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For me, it's when people think you lose gaming performance if you use windowed over fullscreen.
you do
Windowed is better
shit bait
You actually gain performance using windowed mode.
Source: My dad works at Nintendo.
Old Wives' Tales in the tech world often come in the form of myths, misconceptions, or outdated advice that people continue to believe despite advances in technology. Here are some common ones:

"More RAM always makes your computer faster."

Reality: While having enough RAM is crucial for performance, beyond a certain point, adding more RAM does not improve speed. The system's overall performance also depends on factors like the CPU, storage speed, and software optimization.
"You need to defragment your SSD."

Reality: Unlike traditional hard drives, SSDs do not need defragmentation. In fact, defragmenting an SSD can reduce its lifespan due to unnecessary write cycles.
"Macs don't get viruses."

Reality: Macs are less targeted by malware compared to Windows PCs, but they are not immune to viruses and other malicious software. It’s still important to use antivirus software and practice safe browsing.
"Closing apps on your smartphone saves battery."

Reality: Modern smartphones are designed to manage apps in the background efficiently. Constantly closing and reopening apps can actually consume more battery than letting them stay in the background.
"Charging your phone overnight ruins the battery."

Reality: Modern smartphones are designed to stop charging once they reach 100%, so leaving them plugged in overnight does not significantly harm the battery. However, it is still good practice to unplug once fully charged to avoid slight battery degradation over time.
"More megapixels mean a better camera."

Reality: While megapixels are important, they are not the sole factor in determining camera quality. Sensor size, lens quality, and image processing algorithms also play significant roles.
"Private browsing is completely anonymous."

Reality: Private browsing (or incognito mode) prevents your browser from saving your history and cookies, but it does not hide your activity from websites, your internet service provider, or network administrators.
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vacuuming your pc is le bad
More Bars Mean Better Service:

Having more signal bars on your phone does not necessarily mean you have better service or faster internet. Bars only indicate signal strength, not network congestion or quality.
Magnets Erase Hard Drives:

While extremely strong magnets can potentially damage electronic components, the everyday magnets you encounter (like fridge magnets) are not strong enough to erase a modern hard drive.
You Need to Wait Until Your Battery is Completely Dead Before Charging:

Modern lithium-ion batteries don’t suffer from the memory effect that older batteries did. It’s actually better to charge them before they are completely drained to extend their lifespan.
Screensavers Save Your Screen:

Screensavers were originally designed to prevent burn-in on old CRT monitors. Modern LCD and LED screens don’t need screensavers to prevent burn-in.
Deleting Files Makes Them Unrecoverable:

Deleting files from your computer does not make them completely unrecoverable. They can often be retrieved with specialized software until they are overwritten.
Turning Off Your Computer Every Night Prolongs Its Life:

Modern computers are designed to handle being left on for extended periods. Frequent shutdowns and startups can actually put more strain on the hardware.
You Must Eject USB Drives Safely to Avoid Data Loss:

While it’s good practice to eject USB drives safely, most modern operating systems handle quick removals well without data loss, especially if no data is currently being written.
my mom told me i had to let the computer "rest" every few hours of gaming
I have been rinsing my phone in the sink once a week for years.
when people think you gain the measurable performance benefits of fullscreen when using borderless windowed
Extremely fuckin based and clean pilled.
I see people with grimy phone screens a lot and it's disgusting knowing that they've probably never washed it.
based mom
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she was talking from experience?
more ram actually enables the OS to cache programs, recently and/or frequently used files and other stuff in ram for faster access (at least macos does this)
You having to wait at least 30 seconds after turning your computer off before turning it on again
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i had 3 pots of coffee today. it's probably why I'm replying to you
I never understood this. When you fullscreen an application, it's taking priority from everything else your computer is doing, right?
I kept trying to figure out why it was bad and kept getting different reasons with 0 evidence and once you start sifting through it all you start seeing stuff like "oh uh well the dust particles rushing past causes static to be generated" which is what blowing it would do as well. You'll also see stuff like "well the fans spin too fast" which is an easily preventible issue.
I have no idea why people thought it was a bad idea. Perhaps early vaccuums with metal nozzles? Eh.
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the hardware gets faster while the software gets slower
probably registry cleaners and all that shit

this may also be an old wive's tale, but I've always asserted that windows should be reinstalled completely about every two years.
>this may also be an old wive's tale, but I've always asserted that windows should be reinstalled completely about every two years.
I mean maybe it's developed into one (I doubt it), however Windows rot was real so if it doesn't hold up now it at least once did.
This was true for quite a while, young ignoramus. Exclusive mode (what you term "fullscreen mode") used a different underlying API for acquiring and managing resources.

You shouldn't call something an "old wives' tale" when it refers to a truth you're simply too young to remember.
If anything isn't a wives' tale, it's this.
I'm glad the days of using exclusive fullscreen to gain performance or lower input lag are over and we have things like freesync as well which works with windowed fullscreen.
this is known as Pajeet's law and it's one of the fundamental laws of physics
>Old Wives' Tales in the tech world often come in the form of myths, misconceptions, or outdated advice
>outdated advice
Fucking retard.
you can fix mouse scroll issues by rolling the wheel on your desk back and forth
>winfags think the nuances of their OS are "old wives tales"
If you change the motherboard you need to do a clean install.
flip-mode presentation still has more input lag than exclusive scanout

also, when you use flip-mode you're essentially handing over all of your swapchain calls to a magical API blackbox and praying to god that everything works correctly under the hood. in reality, you're better off letting the application directly handle all swapchain calls to avoid random presentation glitches.
you need frame rates over 60 Hz
More icons on your desktop = worse performance
i did this too but started getting water inside of it, using antibacterial products fucked up ny pixels so i just said fuck it and simply dont put my hands anywhere near my mouth
It really depends on how the game handles full screen. Sometimes games will render fullscreen in a "windowed fullscreen mode" so there's basically no difference. But if it uses true fullscreen then it takes over the display entirely, adjusting the screen settings natively for your graphics settings and bypassing the compositor, this is the reason behind the notorious alt-tab studders/crashes in Valve games. Most modern games don't do this though and even if it does the performance increase is hardly noticeable.

source: used to be a gamedev
But why does it take so long for valve gamses to take over the screen? Whose fucking fault is it?
>If the woman screams loud enough someone will hear it
not true
That's so cute
>oh uh well the dust particles rushing past causes static to be generated
This is the correct one. Vacuuming poses a risk of your PC being exposed to static discharge.
It's a very, very minor risk, but it's always there.
Not so much anymore but that was always the case.
>which is what blowing it would do as well
No, because you don't use a long plastic tube that can gather a static charge, nor do you need to (almost, if not) touch it to the components to clean them if you're using compressed air (don't) or an electric fan.
Refreshing desktop
Except blowing out dust or rubbing anything against it creates the same risk.
The problem is that he's not wrong when he says there is no evidence or study that states this is an outcome that can occur.
Bottlenecks diminishing performance.
Bottlenecks are a performance limiter in some metrics but not all, and I think a lot of tech YouTuber people have gotten everyday people convinced if their system isn’t perfectly balanced for all uses, then it’ll run worse than simply having lower tier hardware? At least that’s the impression I get from less experienced people building or upgrading a PC on some communities. They legitimately think if they have an i3 12100F or something and an RTX 4090, that somehow their GPU performance will be far worse than the limit of the cpu.

Bottlenecks are just that, a bottleneck. It’s when performance of the whole system is limited by one component. But that only applies to synthetic measurements or whole system use cases. Because many different things use the system differently, and in many ways an imbalanced system is still fine for most things.
And then an imbalanced system doesn’t diminish the performance of other parts, it just means one part will be the hard limiting factor on overall performance before the others.
You’ll tap out all the potential of an i3 12100F well before you come across a use where th RTX 4090 is on its knees, but that 4090 will still be working hard, just at some point the i3 can’t offer any more to the system.
The other smaller ones I see a lot of
>more ram is more better
Only if you’re using it. If you touch your swap file you need more ram. But having 32gb of ram and upgrading to 64gb won’t make the system faster if you never utilized 32gb.
>4 ram sticks is slower than 2
On paper absolutely, this is correct. Memory latency and extra work for the memory controller do reduce performance. However it’s not measurable for 99.99% of people and uses. Do not worry about this. Unless you are doing something so ram intensive and dependent on ram speed and latency that you see any kind of measurable difference outside of synthetic benchmarks, this does not matter at all.
>psu wattage estimate need to be an overestimate
It’s a weird thing where modern psus are such an overbuilt component but then people still want you to buy 100-200 watts of headroom. You don’t need it. Modern PSUs are labeled for their sustained output, not their peak like they used to be. If your system can draw 550 watts under maximum synthetic load. You don’t need a 600w psu, you only need a 550w psu. As long as it’s a decent enough psu.
>nvme ssd speeds mattering at all
This comes down to uses. If you are a regular user, ie your pc is for shitposting and video games, there is little to no advantage of any SSD faster than a decent sata 3 one. A top end 10gbps nvme 5.0 whatever the fuck ssd wont make your games run better, it wont make windows more responsive.
It will make photo or video editing much faster, if you handle large files or large amounts of files in any way it can be faster. But very little else matters in terms of ssd speed once you get over like 300mbps
Oh and then the one that makes me a baby duck
>operating system security or updates mattering
Nobody gave a shit about windows updates until there was a huge Microsoft shill campaign across the entire internet, both subversive and just first party windows 10 advertisements.
Nobody cared, not one person was like “oh you gotta install SP3 on XP or your pc is compromised”. No, they told you to install SP3 so Steam would work normally, and Halo 2 would run with that patch to ignore vistas games for windows live.
You installed updates on vista in hopes that your 512mb of ddr400 and p4 would run it better. Or people told you not to update because it would run worse.

The efforts by Microsoft to scare everyday users into installing windows 10 worked. And in turn tech media outlets pushed it as well, and now it’s just the majority of people who believe it.
99% of security on your computer is in your hands.
Windows defender will keep the clueless from installing freeminecraft.zip.exe, because that’s most of the danger out there for everyday users.
Your windows Vista install isn’t inherently at risk just because it’s inherently insecure. You are the security, if you know what you’re doing, you’re fine.

europoor has consumer protect laws, old hags acquire hardware, make project and return stuffs without paying anything
but paying 4k for a top end gpu or whatver they cost these days and being limited by a 60$ cpu and getting stutters playing a bidyageim is pretty fucking retarded when you'd probably hit the exact same bottleneck having spent half of that on a less powerfull gpu, since the bottleneck is that big compared to your most expensive part
I agree that the bottleneck term is thrown out too loosely and without proper explanation for the end user, but at your example it would really benefit throwing some extra cash to get a better cpu that can go if not toe to toe with the gpu, then at least closer than that bottom of the barrel i3
or keep the cpu but buy a cheaper gpu
it's literally wasted money
imo, if your cpu or gpu isn't in the low end, as a normal user you'll never actually encounter heavy bottlenecking with other components, but pairing top end part with low end part is pretty stupid
It’s intentionally an extreme example
A more realistic one would be like a Ryzen 5 7600 and a 4080 super.
Or the other way around, a 7800x3d and a 4060.
Both are bottlenecks, neither will negatively impact performance, just one component limits the system potential.
in those cases yeah, no one should bother about bottlenecks, but in those extreme cases is exactly where it matters
It's partly Valve's fault and partly that the Source engine uses SDL behind the scenes. SDL always has a hitch when switching to fullscreen but Valve must be doing something weird on top of that for it to be that bad.
Thank you Bing Chat!
on Windows older than 11, it's literally true though.
dwm.exe was dogshit.
What makes this guy so memorable?
because he's our guy.
Oh yeah, I remember a time I was playing with the Source engine! When you alt-tab in Source it has to rebuild all the shaders. I guess during the process they somehow lose the OpenGL context or something and have to pretty much re-initialize the entire rendering pipeline.
It was a pretty mediocre movie that people came back to later because the character design is pretty fun, and appreciated a lot more years down the line.
At the time megamind came out it was in a weird time for dreamworks who were just throwing things at the wall and seeing what stuck. Megamind didn’t, it was profitable but as far as dreamworks was concerned it wasn’t enough of a success as they wanted.
Have you ever heard of zero-click malware?
The webp exploits from a few months ago was one.
I dont care how smart or sophisticated you think you are, not all malware requires you to double click "TotallyNotAVirus.exe"
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- Encrypted data must use red ethernet cables

- Unencrypted data must use black ethernet cables.
Would let her shit in my streets
This is objectively incorrect and a lie spread by Microsoft.
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It's true on devices that preview.
>nooo it's not true!! zero-click malware is a lie!!
M$ shills spotted
Aren’t you two supposed to be busy gunning down Palestinian infants right now?
>This is objectively incorrect and a lie spread by Microsoft.
imagine being this ignorant and so confident about it lmao
Excellent counterpoint.
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That was so last week. boooorrrrinnggg. Back to shipping executives to Area 69 a.k.a. Ghislaine Grandaughter Island.
she's hot
why must you
this is true, but you need some seriously slow hardware to notice, it takes infinitely close to 0 resources to render the desktop

on older windows it would load the wrong drivers and bsod at boot time, you had to rebuild certain entries at the CLI and yeah just fucking reinstall windows

actual false myths:
laptops are always slower
more ram is always better
vacuuming dust out of your computer will cause esd damage and suck small parts straight off the board
you will get a virus instantaneously without antivirus or using eol software
computers will double in speed every 18 months
>more ram is always better
can you elaborate on this? not saying it's true, but certainly having more RAM can mean less disk cache, or none at all
means more room to download things. Here, I will add 500 PetaBytes.

mkdir -p /dev/shm/space;mount -t tmpfs -o size=500P,noatime none /dev/shm/space;df -Ph /dev/shm/space

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
none 500P 0 500P 0% /run/shm/space

Look at all that space.
you wot m8
I mean, no caching data to disk = "faster" computer (or rather, not slowing down... which WILL happen if you have 2GB these days)
Panic about running things as root. You can absolutely fuck up a user's important files without root access, and fucking up the system itself doesn't matter that much on desktop Linux (you already installed it once!)
It's a cargo-cult fear brought in from multi-user systems where fucking up the system would be much more damaging than fucking up one user's files. On a single-user system, it doesn't matter.
retards back in the day would max out the ram in their computers because the chipset supported it, example putting 8gb ram in a computer despite that xp (x86) could only feasibly use 3.5gb, citing that more ram is always faster, there are also a bunch of retards that put 1gb in their g3 imacs, 512mb in their celly 300 systems running 98, just retarded shit that wasnt practical
ahh, I see. yeah, I guess there are people retarded enough not to understand that shit lmao
And yet they just released a cashgrab tv series of questionable quality
Linux is free
This is wrong. All unused ram is automatically used by the kernel (both on windows and linux) as a cache for disk storage. This helps especially if you're not using a fast nvme drive.
"AMD is just as good"
It's just a good reaction image dude.
you will on weaker systems sincd the desktop graphical effects are gpu accelerated and thus use gpu resources

on powerful systems it doesnt make a differnece however windowed mode can increase input latency
glass cases reduce temps and incur more heat transfer.
>reinstalling Windows
That's a wives tale right there. I had only reinstalled Windows when upgrading from one version to another. There is no point in reinstalling if you know your shit.
You pay with your time instead.
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first time seeing this unedited basedak
>"You need to defragment your SSD."
No one has ever said this. They've been telling you not to since they came on the market.
you DO lose performance in windowed mode
NOT borderless fullscreen
most people dont know their shit, hence reinstalling
These are interesting but formatted poorly.

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