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>Your distro doesn't break when you rice the login screen!
>Hold my beer!
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been using arch for almost an year and still have not witnessed the so called instabillity
Just don't rice. You're not a tranny are you?
I used it for 3 months and did, just my luck.
I'm probably smarter than you then
Arch is literally made for ricing retard, if you don't rice then just use gentoo or debian which focuses on stability instead of eye candy.
I got it when xf86-input-libinput updated to 1.3.0 and broke my mouse settings on KDE
Better just use Kubuntu desu
I have arch news on rss just because it's normal for them to "[package] requires manual intervention"
yeah it's an easy fix, but it should never happen. pretty much
>you did nothing and your system broke lol
I love arch but I do question a lot of their choices
What the fuck are you smoking you idiot
Too much autism
>too much autism
Maybe in 2005 but with stage3 tarball it's retardedly easy, just arch with few extra steps
>but portage is too much autismo not the install!!!!!!!
Only takes about 2 hours to read the whole portage documentation, if you think that's too long then you shouldn't be using arch in the first place.
>but the compiling time!!!!!!! I'm a busy man, clearly not a neet loser who spends his day gooning to pederasty porn!!!!
Gecko based browsers take about an hour to install on a fucking t480. With no USE flags. With l4 j5.
5 years in. I'm yet to cancel a meeting.
>t. GNOME user
probably not, GNOME needs you to rice to get the most basic features
Skill issue.
>with few extra steps
That waste huge amounts of time and electricity in the long run.
my arch install broke once in 3 years because the package jannies fucked up for like 20 mins before they fixed it and i happened to upgrade during that time
other than that, it just werks
>an hour to install
That's 59:55 too long.
>if you think that's too long then you shouldn't be using arch in the first place
I'd say that my PC who mostly stays at 300MiB and all cores below 5% waste less electricity than your average KDE user
You're acting like browser installs are so insanely fast on arch.. Last time I checked it takes about 20-30 minutes, at least with librewolf, not to mention that you're not going to be installing a new browser daily.
The whole DIY and RTFM philosophy that they push isn't far from gentoo
I want a rolling distro built around a DIY/RTFM philosophy, but without any needless compiling. Simple as. I don't need sexless autism sufferers telling me otherwise.
>I want a rolling distro built around a DIY/RTFM philosophy
>shits on debian
I just login at tty and have
"if tty1 exec (window manger of choice)" in my .bash_profile config file.

There is nothing to rice or break.
how about... just put exec niggerwm in .bashrc
Because there might be an instance when I don't want my niggermanager to start so I can switch to tty2 and log in from there.
Ctrl C while the process is initiating then
It has nothing to do with Arch but yet again with KDE retarded devs. This bug is still not fixed btw they added some options but they do little to nothing. My mouse still feels too slow when I use Plasma. Fucking placebo fix like always.
>rice the login screen!
do you mean customizing your display manager?
>yes I am a nigger brainlet but still chose to install Arch to brag online and got filtered.

its fine anon, we all learn, first use Arch in 2007. I though i bricked system back then but just TTY'ing or mounting inside the drive from usb or even rescue could of saved me instead of clean reinstalling.

Keep calm you got this.
They did fix it later.
Isn't Arch supposed to delay packages until they don't cause issues? Why do they delay new GNOME releases for a month but can't delay this one dependency?
I got it when I updated a package, I didn't do shit. I don't care who's fault it is, whether it's KDE's or Arch's, I do not want my system to randomly break and have to troubleshoot and fix it. Not my day job. I lose basically nothing by using Ubuntu or Debian while gaining stability and peace of mind.
To those of you who have experienced breakage, what caused it?
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>rice the login screen
>rice the login screen
login screen?
I've been using it for 15 years. Only times I've ran into issues is when trying lightdm instead of startx (cause LightDM is janky and when it breaks you get thrown into a black screen so the only way to recover is to boot into a USB and disable it) and recently when trying out Wayland on Nvidia (cause it's still practically beta software). Other than that it has always just werked. Just gotta remember to check the front page from time to time, especially if you haven't updated in a while, since there are occasionally updates that require you to do some extra thing.
I get the sense that the people who run into issues are people who go crazy into customizations and turn their system into a unique corner case machine designed to discover novel bugs that no one has seen before.
Are there really hordes of users deliberately breaking their own shit and then complaining on forums? Why do archtards act like this is the only possibility?
Because everything I've seen indicates breakage is caused by updates and the rolling release model. You can't roll tens of thousands of packages without some interaction between them breaking every once in a while.
Arch has testing repos where new packages go. If packages cause problems in testing then they don't get pushed out to the main repos. I don't use Plasma, so no idea what that other anon is talking about but maybe it just wasn't an issue for the people using the testing repo.
*most breakage
Other than the lightdm issue I posted about above I haven't experienced breakage. I did read recently about a user who experienced breakage because the mirror they were using hadn't fully synced, so they did a full update and some important package wasn't updated and led to things breaking in a way others couldn't reproduce. It's the first time I've heard of that happening though so no idea if it's a common issue or a bunch of coincidences.
>You can't roll tens of thousands of packages without some interaction between them breaking every once in a while.
That's what the testing repos are for. In theory by the time the packages get into the main repos all issues should be ironed out.
>>shits on debian
I haven't even mentioned Debian. Your samefag detection is faulty.
>They did fix it later.
New profile they use for X11 is clearly not a fit for everyone but it should be. Like i said it was fine before update year ago. Whats more it's fine on Windows, i don't have to max any slider for my mouse to be usable.
it is always KDE, not Arch

t. KDE/Nvidia masochist
Yeah, the Plasma 6 migration was a dumpster fire. I'm having a great time on XFCE though
startx works fine, don't know what to tell you.
Instability in Arch is mostly user error, like installing a DE or a DM.
Arch is made for handholding and trying new things.
>Isn't Arch supposed to delay packages until they don't cause issues?
If they did this, then they wouldn't be able to include GNOME, Plasma, systemd or Wayland and they'd get Red Hat knocking on their door.
>cause LightDM is janky and when it breaks you get thrown into a black screen so the only way to recover is to boot into a USB and disable it
just go to another tty???
>a package
doing a partial upgrade is your fault
so recently i've gotten a dogshit internet connection and frequently updating arch is no longer an option

i just really like the convenience of AUR, is there an actual decent equivalent on another distro that's not rolling?
Use KINOite
>about 20-30 minutes
the fuck? imagine spending half an hour on your browser whenever it decides to update
what is it, 2003?
>did nothing
False. You updated.
>used it for 2 months
>2 months in a nouveau driver update broke my shit so hard that i said fuck it and switched to fedora
>have been using it for 2 years, literally zero issues
Never. Again. Arch is a fucking waste of time toy OS that "teaches" you nothing except how to service Arch
I've been using it for 4 years now and haven't had any technical difficulties, I even hotswapped switched to artix in 15 minutes

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