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>remote work is the futu-
this is bad.
wagies going unemployed means even more webshitterposting here on /g/
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>borderless talent
Gotta love capitalist newspeak
So this will mean pajeets will invade the western corps
I say the westerners should invade the corps of the eastern countries to provide superior technical knowledge and even company structure.
All from the comfort of our dens
This was so fucking obvious from the onset of WFH.
>remote gateway to borderless
they mean jeets/slavs stay in jeet/slav land and get paid jeet/slav wages instead of importing them and paying them the full price

its nothing new.
tons of amercan corpos open offices in poland and employ poles for it
they just skipped the "office opening" stage.

its basically fiver, but its the new norm now
That's code for, yes, Indians will replace American tech workers.
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I hear Hava Nagila while reading this, why?
Outsourcing was a thing long before I entered the job market.
"Borderless hiring" is just outsourcing without opening a physical office, which changes nothing.
Same challenges, same outcome.
I'm so afraid of famously competent indians taking my job!
>famously competent

jeets earn something like 40 bucks per month
We're just going to have to go back to starting our own small businesses, I guess. We clearly can't trust boomer CEOs. A small, lean team of motivated, high IQ people can easily give a gigacorpo's worth of third worlders run for their money.
I think we're going to see the old guard giants topple sooner than later because of this.
this obviously just a terror piece for people who don't want to go back to their offices.
>oh yeah, you don't want to come back to your cuckbicle? fine, both can play that game.
In any case, there are limits on what outsourcing can do and even pressing hiring costs down hits a bottom at some point.
Pic is also true, but what's going to happen is that international companies will dethrone national companies. In turn, international companies will either adapt or get dethroned by fully decentralized non-physical companies that replace corporate structures with federations.

They'll be invaded, yes, but the shittification will force new paradigms to be born.
>tech company hires pajeet because they're cheap
how exactly is this new?
And they deserve half that.
thats me!!
Ban hiring outside the border.
On the plus side, end a large amount of polution in china that way
lmao shut the fuck up you fucking nerd. too many video games.
Massive tax fees associated with hiring non-Americans by American companies.
>Ban hiring outside the border.
hahahahahahaha oh no the townie is mad and is now asking for economic suicide.
do you think some meth head from kentucky will do the job when the jeets are gone?
you will not get in the way of the natural progression of global capitalism
there’s nothing more to create. no one needs more businesses
inshallah the future world order involves the dissolution of the nation state
>Nooooo Dell CEO we're not going to work hybrid or in-person we want WFH!!
>Ok let's have WFH but for people overseas
>Noooooo you can't heckin do that!!
Wagie cucks thinking they have bargaining power over their employees is hilarious
I can smell the seethe from here, coastie
We have freedoms while you get cultural marxism and rampant crime waves
>this time we'll not only shoot our foot, we'll shoot our leg! Ha! what say you to that, fellow americans?!?
>heh got 'em!
Not every nation state.
>giving even more money to the government
The fuck is wrong with you people? The is not one fucking thing in this world that isn't taxed and regulated somehow.
What border?
and yet people do it all the time successfully
the greatest lie of the modern era is that you require the big corpos and their employment
work for a small-mid sized company or just start doing your own thing, there are some actual humans out there still
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>not letting you sell us out is communism
With borders dissolving there really should be a shift towards replacing income taxes with elevated sales and potentially land tax. Pronto.
So the next phase is to put all the poor people in the VR world and let the rich and whores enjoy the physical world. The poor will have their society, own currencies and of course these currencies will be worthless compared to the real ones.
=>worthless digital dollar and UBI for billions of disposable coomers in VR life, used on e-whores, weed and videogames.
yeah lets increase their taxes 50% (from 0 to 0)
>enforcing borders = communism
buenos dias señor!
All new businesses ever do is take something that already exists and turn it into a subscription service, if you're lucky, the most honest ones just dropshit existing shit from aliexpress but put their own branding on it, that's what all "artists" do when they sell their "custom made" shit at conventions and on etsy.

Our entire economy is services, usury and reselling 3rd world labor.
you need to log off, friend, the world outside isn't like the glowies on here want you to think it is
people in the real world create new, successful businesses all the time
you can either learn to network and market yourself to small/mid-sized businesses, or you can just start building your own products
>people in the real world create new, successful businesses all the time

post actual real examples of new companies creating value without dropshipping, rentseeking or turning existing things into a subscription service
wrong, they are actually getting handouts by the governments
>support your local business
>the local restaurant sells reheated sysco slop
>the local anime store marks up shit from hobbylink japan
>the local arts and crafts store marks up shit from aliexpress
>the local hardware store marks up shit from harbor freight
>the local shopping mall sells marked up shit from temu and aliexpress

>CEO says
I always thought this was a crappy marketing/propaganda strategy, since CEO's motives for saying anything are always profit driven therefore the shit they say have no credibility whatsoever.
Why stop at workers? Why not also tax companies for outsourcing manufacturing and labor to chinks or to subhumans in 3rd world shithole? That's right. If they do so, then prepare to pay 25 times more for literally everything if everything is done domestically. You'd think that government doing this shit will help protecting domestic labor when in reality everyone gets fucked in the ass including your stupid nigger ass.

Uneducated right-leaning niggers didn't think too far ahead: exhibit 99993204
Nothing wrong with being rich, just support the bottom line or you're stealing.
>So this will mean pajeets will invade the western corps
This already happened YEARS ago.
I kind of get it why amerilards got so pissy about losing their consumer products manufacturing capabilities to chinkoids.
someone should have created an amazon for small businesses instead.
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>What's wrong with you people???
I have fucking bills to pay, bitch. Help with that or fuck off.
there are lots of them. you never hear about it because they don't make your shitty plastic trinkets. chinks do. it's quite literally over in that front.
american industry is now focused on high end and high tech products (for which the main clients are other businesses around the world), research and development, design, pharma and so on.
that's why you'll end up shooting yourselves in the foot if you try to take back those low-paying manufacturing jobs of light manufacturing industry from china. you'll only succeed in that through tariffs and you'll kill american (high quality) exports in the meantime.
if you think about business, you can't just think about the business that supply you the things that you interact with in everyday life.
I wouldn’t be outsourcing to this degree and then choose to live with my family inside the US borders, that’s all I’m saying.
H1Bs by law are required to make the same as Americans and that’s before their body shop takes a cut. On average they earn more than the US median especially in LCOL cities.

They’re not earning $40 a month… for fortune 500s a team of 8 jeets will run you about $1200-1500 an hour (that’s a couple devs, a couple seniors, a support jeet, and a PM).

If a singular “good” jeet is contracted to you it’s around $30-50K USD a year.

If you’re an engineering manager, hiring a whole team of them and then getting promoted or switching teams/departments before the shit they build ships is the best way to rise up the ladder. Throw a few conference talks in and they can’t get rid of you.
Technically they'll be employed by an overseas corp that is a subcontractor to the American corp. Or if that loophole is closed then the American corp becomes the subcontractor and you've just offshored all real profits entirely.
Close all those various loopholes actually effectively and you're stopping American corps from going worldwide at all, which will just ensure that you don't get any corpo donations next election season unlike your opponent.
It's really funny how in the US you pay half your wage in taxes but the government gives almost zero money to the people to make ends meet, but hey, those 15k$ credit cards for the immigrants don't pay themselves.
>they mean jeets/slavs stay in jeet/slav land and get paid jeet/slav wages instead of importing them and paying them the full price
And they do jeet/slav work
> be me
> US company
> had HQ in Bay Area
> privately held
> new owner
> he's in Boston
> slowly drain the Bay Area office
> slowly offshore eng work to East Europe
> all of a sudden, close Bay Area office
> all the people that knew how the code worked, gone
> in their place are 50-ish slavs
> deceitful
> dishonest
> lazy
> incompetent
> these fuckers lie to your face
> show them packets, politely ask, could anon be right?
> no!
> escalate
> when upper eng management gets involved, "oh, *that*, yeah, we are fixing that"
> it's so bad US eng management has to fly to E. Europe once a month to wrangle the tards
> if you look at JIRA, you can see when eng management was in Europe
Slavs, Pajeets, it's just bad news.
Not just indians. I'm from Uruguay for example and the median salary here is like 800 dollars a month.
While it's true tech salaries are somewhat higher, it's rare for it to be more than say 40k for a university educated person with 5 years of experience, and almost everyone in tech is of european descent.
Borderless talent, what a euphemistic neologism.
It'll lead to lifeless leadership.
>anon learns how taxes work
That's the whole point. Take from the middle class to give to the very poor and the very rich.
It's like that all around the world.
I'm looking forward to watching the old tech giants die in the incompetent hands of third workers. Breaking down the old stagnant inefficient big tech corpos by handing them off to jeets is a stroke of genius. Finally, we'll see a new round of innovation and growth in western countries as they shit all over the streets inside Google HQ until there's nothing left.
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We need broader export control laws. I will concede giving canucks and yuropeans access.
>It'll lead to lifeless leadership.
that reality is already here
public companies have already devolved into nothing but reusable bags for pump-and-dump schemes
speculation is the fuel of the economy, not production or profit
1. This is nothing new
2. This is already heavily regulated
3. Cleared work will never be impacted by this (so im good)
4. This is just another scare tactic by faggot CEOs that wanna scare people back onsite. Remember CEOs still have addresses that can be found, their families are still vulnerable and their skulls are not bullet nor crowbar proof. Never let them control you.
And who will you write code for? How will you compete in contracts for software against jeet army contractors like HCL, Tata Consultancy, Deloitte or DXC? Software contractors are dime a dozen honestly. It's ridiculously competitive and I doubt a bunch of whitoids can compete.
get out of here
enjoy living in a windowless scif and being unimportant to anyone / anything
Why isn't there a type of communists or socialists against this sort of thing? They don't believe in borders even with things like this
>Local nonchain restaurants actually serve Sysco slop
Hilarious if true. What's the most common slop they're farming out?
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I thought Eastern Europe devs were good compared to jeets?
And you get economic irrelevance tied with extreme risk. Calling someone a coastie is weird cope. It's not right, but it's basically denying reality.
people like that have either pivoted to nationalism (which is coded right) or gave up in favor of the progressive status quo
the notion of a distinct local working class is contrary to the current "socialist" belief in equity of all people in all ways
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Remote work has been around for decades, so has offshore hiring. This is just corporate propaganda for retards on /g/ that are 20 year old cryptofags that have no real life or work experience, so that they behave like good little wageslaves and return to their open-concept, noisy offices.
what are yu talking about
anyone terrorizing a millionaire would become an idol overnight, regardless of political alignment
Administration will be couped for even thinking that.
MBAs don't care about competence, they'll hire the cheap retard pajeets. Long-term product quality will crumble but short-term the business will look better on paper, and by the time the business is failing due to pajeet incompetence, the MBA has already monkey-branched to a new company.
maybe that's why no one ever supports them
they're not going to build world communism in a day
they should try a smaller scale and see
Is true, Sysco is distributor of generic cooking staples tho.
Skill issue if you can't detect good restaurants from bad.
I was literally hired "insourced" a few years back bc the department had laid off all its IT and Devs in the early oughts and then realized "shit! We just gave away the keys to our castle to a couple of international contractors who now bend us over and make us call them daddy. Plus now nobody actually employed here knows anything".

So.. while what you're saying is right.. (these consequences do eventually catch up to these companies).. the troublesome part is all of us getting hire/fire rollercoastered in the interim since it can potentially take a decade for awful awful upper & mid management decisions to culminate in the systematic breakdown of an entire company (or department of a large company)
Don't worry, they'll re-outsource you once they get the Indian government to subsidize their new Office in Bangalore.
the good ones work in other countries, what is left is just the retards
>I thought Eastern Europe devs were good compared to jeets?
Think about it, they're trying to hire there to save on paying developers, that means the developers that are in that country are not going to be anywhere near talented or decent statistically since developers with ability will have left a country that doesn't pay them.
It's a losing strategy in even the short term but one question that needs to be asked is why the us government is allowing sensitive systems and data to be outsourced at all. It's far too dangerous, now if tech workers had a union they could lobby for laws that force companies to keep sensitive systems in the country but they've all managed to be so self absorbed were all going to get fucked.
I start a new remote job next monday
jews dont care that they are importing niggers and philadelphia is a shithole or that the bronx has shootings every other day
they leave in gated communities or in lodges (masonic or own)
How could they ever care?
>experts say
>anonymous say
>random person says

If you WFH, expect to be laid off first, replaced, etc. You're only showing yourself out of the door, really.
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Also CEOs: why do our capital assets worth hundreds of millions keep getting destroyed?
>American companies hire cheap outsourced laborers to cut costs
>Americans are out of jobs and unable to purchase the products of these companies
>Companies are forced to reduce prices
>American economy tanks, while 3rd world economies boom
>3rd worlders also now have the skills and knowledge to create competing products in their countries
>American Corps not only lose profits in the American market but the international as well
Someone is working against you guys but I have no idea who
Must be the Chinks
Good compared to jeets cant still be fucking horrible even more so when it comes to dev work.
I'm all for protectionism. This global free market shit is sucking us dry, and not in the good way.
Too bad Trumpypoo doesn't actually care about the things he pays lip service to. I'm not even voting at this point everyone is out to fuck us one way or another
Capitalism is a self-destructing mode of production, something /g/ refuses to acknowledge.
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So guys what country should I pick to hire my competent IT team offshore? I want good guys for cheap
What system would work?

wfh boosts productivity and fertility.
>good guys
But here's the real secret sauce if you're serious: soldiers trained up from childhood whose idea of glory aligns with your business targets.
I'll keep that in mind after I built my empire, ty.
that's just how development under global capitalism works.
except the American economy is far from tanking
>It's really funny how in the US you pay half your wage in taxes
our individual tax rates are some of the lowest in the western world, but go ahead and believe your headcanon.
you know America exports a lot too, right? Especially services. Even if you import more goods than you export, you still rake in money from services exported and profits from American companies with subsidiaries abroad. It's a net positive at the end.
Protectionism does invite reciprocity.
That's great until a bunch of high population countries in Asia start aiming higher and providing services too.
The "service based economy" narrative is smoke and mirrors.
We're toaster-rich here. We can buy a fuckload of toasters, but can't afford to keep schools and hospitals open, or pay anyone here a living middle class wage.
there's really no way out of it.

america had its time albeit a brief one after WW2. now the middle classes in SEA are rapidly exploding and they want all the luxuries that the west has had for decades. short of another massive protectionist arc ala a century ago (which will never happen because there's 0 political will for it), this was inevitable.

the west was never going to reign forever.
Hiring an Indian to work remotely at my American company, how much work can I realistically expect he will do?
>TFW climate change will kill us all anyhow
based. At least boomers got a good run before it was truly joever.
>CEOs say
>Experts say
>tech talent placement marketplaces
fuck off
I'm fine with this, I'll live in the pod and own nothing so long as I get my own pod and also don't have to pay for any of it
Negative. Commies believe in open borders.
Nazi, perhaps.
Ok, sure, then stick true to your word and only hire "talent" and you'll soon find a pattern emerging.
Of course, like many other Anons have noted, this just newspeak, not an actual move towards meritocracy.
There are business that exclusively supply for restaurants and you need a business license to enter. They sell a lot of raw produce without packaging, but they also sell deserts like chocolate cakes, frozen beef patties, breaded fish fillets, and other stuff you'd be too cheap to make from scratch every day. It's why every chinese place sells cheesecake.
They're temp workers or they're subcontracted through a management company. They aren't actual employees with benefits and minimum wage.
My campaign are my results.
Companies that die because they can't affors local prices can fuck off like the parasites they effectively are.
climate change won't exactly kill us but it will exacerbate a lot of things. you think all the middle easterners migrating to the west because of destabilizing wars started by the west? wait until uttar pradesh, the most prosperous crop growing region in the world, starts having years-long droughts and people start dying by the millions every year.
American citizens in NYC asphalting streets in African using remote work

American citizens in Idaho rebuilt the Baltimore's bridge using remote work

American citizens in Austin repair electrical lines in Egypt using remote work

American citizens in California pick strawberry and grapes using remote work
I watched a video how the James Webb space telescope was made, they get pre-made kits of a chinese store and put the pieces in a conveyor belt and robotic arms build the device.
I was sure all that stuff was done by american workers of NASA, because that's what everybody had been talking about.
I don't think a single American citizen has picked fruit since WW2.
Yes, it is and there's nothing you can do about it
my 100% anglo parents picked fruit in the 80's, as an actual job (not pick your own)
Toaster bros, How many toasters we stacking?
>american industry is now focused on
printing the dollar and financial scams. That's it.
>high end and high tech products
Boeing. Lmao. Nobody gives 2 shits about anything american besides the dollar (but that's changing) and when to enter and exist another hype stock.
Seriously what the fuck is this guy talking about?
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here's an idea:
why don't we outsource CEOs and other executives to India? American c-suite pay is getting really inflated and the burden of outsourcing should be shouldered equally by everyone in the workforce. it's only fair, right? :)
what's a webshitter?
Welcome to the globalist liberal utopia. By the
For the
If you're a capitalist that owns equity, you have ubiquitous access to almost free labor slaves and you tell the slaves it's their fault for being slaves.

The slaves are just proper fucked under the delusion of free will while they obey the institutions raping them on the daily.
The modern American laborer isn't White. Those Whites are now dying of old age, suicide, homelessness
>they want all the luxuries that the west has had for decades
it's not even. Jews tricked America into giving up its own prosperity to a world that now wants to destroy it, while turning everything to shit.
They didn't invent it for themselves, they had to be given it and then they stole more.
It's already happening but they aren't aware yet. China is going to snatch it all from under their noses.

>inb4 China collapses in two weeks
>st cube ide
I can feel this image. The sadder thing is the cube was a less cursed job than the fake and gay corporate hell I deal with now.
that's the goal, equalization across all countries to the same shitty third world standard
Sounds mildly antisemitic anon.
Returning to monkey, but that would only work out possibly a few million years until some catastrophic event kills us off anyhow or the sun eventually makes the planet inhospitable if we live long enough.

Really any human economic system is just a parasitic meme.
A workers' state of and by the people, bankers and CEOs are parasites that must be purged, they do not produce anything of value while they rack up billions worth of wealth stolen from the working class. Also, by worker I mean people who actually build or transport tangible goods like construction workers, coal miners, truck drivers etc. Faggy netflix writers and digital artists don't count as they produce nothing of value.
>bankers... are parasites
You need to be 18 and older to post here
Borderless is the wet dream of any capitalist asshole: you get the cheapest workforce instantly. Tech unions and import tariffs for remote work are the only way to prevent this.
What's that? I can't hear you over the gagging and slurping you make choking on corpo cocks.
India century sir
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oy vey, the goyim knows
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