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Containment breach.
Poor people are racist anon.
Go back.
baited nobody award
/g/ is the estuary in which there's confluence of pedos, /a/ trannies and /pol/ chucels.
/g/ is /pol/ with computers.
everyone is racist though, including you
Majority of this board is penury stricken rednecks dixies, living in basements and on mum's gibs, hence racism comes naturally as (>>101228794) pointed out too.
I like niggers.
because we like new farm equipment, not old
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Because there's too many street shitters on /g/ that's why
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Because technology and science are related to each other and anyone into technology will eventually start learning about Eugenics, a very legitimate science that we perform on farm animals but for some reason think humans magical creatures or something where we're all the same.

It sucks man but it is what it is. You can choose to embrace the truth or dwelve deep into sky god worship like most people but once you really start getting into tech this isn't something that can easily be ignored anymore.
Tech people care about objectivity and are less susceptible to the emotional manipulation that convinces normies to believe blatantly false things about the world.
i dont think you would like the results, anon.
2 world wars have done a number on european genetics.
and the west bred out adrenaline out of their populations.

if we were to implement eugenics, we would have to bottleneck 90% of humans.
like it or not, the only practicable way forward is designer genetics.
or bottleneck.

or neither of the above and in 5000 years a person without a genetic disease will be a rarity. nay, a myth from another era
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up shut nigger
What is a programmer if not an expert at recognizing patterns in complex systems? All good programmers are ultra racist.
are those baby thylacines?
This arguement always has been interesting to me. Self fellatiating progressives love to point out rural poverty, but only as a gotcha to support their leftist beliefs while criticizing "redneck" conservatism. Then they conveniently ignore inner city decay of drugs and crime from their ecology of leftist policies. It's ok to bash conservative white rednecks, but not leftist black hobos and criminals.

I wish ssds were at parity of price/storage compared to hdds.
It's not supposed to be desirable at all because it goes against the sky god worship stuff. However if we do nothing we're probably going to see idiocracy play out. Humans are already becoming hopelessly dependent on artificial intelligence systems for everything and we're one solar flare away from societal collapse.
>we're one solar flare away from societal collapse.
but that would be a bottleneck.
self-solving problem.
It's banal racism, which is palatable to the Japanese moderators.
If you bring up race, you are racist.
It is a mystery.
Fair enough, but even a moron would say that there is a spectrum of racism, meaning one can be a little bit racist or a lot racist.
>talking about poor rednecks
>can't stay on topic, immediately starts screeching about liberals
there's that charter school education of yours shining through

>more screeching "but only as a gotcha to support their leftist beliefs"
blablahblahblah. has nothing to do with the question OP asked.
OP brought up racism, not race.
It's not racist enough
See? A moron.
I'm also trans btw, if that matters.
Also the nigger word can mean a lot of things on 4chan since saying it is inherently part of board culture.

It's hilarious when you think about it. A "nigger" on 4chan could be something as benign as a cat stealing food or multipliers can be added to denote elevated anger toward someone who isn't even black (ie "tripple nigger").
>muh eugenics
>posts nutrition image
Eskimos do not have evolutioniary adaptations to handle many of the anti-nutrients found in plants since they've spent a really long time clubbing baby seals for food. Ever since they started eating imported western food they've suffered facial deformaties and rotting teeth.
>/g/ is /pol/ with computers.
You're not welcome here. Spamming the tech hobby board with politics just makes you look like a retard.
Okay, I agree, so I'll answer the initial question:
It is american posting hours on an English-speaking website. Majority of posters are likely Americans/Canadians. Majority of posters are not super-sociable, call them nerds if you want.
Being not-too-sociable means they didn't internalize mainstream aspects of black culture (aka music/dances) since they don't spend time partying with people who listen to all kinds of music with friends of various backgrounds, and they are informed about negative aspects of it (e.g. 13/52), as a result they are biased against black people.
Being interested/involved in tech industry they either perceive the threat posed by the rise of the Indian diaspora in tech companies (making it potentially harder for them to find a job), or already have (negative) experience working with Indian "experts". As a result they become antipathetic towards Indians.

This is an easy recipe for becoming more racist.
I think during yuro hours you'll find this to be much more mild. We don't like nafris here, but nafris are caucasian, so calling this "racism" would be dumb.
see >>101229205
As usual, first post is the best post.
Read the filename, bud.
>higher IQ
>higher pattern recognition

Simple. The burden of intellect
I've read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and that is NOT the book's message. He was studying why people in developed countries suffered from tooth decay and jaw misalignment when aboriginals traditionally didn't have those problems. Caucasians don't have evolutionary adaptions to handle a modern diet either.
Because it's funny.
4chan is not progressive unfortunately other than with animals. I don't know why I return here every day
>inb4 you're here forever
see >>101229874
three quarters of the people on this board got filtered by java
If you're twelve, maybe. After that faux racism just becomes tiresome.
You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Caucasians were the first human races that started surviving by farming plants. Fucked up teeth in the british can be more attributed to common practise of incest in the past rather than the effects of anti-nutrients from plants.

Anyway the point is the eskimos have HORRIBLE amounts of facial deformaties and rotting teeth problems that caucasians don't. It shows that one race of humans gained evolutionary adaptations for something that another race of humans didn't.

Or in otherwords if humanity we're to say face a looming ice age it would be in our best interest to use eugenics to alter most humans for an eventual life of clubbing baby seals for food.
Don't care if that's true or not. /pol/fags like to shit up boards with political topics that are thinly veiled political rants or outright openly irrelevant to whatever the board topic is. Here, in /g/, these posts are pro-russian, chinese, or communist in nature focusing on rhetoric that has nothing to do with technology. Take a look at this thread if you need an example >>101221805. It's been up for hours, has over 300 posts, and the discussion has little to do with technology at all. If this nigger >>101228843 or you thinks eugenics or other topics are a valid reason to shoehorn politics into everything then you're both wrong and belong in the same mass grave as the people who shoehorn politics into every other facet of life in the real world. The discussion is tiresome and the concentration on hobbies becomes lost as a result.

Fuck you.
>nuuuh polniggers
>conveniently ignores lgbtrash propaganda
>conveniently ignores that the most virulent racists are actually trannoes
you all need to go back
We deal with indians in tech and we know their actual work output
kek, libretards constantly bitch about poor people and then make retarded decisions that make their lives worse and then wonder why they're absolutely despised. News at 11.
>He says, shitting up the board with political boogeymen
Fuck you, obsessed nigger. Try a mirror if you can find one that doesn't break at the sight of your ugly soijack face
S-sirs? how do we respond?!!? Good morning son a bitch pakistani!
>t. my reddit education
>defending off-topic posts that align with your narrative
Die you silly shitskins
Is it? It seems to be full of cucks and moobmilkers.
It's incredibly common in politics in general to use the poor as an emotional crutch to garner sympathy in exchange for power, and then slam through policies that only matter to latte-sucking hipsters in coastal cities, without ever addressing poverty. This has been the political zeitgeist for the last ten years, only because it works so well at making retards believe they're 'making a difference' by voting millionaires with blue pins into power. After all, the millionaire with the red pin is actually an evil redneck, the TV told me so.
Can YOU survive off a diet of clubbing baby seals for food?
>Anyway the point is the eskimos have HORRIBLE amounts of
>facial deformaties
The Eskimos in those pictures didn't practice body alteration to align their jaws and teeth (dental braces).
>and rotting teeth problems
They didn't practice oral hygiene either (tooth brushing).
>that caucasians don't.
We do that shit and our teeth are worse that the Eskimo teeth in the photos on the left.
When I said the Eskimos in those pictures didn't do that shit I was talking about the left side too.

Post a photo of your teeth with a timestamp and assert that you've never done anything to take care of your teeth. Or shut the fuck up.
I've read that book. You haven't. You're speaking from your ass.
Your post is off topic, maybe the most out of the whole thread, silly nigger.
They LITERALLY DIDN'T NEED any of those dental things before they switched to western food.

Anti-nutrients in plants WILL CAUSE facial deformaties and rotting teeth to humans who don't have any evolutionary adaptations against them.
There's an entire board dedicated to these types of threads, but you spastic fucks can't seem to be content with staying in your lane.
>They LITERALLY DIDN'T NEED any of those dental things before they switched to western food.
>Anti-nutrients in plants WILL CAUSE facial deformaties and rotting teeth to humans who don't have any evolutionary adaptations against them.
You admit that either we don't need to take care of our teeth or we don't have the adaptations you've made up.

Demonstrate that you don't need to take care of your teeth.
>Post a photo of your teeth with a timestamp and assert that you've never done anything to take care of your teeth.
If that's not your reply I'm not going to continue wasting my time with your delusional ass.
On 4chins racism, sexism, faggoyryism and every other 'ism' is UNIRONICALLY a feature not a bug. It's the default way to filter out paid shills and worse..redditors.
Stop arguing with third worlders Anon. They don't even believe in bathing f.f.s. which is why they usually stink to high hell.
if racism isn't funny then tell me what is
I'm not racist, faggot.
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And it's wrong to act like we can ever be free of racism.
But it's certainly not wrong to try to make it fairer for everyone, either.
Early- to mid-2000s wigger/nigger/asian (Fast/Furious, Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon) combo honestly seems to be the least racist contemporary time, precisely because we all embraced the stereotypes of each race and weren't all acting like a holier-than-thou blue-haired-landwhale.
>Innocuous question about racism

That's how it all starts. Then next thing you know people are getting banned for saying actual truths like trannys are inherently disgusting or Jews are naturally scheming and nepotistic.
Why do they both live in your head rent-free?
>tfw somebody touched a nerve

American detected
>Implying it would stop at 'racism'

It literally does not stop with you queers and Exhibit A is this weeks version of the fag flag. It's ALWAYS getting added to literally every other week. And a new thing not allowed to be spoken about freely. Because what it's really about is control. Controlling all narratives at all times. Boxing you in to their preferred language.
its called pattern recognition chud
>Why is a website dictated by /pol/tards a colony of /pol/
>Take a guess, retard
>The janny cares more about protecting newfags than removing cheese pizza because there isn't a janny who isn't a newfag nonce like yourself

lmfao the state of american education
I said good programmers. 10% of devs were responsible for 90% of the productivity even when they were all straight white males.
Why the hell are you not racist?
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It's a tech board,
but it's also 4chan.
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we need a purge

Lmfao /pol/ has never been a containment board. The Tranny only said it is to make you retards shut up because you believe in anything it says and you need several years to learn you were scammed.
All of 4chan is now /pol/, leftie.
Always has been.
Nobody likes jeets, and they're shitting up technology.
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commercial gene editing and designer babies will become reality in less than 20 years
it's even possible right now if you have enough money and influence
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who made computers?

Yet you have a brain aneurysm and resort to gaslighting when your boogeyman says the same thing
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yeah we can modify the genome
but we know fuck all about what the genes actually do
i mean yeah, we know the gene that makes eyes blue for instance
but without testing, and on multiple generations, we wont actually master genetics.
in other words, we arent certain that when we change eye color we aint fucking with some protein production which will become apparent only in the 4th gen of descendants, and become apparent only when elderly

i know we aint there bc proper testing will take hundreds if not thousands of years
someone has to do it tho
we also need to keep a pool of baseline humans to ctrl-z in case of fuckup

but none of that is gonna happen without normalization of the concept that our humanity is a raw material, to be sculpted with care
gene editing being a richfag thing and illegal on top of that is the perfect recipe for genetic disaster
some first gen genebotching is gonna go unnoticed and is gonna spread within the human population through breeding
some catastrophe or just enough time, and everyone has the fucked genes now.
wat do then? its sucks.
and 23&me has only fucking dweebs and other autismo trash in their databanks...
if you revive that youre gonna get irl reddit...
what is the source for the background pic
I'm only racist in retaliation to people telling me not to be racist, fuck you I'll do whatever the fuck I want
racism is technology
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Hoping certain rules are enforced more aggressively is one thing, but doesn't it seem kind of dim-witted to out-and-out complain about either racism or anime on 4chan of all places?

The rules are enforced to the effect that 4chan is a safe space for pedophilic schizophrenics just like yourself so what are you bitching about? Ops forgot you're a schizophrenic so it's inevitable that you'd suffer from a persecution complex
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Did you reply to the wrong person? Why are you upset with me?
Because indians are the true aryans saaaar
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Your statement is racist, you fuckwit.
Welcome to 4chan.
If you don't like racism, sexism, and *phobia then kindly leave, you'll never fit in.
People think that 4chan is being infected by /pol/
Fucking newfag double nigger doesn't know /pol/ has only been around like 5 years
Because Indians are genuinely nasty.
Why is an IDF shill on /g/
why does being involved or interested in technology imply that you aren't racist?
maybe you should consider not forming biased opinions of every group of people you see.
You might call that, for example, racist.
Chinese shills have an ongoing anti-india campaign, for strategic reasons.
that'd be more convincing if indians didn't constantly give everybody nearby reason to dislike them.
it's getting crazy, even redditors are openly and unapologetically racists against indians nowadays
bloody bastards
You retards think everybody who doesn't agree with you is an Indian
Interest in technology and posting in a dedicated technology board are different things.
>why does being involved or interested in technology imply that you aren't racist?
It's the opposite
People interested in tech tend to be smarter and free thinkers
Just so happens that most smart free thinkers are racist
I'm talking about in real life retard, not in your fantasy land devoid of grass
/g/ is quite a bit more tech savvy than the /pol/ retards, though that's not saying much. 4chan has always been racist and mean, that's not just a /pol/ thing. also, 4chan has no teeth anymore. which desu is a good thing, i don't care about raiding or for teh lulz stuff anymore and i just want to talk about niche shit with the only people who are truly like me

in short, you and everyone complaining about 4chan being an edgy shithole are new and should go back
>t. Maid computer enthusiast
Why don't we just set a few people for breeding and make them exceptionally good at what they've been genetically gifted with?
>place blacks into war due to their genetic physical advantage
>jews... I'd place them into public speeches since they have a fairly high social IQ but we all know how that will play out. Chambers for now.
>place caucasians into brain intensive tasks, I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on that.
>place other races on labour
Easy as it is.
that guy spamming that shit is obnoxious, i don't associate with him or whatever those fucks do

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