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DuckDuckGo has fallen.
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it was always dei infested trash
which means sucking up to big corpo and three letter agencies
Millions must search
>(((AI))) integrated into os
>(((AI))) integrated into browser
>(((AI))) integrated into search engine
where will it end?
Holy schizo
let me guess, it's all backed by bing just like the search engine itself
Whatever you say Shlomo
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heres how their head of hr looks like
Which search engine isn't falling for the "Vacuum up all the search metrics and feed them to an AI which does noticeably worse than using standard metrics for searches" scam? Yandex and what else?
It will end when it ends. Most of this useless crap will inevitably fade away. The really useful models will remain proprietary and sealed away at labs and company servers (as they already are).
I think they just don't have access to those freaky AI accelerators.
What Chrome browser should we use instead? There's Brave, but Brave already implemented AI called Leo.
Fuck off botnet
DuckDuckGo has always been and will always continue to be a Jewish MITM proxy for Bing.
Bing is Microsoft's own finetune of GPT-4, if you read the OP you'll notice that it says exactly what models it uses.
>chatgpt with no account and it’s private
holy based
>it’s private
because they say so?
ddg is still the most based
And you noticed almost 3 years later?
take your hrt meds
I always knew they were terrible, now I'm 100% sure.
Adding duckduckgo to my routers filters right now. If any family member complain that DDG is not working, I'll just say that I don't know how to resolve.
They'll have to stop using it.
To the defense of the gay ass DEI applicant question, I can see why this DEI applicant gets second round of interview because the responses seemed more fun and straightforward unlike the GPT like lengthy street shitter responses on the left
Brave search it is..
glad to be of service

hr is supposed to be professional tho
also, an unclear work permit status, and clear deficiencies in the english language didnt prevent hr from going through to stage 2
Now I know why every job application I submit is immediately auto-rejected. Guess I'll have to start giving myself woke points and making shit up. If it's a fully-remote role, would they ever even find out that I'm not a black non-binary they/them woman of color?
Hawk tuah
they check social media too
its a sop with hr.
no soc media, not woke- not hired.
and you need a history on soc media too.
ad hoc blm account created 2 weeks ago wont do.
What about a LinkedIn? Couldn't I just Rachel Dolezal my decade old profile with AI generated content?
I have an llm on my iphone se not to brag or anything
everyone looks at linkedin first.
if you can retro-actively modify your posts, why the heck not?
if i was desperate for a job, i know i would.
i wouldnt go all in on the wokeness, but i certainly would create hints left and right that im a leftie.
equality posts and shiet. repub of diversity trash
these kinds of things
Never been impressed by these alternative search engines. In fact most of them are worse than google and grants a low number of irrelevant or hardly relevant results, what's the point in even using them?
>Most of this useless crap will inevitably fade away
It's not useless crap. It's highly effective at gathering data from normies. The output they receive from AI products is less significant than the input companies like Microsoft receive. It's also why Google is in panic mode right now; everyone is feeding their inputs and inquiries into AI bots instead of their shitty search engine.
they are better when you don't want to look for the useful piece of information in a long article
AI just gives you the bit you need
I'm sick of this shit.
>ask Gemini how to dispose of Ionizing Smoke Dectors
>writes wall of text with bulleted points
>tells me it's le bad to just yeet it

>google it
>click epa.gov link
>epa says just yeet it

they're just word generating garbage that sounds more coherent than markov chains.
Put the fucking link you dumbass
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What else do you expect to read?
I'm in a very similar situation but I refuse to lie just to pass the DEI kikery step, I'm a straight white male with experience and specialized skills, if they want dumb pajeets and gay niggers I would probably not last long anyway. I'll become a burden to society and the less I have to lose the worst it will get.
hilarious the copilot answer is actually correct at least if you read past all the padding about ionizing ones using americium as an alpha particle source.
they fell a while ago when they bragged they were curating search results to prevent disinformation. is it too much to ask for a search engine to just fucking search instead of trying to control what I see?
that's why google is afraid, copilot is the only ai search engine that isn't half retarded
time to make a searX instance
don't care, I'm never going to use this feature
Half the reason I use DDG are !bangs. I can't go back to browsing without them, they're too useful
Most of the time I'm served well by DDG but whenever I want to get other results I just repeat the same query but with !g (for google)
That coupled with the udm=14 google trick
makes for pretty good searching (at least as good as it can be in this shit-era of SEO-ridden internet and without forking up money for Kagi)
Who do you expect to thread this low res tl;dr drivel?
And people knew since 2016?
fun and productive
its the sauce i got.
>hr is supposed to be professional tho
But they don't. Thousand cock sucking stacies do not play by the "rules" which is why DEI monkeys are able to slip past by because whores just don't behave even at corporal settings
hr is complete fucking cancer everywhere
i once applied to collect garbage from metro stations
didnt get the job bc i "didnt seem like a teamplayer"
bitch please,
ill be collecting fucking garbage bags into a fucking rolly bin
who am i to teamplay with
the garbage? or the bin?
CuckCuckGo fell years ago.
bangs are GOAT. it's fucking stupid that they aren't the flagship product of DDG instead of privacy cope that they keep having to walk back and AI
pleaseplease PLEASE dont tell me you shitskins have been using D*ckD*ckGo till now
HR is one of the biggest nepo-baby industries out there, most being hired just because they're friends of friends. HR at my company is almost entirely a woman and her inner friend circle whom she slowly brought on and no one questioned.
I use Y[spoiler]ahoo[/spoiler]
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>Half the reason I use DDG are !bangs
imagine having to use that shit when normal browsers have a dedicated search bar
>seven sites
>most browsers can only support maybe 32 sites in their search if they have a box at all

>DDG has 8000 sites
keep coping
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/g/ ai integration when?
and how many of those 800 sites do you use daily?
I don't have to imagine using a more convenient alternative, I already do
Yandex if you really want to find something or are trying to find source on a specific image and perhaps their name and address

Bing for porn if Yandex fails you

Nothing else is usable or worth note
The owner is jewish

Email is from 2021, ChatGPT did not exist, and AI did not exist for most people
>reeee not the hecking AI
god you're worse than twitter, bunch of retarded drama queens
That's why bangs are so good.
And if they don't stop, kill them all
Then the rest of the humans
>it appears you're a robot, enable javascript and cookies to continue
the normies will only keep using AI if it's actually useful or amusing. writing emails and summarizing reports are fine and all, but that's it.
gimmicky texts will also only go so far. the power user of consumer chatbots will be asocial retards whose inputs will be of little value.

the real value will be in pharma, materials research, robotics and high precision manufacturing. those applications will not be made public for retards to offer their critiques. they will be used to make monnaie.
ty! i'll check it out
Last year.
I am so fucking sick of this shit.
stop watching porn
The hobo trying to sell you shit to feed their habit
The rat busily shlepping some pizza
The other hobo urinating into the bin you just changed
hr is acceptable in universities because professors are some of the worst humans to exist since they opted to become perma-manchildren and never leave school
i swear some of the craziest people become professors and are just massive headaches 24/7.
im talking 70 year old men thirsting for 18 year old findoms who only want a good grade and ruining the last few years of their life beause in most of the world the girl is always the victim as you hold a position of power over them
its like herding cats except the cats keep trying to fuck everything and keep using their university emails to buy drugs and make racist shitposts
source: i have lunch with a few of the lower level unimportant fuckers in HR that only answer the phone and emails and schedule meetings for the nightmares that "participate" in job interviews.
AIs will fight each other.
1 mutual connection on LinkedIn
literally studied gender studies
>believes in coding as a literacy
0 coding experience

Mixtral is so dogshit. Tried to use it for my smell fetish and it I couldn't do anything
Llama 3 worked out like a charm though, even some obvious naughty no-no words popped up. 10/10 will fap again
No, just vanilla armpit stuff
Where else can I chat with AI without signup bullshit?
skill issue, and I mean that in a serious way
just use the detailed pits jailbreaks for both
Lmao. What a fraud.
यह तो एक शुरूआत है.
It was designed by a Jew. It was never alive to begin with. It was always spying and collecting your data.
OP is Paki they are using Arabic Script
this /g/ doesn't get it use it while its open. If you hate them use it even more since they will loose money.
>including ChatGPT
oh ni-
Ok lmao I actually know Diana quite well, sent her many candidates over the years because she's a shit recruiter and does ZERO proactive outreach. Even though this exchange is just to get to the first round of interviews (submitting a written project), this is VERY representative of the candidates they favour. I can guarantee that if I send her a straight white male that's fucking amazing at his job and has FAANG on his resume - they'll turn it down. If I send them an ESL with half the experience they'll probably hire them, doubly so if it's a roastie.
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>no login
>good models
>will offend trannies and niggers
OP is a retard as usual
it can't search the web so its useless.
If it is anonymoys then that'd be nice
>why doesn't anyone want to work with an emotionless robot?
you guys saying "woke" are so fucking mindbroken by /pol/ you fail to realize that people aren't going to want to hire someone who refuses to communicate with those around them.
Very low context size for haiku on there
>there are retards still using a search engine made by a kike
I personally don't really care. Whatever works best
AI is used as spyware, data gathering and to bypass copyright laws.
You want that GPL licensed OpenSource copyleft code in your proprietary product? Just let copilot copy it from github :D

This is so handy, it will never fade away.
With :
>(((AI))) integrated into the bio-slave
The bio-slave is you btw.
What do you use then
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Here's your spoiler
tineye if you want to find exact copies of your image, it's useful if you want to find the artist or a bigger version
it breaks on starry skies and maps though
Brave search has all the !bangs too, without being a proxy for Bing.
/g/ is already dead and filled with ai trans freaks like (you).
I use it for one specific purpose, when I need png textures without watermarks on them. For whatever reason I barely get any shutterstock or any other bullshit on them.
I've always considered DuckDuckGo a psyop. At least Google doesn't hide the fact.
>Email is from 2021, ChatGPT did not exist
I stand corrected. But still, the response on the left looked more generic when compared to many of the other applicants that wrote formal English. It's just that LLMs amplified this so there's even more formal lengthy responses to these interview questions. Therefore, the corporate HR whore likes the more "fun" and straightforward faggot ass response on the right.
But then I'd have to use Brave.
DDG was always shit, then it became spyware shit. Doesn't even have good search results, they all suck and are censored to accomodate their views on what is "right" (they censored russian 'propaganda' in 2022)
DDG from day 1 was always just a Mossad front end to Bing. Just use Bing if you want Bing.
How does duckduckgo use GPT-3.5?

Doesn't that require a GPT subscription to use it's API key?
Does this mean I can still paying for Claude?
it's private and optional to use DOE
search.brave.com is a search engine you can use on any browser
You misunderstand me, I am opposed to using Brave anything.

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