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It literally just works
Give me one reason to use gayland
Better multi monitor support
Default on most DE's now
x11 is a Toyota corolla but with moldy seats
Wayland is a model 3
something something muh future
Does it do High DPI?
I wouldnt know because I’m trying Linux for the first time in years (Wayland) and it’s gorgeous.
> Wayland is a model 3
With no steering wheel
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Is a Tesla supposed to be a good thing?
stop resisting
>Default on most DEs
You mean like 1?
No one cares what you use, unlike you that obsesses over wayland. Keep using X, it's that simple.
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Wayland is a bus pass handed to you in lieu of an aging corolla because what's the usecase of owning a car in 2024?
If you're content with X11 then just keep using it. It's fine.
t. Wayland user
Doesn't work on Wayland either.
(Valve uses a non standard protocol for their specialized compositor that works only with Proton)
> Better multi monitor support
Not in the slightest. The versatility of xrandr is unmatched.
There is a patch for multi monitor VRR but X11 maintainers refuse to pull.
It's just a protocol, therefore I'll answer faithful to the core protocols.
> Better multi monitor support
It barely has support for one
> Default on most DE's now
Each one being its own thing as different as one OS is to another including portability. Also retard "if everyone eats shit, it must be good" reasoning.
> moldy seats
> model 3
Imagine being this retard
You don't use wayland, it's a protocol, you use a specific implementation (it matters because a software for "wayland" may not work in many implementations basically because everyone is doing their own thing, and the core protocols are literally useless).
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>run based xorg desktop
>open context menu on file manager
>de bottom panel completely unusable while said menu is open
so, this is the power of x11...
Into the trash it goes
Doesn't quite work yet for anyone except AMD users. For Nvidia and Intel there are washed out colors due to mishandling of RGB and YUV encoding. See https://zamundaaa.github.io/wayland/2024/05/11/more-hdr-and-color.html
>Better multi monitor support
There are still lots of things not yet implemented with multi-monitor support on Wayland. It will eventually be better but it is still a ways away from that.
Tiling is for autistic retards with no sense of aesthetics who just want to look nerdy in front of their friends. The people who designed the UIs for the vast majority of programs did not design them to be rendered in those dimensions in those parts of the screen.
There's limited support in Plasma 6.1, but it's washed out for everyone but AMD users. There's also some color space/gamut issues so depending on your display, even on AMD, the colors might not be right. Basically it's still in its infancy. The colors aren't that jacked up but virtually no one who paid the money for an HDR monitor will want to use it (since it defeats the whole purpose).
isn't that some gaymen thing?
>Better multi monitor support
X11 does multi-monitor fine, I'm using it right now
>Default on most DE's now
yeah bloat is always the default, there's a reason I've used a plain WM for many years
>x11 is a Toyota corolla but with moldy seats
>Wayland is a model 3
I would take the Corolla. I say that as someone who does actually drive a 23yo car IRL. It goes from A to B. It does everything I need. Why change it to get pointless frills that I don't need? Also comparing Wayland to a Tesla immediately makes me think "bugs, glitches, reliability problems, product rushed out way too soon by a 'move fast and break things' team". X11, like old Japanese econoboxes, is not sexy but it just werks, and that's far easier.
Frame buffer i guess
>works on my computer.
>works on my computer.
>"Most DE's" ?????? Literally just Gonme and Krash DE.
>Cool, just replace seats.
>Cool, so you agree that just as Tesla Gayland is absolute garbage owned and maintained by literal retard?
>x11 is a Toyota corolla but with moldy seats
>Wayland is a model 3
This is a fine analogy.
A Corolla with 100,000 miles on it is just getting started and has a lot of life left. When something breaks, it's not too hard to figure out the problem and fix it, often for fairly cheap.
A Model 3 has a distinctly limited life, and when that battery wears out it's going to be expensive to replace. When something breaks, the most you can get out of it is "service required". And it will also brick itself and refuse to start if a "required" software update is available.
> once somebody gets access to a program in xorg they can see your mouse movement n actions in any other program
> everybody except xorg fixed this shit long ago, wayland is honestly a late fix

Keep using the internet on xorg and having an insecure system built by boomers with the rock solid assurance of not accounting that the internet will grow to be more than the naked LAN parties their kids went to
You can use a “tiling” manager as a tabbed, full screen manager that you just cycle thru applications you know. I do it on my tiny ass laptop screen.
wayland is a tranny software, tearing still doesnt work on monitors without vrr support
X is chad
cos ur gay
Fractional scaling
Variable refresh rates on multiple displays
I have high end nvidia gpus and wayland simply cannot handle them, it's extremely glitchy, slow, quite literally unusable for me. X11 just werks.
>Tiling is for autistic retards with
no mouse

I don't use it on my desktop, but I greatly prefer using a tiling wm on my laptop as the ease of use is unrivaled
You can also set applications to be used as normal floating windows so your point comes off as uneducated
Go ahead and install one some time, it's max comfy
>no mouse
I already said autistic.
Same for me even if I use the 555.xx drivers.
If you're on Plasma 6.0/6.1 then you may be running into this issue.
I have a 3090TI on a 4K 120HZ display and I have no issues on the 550 drivers but have fucked up issues on the 555 drivers.
>>101227995 (Me)
Forgot to mention, I still have other issues that have made me switch back to XFCE.
>HDR colors are washed out https://zamundaaa.github.io/wayland/2024/05/11/more-hdr-and-color.html
>Something totally fucks up when I leave my TV turned off overnight. After turning the TV back on the computer isn't detected (no black screen or terminal or anything, just no signal as if the computer has been turned off) and I have to SSH in and force a reboot.
These may not be an issue for others tho.
Another thing that they apparently recommend is to disable the GSP.
I switched from sway back to i3.
>X11 does multi-monitor fine, I'm using it right now
and yet every single fag that claims this has yet to show a single screen shot of said "multi monitor support" working or their xorg.conf and if they do, it's dual monitor; same brand and screen..
>x11 is a Toyota corolla but with moldy seats
You're supposed to argue against X11 anon.

To be fair, sway isn't that bad, but i3 is certainly more reliable and will hold up for quite some more time.
I have tested Gnome 46.2 on Fedora 40 and works like a charm with Nvidia 555.58. So, this proves Plasma is a fucking garbage!
wayland is unironically more polished
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>Wayland is a model 3
so its overhyped, poorly engineered slop?
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>yet to show a single screen shot of said "multi monitor support"
I do this daily yet retarded faggots like you keep lying about xorg not working on multi monitor setup, nor ever seeing one work. This is default mint cinnamon installation and I installed nothing, nor did ANY configuration besides what you find in right-click-display settings.
>Wayland is a model 3
Anon, your post is supposed to make Wayland look good
>Programmer socks
>Swapping your penis for a neo-vagina
>Complimentary 6 figure job at either RedHat or Microsoft
>Plasma is a fucking garbage!
I concur.
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>year of our lord 2020+4
>linuxoids still arguing about window systems, because none of them is working properly
Didn't Microsoft figure this out like 20 years ago? Why are you still using hobbyist OS that cant even show thumbnails in the current year, or install a software without command line? Do you not value your time?
>Give me one reason to use gayland
It also just works
No it doesn't. Also Wayland is wrote in C thus is memory unsafe.
I'm still calling it Twitter.
Holy based!
Based on
it sounds like the issue is related to kwin adding a dynamic triple buffering feature where depending on performance it may turn on triple buffering (so that old or strained hardware performs better).
Gnome may work fine but then you're trapped in Gnome's unhinged ecosystem.
I have triple monitors, been using them for years without issues. In general I've been using multimonitors on linux for probably about 20 years. There's a LOT of different types of multimonitor support on X though, and a lot of people don't know the difference.
>Xinerama: The ancient way of doing it. You have lots of monitors acting as one single screen. So like panels and shit appear across multiple monitors.
>Twinview: Ancient Nvidia version of Xinerama.
>A manual config that uses a virtual display in order to do the same thing as Xinerama.
>A manual config where each display is configured independantly. Windows can't be moved between screen, mouse can.
>A manual config where the displays are not independent so you can move windows and stuff between displays.
>Zaphod display: Where each user gets their own entirely separate screen, so that you can have a multi-user setup on one computer.
>Nowadays Xorg.conf is automatically generated and multiple display just werks. The only reason to write a manual one is if you want one of the weird configurations mentioned above. The displays aren't independent, so you can drag windows between them, and they're automatically detected and can be reconfigured on the fly by the window manager.
The vast majority of X users just use the default auto-config these days. Being able to write a xorg.conf file to do any of the crazy setups described is kind of a lost art. The only major drawback to the modern setups are that subpixel order is the same for all displays (which can be bad if you have different types of displays with different subpixel orders or if some displays are in different orientations) and some other similarly nuanced technical issues, but I forget if these are problems with X specifically or problems with WMs/DEs. Wayland has similar but worse issues currently, like separate: ICC profiles per monitor, power management settings, subpixel order, etc.. Also, Wayland can't do the crazy shit X can do.
oh, I forgot, there's also another config
>multi-pointer: Lots of independent pairs of keyboards and mice on the same set of monitors that can be used independently. It's like a single user zaphod display.
Holy bloat
>Tiling is for autistic retards with no sense of aesthetics who just want to look nerdy in front of their friends. The people who designed the UIs for the vast majority of programs did not design them to be rendered in those dimensions in those parts of the screen.
I don't give a fuck about aestethics, I just want something that doesn't take half a GiG of RAM
>nor did ANY configuration besides what you find in right-click-display settings
because you have dual monitors and are okay with both being locked to 60hz proving my point exactly, fuckin' goober
I've tried several of these 'useful tools' for a "non real use case" triple monitor setup; I got none of them to work and even attempted to make my own xorg.conf and miserably failed a laughable amount. Ridicule and call skill issue, sure, but don't bitch when Linux noobs prefer Wayland because it actually "just werks.."
things that work are... le racist
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Writing a xorg.conf manually is hard, it always has been. Moreso nowadays cause almost no one does it anymore and a lot of the documentation is sparse and outdated. That said, most of it is automated and X multi monitor setup just werks for most people. After you install a desktop manager or window manager it should just work out of the box, and you should be able to configure it by just opening up the DE/WM's display settings. Creating a xorg.conf file is the ancient way of doing things and it is for the most part discouraged unless you are an expert and want to do something very niche, like zaphod or multi-pointer or independent screens (things that you can't really do in Wayland without also needing to do manual non-trivial stuff).
Given that people have not had to write a xorg.conf for many years now, I feel like the last time you tried multi-monitor was a decade ago (when it did work but getting it configured was non-trivial because again, xorg.conf is hard).
I would post a screenshot of my multimonitor setup but it's too big for 4chan's file size limit so here's a screenshot of XFCE's settings menu. These monitors are all 22 inch Dells but they're all different models (and in different orientations, i.e. one is "upside down") because I just grabbed a bunch of used ones for dirt cheap for my office computer.
>because you have dual monitors and are okay with both being locked to 60hz proving my point exactly, fuckin' goober
Not that anon but there's no problem in having multiple monitors at different refresh rates. The only things that don't work are vrr or vsync but that's the same on Wayland and really it's not worth it unless you've got a weaker video card that can't consistently stick to high refresh rates.
>Hair splitting autist embarrasses himself in public again.
>Tiling is for autistic retards with no sense of aesthetics who just want to look nerdy in front of their friends.
I use a tiling WM and I don't have any friends. Checkmate, nigger.
>but it's washed out for everyone but AMD users.

I use an all AMD build and plasma 6 is still buggy for me. Laggy control volumes, stuttering, unresponsiveness at 1080p.
>independent screens
I was told to run a separate xorg instance on each monitor for a better experience with my setup. I have a different size, refresh rate, and color depth for each monitor with one of them being portrait flipped. Guess I haven't tried enough even after a week of off & on testing solutions
>I feel like the last time you tried multi-monitor was a decade ago
It was just last week, anon.. Look, I'll keep trying every other week, but claiming that it "just werks" is a bit disingenuous as nothing I tried has worked OOTB unlike winblows
More like out of the trash it comes you stupid fucking retard.
Why are you mad, anon?
Because I want to hug you.
>server-client relationship for the GUI
>on a single-user desktop PC

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