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>recursive semantic fuzzy search
>better thumbnails than KDE, WIndows or Mac
>nice image viewer
>view multiple directories at the same time
>selecting webp images on 4chan just werks
Linux is saved
What database looks at all your pictures and how much money do they make selling that information?
Why would you do that? Use a local machine with a stable diffusion or CLIP api and it stores the index in sqlite
the iphone file picker has been able to do all of those things since 2016, including converting webp images.
congrats on catching up to a phone.
this is the power of linux...
If that's true, then Linux is the first desktop OS to catch up to a phone because Mac's filepicker is dogshit
Linux is a kernel
Is it possible to set Firefox (and all the other programs defaulting to the gtk file picker) to use your file picker, anon? If so, tell me the name of that thing again, because I forgot
>Fuckhuge buttons and padding
>Everything misaligned
>Ugly icons
based freetardware
Why are there no margins between the buttons and the text fields? It makes the UI feel cluttered.
>better thumbnails than KDE
KDE lets you see previews of thumbnails of images in the folder icon
Works with firefox, chromium, and anything else that uses xdg-desktop-portal. Haven't found much aside from web browsers that do though, but it's a standard that gui toolkits should support eventually. I'm thinking of making some PRs for any image editors I use since they need it the most and because it is a real standard and not a hack
There'd be less space for the files
Those are nice, but this wins with the amount you can see on screen at a time. Could add something like that in the future
how do you get such a file picker?
git clone https://github.com/dvhar/pikeru
install rust and the deps from the readme
Oh yeah, forgot the install script will install rust for you if you don't have it already
it's not. skill issue
>install rust
no, I don't think I will
Thanks, I'll try it later. Do you have a uninstall script for it though? I could't find anything in the repo whie skimming through the install script and some other stuff
why use this when a patched native gtk chooser exists?
`pikeru -d` disables it. To completely uninstall it, you could read install.sh and delete the files it creates. Should probably add a script for that...
Can't generate its own thumbnails, making it completely useless for new files. Also no semantic search.
this solves that, plus semantic search is kind of a gimmick. I don't think anyone really uses it unless they're autistic
looks like a nightmare to get this shit to work on anything that isn't arch, and would probably implode after a dist-upgrade in a stable distro
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>10 minutes in
>still downloading something
>you could read install.sh and delete the files it creates
the absolute state of freetarded software
>>recursive semantic fuzzy search
or just tag your shit properly
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>curl | sh
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does it work with basedjaks
will it show trannyjaks if I type in "tranny"
will it show cobson if i type in "cobson"
Based. I started working with it as well.
>not in repos
>not a flatpak
what is the use case for posting images?
Seriously i can't imagine using this shit every day. its like getting to drive a luxury vehicle vs having to drive a beat up piece of shit. i cannot imagine being forced to use this interface for multiple hours a day. you have to be either autistic, or aesthetically retarded to be fine with using it. either way, there is damage in your brain somewhere.
>have 100s or 1000s of images
>have a computer that can automatically tag all of them for you
>still do it by hand
I hear bad things about that patch breaking stuff, and semantic search has been very useful. Also the ability to open multiple folders at once has been much more useful than you'd think
but you're just recreating a file explorer at that point. Why not just use your explorer to drag and drop your files? I feel like this should just be a file explorer that has file choosing capabilities
>recursive semantic fuzzy
what do ANY of those buzzwords mean
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what the FUCK is tegaki
It was created out of hatred for needing to drag and drop because existing filepickers were so bad
Recursive - search subdirectories
Semantic - search by semantic content, like visual description of images
Fuzzy - doesn't need an exact match, like fzf
Let me know when theres a fucking exe
yea, no thanks.
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Delete this thread
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Enjoy your C filepicker lmao
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>Enjoy your C filepicker lmao
That sounds pretty similar to my CLIP comments+DeepDanbooru tagging using xattrs and Baloo on KDE, with full file browser tag viewing integration, except that I didn't have to write any original code besides the trivial shell script that runs the models to tag files.
why haven't you added CLIP search yet? I have been telling you this for these past 5 threads nigger.
based pikeruposter. I'll stick with
locate | nsxiv | dragon-drop
my windows file explorer stops responding and restarts all the time.
it is especially bad when browsing my NAS over the network.
right-click sometimes takes a long time to open as well
>DeepDanbooru tagging
I wrote 300 lines to do that for my folders too ;)
>It was created out of hatred for needing to drag and drop because existing filepickers were so bad
based and heaven-pilled
>CLIP comments
>DeepDanbooru tagging
how do you store and retrieve it?
what is this for?
what is this for?
make a package you subhuman, I'm not running your fucking script
buy an ad
>how do you store
setfattr -n user.xdg.tags -v "$(get_deepdanbooru_tags "$file")" "$file"
>and retrieve it?
Baloo indexing; if you're on KDE, try navigating to tags:/ in a KIO browser (e.g. Dolphin or the KDE file picker).

>what is this for?
Standard way to store file tags and comments on Linux. They even show up in standard file managers (e.g. Dolphin).

>what is this for?
File indexer that powers KDE's search, as mentioned above.
what is this and how do I get this on my Linux?
if only you knew just how much the virtual filesystem and the syscalls coming out of it define an OS... linux is an operating system.
typical rustacean thread. the answer is no. stop trespassing on my computer.
the gnome team is PISSED. just look at this thread
>not local

Yes, my file picker can pick files.
It is local though

Going to make an aur package but for now use the github repo

That's what it's using. It indexes files with CLIP and then searches them

Pretty neat. Seems like it'd be tied to KDE though
>That's what it's using. It indexes files with CLIP and then searches them
which vector db are you using?
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I've had that for Windows for 15 years. You're telling me you linux kiddies are just getting that now?
>Seems like it'd be tied to KDE though
While I have not tried any other environments, the xattrs should be more or less standard as a part of XDG specs. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other file managers that also show them. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Extended_attributes#Software suggests that support isn't too widespread, though.

There are other tags I also use, notably user.xdg.origin.url (set by the Plasma Integration Firefox addon or curl --xattr) to store the source of any files I download. All of these are shown in the KDE file manager's details pane/mouseover popup as well.

Maybe you could consider having your image indexer write the descriptions into the comments tag instead of printing it and then read it from there when you're building your SQLite index? That way, you'd get compatibility with at least the KDE tools.
CLIP just creates the searchable text which it searches with a fuzzy matcher, it doesn't use a vector db yet. Eventually it'll either use chromadb or do its own vector embedding

Doesn't look like a file picker. Where's the "Open" button?

Will look into that
Wherever I want it to be. Linux kiddies are adorable, you're really just now catching up and think you got a "new feature" lmao
>searches with a fuzzy matcher
just use duckdb it has a vector extension
didnt read lol
not a comfy image
Not reading it
>CLIP just creates the searchable text
isnt that just Coca? I swear open_ai has open clip torch which returns vectors

you're all about muh features and that's cool but holy shit it looks like utter ass
align your shit you fucking nigger

as expected from a retard who has slight font hinting
this could be really cool with customization options. i'm not crazy about the look but it has potential to be a standalone file picker for WM users.
>i'm not crazy about the look
It's kinda nice in the sense that it reminds you you're using something built by humans. It didn't magically appear from the vacuum of space.

I still need to try it out, but I'm busy with another project right now.

I tried it in the Python days, and it worked nice
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system.
Oh nice, it's no longer python with opencv. I had issues with that.
It uses ffmpeg instead for videos and niche image formats. It's still kind of annoying since it's a dynamically linked C library that needs to be installed by a package manager and may require recompilation if the library gets updated. Not sure if it can be statically linked to avoid that

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