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Andreas KING bros, it's over

Now that Ladybird is independent of SerenityOS, are you going to work on it? It's the last bastion of defense against Chromium browsers.
meme browser
meme os

Use waterfox
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I'm willing to try ladybird when I don't have to compile it myself all the time.
I used to follow SerenityOS on github, but nowadays the vast majority of commits are LibWeb spam, even now that the two projects are "separate". Hard to follow what's going on with the actual OS.
The FAQ is up

>When is it coming?
>We are targeting Summer 2026 for a first Alpha version on Linux and macOS. This will be aimed at developers and early adopters.
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What the fuck is the point of Serenity OS, is it really just a UNIX clone? Think about all the possibilities when you create an OS from scratch, think about them. And you decide to make ANOTHER UNIX!?
I can be charitable towards copying other browsers with Ladybird, because browsers sorely need competition.
Serenity's description on the official website reads like it the enterprise is just a nostalgia circlejerk. Is there anything UNIQUE or critical about Serenity?
The point is to keep Andreas off heroin
>JUN 03, 2024
Boy, you sure are slow.
Imagine typing all of this out of sheer schizophrenia and buttfrustration, lmeyo
Ladybird just became a nonprofit and got a 1 million USD donation from the creator of github.
So, has anyone compiled this shit?
how the fuck does andreas keep getting away with it?
wtf? but based microsoft trying to end the google's tyranny over browser market
serenity was never really going to be anything of value to anyone, other than to the people who were working on it as a fun hobby project.

A new open source browser engine to compete with the existing monopolies is going to be very valuable to everyone on the internet. Glad he made this decision.
UNIX and its consequences have been a disaster for the OS-developing world.
It is called hard work. You should try it, anon.
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Of course they couldn't keep the soulful ladybird logo.
bet andreas wasn't a fan of changing the logo but the $1mil donation from github convinced him

in other words, he sold out, its over.
nostalgiadrones such as you are just as phony
there are many programs you can port to a UNIX clone
otherwise nothing will run on your toy OS
>$1mil donation from github
that was a donation from the former ceo of github, that guy is a part of ladybird browser initiative now
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they've changed their logo several times and i never had anything against it because it was actually improvements

this change is just braindead simplification and its sad. Go back to browsing ticktok you faggot you wouldn't know soul anyway.
If I wanted to run those programs I could use Linux, MacOS, or *BSD (if the cuck license is a requirement). Why do we need another clone that is substantially the same, except for name?
He used it as a project to help him recover from addiction. In that regard, it quite possibly saved someone's life. I don't think there needs to be much more of a point than that
I was also baffled by this decision at first, but consider:
1) Unix-style C APIs (unrdblname(-1, 'lmao')) are only for compatibility. Most of the code is RockSolidCPlusPlus::HeckinModern.
2) You can port massive amounts of existing libraries and applications with very little effort.
>Ladybird now targets Linux and macOS. The SerenityOS target is dropped
this would just mean SerenityOS has even less incentive to be an actual thing. oh well, nothing lasts forever
>Think about all the possibilities when you create an OS from scratch, think about them.
So what would you have done, were you given an army of programmers?

Also, Linux is by now full of 30+ years of accumulated detrius that the ABI promise will keep there forever. SerenityOS can fix that in two ways:
- first of all they have no such ABI promise
- secondly the ABI they have is not frozen, hence the source only status.
So they are free to experiment, rip up what didn't work and then proceed with something better.
Linux is by now full of greybeards, and LWN has increasingly obituaries as the news. SerenityOS is a more comfy place and people are younger.
i compiled it the other day and its garbage meme distro, should have stopped with the window manager because its the only decent redmond environment ive seen. everything else is unstable or lacks enough features to be useful
This is an OS made from scratch, Unix is just for compatibility, you dumb idiot. holy shit I think guys like you should be prohibited to come close to a computer.
go back
Do you know what a waterfox even is?
That's right, it's a drowned fox.
>tripfag on /g/
>complete fucking retard
like clockwork.
/g/ couldn't even agree on a browser logo yet they shit on Kling
wheres your 150/hr contract work? when you start making money wasting time on a dumb meme os ill pay attention
the new logo reminds me of Meta
>anything that does not help maximize my TC is a stupid waste of time
i dont need a picture of your hand to know that you are a sar.
>Make new OS
>Hmm, should I make it possible to run software on this? Or should it just be a useless meme like TempleOS
>Okay, I'll make it so it can actually do things. Do I target POSIX compatibility or do I condemn myself to an eternity of development hell like ReactOS, so I can run a handful of decades-old Windurrs programs?
Wow, it's so confusing why anyone would make these choices. Why don't they just write an os AND every single piece of software it will ever need?
why would i care about anything else? the internet has next to no value for me other than income. There is so much more to life outside and i welcome you, there is enough grass for all to touch. Everyone supposedly wants a grassroots OS but reactos and serenity are - now both - deprecated and clout scams. All discussion about this is a further waste of time.
Oh so it's a sandbox for codemonkeys to toil inside of for marginal improvements in the hope someday, someone with an actual vision decides to pick it up. I was trying to look too hard to see a project with a vision on the system design level (Plan 9, TempleOS) or even UX design (Oberon, Plan 9, Haiku, TempleOS, something reviving SmallTalk).
why are you posting on the technology board then? you retards bewilder me.
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why couldn't that swedish drug abuser pick a less faggy name than ladybird?
>Oh so it's a sandbox for codemonkeys to toil inside of for marginal improvements in the hope someday, someone with an actual vision decides to pick it up.
No. Just how did you get that idea?
>I was trying to look too hard to see a project with a vision on the system design level (Plan 9, TempleOS) or even UX design (Oberon, Plan 9, Haiku, TempleOS, something reviving SmallTalk).
And what did you find? Somehow I get the idea you have made exactly zero efforts in making something like that.
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>reee why are you expressing your own opinion!!!1
>one million dollarinos for lelbird
he won
4chan hates anons who succeed.
they want you to stay a loser neet like them forever.
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>creator of github
>donates only 1 million USD
Why are rich people so petty?
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It's over. They will go full firefox, mark my words. Soon enough they will start to dedicate 90% of their time to write codes of conduct and they will hire a bunch of trans black women.

There is no such thing as (((free donation))). You are paying by following the ESG agenda.
This is common sense, I think. It probably functions as a promise to donate more. If they donated everything they're willing to from the start Ladybird could just "run off" with the money, this way the creator of github has Ladybird on his leash. The ability to threaten to stop donating results in influence over the project
I just feel he sold his soul the jew.
the significance of a donation doesn't scale linearly with the persons net wealth. A guy with a net worth of 1000 dollars donating 10 isn't the same as a guy with the net worth of 100 million donating 1 million. The latter is far more significant and you are a fool to not realize that.
does sucking jeff bezos's cock somehow inhibit your reasoning?
because he built something that people are starting to increasingly care about and that might have a chance at being important in the future?
>be useless to be "sovlful" goy
you do not want a mozilla type situation. 1 million is the right amount. the ladybird foundation should be young and scrappy, eager to acquire more sponsors through doing notable work. not some bs nonprofit that does nothing but meetings and gets millions in funding anyway.
its always the same with you lefties isn't it
you explained nothing faggot
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>"you explained nothing!!!"
wrong. You understood nothing because you lefties are braindead retards who cant into rationale and reason
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>We don't have anyone actively working on Windows support, and there are considerable changes required to make it work well outside a Unix-like environment. We would like to do Windows eventually, but it's not a priority at the moment.
Well, enjoy your shitty browser that nobody uses then.
smell yourself LOL
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>"smell yourself!!!!"
not interested in the os flamewar but no prioritization of windows support is indeed a gross miscalculation imo. better to rip off the posix bandaid now than later when the code has ossified even more. you do not want to be known as the browser with 2 more weeks until support for 90% of computer users is implemented. it appears this is no longer a hobby project, they should reevaluate some things accordingly.
>This is an OS made from scratch, Unix is just for compatibility
google unix you nigger ape god youre a monkey
>google unix
Never heard of it, can I rice it?
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Just give him a heroin addicted gf.
i can tell that the best browser (chrome) appeared with the most sophisticated, wealthy and comfy debugger. there were fluctuations before that.

what about PaleMoon browser? it works already and can be downloaded and run. what's the benefits..
women who consume drugs while pregnant are satanic creatures of hedonism
go ask any male drug addict on the street if they'd kill a baby for a single shot of heroin
the vfs of unix is kino, the modularity is bad.
I want everything to be inside the kernel.
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>but the baberino will get come all fucked up
Not my problem.
Andreas has been accepting donations and sponsorships from fucking corporations for a while now, and he needs money to pay people who develop the browser full time
No longer targeting Serenity at all is sad, Serentiy will just turn into another meme like Haiku or 9front. Stillbirth.
It's a good thing ywnbaw
>no prioritization of windows support is indeed a gross miscalculation
I disagree, they should get shit to work first instead of splitting their attention and not getting anything done at all, it's like you haven't worked on large corporate projects before
>it appears this is no longer a hobby project
ladybird hasn't been a hobby project since 2022 when it became its own thing (kind of) in 2022 and got major dev focus
Linux was shunned for the same reason when it started.
this isn't some minimal viable product shit. their goal should be to acquire as many users and enthusiasts as possible, as a small percentage of that will convert to donors and sponsors. to that end, getting windows working asap is the logical thing to do.
Which makes Serenity doubly unoriginal.
Gettings Windows support is a good idea if Kling wants money, but if (you) want a browser that doesn't have modern AIDS then that's the route to enshittification. I don't know what Kling's plans are, but if the browser is made with a more tech savvy userbase in mind it will certainly be better than what we're stuck with now.
What's wrong with Unix?
>this isn't some minimal viable product shit
by your logic they shouldn't release ladybird at all because realistically it will never keep up with modern browsers
>their goal should be to acquire as many users and enthusiasts as possible
you can pitch that idea to Andreas if you'd like, I'm sure you know better
ladybird needs to progress at a faster rate than it is currently if it wants to catch up to other browsers in less than a decade's time. you need more money and more developers for that. windows support is an obvious avenue of growth.
>I'm sure you know better
no, i think andreas can do whatever he likes. im just saying what i would do. i dont understand the passive-aggressive nature of your reply.
>ladybird needs to progress at a faster rate than it is currently
well they literally just got one mirrion dorrar today so maybe they'll hire some windows devs, give it more than 24 hours ffs geez
>ladybird needs to progress at a faster rate than it is currently
I agree but I don't think prioritizing a windows port is what will actually bring more developers since it's possible to develop on windows with wsl (unless they're bullshitting), I guess we'll see
>im just saying what i would do
ok sure my bad then
if the goal is to get people interested, it's very hard to get people interested in something they can't download and try, especially with something that is not novel in concept, like a new browser.
it doesn't matter if it's (relatively) shit, that's still infinitely better than not offering something for people to try.
development on wsl is possible but it is impractical and will become even more so when they completely switch to skia and graphics hardware apis by proxy for the rendering backend.
i assumed that the statement about windows not being a priority was written after the whole 501(c)(3) thing happened.
>the goal is to get people interested
the goal is to make a working browser
>that's still infinitely better than not offering something for people to try
they already do, technically, and I doubt any developer who is actually interested in browser development and who will be useful to the project will have any trouble with compiling the browser
The name of the company was reserved in January and the Github guy was listed as CFO and Secretary in March
>is it really just a UNIX clone?
UI-wise it's a clone of Windows 98/2000.
and the announcement was just made today
SerenityOS does right what other posix systems (except for haiku and macOS) all do wrong: it has a native graphics stack. And for that alone I prefer it to Linux or the BSDs. I'd get serenity but haiku is much more ready, so in the end it's a worse haiku. Unless you really want that windows 98 vibe.
and BeOS/Haiku actually makes improvements over Windows 98
disgusting website. looks like corposlop
I tried it once. It struggles a lot and takes an unholy amount of ram. Hopefully with a dedicated team it can run the majority of websites decently in 5 to 10 years
The new logo looks like Meta, 100000% globohomo slop.
Both projects are irrelevant in the big scheme of things. Serenity is just your typical unix clone that will go nowhere and Ladybird is just another quirky browser that promises you a true revolution then nothing happens. Just clone Chromium or Blink and go from there.

>inb4 Google
You just know you can fork the whole thing right? If you are not happy with Blink then use WebKit or Gecko. I have seen some Chrome-clones being more impressive projects than Ladybird.
easy enough on debian, just follow the instructions for prereq and run 1 command which downloads the rest of the toolchain, compiles it and runs it
you cannot genuinely have an independent fork of a google-sized codebase with google-sized complexity without having a google-sized team to maintain it
Such as? I am not saying you are wrong, just curious what the improvements are.
>Soon enough they will start to dedicate 90% of their time to write codes of conduct and they will hire a bunch of trans black women.
You're confusing mozilla with the mozilla foundation, not surprising from a very stupid cunt with a persecution complex and manboobs.
>confuses UNIX with POSIX
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Is it hard to change the UI?
The only thing SerenityOS had for it was the GUI, which was a copy of the Windows 95 GUI but for Unix-like systems. Someone should port it to Linux or BSD and ditch the rest.
>Ladybird now targets l00nix and macshit. The SerenityOS target is dropped.
>no win7
SOVL albeit
start here
and add two decades of fosstardism
the filesystem is essentially a database, you can add custom metadata to directories. There's no mail client like Thunderbird or Outlook, rather, there's a mail viewer/editor and a mail daemon and your inbox is just a folder with txt files using custom fs metadata for sender, recipient, send date, etc. If you have a big rom collection for your favorite 16-bit machine, you can add stuff like programmer, graphics artist and composer so you could query your folder for all games by Tim Follin. This makes it possible to keep applications simpler as you no longer really need to make an interface for managing any kind of collection or database (like an inbox, music collection, rolodex, basic stock management). Basically if you've ever enjoyed playing with MS Access or FileMaker but you also enjoy using simpler, more lightweight software Haiku is a must try.
Haiku isn't as cool, it's just a fork of some abandoned project
so they managed to pull off what MSFT failed to do with winfs? or is it janky?
>Someone should port it to BSD
Someone did, 4 years ago
>You can port massive amounts of existing libraries and applications with very little effort.
this seems as much a disadvantage as it as an advantage: there's a big "what the fuck's the point?" factor. if i wanted to use those programs, there's already a much better environment to do it in: GNU/Linux. you sacrifice some of the chance to do things in new an interesting ways if the path of least resistance is just to copy how it works on a different OS.
A fresh start without all the old luggage represents a far smaller attack surface and therefore better security and less maintenance work.
it's pretty solid and part of the original BeOS. I don't know how much has been changed since but it seems work reasonably stable at least. Sadly not all applications make creative us of it, though, especially Qt ports, obviously.
Compiled relatively easily with the included scripts. Performance is abysmal, it uses a lot of ram (about 2G with all the different processes it spawns just to access /g/) and it'll randomly peg one of your cores. Compatibility with most websites is terrible (even after spoofing the user agent).
This will probably take a lot of time until it's usable, but it's still good to finally see another chromium-hegemony-opposing browser.
trannies have already set their sights on Andreas: https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/6814
>sudden influx of replies 8 hours ago, after months of inactivity
Yep, totally organic...
the fuck is it with these nutcases? How are you gonna pass as the other gender if you keep pointing out the fact that you trooned out
Creator of github is no longer associated with m$.
M$ is gaining uge traction with edge being default they aint care
That's not very inclusive now is it?
Really should change that to a more gender neutral name.
even the gn*me tranny has barged in
apparently some fag has posted about it on fediverse, and went full damage control mode in the PR
>I simply wanted people to be made aware of it so they can decide whether it's a project they wanted to use or not.
it's also funny a bunch of them said that they don't use github anymore but they're so butthurt they just can't shut up about it
Maintainers bent the knee, it's over
It's over. Showing the mentally ill that mass brigading and pressuring FOSS projects works, there will be no end.
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That's because UNIX is the optimal OS. Nothing can surpass it, only imitate it
Even worse it's a nostalgiafag larp. I love the older aesthetic but if the scope of your project is a "love letter to the 80s" it can never be anything more than a hobby OS.
If I made an OS it would have Windows/Linux translation layers built into the kernel.
did they do a background check on kling or something?
>if the scope of your project is a "love letter to the 80s"
that isn't "the scope of the project", you cherry picked one sentence fragment and you didn't even get the decade right lol
Well it seems to be all SerenityOS is, apart from a coping mechanism to quit heroin and learn OSdev.
>Well it seems to be all SerenityOS is
if all you read is that one sentence fragment and ignored literally everything else, then yes, I can understand how you'd think that
I can't, they keep pulling the rug and requiring a newer g++ than is on the current debian
yeah wtf it used to have SOVL, this is genuinely worrying
>then nothing happens
>it has gotten multiple times further than any other altbrowser in half the time

Anyway I hope some autist makes the inevitable windows port run on 98 or xp
I mean by the design of the user interface aswell.
It's optimal only at spreading, similar to how a virus is the evolutionarily optimal organism. in every other respect something else is better - but invariably it gets infected and dies.
>dude, listen, corporations are le bad and gooogle is funding mozzila ya'know? what if, what if we write a hecking browserino from scratch and ya'll give us dontations, mkay?
what a load of horseshit.
it isn't a fork of BeOS it's inspired by BeOS. Just it's kernel is a fork of NewOS.

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