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Why are there no jobs where I can just sit in front of a computer and write code for 8+ hours a day anymore? I don't want to spend 80% of my time dealing with office politics, women, incompetent pajeets, and all sorts of other retarded time wasting bullshit every day. I just want to get paid to write software that will make the company money. Is that really too much to ask for?
Same but for someone who can't code
fix your heart or go try to get a job at orgs that promote culture war shit over everything else, see how that works out
What are you talking about?
comparative advantage. if you want someone who'll sit for 8 hours writing code, there's a sea of third worlders who'll do it for pennies. where expensive first worlders have the edge is office politics, communication, design, and so on with other first worlders. writing 20% better code counts for nothing if you're 200% more expensive even at minimum wage.
Just put that at the top of your CV/Resume in 42 point font, bold, underlined. Find like minded managers.
Please easy on the doomposting. I don't want to be reminded on how everything is disingenuous and all high end jobs are through nepotism and connections.
I have that but other Companies could pay me double, and I stupidly don’t go there because those people are miserable, but much better off financially than I am
Those jobs never existed. Office bullshit has always been around and always will be.
Maintaining legacy software.
Pay is weak, and you will lose your sanity in other ways though.
>you will lose your sanity in other ways though
How so?
I work at a great company that has that sort of old school environment. NO women whatsoever in the office, I like it so much here I stay til like 9 or 10 everyday. You just can't go wrong honestly. It is great. Just find a good solid company doing something interesting and engaging and there will be shit like this. What is more likely is that you don't have the skillset to work at a crazy startup like this doing fun shit. If you want greenfield engineering you really just need to work at a startup. That is the only environment with that kind of vibe. Again though, the real answer is you probably don't have the skillset to even work in that environment or someone would have already tried to poach you.
Houthi tech department are amazingly productive. They probably eliminated office politics as an edict from God.
Go work at a startup, you'll get to spend at least 8 hours a day coding but probably more like 12. The good ones don't hire jeets or roasties because they just can't cut it in environments like that.
barring being a "rockstar" (which you certainly aren't because you're on here whining), there never were any. software has and always will be a collaborative team effort. i don't know what you read to delude yourself into thinking said jobs ever existed (probably browsing this board that's full of the opinions of NEETs that know nothing about the industry), but it has never been the case.
is the rei schizo carmack?
same hair, same eye color...
me on the right
This is a good thing. Whites need to be more nepotistic.
Allow me to introduce you to VBA
Is that a Nine Inch Nails shirt?
Why wouldn't it be? NIN did the music for Quake. If you're a neck beard virgin math sperg like young Carmack there, wouldn't *you* have been into NIN at the time?
I worked on a pcb design for an hour today and programmed for 8. They exist. If a company wants a phone interview or some onions shit just skip it. Find a small company of only men
Have you ever worked in one of those environments with the office politics, women, etc.? If you haven’t, I would encourage you to be open to it. Maybe that stuff *is* all bullshit, but you’re very likely capable of coping with it on some level. Spend the day working for your wage then go home in the evening. It’s alright, especially if the pay and benefits are good.

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