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Why the fck are modern operating systems eating so mutch RAM ?!?!?!?
Windows and linux literally eat up 4~5GiB on start up.
What The fuck!
I wanted to enjoy my upgrade to 32 GiB of RAM HOWEVER after I looked at the manager it turns out that OS + Ligry browsin = 15 GiB
What the fuck!

It is literally like I'm no a tredmil to buy more ram and the OS+programs eat more RAM and I need to buy more ram .....
There is not even any benefit these shit programs (OS and browser) give.

If you time traveled to 2007 literally nothing would have changed except that the shit OS and browser eat up less RAM.

You know buying mroe RAM was OK in the 90s and 2000s where you n eeded it to play new games and you literally did see the improvements.

What the living fuck is the OS and browser doing to need this level of RAM.

>Not used RAM is wasted RA-
Shut the fuck up this is literal nonsense cope pushed by retards!
Because you need virtual machines, docker, python, js runtimes to run anything now
>4~5GiB on startup
let me guess, GNOME?
mine'll fix it.
>Because you need virtual machines, docker, python,
I did not start up this shit in the OS.
WTF modern operating systems!
>let me guess, GNOME?
And you can take it away from my cold dead hands you fuck!
install gentoo.
Ugh, this again. Look, any operating system worth its salt (meaning macOS and Windows 11) will cache all disk reads in RAM until RAM fills up. That's a good thing, it means the computer doesn't have to keep going back to the SSD every time it reads the same file. Frankly the concept of "free" RAM is obsolete in 2020+4.
funny cuz I run 16GB and I work with it, my computer never crashed or got slow, I run chrome, node, vscode, and a bunch of smaller apps
that's is standard fucking behaviour for descriptions in linux you retarded faggot
same but with 8gigs, running nano, firefox and krita on linux
>meaning macOS
No one uses apple products or apple operating systems.
>will cache all disk reads in RAM until RAM fills up. That's a good thing,
No you retard this is the worst thing ever!

>. That's a good thing, it means
It means it will hit the page file or prevent me from starting other things. You colossal fagot!

>it means the computer doesn't have to keep going back to the SSD every time it reads the same file.
Except when this shit hits the page file and turns your shit SSD into a lag fest.
Linux is not worth its salt, anon.
Discord uses 1.2GB alone in just one firefox tab...
linux is worth its salt.
You just heard autistic niggers complaining about super niche features not being in there and are parroting their feelings without even understanding what they were talking about, and in most cases they turn out to be fucking retards.
did you check the state of the processes?
i think that most of them on idle, its a new memory management shit it can be 99% usage but it won't really consume resources the processes will simply replaced with new ones
>funny cuz I run 16GB and I work with it
I was like this. However it managed to hit 100%.
I was excited to enjoy my cool 32 GiB before I realized that 16 GIB is already used up after some light browsing.
discord runs on raw js pixelmap, no html
> uses DE that is supposed to be like windows
> it eats ram like windows
Whoa, big surprise
Did the bot break?
>babby learns about swapping
Super niche features like a desktop.
install gentoo.
>QEMU so I can run office for school
>15.8GB of 16GB used

Is this the fault of poojeets?
windows does it on purpose because obsolescence.
but loonix has no excuse other than mindlessly copying corporate trends trying to get people to use it.
its not really swapping because its on the physical address space, i saw this with windows on really shit computers, all RAM addresses are occupied but the computer runs normally
>prevent me from starting other things.
this doesnt happen
>> it eats ram like windows
We mastered DEs with windows XP.
There is literally no reason for a DE to eat up more then 4 GiB Max

Windows literally runs a AI in the background 24/7 to detect wrong think. What does the Cinnamon DE run in the background?
anon... yeah, swapping gets done with physical addresses...
>get phys addresses from pagetable entries
>set the high bits of the entries to signal a virtual disk (swap number)
>more memory for other processes
>this doesnt happen
It happens if you run something other then looking at the wallpaper all day you retarded fuck!

>Start modeling in blender.
>Oh look 100% RAM used reached...
are you retarded?

almost outed gunome spyware
no i am a genius babby-tan
well you don't even understand how swapping work so
>.t retard
jesus christ anon, i dont care if you are calling it after 10 polls and doing the whole process or cleaning pages every x syscalls, swapping is writing to disk, that and the fact you are a dunning kruger is all there is to it.
i hate you so much
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install ltsc and lubuntu
>swapping is writing to disk
well yeh, and this is not the case in question
i told you this is a new memory management that works with 99% RAM usage, its basically use these idle processes as cache and if it needs to allocate memory it just remove them.
stop being retarded you embarrassing yourself
how about you explain it then?

Why don’t you stop asking questions and use XFCE? A day or two of downloading themes and moving panels and you’ve got the windows xp/7 look with whatever theme you want. Solid, snappy and low ram
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>Why don’t you stop asking questions and use XFCE?
Because me being able to change the position of windows on the task bar is a crucial feature (that not even windows has)
> day or two of downloading themes

>windows xp/7 look
Only the xp/7 look was always shit.
XP = fisher price OS
7 = literal garbage that for its retarded aero meme makes you unable to read window titles.

Everyone who was not a young fagot disabled this shit ASAP on xp/7 and used the classic windows look.

Windows on taskbar, change order, crucial feature. Not your gay looks.

Either way the look of cinnamon is perfect can be better however perfect.
kubuntu uses a little less than 2gb for me on startup.
>New swaping
>Drops programs
>Still swaping.
>Dropping programs is not peak retardation
Anon seek professional help you have the dick of MS in your brain at this point.
>I want a solution
>here's your solution
>Nooooo, not this one!
>Why are modern DEs eating lots of RAM?
>>>>Here use a shit DE with less features
>I need these feature
shut up!
I was about that with KDE. So when it "updated" and broke it's own menu system I purged it and slapped LXQT on. It's like 460mb fully booted now.
For me its 1.5 GiB on debian with kde, is there any way to reduce this? i would prefer 500 MiB of use, i tried xcfe some time ago and while it used 800 MiB it behaved much slower (and was uglier)
>I want to buy a car that has a shitton of things but also is super cheap
>It is physically impossible to have moving windows on the taskbar without eating up 4GiB of RAM
This is literally your argument.
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gnome doesn't use 5GB at start up
Not really.
Most software asks for a little more than it needs for wiggle room. They'll run with less if forced to by literal memory restraints.
nigger people who want a low resource environment don't give a shit about moving windows in the taskbar or whatever you're talking about.
I have less than 1gb of ram being used with xfce on startup and anywhere from 5-6 during active use with multiple youtube tabs, steam and discord open, etc.
And that's all with fancy animations running too.
Cinnamon is heavy.
you can move windows on the taskbar with xfce
I forgot to mention it when I replied, but it's in the taskbar settings if you choose to sort by recent or none, something like that.
unironically the botnet, keylogger, and trojans running in the background viewing, recording, and reporting your every move.
>zram enabled
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Try This:
while true; do free -m|grep -i mem;sync;sync;echo -n 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches;sync;echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory;sync;sleep 2;done

Put it in a startup script.
>4~5GiB on start up
Not even GNOME does that.

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