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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: Home/Pro ~6.6GB, Edu/Ent ~6.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101190220
I started clean with W10 IoT LTSC, but I had to install the microsoft store and the photos app, since every other single replacement for it was a convoluted mess. Overcomplexity is just so dumb, I can't believe other devs are getting mogged by a microsoft app.
>and the photos app, since every other single replacement for it was a convoluted mess
is there absolutely anything I should know about before switching to 10 ltsc?
If you have any problem after installing and updating (sound or wifi not working, etc) run SDIO
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That's what I'd give to other software, yeah. Just look at this convoluted mess.

Now I just use the old windows' photo viewer for viewing and the photos app for basic editing/resizing/enhancing.
check imageglass
>and the photos app, since every other single replacement for it was a convoluted mess
Is this your super retarded way of asking for recommendations?
What is your second language sir?
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Python, among others
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>too stupid to change settings
just get an iToy retard
options are too complicated for you
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>Bloat is better
>I should install software with 9999 options, of which I will only use 10.
See pic related. It works, has a clean UI and doesn't do more than I need to.
I bought an older optiplex mini pc, should I get an SSD or upgrade the RAM first? 4GB of RAM is nothing nowadays but the HDD it came with is slow as molasses too.
Both. I remember when I had one and it took minutes for Win10 to launch.
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lmao even
Enjoy getting the hash of every image you open sent directly to Redmond :^)
I'm using MS' photos app, not imageglass.

Proof? It's firewalled regardless, so that's not happening :^)
Just picked up a HP Elitedesk 800 G2 SFF that is going to be a emulation/Stream from my NAS box for a 480P CRT. When it comes to drivers should I grab them from HP site or try to find newer drivers on Intel site? Should I be letting Windows Update do it? I'm using the internal Intel GPU
HP drivers, and if the Intel site has newer drivers for the iGPU, that might be alright. Don't let Winhoes take care of it, that's only if you have issues and nothing else left to try to fix whatever video-related problem happens (if any), I think.
what is the smallest and lightest version of windows that i can install only to run VR game on ALVR works but looks shit
Thanks, I installed all the HP drivers then let windows update. This is kinda just a test install of windows before I wipe and do a final install of LTSC IoT so i'll see what works best
You don't need any HP drivers.
Source? I have 290 G2...
You'll only need intel chipset drivers
And gpu drivers if it's integrated gpu then you can get these from the intel site too.

In order to disable HP analytics (their spyware telemetry), that's another thing. Basically you'll need to get the software device hardware id via Device Manager and then use gpedit to disable driver installs for this device. Of course you should also disable the virtual decive too.
How do I get this?
2032 is the death of the wintoddler
Oh is it just the LTSC version? I thought they were saying it's even more optimized than that.
It's not real.
>It is a custom build of Windows 11 that has been modified heavily. You may remember Tiny11, another custom build that removed many Windows 11 components to create a smaller and lightweight version of Windows.
>The government edition is available via P2P. According to an analysis on MDL, it is using an unofficial Windows activation service for activation and is therefore fake.
I'm sure it will also break after first monthly update.
Damn. Are there any w10 versions that are even more optimized than LTSC? I just want the bare bones.
Get lost retard, will you.
It's a custom ISO, not an official version from Microsoft therefore you shouldn't install it unless you're fine with the risk of having malware included in your OS
how do i upgrade to windows pro, from home?
Run MAS, go in the Extras menu, then Change Windows Edition
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Ok, got a new laptop, wanted to just clone my Win 10 over to the new laptop because don't wanna set up my whole Windows again from scratch. Mostly worked, but I'm having some deeper problems, so I think I'm gonna have to fresh install anyway. So...

10 or 11?

10 is obv the better OS, and I was thinking of using 10 beyond the Oct 2025 EOL anyway. I was thinking at least 1 year beyond, probably 2, then I'd see from there whether I was happy to keep using it or not willing to take the risk any more.

But setting up Windows from scratch is such an awful experience. Unfuck the OS, then install all my programs, tweak all my setting in all of those programs, then migrate my personal files and media, then the extra random tweaks here and there we all make as we go along. Takes a whole fucking day if I work from morning til night, IF I'm lucky enough to to miss anything. If I do 10 now, I'll probably still have to do 11 in 2-3 years. Ugh. UGH. Should I just say fuck it and go straight to Win 11 now, saving myself from having to set up Windows form scratch twice? Just how bad is Win 11 right now, how much of the new fuckery can be mitigated? Is it getting better or worse as time goes on? What are the benefits of holding out for as long as possible?

picrel: every fresh windows install in white. me in green.
If I install my laptop's hard drive in my desktop and boot my desktop normally, is there any way to boot the laptop's OS inside a virtual machine?
btw you think you disabled all the data collection because you use LTSC
but if you check the network traffic on the resource monitor, you see that the "system" process is constantly sending data to a bunch of IPs, and if you lookup those IPs online most of them come back to microsoft corporation/microsoft azure
it does that every couple of seconds its insane
Sylikc's JPEGView, Nomacs, qimgv.
Why did you have have to pick the most bloated image viewers out there?
*image viewer
I am having fun with POSReady 7 on my Linux box. It's basically the closest I can get to a lightweight Windows compatibility thing without using the diarrhea milkshake known as Wine.
It must make life pretty miserable to go around getting mad about such trivial things.
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are we really replace 11 with 12 in a few months?
What people originally thought was Windows 12 was actually just Windows 11 24H2. Windows 12 is probably not gonna be a thing for another year or so.
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why wont my screen stretch to fit the monitor?
XNView MP is great for raw photo image files, though it naturally can be used as a normal image gallery. The viewer part is just one module within it.
why do you care
just more "data collection" and phoning home thousands of times a day
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>Enough enterprise business and government sectors got furious over Recall that MS scrapped it, will work on it more and bring it back more "secure" and it'll now be an opt-in feature
Thanks to the only people that MS actually care about :)
Re-install your graphic drivers? Use a different video cord?
You could convert the drive into a VHD(X) file and then run that through something like VirtualBox.
i have updated my intel graphic drivers to the latest version but the problem presists, how do i reinstall from scratch?
how do i switch to a different video card? its a laptop so opening it up is not as easy as with desk computer
>Intel drivers and laptop
Can't help then sorry, dunno shit then.
thanks for trying
ill keep asking
so with windows 10 end of life being october 2025 does that mean they are just assuming millions of people are going to upgrade their computers to be able to use windows 11 ?
Basically yes, though mainline 10 is getting extended security updates like 7 got which they can get businesses to pay for, though like with 7's the extended updates will most likely be hacked into being made free.
>Readjust resolution
>Fit to screen
Anon, this is the kind of thing I have to explain to my grandmother. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
i can't find a bottun for 'fit to screen'
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forgot pic
I have some giant project input files in bitmap form. I want to compress them to save HDD space. Their names are not unique and multiple folders have same names. Like Frame000.. etc.

I want to turn these into PNGs but somehow preserve their creation/modification times.
Is this possible?

Also when I say "turn into" I mean generate new PNGs, and delete the BMPs. I know they'd be different files.
I would guess that Imagemagik would probably be able to do this
Is there a way to deeply customize the lock screen on 10 without the windows store? Sometimes I get previously closed youtube videos showing on my lock screen.
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>install consoomer trash
>get consoomer trash
why are retards like this?
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>no bloat
Bloat has been a thing since later versions of W95. You had that huge bar with Disney shit on the right by default
>i've been a dumb fucking nigger and used OEM prebuilt shit for 30 years and don't even have the IQ to comprehend there's other possibilities
lmao even
>OEM prebuilt shit
It's not OEM prebuilt shit you ignorant zoomer. It's part of the later Windows 95 versions. Install OSR 2.5 and see for yourself:
Multiple downloads of (en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso), and on SHA256 verification they all start with 04DC27 instead of A0334F. Am i missing something, or have these iso's been tampered with? Would this change at all with an SVF file at all?
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Mine is fine
Downloaded it from massgrave
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Opened it in Hashmyfiles and its A033 now, dont know whats up with 7zip.
You can also use the PS cmdlet Get-FileHash as well.
I love 26100.1000 bros
What did the June cumulative update do to IoT LTSC 2024 that it's so good now
Hello sisters, whats the best windows for extreme gayming?
Do you want to take advantage of automatic HDR and the DirectStorage API for NVMe? Then use 11 Enterprise.
Went back to W10 because W11 just isn't as responsive
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I'm having trouble with booting from usb. The usb shows up on legacy boot, but bios refuses to see it on uefi. I've tried this with two different usbs so far, but no luck. Secure boot and fast boot are disabled and I've seen linux usbs show up on uefi, so I think this is a rufus problem. Checksum is good for everything, I'm on the latest version and I'm following the guide, so kind of stumped.
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Try using Ventoy and see if it picks it up

>Mentioning MAS in a Twitter note
Uhh, alright.
Try installing again using this guide
Shout outs to the anon who gave me this guide a long time ago, it's significantly better and simpler than anything the rentry link in the OP tells you to do.
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Would you rather they lied, faggot?
>it's not OEM prebuilt shit
>it's OSR (OEM service release)
Yeah, ventoy seems to just work
windows 10 ltsc iot 21h2 is supported until 2032, so if you want to hold out that still has a long way to go
Hasn't let me down yet
>Ok, got a new laptop, wanted to just clone my Win 10 over to the new laptop because don't wanna set up my whole Windows again from scratch. Mostly worked, but I'm having some deeper problems

I'm gonna start here by saying its most likely driver and hardware issues. If you're cloning a drive from a laptop(and even a pre-built PC) to another laptop(or pre build PC). You're going to have serious driver issues. Your old laptop's drive is still using drivers from a completely different laptop with a completely different hardware so of course something isn't working. Several different programs are also probably reading off your old hardware or drives.

While you might can still try to fix it, that really isn't what cloning is for. Pre-builts PC's and laptops aren't meant to be cloned that way.

>If I do 10 now, I'll probably still have to do 11 in 2-3 years.
Why not 8 years? Did you read the OP about Windows 10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021

>But setting up Windows from scratch is such an awful experience. Unfuck the OS, then install all my programs, tweak all my setting in all of those programs, then migrate my personal files and media, then the extra random tweaks here and there we all make as we go along.
Yeah true, you bought a laptop so you're going to have to suck it up. Another option for your personal files and media is to use an external storage. A NAS would probably be great for you. I'm not saying you have to go out and buy one, you can also make your own but a NAS is just more retard friendly.
It's for OEMs by Microsoft
It's what Microsoft themselves gave to OEMs, so it's not going to have bloat added by OEMs
oh i see what you're saying, it's not something OEMs added themselves, yes, that's true
i thought you were just saying it came with retail copies, which it doesn't. the OSR releases were only given to OEMs
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can install with a boot usb from Microsoft and activate later?
yes, modern windows doesn't actually force activation at all, you can technically use it forever without activating it
the catch is that it will soon put a watermark on the screen at all times and restricts some personalisation options, such as changing the wallpaper
I'm using simplewall.
animations are fixed, dwm crashes are fixed, it feels the smoothest and fastest windows yet.
IIRC you can basically use unactivated Windows for about a month before it starts to get a bit naggy. Activating it with MAS after you've gotten WU updates installed is the way to go though.
it'll try to convince you to activate, i'm just saying it won't actually lock you completly out like say vista and i think also 7 did
Sweet. Thanks.
Well that was back when Windows was mainly focused on being an OS you bought from stores for self-builts with keygens being the main source of pirating still. All before it became a free entry SaaS OS.
yea exactly, and for completeness sake, versions prior to vista didn't let you skip the product key entry during setup, so you couldn't even install them without one
Four more cumulative updates before it reaches general enterprise availability prime time.
>POSReady 7

is it any diffrent from Windows 7 or is it just clean and supported Windows?
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Simply not the case. After initial boot, svchost uses to broadcast LLMNR and SSDP but that's about it.
Your ethernet will also broadcast various of packets but because it is part of a network (internet) this is what it's supposed to be doing anyway...
i got convinced to install w10, let's go
If you installed Home or Pro then you did it wrong
>is it just clean and supported Windows?
yea pretty much, it's basically identical but has no features on demand, making the install size a lot smaller. with esus it gets support until october.
>i got convinced to install w10
Install IoT LTSC 2021
Other versions reach end of life next year
it's basically the LTSC equivalent for Windows 7. it's not supported anymore and i wouldn't use it on bare metal connected to the internet. i have it running in a VM so i can run old windows programs without using a more demanding OS like windows 10.
that's the one i'm installing
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Microshaft lovers
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After Windows Embedded POSReady 7 loses support in October is that it for Windows 7 updates?
You should be using game consoles instead.
Waaah! A-Anons, I installed W11 LTSC IoT and now some of my games stutter or freeze a bit when in normal W11 (preinstalled on laptop), ran fine and didnt have those stutters? What should I do? What are my options?
It should be under "display resolution" but if there isn't a Fit to Screen or "Recommended" option, then adjust it using the other options until it fits correctly.
>Goes to "friendly" Windows thread
>Isn't friendly
This is why you're miserable anon.
It can't be fun for you to be this much of a cunt. I mean sure in the moment, but it's gotta be diminishing your overall satisfaction in life. Why not try to make a change and choose to be happy instead of a miserable douchebag?
10 LTSC unless you enjoy forgetting with Linux stuff.
damm, I need to get app installer, but I don't want to activate microsoft store and get AIDS
>App installer
It's called software.
>automatic HDR
meme that wont see the light of day until 2050
Dumb question: is it possible to activate the IoT LTSC versions and have a legitimate copy? I tried to search for keys but it seems those are just for regular consumer versions.
absolutely not
organizations and enterprises only
all activations with MAS are registered on MS activation servers and are permanent and indistinguishable from OEM/upgrade activations
Like >>101247458 said
You can make it seem legitimate. But they only sell it to corps and for $600 + monthly fees.
Yes, I had a legitimate Win10 copy and I converted the license into LTSC.
No qualms whatsoever.
I have never used MAS on a machine without an existing license though.
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It's literally just a .odt file (Which is literally just a .docx file with a different name).
I used it to install W10 for the first time 2 years ago and gonna use it again tomorrow.
Actually maybe I should fix the first link on the tutorial in it because it's dead.
Could you actually convert the .odt file to some other format because even after all these 20+ years I have never had open office installed on my computer at any point.
It is not an accessible format especially if you want to share information.
Anon Microsoft Office has supported it for something like a decade now so its probably the most accessible document format. What office suite are you using?
You can literally open any .odt with word. It literally looks exactly the same as any word file except it's technically not owned by microsoft. (Perhaps with some formatting differences)
Also I can convert it to .docx easily but catbox doesn't allow .docx files to be uploaded. And since Anon files is gone I don't feel like bothering to find another file upload service right now.
I'm uploading the guide again with the broken link fixed and a minor tweak:

Also, here's an interesting thing this guide does. It has you create a script to bypass the OOBE part of the installation using audit mode.
I've also noted that Rufus now seems to have a similar thing on it that didn't exist two years ago when I last installed windows, pic related.
Does anyone here use these options on Rufus? If you got some free time, could someone skim through the guide and check how different it is from Rufus? I'm doing it myself the old way tomorrow and I'm just wondering if these Rufus options are better.
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this nygga crazy
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oobe thing is triggered later anyway, audit mode its just another way to give it your input
waste of time
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>minding my own business
>pointer gets possessed and starts moving around
I unplugged the ethernet cable, but it still moved around. It stopped once I unplugged the mice and keyboard... I think.
I heard some people say it may be the trackpad malfunctioning.
Is it over? Should I nuke this install? MB and Windows Defender found nothing.
Lmao I mean he DID make the .docx into a .odt like mentioned prior. Whoever this anon was he clearly has a massive hateboner against Microsoft.
this looks like a display scaling issue, potentially with the monitor.

the other anon suggesting changing the "fit to screen" option sounds like he means well, but he didn't guide you to the correct place. it's almost certainly in the display driver software itself. try rummaging around the graphics driver (intel, amd, or nvidia) and find the display scaling option and toggle it from monitor to GPU or vice-versa. google will guide you as to where to click, depending on the GPU manufacturer
hair on the optical sensor of the mouse?

static electricity?
I didn't knew static could do that, and dirty is also a possibility. I'll look into it. I'm just a little scared because this is the first time it ever happened.
Thanks anon.
>oobe thing is triggered later anyway
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure when I installed Windows last time that script bypassed it all entirely.
Anyway, do you have any thoughts on how different this is from the Rufus options though?
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> https://pastebin.com/S5VKBirt
Is all of this needed? Dont they all do the same thing, also, doesnt W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021 do this on default?
It's just a selection of tools you could use. I like ShutUp10 personally.
When it comes to tools like these only use one, and no IoT LTSC 2021 still needs debotnetting done.
thanks for clarifying
Hey I'm a retard so please don't get mad at me, I'm currently running a legit W10 and I want to switch to LTSC, does it all basically comes down to running that MAS thingy and that's it?

Is it considered a legit LTSC copy?

What do I do if I'm re-installing Windows at a later point?

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I'm gonna say this again: the OP on /fwt/ is the epitome of irony.
It's all about debloating and clean installing windows yet it's one of the most bloated OPs with useless shit out of all generals out there.
All you need to do to install windows is download an ISO, run rufus, add shut up 10 and wintweaker to the USB and plug it in in boot mode.
But then you go to
And each section has 10 different links to a bunch of shit that most users who just want a cleaner windows don't need to give a shit about. Really, ironic.
why is it on steam...?
You can't change to LTSC from mainline Windows natively. You need to clean wipe then re-install.

Whenever the OP is changed the current OP changes it right back.
God damn 11 IoT LTSC 24H2 is so good. I may become a full time Windowsfag again (until 2035) after ten years on troonix
According to another anon the latest cumulative update has made it the best it's ever been since open preview release. So most likely by October the full release will be quite good.
>why is it on steam...?
What the fuck?
Uh I was referring to this
Guess I misremembered the name, sorry.
That makes no sense. I understand if you want to gatekeep but most people who come here are just trying to install windows for the first time in their lives and don't want it to automatically download candy crush updates every day.
I think the OP maker is just an autist that likes the feeling of "control" anon. Nothing more to it then that.
I mean just LOOK at this anon >>101251239 it's literally the perfect example of the type of person who comes looking for this general.
Yes anon, you are retarded. MAS is to activate windows, not to change it.
To change from legit 10 to LTSC you need to reinstall windows entirely which likely means wiping your entire drive.
>MAS is to activate windows, not to change it
You can change editions with MAS though. Not from mainline to LTSC but mainline to other mainline, like changing Home to Enterprise.
>installing third party programs to turn off things that can be turned off natively
I'll never get this. Literally adding more steps for the sake of it. Do the switches from shut up 10 and the likes make you feel good or something? Talk about ironic posts.
I completely doubt that's what the guy is wanting to do since he sounds like someone who doesn't know what he's doing.
And if that is what he's trying to do then, Jesus Christ, why? Why even suggest that? Why would anyone ever do that? I guess if they don't want to freshly install windows?
Talk about ironic OPs
You don't install it. All those tools are portable. And yes you could just do it all yourself but tools like it can just set it all in like one click instead of you having to go through it all and changing/setting things manually.
Thank you for making /fwt/ without lust provoking nonsense picture or some loli pedo shit
kys retard
He didn't say that.
And I also didn't say that.
All I said is that your OP is a bloated mess.
it's not my OP
also restricts running games in FSE
All I said is that the OP is a bloated mess.
isn't exclusive fullscreen obsolete?
i guess that is to prevent removing the watermark, due to how exclusive fullscreen works, you can't overlay a watermark without injection, and randomly injecting games isn't a good idea (can result in bans)
For DX12 yes. Older directX games benefit from FSE.
i don't use windows for games anymore, but isn't fullscreen optimisations means to give you basically the same performance while still being a window?
see >>101251804
>To change from legit 10 to LTSC you need to reinstall windows entirely which likely means wiping your entire drive

Alright so when I do a complete wipe I just need an LTSC USB boot? And after I install it I just use MAS and I'm good?
It's highly debated. In older versions of Windows 10 it was actually worse but it's pretty on-par now with FSE.
My biggest problem is that there seems to be more motion blur with FSO + MPO enabled than disabled.
Then if I use Windows 8.1 it's even better than FSE + MPO disabled.
But people just call me a schizo.
It would be easier to make the LTSC USB and then clean wipe the target disk while in the setup via using the shift+f10 command prompt and running diskpart's clean command on it, then installing it to the target now unallocated disk.
Shut Up 10 basically is the Group Policy Editor except it replaces the enabled/disabled choice by an on/off switch and shows less options. There's literally no point. Now I don't really care, just wanted to point out the irony of complaining about bloat all the while recommending useless thing; in other words, bloat.
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fuck it didn't post:

Can I output audio to 2 outputs simultaneously (eg. headphones via the front panel port & speakers via the back)?
Brother, you're in the Windows thread. Windows users like things to be simplified and streamlined for them, that's why we're here, that's why we're not Arch trannies. Instead of sifting though the GPE or Registry one by one, it just does it for you. That's why people use them.
How about on 11, is it still same?
Where can I get an LTSC iso?

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