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All durgasoft memes aside, is Java worth learning?
Is it a decent language, what are its pros and cons? What can you do with it? How does it compare to other popular languages like C++ and Python?
What about other JVM languages like Clojure and Scala?
It's a language to get work done
Not really.
Python continues to slowly close the gap and a lot of overseas devs are switching to C++ because its what NA used for quite a while.
>Python continues to slowly close the gap
Isn't the JVM Java's main selling point? It's also a fairly performant languages, which isn't the case for Python.
>switching to C++
I thought the use cases were somewhat different, C++ being reserved for high performance applications due to lack of a GC. Is that not the case?
It's better than web dev for sure, but beware, it's way more complex to learn and debug, but it's worth the job if you can get any - they pay a lot more than web dev.
Why not just Go?
>it's way more complex to learn and debug
As much as C++, or is the learning curve gentler?
What kind of jobs require Java anyway, is it all just enterprise backends and stuff?
>they pay a lot more than web dev
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It's true. front end is the least paying in tech.
Source: Indeed website
Java is used in a lot of industries, enterprise backend is just one of them.
You can make desktop apps, financial services, healthcare systems, android apps, DevOps, Big data, and so on.
It's very similar to C#
Sounds like it's still worth learning then.
What are some good resources for learning Java? Don't say Durga
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white man
But I'm not interested in web dev.
what's the difference between webdev and java development? aren't they the same thing?
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>Don't say Durga
Unironically durgasoft playlist it's one of the most in-depth tutorial on Java
I fucking hate the indian accent. Makes it impossible to concentrate.
Books and online courses are the most effective ways to learn. There are free and paid courses, but physical books are mostly paid unless you go to a library.
The secondary way to learn is by reading or watching tutorials.
Make sure you always practice, also don't use a simple code editor, use an IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA because it'll make your life 10x easier.
Any specific books you can recommend? I can just download an epub on libgen.
I'm not a programming beginner, I know Python and dabbled in a few other langs already.
>IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ
VScode with plugins isn't enough for Java dev?
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Abdul Bari is also Indian but his accent is so much more bearable to many native English speakers and is very great at boiling down tough concepts to retards like me


I learned DSA from him and strangely his Indian accent never bothered me at all. My knees already kneeled too many times for this jeetchad for his teaching prowess.
kek, alright I'll do the needful then. Thanks.
In companies nobody uses vscode for Java, I've seen people using Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, but never VSCode.
You can use it if you're learning, just install some extra plugins, but with an IDE you'll get yourself used to work with larger projects and you'll be more productive.
pretty much this
This is proof that there is no bad propaganda.
The more people talk trash about something, the more it's promoted.
Things that are really bad nobody talks about (or use)
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>VScode with plugins isn't enough for Java dev?
Oracle itself has recently released a Java extension for VS Code and it still blows
What's the best java ide?
>it’s better than web dev for sure
Java is a web dev language, numbnuts. A huge proportion of Java jobs are focused on developing web backends in Spring.
Web backend dev is comfy, frontend is hell
I mean front end

Both Eclipse and IDEA are good and powerful, but IDEA has a more modern interface if you care about it
>is /anything/ worth learning?
that's a highly subjective matter.
I only know Python. Should I learn Java or CPP next?

Popularity and Demand: Java has consistently been one of the most popular programming languages in the industry for many years. It is widely used in enterprise environments, web development (especially backend), Android app development, and large-scale applications.

Job Opportunities: There is a robust demand for Java developers across various sectors, including finance, banking, healthcare, and more. Many companies use Java for their core systems, making it a stable choice for employment.

Learning Curve: Java is generally considered easier to learn compared to C++. It has a strong, supportive community and extensive documentation, which can be beneficial for beginners.

Future Prospects: Java continues to evolve, with updates and new features being regularly introduced. The language's longevity and adaptability make it a safe bet for long-term career prospects.


Specialized Applications: C++ is often used in systems programming, game development, embedded systems, and performance-critical applications where efficiency and control over hardware are crucial.

Job Market: The job market for C++ developers is also strong, but it may be more niche compared to Java. It is highly valued in certain industries such as finance (for high-frequency trading systems), gaming, and operating systems development.

Learning Difficulty: C++ is known for its complexity and steep learning curve, especially for beginners. It requires a deeper understanding of memory management and low-level details compared to Java.

Industry Trends: While the demand for C++ developers is stable, some industries are gradually shifting towards other languages like Rust for certain types of systems programming tasks. However, C++ remains relevant and widely used in its core domains.
Based gptposter
Become a weapon of JAVA
IDEA if you ever want to do Android. Android Studio is basically IDEA with plugins, and you can install those plugins in vanilla IDEA. Eclipse already sucked before Google dropped support for the Android plugins. It may not be usable at all anymore.
>Java jobs are focused on developing web backends in Spring
Maybe Spring has advanced since I left the Java ecosystem, but Spring is one of the reasons it sucked. Spring was the first DI framework to become hugely popular. It was revolutionary and quickly became entrenched. But it's 1st gen DI, configured with hellish XML. Gen 2 DI relied on runtime reflection. Gen 3 DI uses compile time code generation.
>is Java worth learning?
something something redeeming the needful saars

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