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>regreSSHion: RCE in OpenSSH's server, on glibc-based Linux systems

based on their docs, one could limit exposure by
- limiting number of SYN packets per min with iptables
- temporarily reduce maxstartups
- put ssh on a high port, eliminating all bot noise and only allowing target-ted attacks
- or simply dont expose sshd, use a vpn. tinc-vpn.org for an open source vpn that has dynamic user-space mesh routing.
- or use iptables recent module to enable a redneck poor persons port knocking
- or use port knocking.

plenty of ways to stop this until it is patched.
kill [sshd-pid]
was it that hard?

but just in case:
firewalld disable ssh
I did that and disconnected. Now I can't connect to my server. Help???
>OpenBSD is notably not vulnerable, because its SIGALRM handler calls syslog_r(), an async-signal-safer version of syslog() that was invented by OpenBSD in 2001.
There is something beautiful about controlling your entire OS software stack.
>- put ssh on a high port, eliminating all bot noise and only allowing target-ted attacks
this doesn't work for me
I do have ssh on a high port, 60001, and I still get like a 1000 requests a day
all of them blocked because I put geoip, really hope it's enough to stop it
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>on glibc-based Linux systems
so this doesn't affect openbsd?
see >>101226967
>OpenBSD systems are unaffected by this bug, as OpenBSD developed a secure mechanism in 2001 that prevents this vulnerability.
what the fuck are those cringe quotes? what a bunch of masturbating monkeys
Dropbear chads rise up
musl keep on winning
also, would hardened_malloc with glibc be affected?
>This vulnerability is challenging to exploit due to its remote race condition nature, requiring multiple attempts for a successful attack.
so it's a nothingburger

in any case the only exposed server I have is running RHEL 8 which is not affected
people used to be able telnet into systems and no-one was interested
I have ssh on a high port and have not received a single packet other than my own in 25 years. Must be something special about 60001. I know how to break the bots but no idea if the comment system here will let me post it. Going to make covfefe first.
>Ubuntu 20 LTS - not vulnerable
LTS chads won again.
Updooters get the rope.
Add this to sshd_config (test it first locally) to break some bots

VersionAddendum                " \/\      .:.:.:.:.:. ! Lick The RoodyPoo Butthole Sassy Mansy ! .:.:.      /\/  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .... ..... ...... .............  .. .. .. ..    "
Then add this to your iptables raw table section to break some more bots
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "SSH-2.0-libssh" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "SSH-2.0-Go" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "SSH-2.0-JSCH" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "SSH-2.0-Gany" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "ZGrab" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "MGLNDD" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "amiko" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] -m string --string "OpenSSH_4" --algo bm --from 10 --to 60 -j DROP
Before all that in the raw table, insert
-A PREROUTING -d [your wan ip] -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -m tcpmss ! --mss 1220:1460 -j DROP

do a tcpdump before you ssh and tighten up that mss range to something closer to what you use. 1460 alone is ideal, but if you ssh from your phone that will vary.

If you only ssh from a workstation using mac, bsd or linux you can also drop bots based on TTL.

-A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -d [your wan ip] --syn -m ttl --ttl-gt 64 -j DROP

most bots are on wireless devices with a TTL greater than 200. Windows is 128. If you ssh from windows, change 64 to 128.
That breaks stream isolation.
that's a ghostbusters movie thing.
its 2024. crossing streams is not gay, and even if it were that'd be okay.
>- put ssh on a high port, eliminating all bot noise and only allowing target-ted attacks
lol, lmao even.
works on my 50k+ servers.
you only have 65535 ports available brohemoth, I'm hitting all of them.
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And that is called a targeted attack. You would be in the 0.00000000000000000001% thus, not part of the "noise". I can safely never see the noise. I can stroll on teh beach, zoink zoink.
that's not a targeted attack lmao, every internet connected device is being probed at every minute of every day. have you even checked your logs?
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>have you even checked your logs?
Yes, your scanning tools that scan the entire internet are 100% dropped by the raw table rules I pasted above. wamp wamp
oh ok then, carry on.
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carrying on and remaining calm
first post stupidest post

get patched or (if you absolutely can't update) change the LoginGraceTime to 0
btw, it took 15 minutes to patch the shitty embedded system I work on professionally, yall have no excuse
whilst people are at it, use ssh-audit.com to harden your shit. It speeds up ssh negotiation, useful for those old fags like me still using Ansible.
I hate hardening my shit
Just an accident that the one guard was removed :^)
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just take a laxative.
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Same for musl. Someone scan me and see if I am "safe".
sftp scanme@scanme.nochan.net

There's no password.
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
Stop, don't touch me there!
is the solution as simple as installing fail2ban?
I'm now in your house fucking your mom
rce? its a dos
>I'm now in your house flarvalbarbing your mom
She's been dust for many decades but I am enjoying the visual. =)
-1 to the NSA backdoors
I sincerely hope you're not in charge of any type of security for any type of internet facing devices.
You're exploiting a signal handler race condition to insert your own code into a non safe function.
Say what you will, they are still leaps and bounds ahead of those that regulate the internet. ... series of tubes and all.
So ... none of the bots can negotiate with my SFTP server and specifically there is one bot in China that has been stuck in a loop. I want to give it something funny and/or offensive in the banner message. What are the most funny, cringy and/or offensive Chinese characters I could give them?
From what I understand that doesn't technically fix it but does make it extremely unlikely for anyone to get in because it's a race condition with a very tiny chance of occurring.
bawts use LTE wireless cards that change IP every few minutes. The ultimate whack-a-mole. Easier to just block
We're talking about servers, not laptops.
Yes, your servers are being probed by LTE cards. I found some chinese characters to give the Chinese LTE modem banks.

Does it show up for you?
sftp scanme@scanme.nochan.net
And how would I connect to my server it if it keeps changing IP address?
The LTE bot farms automagically change IP's. Why would you do that unless you were contributing to the chickity china farm?
Thank God for iptables. I got to do the same thing on the other server, here I thought there was a patch. The other one was end of life so I figured just firewall though is.
Muh glibc troon schizos
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it was patched before this post was even released. Even on debian sudo apt update fixes it lmao.
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>Not using nft
iptables is just a wrapper
No idea what you are asking.
No idea how "iptables is just a wrapper" is a relevant statement
still no idea where you are going
iptables is obsolete. Use nft, nocoder.
iptables (the wrapper to nft) still works just fine and isn't going anywhere any time soon. both will be replaced by eBPF.
It is.
>It is also used (in an edited form) and named libroot.so in BeOS and Haiku.
Wait... is Haiku also affected by this?
>ssh in high port, geoip fenced
>ssh tarpit in port 80, connecting to that gives 48h ban
yeah i think i'm safe
I prefer to let in all the "attackers" to see what they will do. So far, nothing of interest.
>port 80
port 22i need some coffee
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My server is vulnerable to this with no way for me to fix it
I am confident you can fix it.
Followed the guide and got the maximum score for my system.
Well, I didn't truly do everything, I just changed the accepted ciphers for now, because it's unclear why I'd need to regenerate host keys (I know if I do so all my devices will yell at me) and I need to read up on what exactly DH moduli are and what I'm overwriting (not a cryptographer)
>simply don't expose sshd
Everyone not retarded is already doing this anyway.
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My server is too old for it to be vulnerable. Get fucked updooters.
NT4.0 server operators in a nutshell
It's not the worst tactic, plus ancient systems likely don't have the most important data (unless they are banks) anyway nor are the machines as useful for your botnet fleet
rare unattended-upgrades win, for me.
Oh I know, a friend of mine runs several services on his NT4.0 Advanced Server box with every single port open to the internet, and no major attacks happened on it. At worst there were some attempts at implanting malware, but that only resulted in creation of empty folders. Can't say the same for 2000/XP. He tried the same on those and they got majorly pwned 5 minutes after port exposure.
>every single port open to the internet
>they got majorly pwned 5 minutes after port exposure
Fucking lmao the balls on that guy. I suppose that is the case because you can still find XP machines in public infrastructure/companies/etc and obviously China which is way more conservative with the updoots and a common target. But NT 4.0? Might as well be running a bbs on that thing. Tempted to try this shit out myself on a VM
>bot in China
Tiananmem copypasta duh
I actually do run my mail server on an NT4 Terminal Server system through Exchange 5.5's SMTP service (yes, even OWA with IIS 3.0). So far so good, no attacks on it, and I'm able to send and receive legitimate emails with it. Terminal services/RDP isn't publicly open on it, and I don't feel like finding out what happens when it is.
>every single port open to the internet
I don't think you understand how firewalls work.
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So ... is everyone patched yet?
I haven't bothered because they can't penetrate my gibson the necessary amount of times to win the race condition, although there's always a chance.
Didn't seem particularly bad and already patched. Sucks that these happen but not terrible
so FreeBSD (as in pfSense) is not affected?
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>can't penetrate my gibson
that needs a really strong hacker with a big hammer and most dont even lift. Guess yer safe.
>~$ ssh -V
>OpenSSH_8.4p1 Debian-5+deb11u3, OpenSSL 1.1.1w 11 Sep 2023
or simply don't use ssh
True. I miss Ostiary. Nobody makes awesome programs like that any more.
>The vulnerability resurfaces in versions from 8.5p1 up to, but not including, 9.8p1
why do you make thread for this nothingburger just update it shitbrain
you need to hit my ports in the correct sequence
then you can scan

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