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what makes it so unreasonably effective?
>logo is trannies doing aerobics
You’re mentally deranged
Troons are living rent free inside your head, you probably shout at clouds if you think they look like trannies
Stop gooning now.
Keep gooning.
achieve a quantum state of both gooning and not gooning at the same time
>what makes it so unreasonably effective?
We only apply it to problems for which is a good fit.
On other problems we soon run into trouble and dump it for another language.
who dat? she cute.
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here's the major reasons imo
haskell has type inference, static typing and sum types. haskell goes far beyond this but these are enough to put it above most other langs
>immutable data
immutability helps a lot for writing parallel / concurrent code and haskell does immutability especially well.
>monadic parser combinators
these are basically a good framework for writing handrolled parsers (as opposed to using regex for everything like a nigger ape ape or busting out the parser generator for everything)
haskell does them much better than most langs
>the community
haskell has mature people who are willing to import good ideas from elsewhere (like record dot syntax). it's not run by /k/opers who insist that improving the language would ruin its sovl or whatever
>honorable mentions
hoogle, ghci, the ffi
thanks chat/g/pt
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>monadic parser combinators
People always mention this but I can do that in F# with full C# and .NET interop without having to use Haskell
this is sex
wagie ocaml is worse than haskell in all other respects though
in my experience, haskell is a good fit for every problem except those depending on a library in another language.
i also find myself using rust for anything where i have to do bitmasks, though i could probably use haskell for those projects as well.
>wagie ocaml is worse than haskell in all other respects though
such as
I'm replying to that post and that guy didn't mention anything out of the ordinary
>such as
here's a small list
>type system
f# does better than most here but doesn't have typeclasses, which is a major disadvantage. f# also doesn't have GADTs somehow (which are not as important but still useful)
this is the tip of the iceberg: haskell's type system is a lot more advanced than f#'s
>immutable data
f# isn't as good as enforcing immutability guarantees as haskell is iirc, which is part of why you can comfortably use STM with haskell but not really with the CLR.
f# doesn't have an equivalent as far as I am aware
Don Syme dislikes typeclasses because he believes they add too much complexity and compile time overhead
effective at?
If we knew then its effectiveness wouldn't be unreasonable
Now THIS is schizoposting
>but I can do that in F# with full C# and .NET interop without having to use Haskell
"Hashmaps are easy to use in C, why would I need anything else?" energy

Also you're an unemployed nocoder
>.net programmer
impossible. he could write a few random lines of code and, without him knowing, a paycheck would be sent to his home address at the end of the month
1) I'm an employed .net dev with 6 years experience and the market isn't great at all. Stop lying.
2) my point is he doesn't actually write code, he's just parroting blog posts he read so that he can feel cool.
it was a joke.
the market is shit all around, but I get bombarded with .net positions. at least 4 out of 5 I get are for C#, and I have multiple competencies on linkedin. but yes I exaggerated it a little
t. also .net dev with 5y exp
He sounds like a fucking idiot.
if you're so smart how come you don't have his salary?
because his salary is paid to him, dumbass
I get spammed with Java and Android positions even though I took them off my resume 5 years ago.
I figured it was about halfway writing my post but I'm getting too old to put effort into posts anymore
The logo is literally the bind operator in a monadic context.
Haskell can even be used as a proof assistant with liquid types.
The advantage of haskell here is that you can use do notation without overhead because the language wasn’t designed by apes
Does Haskell have dependent types yet? Or do I need to wait for Idris?

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