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I think I'm going to replace my old Windows laptop with a 14" M3 MacBook Pro. I thought about getting the 15" air but I hear it overheated in testing. Anyone here with experience with both machines? Which is the better buy?
>Which is the better buy?
A dilator, your wound needs attention, sir.
I'm moving away from Linux. It's just not my cup of tea. I don't need to modify my OS. I just need it to work.
the 15 inch air isn't overheating unless you're running Cinebench or something else it's not intended to run for extended periods of time.
Get a MBA with 16GB of ram and 512GB of storage minimum, pay the fee for Parallels, and install Windows 11 ARM on it, and now you can do about 95% of what your old laptop could do.
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>not installing Asahi linux and running windows botnet in vm
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>I need system that just works
Anyway, Apple marketing thread
If you're doing anything that can't easily be done on any laptop made in the last 10 years, you're doing inefficiently retarded shit that either shouldn't be done on laptops or shouldn't be done at all. Get whatever you want.
buy the macbook pro, because it has a fan.
>I just need it to work.
current mac laptops have issues with the screen cable, and apparently the usb-c ports.
Maybe if anything in Asahi Linux worked. Parallels works and ~95% of Windows programs work one way or another. It may be a layer of bloated cow running on bloated cowOS, but when you need shit to work there it is working.
you open a panel in system preferences and click 'run anyway'
>no numpad
lol nah, it's itoddler trash
You should get a MAiD instead.
No, not a MAID computer...
A MAiD. With a lower case i.
if you're overheating a brapbook air you're trying to do something really stupid on it
ultraportables are not for rendering 4k video
So the MacBook pro it is. Thanks. It's just a big purchase. Gunna run our platform off of it and a proper desktop Windows PC and I wanted both Mac and PC and I'll build a Linux PC just to have all 3 tools at my disposal.
that's literally a good thing
imagine defending running literal-who's binaries unprompted. if you're stupid and want to anyway, it's a single click away
I got the MBP 14 M2 pro but had to return it because the screen gave me major eye strain, was having migraines for days. Never had a screen do that to me, idk if the laptop was defective or if it was some major PWM stuff, I use a iPhone 14 pro max which has 300Hz of PWM flicker but that gives me no eye strain.
Interesting. I'll keep that in mind. Good looking out.
I had a M1 air and the only real issue with it for me was that it was a 8GB model, but even still it was fine for 99% of what I did daily (software dev, photoshop, etc), I was just constantly worried if I had too many things opened and would close some apps I wasn't using.
like some other anons mentioned, the problem with the air is sustained load, like games, anything that puts stress on the cpu/gpu, etc. since it doesn't have any active cooling, it builds up heat somewhat fast.
I have the 16" M2 and my wife has the 14" and the sound stage on the 16" is night and day compared to the 14". The 16" also cools better. The screen on the 16" gives a lot more real estate. All in a package that is barely larger. That being said, with the 14", typing on it feels better. The corner of my wrists will sit hard against the aluminum and it hurts. This doesn't happen on the 14". You get more battery on the 16" but honestly if you need more than 19 hours of battery before you have to charge again, the 22 hours isn't going to make a lick of difference to ya. We lay in bed watching things on both laptops with headphones on and unless I squint closely, the difference in size is meaningless for watching videos. If I stress both laptops out to the max, I see slightly more performance on the 16" due to the better cooling, which is down to the bigger aluminum chassis. There are times I wish I had gone with the 14" and I will be downgrading the size with the m3 or m4, simply because there are times I wish it was smaller, like when chucking it into a bag and heading to a job site. I do electrical work. If you need a larger screen, get an external 4k or 5k display.
Don't run Linux on a m2 or m3 mac, you can easily hard brick the laptop and it is an EXPENSIVE trip to the Apple store. With Apple care they charged me $599 to restore my Mac. It was NOT as simple as plugging it into another Mac. They had to swap the motherboard out. Linux can burn out the SSD.
You OP? Yeah having multiple tools at your disposal is always for the best. Poorfags will never understand and always assume that buying a Mac means you leave everything else behind. I have a gaming PC, that is strictly used for gaming, the macbook for my life, a Galaxy S24 Ultra as my main go to phone, and an older iPhone I use when I am on job sites to clock my location with the state department for OSHA so I can report my lockout tagout electronically. continued in next post
You think you're gay?
Anyway the app doesn't work as good on Android as it does iOS and I am not going to put my life on the line for a buggier app. I mean sure there are workarounds, but when you are dealing with 1000CVAC fuck you I am using an iPhone. Fuck your feelings, fuck your principals, call me an iToddler and laugh at me, I am going home to my wife and dogs.

Anyway, all this to say that having multiple tools at your disposal is the big brain move. If people wanna get all asshurt and faggy on you because you suddenly flash an Apple logo, tell them to fuck off. As for me, I choose to live and go home and eat supper.
Not op but it has nothing to do with a person's sexuality at the fuck all. I get why people hate on iPhones. But MacBooks are simply nicer to use than any other laptop on planet earth. For a desktop? sure Windows or even Linux, but you can't find a better laptop than a Macbook.
I sure hope you've used Mac before. As a first time Mac user, I'm straight up not having a good time with the Mac I was issued at work. I can't compare it to Windows 11 because I haven't used it, but Windows 10 is just way better than the latest MacOS version. The hardware is nice, the software sucks ass. You have been warned.
It does get hot. Disconcertingly so.
I wish there was a solution.
I'll just go with the pro, thanks.
I'm literally going to run it as a mobile workstation for streaming our talk show to various video platforms. And then I'll transfer things to my PC or edit them with my big display and upload to jewtube etc.
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there is no equivalent to macbooks

macbooks have:
>soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screen made from pajeet trash glass that cracks from temperature change in seasons or tape over the iBotnet webcam
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screens so fucking shit they have over 90ms response times (essentially 10Hz)
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when pajeetOS runs out of RAM it swapfile rapes the SSD killing it within 3 years
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when the soldered SSD dies it bricks your entire currybook because the EFI is stored on the SSD to save $0.05 on a dedicated chip
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>flexgate cables that are so brittle they crack from opening your screen past 90 degrees more than 2 dozen times
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>so fire and explosion prone the FAA have banned them from all flights
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>uses phone CPU that's so shit it gets destroyed by half decade old i3s from 2017 and can only "compete" by cheating at benchmarks in extreme edge cases with hardware accelerators
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>curryniggers at apploo get so full of sniffing their own currynigger silicon shit they ship currybooks with no fans and they run so hot they melt the keyboard keys
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>keyboards with 63.5% failure rate
unheard of on PCs, and yet you curryniggers defend it with "jus werx fer me!"
just because you're in the 36.5% survivor group doesn't make your currynigger trash any good
>lowest grade hardware at highest prices
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
this list goes on forever

theres no PC laptop as total fucking currynigger shit as crapple's streetshitterbooks
they are one of the biggest heaps of steaming currynigger shit in the history of computing second only to curryPhones
>you can easily hard brick the laptop
It probably just needs reset, and the lemmings at the retard bar who are trained in the ways of grifting have a sales quota to meet.
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I've been curious about Mac OS for a while now but I don't want to spend much on trying it out, what's a good option for secondhand Apple hardware with a budget of $200? Upgradability would be nice, but in terms of pure bang for your buck performance, what Mac would be the best pick?
Get an old MacBook Air from 2011-14. Make sure it has at least 8GB of RAM if you plan on using it with modern OS versions, although with Macs that old, it might be better to keep them on El Capitan or High Sierra.
Do not buy any of the 2015-19 Intel Macbooks, that's when they switched to the butterfly keyboards and they both feel like dogshit to type on and fail prematurely thanks to the bad design.
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Wait for Asahi supp...>>101224092
>Which is the better buy?
the old windows laptop
>Get an old MacBook Air from 2011-14
Are the 11" versions decent enough? I've been yearning for something to fill the netbook-sized hole in my heart for quite a while now, so that would kill two birds with one stone.
if you have a second mac you can restore your bricked mac.
connect your macs with a thunderbolt cable.
put your bricked mac into dfu mode.
open apple configurator and restore it.
11 inches isn't too bad, to me it feels like an iPad with no touchscreen and a keyboard tacked on. It'll probably throttle a bit because of how small the fans are, but it's still usable. What I said about sticking with the old OS still stands.
That's fine, I hate touchscreens, and I doubt I'll be doing anything intensive on it.
>asks for personal purchasing advice on /g/ where such a thing is prohibited
>doesn't even bother to provide a use case, region of the world where he lives, budget, or any other useful info
Marketing thread. Buy an ad.

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