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What are the books to learn this script kiddie language? I really need to get the job and I am afraid bash is not going to be sufficient
Automate the Boring Stuff
Python docs
Cool thanks bud, will check it out, I have been reading kenning and ritchie C, sadly I am too bad as for now and on top of that there is little to no job opportunities for C programming. Maybe I will pick up some book about compilers that is shilled here and try some luck with it
>Reading K&R C
Completely useless. Almost every C code base uses ISO C. K&R C is like a completely different language compared to ISO C. You're reading the wrong book anon. Stop being stupid.
Is there that much of a difference between c89 ANSI C and c89 ISO C?
ISO and ANSI C are technically the same thing, whereas ANSI C came out in C89 and ISO C was standardized in 1990, so when someone says "C90" they're mostly talking about the same thing.

ISO C removed various what're called "K&R-isms" and featured various improvements to the language.
I will take that into account, do you recommend any alternative to K&R C?
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Please don't waste your joy of programming getting hung up on which language you use.

It literally does not matter.
I started off learning C++ so I already had some idea of how to write C. But I guess if you want a book, I read some of "Modern C" and thought it was okay.

Really, I recommend learning C++ instead because it really is "C with more features" and every time I go back to using C I have to ask "Can I use [this feature]?"
There are some pros and cons. With C++ you get templates which makes working with generics easier, but if you write something the wrong way with templates, you'll get an almost incomprehensible error message. That's just one of the differences.

But if you really want a simple language, then yeah C is your goto. I'd just do some research on your own and find useful modern C resources.
Learn Python and Javascript as your first 2 languages. Automate the boringstuff is great and free for Python.
Javascript will take you a few days to pick up once you know Python and will let you build what ever shiny GUI you want to.
C is a /g/ meme. It's useful but it will probably kill the love of programming before you've even started. It's a simple language but doing anything in it is not simple and it takes 5-10x the code of any other language. Try go if you want a compiled language after python and javascript.
>C is a /g/ meme
You're using C right now.

> It's useful but it will probably kill the love of programming before you've even started
This is an opinion. Plenty of people love using C.

OP do not listen to this retard. He's clearly biased towards front-end development and doesn't know what he's talking about.
Languages are just a tool. You might find one more fun than another. Try them all out and see which you like more.
it matters to the extent that if you decide to implement algorithms via vanilla python rather than packages you'll end up with very poor performance
>Plenty of people love using C.
No they don't. They use it because their industry has decades of libraries built in it and the cost to rebuild all that garbage is higher than paying off damages that they incur when someone decides to walk out of your null terminated char * and inject some malicious code into your system. That of they are 4chan neets gas lighting newbies into spending the next 5 years learning how to do shit that's already been solved in every other language since the 80's and isn't valuable to anyone anymore. Not even fucking google and microsoft start new C projects unless it absolutely cannot be helped as its utterly irredeemable bullshit responsible for about 60% of the current exploits in modern software.

>inb4 dev skill issue
It's been 50 years. If no one can write good, safe C then no one ever will.
>inb4 incoherent rust ramblings
rent free (i wouldn't waste my time on C++ 2.0 either)
>But everyone uses muh C in your OS
And look at the state of Linux and Windows. Both are completely fucking garbage but it's all we have.
>No they don't
Yes they do. They genuinely enjoy using C because it allows them fine-grain control over their software. And so do I. I enjoy writing C because it's very comfortable to use. You're just making an assumption because you don't enjoy using it so you need to project on everyone else.

>It's been 50 years. If no one can write good, safe C then no one ever will.
There are ways to write safe C. Creating hard-set memory limits is one strategy. If you're having memory safety issues, it is indeed a skill issue.
>Completely useless. Almost every C code base uses ISO C. K&R C is like a completely different language compared to ISO C. You're reading the wrong book anon.
Most people use "K&R" as shorthand for "The C Programming Language", not "K&R C". As long as he's reading the 2nd edition (which covers C89), he's mostly fine--although, it's not really the best book for an absolute beginner, and it's a little outdated. Still a great resource to get started with C, though, especially if you don't want to dig through an enormous tome like King's book.
Yes I'm sure your 100 lines of code to take an arbitrarily long length string from the user is amazing and far far better than anything seen in java, c++, c#, python, go etc and saving a Femtosecond of execution time is well worth the lost 20 mins that std::string somevar; std::cin >> somevar; saves you. Meanwhile in the real world your boss kicks you out on your ass because your version of xyz program took you 3 weeks to write and it took some nigger from an indian village 3 hours to do the same thing by slapping together a couple of libraries and shipping it out the door without worrying if some Russian cuck is going to walk out of your array and bring the entire system down making you liable for millions of dollars in damages.
>well worth the lost 20 mins that std::string somevar; std::cin >> somevar; saves you.

I literally use C++ more than C. I merely stated that I enjoy programming in C, and so do plenty of other people.
And writing more code is a disregardable factor. I enjoy writing code. And if you don't, then you're in the wrong line of business.
Imagine spending $90 on a book to learn C
You can find K&R for dirt cheap used, it's one of the cheaper programming books out there. There's also PDFs of it all over the fucking place, I'm pretty sure every single C thread has a download link for it in the OP.
I'm honestly shocked that no one's made a website simiar to learncpp.com but for C.
>It's been 50 years. If no one can write good, safe C then no one ever will.
Average non alcohollic non hedonistic white man can
stephen prata c primer plus. recommend his c++ alternative as well (c++ primer plus)
C++ Primer Plus is shit. If you really want a book that covers all-around C++ features, get C++ Primer.
But even then, I prefer learncpp over C++ primer, because LearnCPP goes into how to use features and why they're useful. C++ Primer just does a shallow introduction.
What like this?
> goes into how to use features and why they're useful

and pratas book doesn't? id say the only point against his book are some of the outdated practices but the material goes deep enough for a beginner who knows dick

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