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these imageboard sometimes have true stories with humorous touch, in light dagen laughter nearly kills me
put a netbook in your mom's tuna
Threw a laptop at my brother frisbee style and dislocated his elbow. Seemed humerus at the time.
literal ape behavior
>put tape on the bottom of optical mice around the school computer lab ages ago. >report the problem
>wait a few days
>magically fix it on my own
well on my way to a career in tech support at an early age.
Literal illiterate negroid
Where I worked, there was a group of people who ran a help desk type thing (I was in a different group). They created some half-baked ticket system based on shitty shell scripts, I looked at their scripts and realized that I could submit new tickets by just setting some environment variables. So I created one that looked like it was from their manager (an older woman), saying something like "I'm in the ladies room on the 2nd floor and I have just had a bowel movement. Can anybody please assist."
Got around CMD restriction by saving a .txt as .bat, made a simple program that spammed domain level message to entire school network, placed in startup folder, which inadvertently shutdown state level competency exams going on due to in built anti-cheat measures. The school district was apparently paying per exam, and my program was costing them fortunes.
bump, i want to hear funny stories
Years ago I filled my managers desktop with folders and snaps of Hector the Great Dane. Took a screenshot. Deleted the daft shit. Set screenshot as desktop. Watched him go crazy trying to delete it.

On nt 4.0 training. MS drone tells us it's secure as fuck. Can't be broken even at the machine. After lunch nobody can login to their systems. All I used was LinNT. That's the level of techs c.2000
About in the server 2003 era, at school the teacher left his computer logged in between classes, all the computers were in AD and i thought it would be hella funny if through group policy the computers started to beep the memory failure bios code.
Replaced all the school's computer's startup sounds with BACKSTREET'S BACK ALRIGHT mp3.

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