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tell me anon have ever done something in the past that you believe it has probably put you on a watch list?
said nigger
something on the internet i mean
been hosting local chans for years
"On a watch list" isn't some major thing like it might have been in the 1960s where some field agent evaluated you individually and decided you need to be watched. I'm sure it's dozens of different algorithms that automatically sort you into "low risk" or "high risk" based on a bunch of completely benign yet somehow correlated factors without having done anything remotely warranting it.
I left a bunch of fake encrypted messages in online guestbooks and I have transmitted fake encrypted messages using mt63 on 5MHz.
I hate niggers, kikes and women and have said as much hundreds of times in no uncertain terms.
>tell me anon have ever done something in the past that you believe it has probably put you on a watch list?
My whole life I've done things that I'm sure put me on some lists. My career required me to query some of those lists and sadly nobody with my sirname was on them at the time. It's entirely possible some of those lists are to justify funding, much like people treat their "friends" lists on Discord to feel popular or important. I also have no doubt some of the people maintaining the lists try to radicalize people on this and other chan sites, forums. I would not be surprised if the most extreme sites are run by the list maintainers. It may get weird if they start trying to incorporate ChatGPT LLM big data chat bots into their radicalizing efforts. Thinking "hallucinations", or "The Men Who Stare At Goats".
I'm an American Muslim.
I get added to the bigger watch lists by default.
Which is exactly why watch lists are useless, and as long as you're not on any public one, you shouldn't worry about it.
That list is just so Jews can pin their next terrorist attack on you. They pick your name out of a kippah like a lottery.
i break into random peoples houses at night and plant cp on their computers, then call police on them next day
so far ive got 7 arrested
My mother didnt even borth me, she was given me by the state.
I hope you only do this to landlords and politicians
>join abunch of gardening/permaculture communities, forums, and discords
>lots of divine schitzos who hate the antichrist also into gardening and permaculture
>government shut down abunch of those communities during covid for their anti-government twist on growing carrots
>probably on some gay watchlist now
>part of a gacha community discord
>part of the admin team into game modifying and content leaking
>corporation conviences discord to dox everyone and get the government to send letters to them telling them they are going to get sued if they keep leaking content because 'ITS COSTING THEM BILLIONS OF DOLLARS'
>probably now on some gay piracy watchlist

discord is such a honeypot.
you are not that important chuds
Nice try, agent Johnson
googled for "HDCP", which is short for HDMI Copy Protection...but accidentally put a space between D and C
Made mild constructive criticism towards women and expected them to take on some responsibility.
Yes. Plenty of things on the web, plenty of things IRL.
Yeah, I was born not as a citizen of the united states of america, so the NSA is watching me by default. People learned nothing from the snowden leaks I swear; EVERYONE is on the watchlist.
>Yeah, I was born not as a citizen of the united states of america, so the NSA is watching me by default
I wouldn't go that far. The NSA watches anyone using the internet.
>People learned nothing from the snowden leaks I swear; EVERYONE is on the watchlist.
This is probably true. If Hilary Clinton wants to drone Julian Assange then yes, everyone is by default untrustworthy. You could easily find who's in charge by determining who is "trustworthy" by default. The system is so complex and confounding that it almost doesn't matter though. I guess what I'm trying to say is, relax a little. If you aren't actively involved with trafficking, pedophilia, or some high level crimes like murder you should be ok. I wish I had more to say to ease your worries, but this is the world we live in.

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