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File: kde.webm (219 KB, 1920x1080)
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Installed Fedora 40 with Plasma 6.1.1 and Nvidia drivers 555.58. Results? This fucking crap!
Seriously, I am putting my coins on Cosmic because nobody deserves theses fucking garbage's called KDE and Gnome.
Yeah and I forgot: the Firefox crap render target gets locked at 60 instead 180fps.
It's Nvidia's fault, not KDE's.
>using krashde
>I am putting my coins on Cosmic
I am keeping an eye on COSMIC, too. Not holding my breath, though.
File: 1719398300172424.gif (562 KB, 200x200)
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562 KB GIF
Yeah, yeah...
are you fucking retarded? use iGPU for desktop rendering
How many times I have to repeat to you retards: you use goddam fucking laptop with integrated intel gpu and discrete nvidia. That means, bang your head against wall and realise that all video hardware acceleration and GUI render is done by INCEL GPU, while nvidia is secondary gpu only activated when you run games thru prime-run command. Open your fucking chink eyes and FIX INCEL GPU DRIVERS!!! FORGOT ABOUT NOVIDEA
>I am putting my cons on Cosmic
No you are not, poorfag
alpha distro
>KDE X.Y.Z where Y < 4
alpha DE release
>nvidia linux drivers
possible brokenness with any divergence from tested enterprise-y setups
even intel has better dedicated gpus for linux now with open drivers
Small indie company

Why you freetards are so retards? This is problem with this trash called Plasma and not with Nvidia, Intel, AMD or whatever! God, this sub is infested with a bunch of mongoloids, omfg!
The amount of straight up bugs in this official spin is unreal
It tells you redhat are up to no good. They want you using gnome. Theyre not gonna fix COSMIC bugs either
Biggest paycheck stealers of all time https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE#Participants
You can’t even be mad at these people. It’s fucking desktop Linux, expect to be disappointed, especially if you’re wanting to try stuff that’s just been released.
Working perfectly for me. It sounds like you're juat a retard. Maybe you should go with Windoes?
It's literally free. You can't demand shit.
Dont use outdated shit distros.
Are you sure this is you're desktop, anon? You know that lying is bad and God might get mad at you.
>Screen records messing around with the volume slider
>Edits it where there are multiple freeze frames and skipping to make it look sluggish and buggy
>Fedora 40
Use Fedora 39.
>Plasma 6.1.1
Use Plasma 5.27.11.
>Nvidia drivers 555.58
Use Nvidia 535.

That's not really the point. Things have been getting "released" in various states of broken, for a while now. People can either recognise this fact and hold off updooting, or they can get the latest package of everything and cry that shit doesn't work.
Just werks on Tumbleweed
Just werks on CachyOS, your fault for using fedora.
congrats, you chose the worst DE available
fuck off ebussy
>using unstable RedHat shit
>beta testing for a corpo
>wonder why it doesn't work
Nathan, please

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