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What is the best Linux distro for high IQ people?
>Enumeration yielded no results
>Linux From Scratch
Came to post this.
Ubuntu with unity desktop environment
Arch, install what you need and you can use the x86-64-v3 mirrors. simple.
Linux mint
The one I use, obviously.
Debian Sid, probably.
if you are actually high iq, you just use a mac
Temple OS
I have an IQ over 150 and I used Mint XFCE on my laptop and Win10 IoT LTSC on my desktop.
Isn't it weird how all the smart people in tech use macs? even Linus Linux Tips is using a mac nowadays
Can you guys name 5 influential tech people that use Arch or Gentoo?
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the one still not mentioned ITT due to /g/ being incredibly low IQ, especially in summer

Guhnew Geeks
Ubuntu. Presumably if you're high IQ, you have better things to do than manually sort out package conflicts or how to install a new release of a common program on your system.
I have better things to do than reinstall my whole os every 6 months
probably one that just gets out of your way and let's you do productive shit. so ubuntu/Debian with a modern DE
>chasing down PPAs for up-to-date software is productive
lmao babyducks
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you don't need to reinstall ubuntu, you just upgrade from the GUI to the next version when it comes out
>you just do this thing
that my stable distro didn't need to do for past 20 years
If you use software that requires a PPA you're not being productive. It was over before it began
>productivity is when nothing works
yes I know dimwit, don't forget to productively run more basic programs in variation of LXC because it's impossible for software to just work natively in your humiliation ritual of windows clone OS
it did you blackest gorilla nigger, instead of doing it in the GUI with a few clicks you need to tinkertranny with a bunch of commands and editing text files
>waaaaa I got filtered
way shorter to type faggot. I use windows btw because I'm white
I don't need to use docker so I don't do any of this
why did you quote yourself?
>I don't need to use docker so I don't do any of this
I was talking about debian, since I assumed that's what you meant by stable distro
>you just upgrade from the GUI to the next version when it comes out

Until recently that often had issues. Typical path of least suffering was a clean install.

I just upgraded to the latest LTS with zero probs so far on two machines which was a pleasant surprise.
stable distros don't require docker to perform basic task of using server OS as a server OS but sure, some tourist would know better
I don't know what you're even talking about anymore, I never mentioned docker
I know that you never actually used your computer for anything important from the moment you mentioned debian, you really didn't need to bother confirming it, wintoddler
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>sensible computing enjoyer
patrician tier anon
Exactly me, except my laptop is Arch + i3 because it can't and doesn't need to run a desktop
cern uses guix
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Since you're clearly either high or off your meds let me just recap what the whole conversation was about:
You said using ubuntu is reinstalling every 6 months
I said that's not the case as you can just upgrade from the GUI with a few clicks
You said you don't need to upgrade on your stable distro
I assumed you meant "debian" by stable distro and said that on debian you need to follow a lengthy and obtuse wiki page to upgrade from one version to another
Then you went off about some utterly incoherent rant about docker, me being a tourist and a wintoddler
I use ubuntu by the way
I stopped reading your post from the moment I saw a soijak.
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>>>101224635 (You)
>I stopped reading your post from the moment I saw a soijak.
Would a high iq retard go full social and be in virtual meetings in VR Chat with execs to make money or would he go full autismo and spend all his time configuring his linux and distributed linux-based systems?
Kek, he didn't ask for low iq zoomer distro
Depends on the level of autism and how mentally ill you are.
probably whatever one that follows the individual's usecase.
Windows or Mac OS, Linux is a fool's errand.
who's this arron and why is he owned by a fool.
name a single use case for desktop Linux that applies to the real world.
are you op?
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>the individual:
i dont even know who that is
Very compressed ebussy
Puppy Linux for the true master minds
if you have to ask windows
Guix. Real nerds talk with a Lisp.
Vast majority of high tier programming work is done on some form of enterprise linux. Arch and Gentoo users contribute nothing to society.
probably mint or ubuntu.
just werks enough to where you don't have to tinker around but versatile enough to achieve anything you could possibly need if you know enough.
a person with high iq would already know the answer.

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