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Maybe we won't have flying cars, but we might get flying orbs we can use to explore the world. Think about Google Earth or Street View but with a physical flying orb with a camera that you control from your bedroom to explore and video tape the world. This is a possible thing that could happen if it is not shutdown and made illegal immediately. It could be a small orb, smaller than a drone, enough to have a flying camera. It would depend on satellite signals probably, or some wifi mesh, to be able to keep receiving instructions.
Nigger we can't even get people to go the speed limit, but now you want people to have access to the sky and drive shit over other people's property? People will just litter harder with flying vehicles, too. Imagine people doing fly-bys with cigarette butts and fast food trash landing on your roof, on your window, or on your garden. We don't need public access to that shit because people are inherently terrible at driving, caring about other's land, and not driving while intoxicated. Fuck this idea. Stop suggesting flying cars or anything similar because we don't deserve it.
It would be powered by nuclear energy of course so it can say floating in the sky forever
We have flying cars already
Shit imagine some dude all pissed off shooting at a random flying car over his house and some fat ass Karen hanging out a window screeching down at him. Imagine the YouTube videos of skyrage.
It's a drone.
AI Nigger high on tech juices reinvented a drone.
Mind you - Drones fucking suck ass, they are limited in range and can be abused by random disruptive retards or just straight out terrorists wanting to kill people for lulz. There's also huge issue of air traffic - your imaginary swarm of drones would be actual threat for planes, birds etc.

So tl;dr - you're just another tecchie faggot trying to reinvent same shit over and over again, completely ignoring the issues of your retarded idea.
We had this with trains and we had this with "physical NFTs".
It's the evolution of drones that can stay floating in the sky through nuclear energy at any distance since you'd control them through satellites or global wifi mesh
And for fun fact - manned drones are already a thing. They are just shitty helicopters and giving access to flying machines to the masses is retarded idea. Most of these pig-like creatures called humans can't behave on the road, making them fly is just recipe for mass extinction. I guess killing off retards is some kind of a positive?
>muh nuclear energy magical shit.

Bitch we make nuclear energy in big-ass nuclear plants producing tons of radioactive waste. Even if you figure out how to minimize it (you can't) you still will need to figure out how to deal with used up fuel and contaminated material used for cooling and even then you just created mini-nuclear bombs that you can crash against house of neighbors you hate.

I want drugs you are currently on. Sounds like a good trip.
>b-but muh privacy!
only military jews can spy us
and btw that "orb" already exists, it's called over 9000 trillion satelites orbiting the earth
nta, kek newfags be on some good shit
>only military jews can spy us
>and btw that "orb" already exists, it's called over 9000 trillion satelites orbiting the earth
That can only zoom in, lacks perspectives
2 moar weeks then, patent it
>patent it
I can't, Perfect Dark came with the idea first
And StarCraft
>*arap neighbor decides to crash his nuclear drone into your house because he saw you eating bacon*
the future that OP chose
Lol no. Not a fucking chance. Radioisotopes are expensive, fission makes too many rads, and fusion makes more rads than fission. Distance can work as shielding, but people are pussies and rads interfere with cameras.

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