it but i need learn more about winui3, still python sucks for ui development
>long function names make the code unreadable and untypeable
Functions names and their lengths are a fine art worthy of their own discussion, but nobody asked, so I'm not going to get into it.
>wasting lines
Lines are not a limited resource. Sometimes I even use lines that don't have anything on them at all!
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>looks better now
>what about letter spacing?
this is one deep rabbithole
Are you using harfbuzz for that?
must be sad to be so stupid ad to call everything a deep rabbithole and never discuss it
it is almosta s if we have all the time in the world here.
just freetype2, altho ldd shows harfbuzz as a dependency
>unreadable and untypeable
maybe if you're using camel case, but long names are perfectly readable in snake case.
There is a weird circular dependency going on between the two. I think they were originally the same project.
harfbuzz does text shaping, i.e. laying out the characters in a good way, and I think it can do ligatures too (e.g. ff).
It's particularly relevant when doing non-English text.
This doesn't work if you use many prefixes or a template - trailing return type does.
Also, it's very ugly, and I don't like looking at it
With templates or some prefixes, that's not true.
>if you use many prefixes
I'm not a sepples shitter, but why would that have anything to do with it either? Just put it above
template <typename sepplesslop>
static register

or whatever.

The style I was talking about is used (but not consistently) in the Linux kernel, at least in the parts I've been reading.
I see they've been adopting Microsoft's old EEE strategy, yup.
Javatard detected, opinion rejected
hmm, looks like my text rendering doesn't match any of these methods (also i don't think "single spacing" works for small font sizes)
the most problematic rendering on your old picture was the ":" which looked strange with no spacing, how does it look with your current methods now?
when has the US ever cared about people doing that
Or you could use trailing return types and it would be both easier to read and prettier, lovely.
Yeah it's much nicer to work with. Honestly a lot of it just comes from the fact that I don't feel the need to jerry rig everything to make it work the way I want to.
It wouldn’t be either easier to read nor prettier.
Do any programming languages have elegant solutions for the following usage?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int increment(int v) {
return v + 1;

int decrement(int v) {
return v - 1;

using func_call = int(*)(int);

void pretty_print(std::string ornament, func_call fn) {
std::cout << ornament << ' ' << fn << '\n';

int main()
std::vector<int> v {1, 2, 3, 4};

// pseudo-code
v.map(pretty_print("incr", increment(/*pass v elements here*/)));
v.map(pretty_print("decr", decrement(/*pass v elements here*/)));

// or


The idea is to be able to run contents of a container through some mutation and then print the result with some ornamentation.

Esthetically, I prefer this declarative/pipe style over raw loops, but I feel like C-like languages don't have a first-class support for that. Am I mistaken? Any languages that encourage you to write code in this way?
Lads, should I get a vintage computer to code shit on for shits and giggles?
If so, what?
I have a powermac g4 but I haven't used it in ages and I think I fucked it up (or at least, I wiped its hard drive)
unnamed classes are not the same as anonymous classes. anonymous classes already existed and are not new in object oriented programming. unnamed classes are really just shorthand for an application specific class so that for basic programs you can skip writing an "Application" class, instantiating it in main and calling its main method. It pretty much reduces boiler plate for simple programs, but "enterprise" code is always going to do things the Java way for extensibility, testability and maintainability.
can you please record and share with us when you show this off in a job interview? i'll send you some doggycoins in return
no its a waste of time space and money. if you want to code for different architectures and resource constraints, use a virtual machine or emulator, unless you have a real project you're preparing for
you should because the multiprocessor spec saved programming but then it was deprecated
It is both easier and prettier.
>std::execution, std::linalg, and std::rcu will be in c++26
Care to elaborate, anon?
linalg/rcu are old news
also linalg will be in c++30 in practical implementation terms
MSVC hasn't even finished 23
>singling out MSVC
How is import std; looking in GCC or Clang?
>it's missing half the functionality but you can use slightly different syntax
>import is just slightly different syntax
Opinion disregarded.
import std.generator;
import std.flatset;
i see they passed plenary unanimously last year or earlier but was news to me

compiler support is looking ultra cringe
The amount of mental overhead in OOP is insane and I'm sick of working this way.
what is this, D?
>the amount of mEntal overhead
*the amount of getEntal() != null ? getEntal() : throw new NullEntalException() overhead
Just abstract the mental overhead away?
rust doesn't have this problem
yes, it's fundamentally just a syntax change, and considering that precompiled headers actually improve compile times without requiring a fucking server just to track modules, that will never change.
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Anyone well versed in relational database modeling can explain to me this meme?
Let's say we have 2 tables, maintable and niggertable.
They have a n-n relationship (off to a good start I know).
Both have a primary key "main_id" and "nigger_id".
Maintable has a "nigger_id" foreign key.
Niggertable has "niggertype" and "niggerlabel" fields.
To query a relation with niggertable you'd use "nigger_id" and FILTER by "niggertype".
Like so :
SELECT m.main_id, n1.niggerlabel, n2.niggerlabel, n3.niggerlabel
FROM maintable m
LEFT JOIN niggertable n1 ON
m.nigger_id = n1.nigger_id
AND n1.niggertype = 1
LEFT JOIN niggertable n2 ON
m.nigger_id = n2.nigger_id
AND n2.niggertype = 2
LEFT JOIN niggertable n3 ON
m.nigger_id = n3.nigger_id
AND n3.niggertype = 3

Why would you not just make tables for each entity? Does it have any benefit I'm missing? Wouldn't that impede queries perf from using a relationship with an obese table every time?
It makes things so painfully complicated to find what you need or understand what you're looking at. I seriously do not understand that concept and dealt with it many times.
do you mean an entire table for every row?
Ha, my explanation wasn't the best. Forgot an important element maybe :
Basically niggertable is a table that acts as multiple tables. You query the different sub tables by filtering niggertable with niggertype.
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am I a retard for not getting eigen3 source code? Looks like gibberish to me. I just want to know how select works...
eigen is overengineered template soup
this, but also
yes, you are
urn_set = set()
for i in range(20):
response = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, headers=headers,)
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
for included in json["included"]:
if included.get("trackingUrn"):
tracking_urn = included.get("trackingUrn")
tracking_urn_array = tracking_urn.split(":")
tracking_urn_array[2] = f"fsd_{tracking_urn_array[2]}"

all_jobs = []

for urn in urn_set:
response = requests.get(other_url, cookies=cookies, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
json = response.json()
if not json["data"].get("errors"):

all_urls = set()

for job_data in all_jobs:
for job_data_array in job_data:
if job_data_array.get("companyApplyUrl"):


This only gives at most 30 jobs, is there a better way to scrape linkedin of apply urls?
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Also no you wouldn't have an entire table for each row. The catch is if you want to query different "niggerlabels" you call the same table multiple times.
"niggerlabel" is a field that has multiple definitions and is VARCHAR (usually). It can be a rap album, gun name, HIV status, chicken restaurant address or whatever the fuck. The definition depends on how you filter it with "niggertype" (usually an int because why not make things even more aids).
Idk it's so fucking stupid and it triggers the hell out of my autism. But I've seen it in application multiple times and wondering if I'm missing something or people are just retarded in this field.
I'd be more certain if you told us real names of tables and fields, but if I get your ramblings right, it's for when you don't want to change the structure of your db every time new niggertypes appear.
>Wouldn't that impede queries perf
Maybe speed was less important than versatility. Or if you have nothing better to do you can trade space for versatility and keep both the big nigger and small subniggers as materialized views, lmao.
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>I'd be more certain if you told us real names of tables and fields
No way lol. It wouldn't change anything anyway. The query should be enough to understand what's going on.
I think it's called a reference table and is a result of terrible normalization. I need to read more about database architecture.
case 000: return "Cap";
case 00: return "Exp";
case 0: return "Level";
is a fucking duplicate case in java cool language not
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fucking bloat
you will use the monads and you will like it
Yes, you want:
main: id (PK id)
nigger1: main_id, label1 (PK main_id, label1)
nigger2: main_id, label2 (PK main_id, label2)
nigger3: main_id, label3 (PK main_id, label3)
This allows you to have 0-* labels of each type for each nigger. If you need 0-1 labels per type you drop the label out of the composite PK.

Now, if you could have infinite nigger types.
main: id (PK id)
niggertype: main_id, nigger_type (PK id, nigger_type)
niggerlabels: nigger_type, nigger_label (PK nigger_type, nigger_label)

And the obese table isn't that bad, just put an index on niggertype, it's an int.
>muh type science
kek, retarded niggers man

everything is an integer, deal with it.

>trannybannie page
why does this not work in powershell? It comes up with an error. $user_data is a hashtable
Get-ADUser -Filter {UserPrincipalName -eq $($user_data["email"])} 

but when I do this it works fine, weird behaviour
$email = $user_data["email"]
Get-ADUser -Filter {UserPrincipalName -eq $email}
This but C++

Execution will be one of the best things to happen to C++. The current async features just suck ass, std::jthread is okay, I have never encountered a case where coroutines were a better solution than anything else. They might as well remove async/future/promise at this point. Cancellation is a must for a lot of stuff I work on, so jthread and stop_token is nice, but they don't necessarily work well with cancellation at the OS level, because it's not an OS object, just an atomic flag. I'm glad that they're thinking about cancellation from the start here.
why is it that instead of doing all of this nonsense you faggots dont just write your own wrappers to different OSs system calls?
I highly doubt std::nigthread or whatever the fuck is supported on all compilers.
faggot opinion
good primitives >>>>>>>> half baked frameworks
>wants threading to be baked into the language
write java.
i want shit like semaphores and atomics
those dont work in real life, write better code.
fak u bastard bloody
not him, but do you actually believe that semaphores and atomic operations "don't work" in real life?
STM for concurrency!
Yay Haskell!
hasklel does also have mvars
It's supported by MSVC and GCC. I don't mind writing my own wrappers, I've done it, but it becomes a pain just supporting Windows and Linux. It's hard to find a balance between having the minimal possible interface, while also taking advantage of OS features. You also have to design with zero overhead in mind.

The idea of what a system resource should be is also wildly different between Windows and POSIX. "Everything is a file descriptor" might be the billion dollar mistake. I think Linux realizes how stupid that is because you can treat signals as file descriptors now.
yes, i have not found once a moment in userspace where i could write threaded code without each thread having tls and its own buffers.
I can into pipes, but that is only pipes, atomics are useless because you want at least two operations to do anything of value on an address and the stuff only lasts one cycle which means it is useless for queueing shared memory in the first place so i dont even want to get into how stupid LOCK# is... just atrocious

Maybe from a high level language you dont get it but two processes running the same code that cant interrupt each other INSTANTLY will always conflict.
you're doing it wrong
OOP unloads complexity by grouping logic into tiny scopes so you can easily work on large codebases with just a few neurons
*OOP hides complexity never really addressing it but allowing it to pile up
and yet without fail, every single time you scale POO up, it does not go well
every boundary and every hierarchy has a cost
Unload that complexity onto your type system and compiler instead
skill issue - write better code and it'll scale marvelously every time
maybe you should be thinking before writing code.
You always go top to down, or at least start from as high as you can and then look higher if you can once in a while.
>gives 3 cases
>they are literally the same value
>gets mad at the language
>FAGMAN can't do it
>no AAA game company can do it
>FOSStards can't do it
>webdevs can't do it
Gee, this really reminds me of the mythical C programmer who writes perfect bug-free code.
OOP is amazing, and yet only the 0.1% can actually harness its power, even though it was made for the 99%
oop is really good, honestly you are just babyducking.
>honestly you are just babyducking.
I've tried virtually every paradigm across many mainstream, obscure, eso, and meme langs.
I am the farthest thing from a baby duck.
>i am not that side of the coin! i am the one that knows how to print hello world in 30 languages!!!
If it's not in English it's not Hello World
... reminder this is a programming thread, >>>/g/twg is that (<-) way.
And I'm a pro grammer
you are underage and phonefagging
I've been in /dpt/ longer than you
any examples?
i just deleted 200 lines of methods because i scaled up and they become obsolete, not even joking.
Gonna rewrite them tomorrow, its going to be 200 better lines and some wrappers, no biggie.
Cniles cant into this though.
any examples of real-world undertakings that scaled nicely because of OOP, little brother?
OOP is a bad dude. Haskell has literally won and I don't know why people are in denial.
mem/ and sched/ survived the userspace calls layer.
The definition of OOP has become so vague and twisted that faggots like you go on about how "types and functions related to that type" is classed as "OOP", or it even boils down to language syntax features rather than anything fundamental. Even the most basic of procedural-style of C code can meet the definition.
You can't even argue with you fags because you'll strawman everything or change the definition of OOP to suit you in that very moment.
Cnileposter is the guy who adopts the least defensible position on every topic just to annoy people.

Oh well, OOP means that small functions that are not accessible by all of the code are accessible through interface (public) functions.
Also that the only global function is main.
There they go again, making up definitions. They didn't even include the word "object".

Also, C translation units are OOP by the way.
what i said means the fuctions can only be called through objects retard

honestly, what you just said is so stupid you dont need to reply again.
any examples of real-world undertakings that scaled nicely because of OOP?
There we go with another definition change, bringing it back to basing it purely off of language syntax features.
>Also, C translation units are OOP by the way.
Fuck off, retard

Can we please stop replying to baiting niggers?
It meets the definition presented, fuckface.
so far the only defence of OOP in this thread is by a lolcow who just says whatever is dumbest
boomer oop defeners are the same way
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I started over with a larger network capacity, this time I'm recording the network as it goes so I can play back the progress. Here's the first 15 hours. Top is what it puts out for the training inputs, bottom is the difference between each step.
atomicModifyIORef can be enough. I've only used stm a handful of times and I think it was always someone else's decision.
AI is now better than American and Indian programmers.
>American Indian
Where can I see some indian code?
Americans and Indians are basically the same in terms of skill. So, just look it up on github.
jeets dont write any code, they only steal.
lol no
Concurrency with c fork() is inside out compared Control. Concurrent.forkIO. Saving state across reloads with https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rapid- has the same confusion. The property that's missing from both cases is that one line of code shouldn't execute in two different contexts.
I thought transactional memory was a dead meme.
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You don't really need it.
>Pajeets pirate all of Western textbooks
>Scam way in to the West
>Only hire their own
>Jews notice
no, because there's no problem complex enough for a cnile to understand at all but simple enough for a cnile not to bitch how "OOP is unneeded" because he will mind-map the whole implementation
and i don't feel like lecturing how to do problem solving in OOP
You're not being ironic right? Because I don't think such a feature exists.
FP is a meme and will always remain a meme because it's a poor model for how computers work compared to procedural programs
I'm just wondering how they do it. Does the IO monad protect them from doing stm when waiting on IO?
inb4 something related to Lisp machines comes up.
The STM monad models sequences of IO actions.
IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
STM (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))

It's the plumbing so you don't go doing multiple IO by yourself.
Makes sense. Sounds like a dog though. I'll have to investigate Haskell stm sometime because the idea always sounded nice but the practicality of it always seemed memey with any io and then you get into nitpicky shit like isolation of transactions being unsound for general purpose programming, etc.
if anyone wanted to remember all of that nonsense they'd write assembly.
You're out of touch with the codepoints unless you type them in binary.
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it do
Is the question backwards? atomically :: STM a -> IO a will undo/retry reads and writes. IO a -> STM a is unsafe because there's no way to unlaunch the missiles.
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im not familiar with docker at all. but these containers running on this machine have python scripts in them. how do i extract the contents of these containers?
i read some stuff about commits, and volumes. i'm probably going to just sit down and try and figure it out but people use docker containers for development, so there's obviously a way to access the code inside.
>define a function that takes an int as an argument and returns the factorial of the argument

this is just a programming exercises in a book im reading but it's been nearly 2 weeks and i still can't think of a way to properly do this. i'll never be a programmer, fuck why i am so fucking retarded
Nobody can tell you anything if you don't say what you're actually having problems with.
What debugger/feature are you talking about then? I have not seen that capability before.
not the same value if it's an id
Do you know what a factorial is? Do you know what a loop is? Do you know what a variable is? That's all there is to that problem.
Stop shilling rust. It hasn't happened for your shitty off brand c like in 10 years. It's not going to happen in another 100
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I figured out my weights were set too high, got a much faster cleaner result.
writing a little emacs package to generates documentation. it uses the treesit package to parse the source code.
It will suck, like all generated documentation does
can't you just... write the documentation?
This is really important you know.
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alignas(struct cmsghdr) unsigned char aux_buf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int[255]))];

I always forget how weird the CMSG API is every time I have to use it.
If only flexible array members were a thing back then...
Can we get a goto command?
Ooooh talking about anonymous classes in java can we parse those with a lambda?
Oooh also for java.. Can we have any name for our java file that doesn't align with the name? But also can we have no restriction on the file being required to start without a number?
Anynone know of languages with something like Nim's converters?
Added a result preview and the ability to open doujins directly from it.
why every "rewrite it in rust" project is just a new version of an old cli application instead of rewriting C libraries that most Rust code is dependant on?
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good morning sirs, who wants to be top Java programmer for only 3.5UDS (299rupee)?
>Why do easy thing
>Why not do hard thing
Every project I've seen actually try to do that has failed.
Every publicly traded western company
I'm doing some compiler hacking and am dealing with a really tedious problem, only solution i have is O(n^2) and wondered if theres something better I could do

I'm trying to find loads and stores that access the same stack slot, which in LLVM means you have instruction objects with a frame index attached. Matching loads/stores just mean they have the same frame index. Problem is, some instructions in arm like LDP access two addresses at once, so they have two frame indexes. This opens corner cases where you match a load and store together that only share one frame index but not all of them. So originally I just wanted to map frame indexes to a list of instruction objects but now you end up with the same instruction in multiple lists, and cross-checking is really tedious.

Idea I've settled on is just for each instruction checking every other instruction and comparing all of their frame indexes at once. Can anyone here do better than that?
rewriting a library might actually get people to use your code though and that's what these people are after, e-fame.
Yeah, that's why they all rush for some easy shit and also only do 10-20% of it most of the time as well. Contrary to Rustnigger posters, they are not more competent so they fail to implement the hard stuff that has been done in C
Anyone else starting to use LLM a lot? I've been working with Claude 3.5 for the last few days and I'm blown away and how fast I can iterate on things I've been struggling with for weeks.
It's very good to iterate on shaders for example, I love it.
it all keeps coming back to APL
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does this smell

yep, it is c++ time.
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It doesn't lose the train of thought after multiple suggestions as
easily, but I still finished the fullcontrol.xyz function for picrel
Which C libraries? Any of the ones left are too big to rewrite and actively being worked on.

RIIR is useful and I've done it for some niche applications because C code rots really badly with compiler versions or wasn't able to be easily compiled cross-platform
>RIIR is useful
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why fix it when you can febreze it?
An extension for lite xl embedding quickjs to provide an emulation layer for vscode extensions.
Got anything working yet?
>vscode extensions
there's nothing of value
Does C++ enforce classes that are doing polimorphism to be the same size in memory?
jeets code just fine, the biggest problem is that they don’t know how to QA their own work. Like, just run it in the fucking browser while you are coding it and look at what changes…they can’t into doing that so instead they just submit PRs that are still broken.
How could they enforce that when dynamic arrays are a thing? Not to mention everything else that could change in size
an array of pointers to the structures?
since it is the same i am just going to ugabuga bigbyte increases
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I acquired some rat neurons and I'm trying to make a sensor system using them and arduino as the interface, I want to keep logs containing all the sensing data and I need to very quickly be able to search this data and get the relevant bits, we are talking thousands of thousands of lines of text, do I actually need mongodb if I will be using elasticsearch?
Just because you are right doesn't mean I'm wrong, retard.
so many low level C++ and Rust chads here.

It's kinda intimidating (oh fuck)

Python slop in my brain for 7 years... bros?
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This is not the own you think it is
Why are you impersonating me? I'm not wrong, RIIR is bad.
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>I acquired some rat neurons
what the FUCK
nta, but im guessing he got the lab bred ones, so no rats were harmed
will rust cultists get mad if I rewrite their apps in C/C++
OP here, yeah I dissected them lol
still, HOW did he get his hand on lab rats and specifically their brain cells
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What kind of rats did you dissect?

>Bro is thinking this is some sci-fi shit
He dissected them anon
Well I hope he didn't waste all the good bits.
Rewrite it in java so c, c++, c#, and rust cultists can get mad together
fuck off
you are babyducking on executables
Virtual machines are the future.
t. java cultist
Dissection is a euphemism for vivisection here.
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you're right it becomes w i d e at smaller sizes, for now i'll just add a special case for letters like : and cope

your text rendering looks clean and proportionate tho zundanon
>I can't even bring myself to open a terminal.
Pfft. I can't bring myself to sit at my desk.
are you doing this pixel by pixel or stringing together functions?
does : look correct with kerning?
>your text rendering looks clean and proportionate tho zundanon
my text rendering actually doesn't use kerning, it uses single character advance since this lets me cache glyph metrics individually
The terminal's sisyphusian horror is universal. It's not something you can run away from.
>why x is y
this is the most endearing form of ESLism
it's not. always a low iq latinx formulation
Why anon bullies?
In a project that is unironically pic related.
>why is x y
really logical anon
Why you speaks large bad english?
I like your use of Haiku icons.
Allow me to explain!
Although modern English uses many words that come from French, Latin, Greek, or random other languages from all over the world, its core grammar is still inherited from Old Germanic, which was quite strict about making the verb the second component of the sentence and moving everything else around it. (The first such component could be an arbitrarily large phrase, like "the big red cat that eats goldfish." It didn't have to be a single word.) Modern English is nowhere near as strict with this "V2" rule (mostly because of adverbs) but when asking questions, you still have to move a verb to the second position.
And that's where OOP comes from!
>Why OOP Is Such A Bad Idea
>Why OOP Is Such A Bad Idea?
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Can someone answer this? >>101243428

I'm in a similar situation.
cheesed to grate you
bad bot
So you think you are smart, ugh???

If you sre so smart how would you code and ArrayList in c whixh is both dynamically resizable and saves Its elements as a data struct containing an enum specifying a datatype and a void pointer with the data?

Also fuck LinkedLists, linked lists are gay. And fuck hash functions too because hash functions are useless.
implement it in C++ compile it and link it to C just to piss you off
>affine spaces
>it's some gay unit shit and not general haskell math programming autism
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I have a text file with 5000 lines, with a unique date on every line. I want to create a new file containing dates not included in the first file.

For example, the first file might have 2012-03-15 and 2012-03-17, so the second file should print the missing date 2012-03-16. Is there any easy method to do this, short of manually reading through a giant list?
get dabbed on
parser from seconds to date and you get the rest ...
cat file1.txt file2.txt | sort > combined.txt
cat f1.txt f2.txt | xargs sort $1 > comb.txt
Wouldn't It?
sort works on stdin, not its command line arguments.
Apparently sort can accept multiple files so the cat would be unnecessary.
That won't make a set difference.
Generate a file containing every date from the first date to the last, then diff them. Ez
>want to use vulkan video encoding in my program (on linux)
>oh, my amd gpu supports it now if i set RADV_PERFTEST=video_encode environment variable! I dont have to switch to my old nvidia gpu!
>vulkan video encoding crashes the computer everytime because the amd driver is broken
Too often. I regret buying amd, I should have continued with nvidia. Nvidia unironically works better than amd even on linux.
sort -u
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If it's just a one off thing you can use google sheets to convert date to a day (set format to number) since 1899-12-30 and look for a gap. Then you won't have to worry about leap years, exceptions to leap years, exceptions to exceptions to leap years, etc.
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>tfw made first pull request
congrats anon
Sooooo, a resizable array of individually allocated elements? I mean, yeah, that's a thing.
I fucking hate git but it's the most useful thing ever
it's not great but life without it is 100x worse
it's a shame shit things have to proliferate, but at least we're free of svn and cvs
Yeah, and the elements can be either, floats, integers, pointers to chars, etc. I was thinking about the posibility of an array of pointers containing pointers to a structure containing a union and a datatype. I wonder if I can use a void* funtion pointer to that same struct and asign It on the "constructor" to a different funtion depemding on the datatype It must return, but a function pointer of type void* cannot point to a function returning a void* datatype, can It?

Am I too retarded for C, should I give up and try Go/C++/Rust instead? Which one is the most retard frenly?
>returning a void* datatype
an (int*), (*float), whateverthefuck datatype.
A resizable array of pointers to tagged unions? Why not just a resizable array of tagged unions? It would be pretty simple to make, about the same as any other array type except using the tagged union struct instead.
it sucks but it sucks less than the alternatives
Like? How do I atach a tag to a ubion withojt putting the union onto a struct?
That breakes stream isolation.
Tf is that? Pls explain as if I was 5.
You would do exactly that.
Because I want to be able to make elements nullable. In order to avoid abusing realloc I want to increase the array by twice Its original size everytime, but keep some elements as null to make It seem as If It was smaller. Meybe I can save the size aside instead and making a check when attempting to acces a positon, idk.

How do I add some abstraction in order to be able to acces the union members as the type saved in a straigh forward way?
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I started uni 2 years ago with absolutely 0 knowledge of CS.
Now my favorite languages are c/c++ (I've only ever used Java aswell) and I feel okay with using them.
I'm also REALLY invested in computer graphics and I want to specialize on that + game developing (I'm kinda good with Godot and I've made several small projects there)
To recap I mainly want to do something with c/c++ for projects for github.
I was thinking either learning opengl and making some games, do some graphics stuff or make my own image processing library so I can do stuff like ASCII art or image effects ( I'm really intrigued by this so if you think it's a good and feasible project please encourage it). Also a text editor sounds fun
If you were me how would you go about it
I know I should just go ahead and do these things and just talking about them isn't helping but I'm in the middle of exams so I thought why not get my thoughts out
You could include a None type in your tagged union to get nullability. However yes, the union will take up as much space as the largest union member.
To get the members you could just do if statements checking the tag (int or enum)
Great to hear anon, computer graphics is an interesting field though I never really got into it properly myself.
ASCII art is a pretty good one, totally feasible in C or C++. You could make a mock of imagemagick to try and learn how to implement other image processing things, I'd recommend looking at it.
Other than that, best of luck with exams!
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i took a malware analysis class and we disassembled old MS-DOS viruses and had to comment each line.
i found it interesting and a good way to learn assembly. since you're trying to figure out the function of the code. what does an int13h do? what does int21h do? etc.

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