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>he thinks his macbook is not spying on him
Why cant retards just use scripts to make windows safer? Its the best option that provides a balance between quality, usability and privacy.
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>just use scripts
>just run all this slop pulled off github to make your OS functional
>its just a few scripts bro don't you trust me bro
Why would I use an OS that is so user-hostile that I have to chain it up and neuter it?
Your post applies to both Linux and Windows.
>buy proprietary unreadable OS that uses 100% CPU + Inet when youre not looking for 5 mins.
>use rarely known script that like 5 other people ever downloaded (includes creator)
>results unverifiable, whatever, its good now

>use free and open OS pre-tested and assembled from thousands of multi-dev passion projects since over 50 years, that is used by half the world in enterprise spaces

>somehow this is the same
>drag <icon> to <icon> to humiliate yourself
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>Why cant retards just use scripts to make windows safer?
windows 10 enterprise g comes without spyware as it's meant for government use
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>implying any of you are interesting enough to spy upon
What are these "scripts" you're talking about? You mean debloating windows? Or using some app like WinTul from that ond tech ytuber?

I'm clueless here
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I just want to download an installer and click "install" and have the program install. It shouldn't be that hard.
>>use free and open OS pre-tested and assembled from thousands of multi-dev passion projects since over 50 years, that is used by half the world in enterprise spaces

Is it that easy to install things on a Mac? Seems like loonix can learn a thing or two. I might buy a MacBook in a couple of days. Thanks anon.
Great, another "I don't care about privacy because I don't have anything to hide" tourist. May I recommend you some boards?
>>>/pol/ because you're utterly annoying
>>>/lgbt/ because you're utterly annoying
>>>/r9k/ because you're utterly annoying
>>>/s4s/ because you're utterly annoying
>>>/a/ because you're utterly annoying
>just another script
>just another script
>come on bro its just one more script just one more bro i promise the ads will stop if you just run one more script just one more script p l EASE just stick to windows its just one more script
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Apple fags need propietary software and permission from apple to do anything, it's pathetic.
>muh privacy
>no mention of setting up a firewall
methink op is a retard
YWNBAW fucking faggot. Back to mastodon you go
I don't know what that is besides some hairy elephant so I'm going to assume its some braindead schizo mumbling.
>no numpad
yep, it's going into the trash
It's like Facebook for pedophiles aka loony loonix users all who seem to hate Microsoft and Apple. If you think /g/ is bad with all the bike shedding, it's like 1000x worse. They all use Linux and unless you know everything about Linux they'll deride endlessly and lambast you for ever using Mac or Windows. It's worse than any other social media platform imaginable. Everyone is over 300lbs with type 2 diabetes masturbating to cartoon cp. It's exactly as you think it is. A bunch of hairy elephants.
Completely made up tale.
Absolutely never ever happens to a white male. Do the needful, sar, and stop rm -rf ing half your DE everytime you dont understand what a program is doing.
install gentoo
Ubuntu spies on you more than anything Apple has ever made. So much for your "open source", you can't even "open source" your way out of telemetry that shouldn't even be there to begin with in your "open source" os.
Woah, woah, pal! Easy, easy! Do you need a fire extinguisher?
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"I spent 20 minutes setting up this joke"
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>never ever happens to a white male
>white male
saars! we wuz aryanz n shieet!
>never happens to a white male
Linus Sebastian is a white male
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Batch scripts that change configs like privacy . sexy ig
literally a lie
This but put linux on the bottom desu.
Mac users literally never shut up about green bubbles and windows apps. They literally wouldn't shut up about getting GTA to run.
pretty much. i don't think much about my privacy and telemetry at all nowadays, it's crazy making trying to control all my data. i hope microsoft enjoys all my keystrokes while i game and apple enjoys all the weird shit i research, watch, or work on.
>This is the spyware free windows version
Does not exist. Windows is spyware at the OS level.

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