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Windows isn't a spyware and regardless of how hard you say it's a spyware, it's not a spyware
it’s literally spyware
>Windows isn't a spyware
Sasuga ____ poster
Correct. There's a difference between being privacy-conscious, privacy-obsessed, and paranoid.
>Spyware claims not to be spyware

And in other news the sun came up today.
microshit really cheaped out on the shill squad

It's not paranoid if they really are watching you.
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behead. behead YOU
youre right.
windows is malware.
spyware is too specific
recall literally takes screenshots of user activity, cope harder fed
you either want windows or not, but it is a spyware that offers assistance
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Regular windows is, windows 10 enterprise g is not
How is it not?

Regardless it's also adware and a rootkit for feds.
It totally is thought.
deciding to use linux over windows
not using proprietary at all
the government is after me
>M1 Garand Yui
fukken saved 'n stuff, man
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And store them locally and you can delete them and you can turn it off if you want to, cope harder delusional idiot
>And store them locally and you can delete them and you can turn it off if you want to, cope harder delusional idiot

They are literally REMOVING local accounts for 99% of the population that don't know how to get around it.

Either a paid shill, a bootlicker or both.
They'll start with just the tip and fill you up, cuck.
>Spyware isn't a spyware and regardless of how hard you say it's a spyware, it's not a spyware
What did he mean by this?
i love my wife, Hirasawa Yui!
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>Either a paid shill, a bootlicker or both.
Neither, i'm not delusional like you
>They are literally REMOVING local accounts for 99% of the population that don't know how to get around it.
>99% can't watch a simple video that explain how to create a local account
They deserves to suffer
>They'll start with just the tip and fill you up, cuck
Doesn't this apply to fedora and Ubuntu telemetry,
What a totally not unhinged post of a person not living in denial.
>Doesn't this apply to fedora and Ubuntu telemetry,
Whataboutism is not an arguement.
>Windows isn't a spyware and regardless of how hard you say it's a spyware, it's not a spyware
troll post but you're wrong
so funny how /fwg/ will recommend literally anything because they haven't a clue of what thier OS is doing. You are running a version of Windows 10 for the Chinese, so expect EVER MORE politically motivated backdoors. What were you thinking?
>Whataboutism is not an arguement.
Same for baseless assumptions, no proof they'll make recall online and take your data
Co Pilot literally records your screen
yes and you shouldn't use those distributions for many reasons, of which that is one.
spyware until proven otherwise (but still potentially spyware)
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Same for every ai that got released for major OSes, privacy is a lost cause get over it
Apple onscreen awareness is doing the same and i don't see you complaining
This isn't a thread about Apple, fag
Yeah but apple mac isn't a spyware for doing this, so the same apply to MS Windows
windows is legit spyware no matter how u cut it, whether they care enough or even check is a different story. its a comfort thing, u have no reason to be paranoid unless ur doing bad stuff online but yeah if ur more mindful of ur privacy u will use linux. not sure how much disabling telemetry in ltsc windows works though, i could never fully trust it
This board needs proper mechanisms in place to ensure under-agers cannot post here
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Is wallpaper now
>whadduh boot
Oh shut up.
use Wireshark on a fresh install
>so yeah we're literally going to record everything you do and save it every 3 seconds
>no its not spying if we let you see the videos, stop being paranoid ;)
she's a VERY lucky lady.
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Didn't identify any arguments so far. Is there more?
Kill yourself esl shill
>you can turn it off if you want
We all know this is completely false. It being shilled as a "feature" is just part of the plausible deniability of what it really is - an always on spyware tool.

They only told people about it at all just to get ahead of the curve, instead of having it be discovered operating in secret by some security researcher and becoming a huge scandal.
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The Linux desktop distros aren't security though, they rely on obscurity and irrelevance to protect their users
Except you can actually can turn it off, you fearmongering fags just spreads misinformation to shill Linux distros, which are insecure by design
Except law enforcement will claim that it is necessary for them to get the data - scratch that, for MS to scan the data on their behalf to make law enforcement's job easier. Look up what bullshit they were trying to pull a couple weeks back in the EU with e2e encrypted instant phone messaging. So, no, not one inch on this.
Windows is a spyware, but I choose to use Windows 10 as long as I can because everything else is much worse
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Do you people actually care about privacy? Why does privacy matters when it come to MS and windows? Apple and Google are doing the same and i see no one complaining, the security problem with recall is a problem but if some people want to use recall when it get released then let them use it, it's an ai assistant
Recall is offline and store data locally and you can delete the data, isn't that enough ?
>Except law enforcement will claim that it is necessary for them to get the data - scratch that, for MS to scan the data on their behalf to make law enforcement's job easier.
Do you live in an authoritarian country? Your answer is no, then why are you so concerned? You don't live in China or Saudi Arabia
i dont care about my life, i live day to day rotting in my own filth leeching off my parents for years until they die and i run out of their inheritance and starve to death, or just until i kill myself. so i dont care about my privacy. but i can imagine a world in which i put some effort into actually living, i would care. even if i had "nothing to hide"
Yes, I care about privacy. It's part of why I got rid of Facebook and never used Whatsapp, annoying everyone I communicate with to no end. Apple and Google do not provide an operating system I would willingly use.

Recall will not stay that way. It will die or metastasize into what I outlined. So, no, thank you, and I WILL continue to scream about this.

No I don't live in an authoritarian country, but like the US and France, we may be just one election away. Is the following invasive enough for you?

To elaborate: Apple requires App packages for macOS to not only be signed by a certificate provided by Apple (at a price), but for them to "notarized", meaning they can gather data on your release cycle. More concerning to the end user, though the notarization information can be attached to the App package, if an internet connection is available, macOS can choose to phone home to "verify the notarization" - a great opportunity to gather data on how often you use some software.

I hope I'll never be apathetic enough to not care about that sort of shit.
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>Windows isn't a spyware
It is though.

>regardless of how hard you say it's a spyware
But it is.

>it's not a spyware
This changes nothing.
It's still a spyware.
Fair enough your concerns are valid
Here's the microcock enshittening cycle.
>t-20 days: new spyware!
>t-19 days: $YOUTUBER: this is spyware!
>t 0 days: feature released off by default
>t+1 days: nothingburger. Take that lintroons!
>t+30 days: on by default
>t+4 months: toggle moved to control panel
>t+8 months: toggle moved to registry
>t+1 year: script required
>everyone goes 1 more script bro! Just one more toggle bro, you're not a troon are you? Just ONE MORE REGEDIT REEEEEEEEEE
>just run those 18541515 lines in powershell to make system work the way you want.
until the next update breaks everything.
>Windows isn't a spyware
No one native English would type like this, Ranjeesh.
5 banggolean shillings have been depositewd into ur micro$haft account
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Delusional people, i'll pray for your eyes to see things properly
You will never be a woman regardless of how hard you say you're a woman, troon.
>Point out a jeet's mistakes
I did not say anything about spyware. But this "you have to make shitton settings in regedit" really got me on my nerves. At this point it takes more time to set this thing that linux.
there were niggers stealing recall pictures because they were being sent to microshaft kek

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