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New release of the most just werks distro soon.
>Ubuntu 24.04 base
>now uses newer HWE kernel by default, making edge ISO unnecessary
>Pipewire by default
>JXL support added to default image viewer
>Thunderbird available as a deb when it moved to snap on Ubuntu
>unverified flatpaks hidden by default on software manager
>Matrix client replaces HexChat
>just werks thing just werks better now
where is the drama
>(((matrix))) client built in
Hiding unverified flatpaks will make it so grandma can't install Zoom and Spotify. Bad!
Sounds great!
t. waiting for LMDE 7 sometime in... three years earliest? :/
mintbros... we eatin' good!
Can't believe they went to such lenghts to make sure they wouldn't break their old workflows really is admirable.
That's why Mint is called a "boomer distro" despite being just over 10yo. They only change things UI-wise when they think the new design is an improvement over the current one or when software limitations force them to change, and in most cases they keep an option to revert things to the old layout. If you were to try the first version of Mint with Cinnamon and the current beta most of the things they have in common would be availablein the same places.
install winux7
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The start menu could use a change, though. The vertical favorites icon bar without names is inferior to pretty much any other menu that isn't GNOME's.
forgot the link:
kek worth a click even if you aren't going to install it
>still no Wayland support
Me personally I love their design choices, which is why I'm a mint user. The new icons look great, good performance and the kernel is good. Just wish they updated the color scheme to include an OLED contrasty theme instead of the grey dark one. That's my only complaint
Mint's default themes suck nutz and Cinnamon is crap but it's a cool OS
schizo website
it will have Wayland in the future and that's all that really matters
for now x11 does the job
Dread to think of updating
If I have added some PPAS I assume I would have to remove those, right?
What are PPAs even needed for these days?
I wish there was a dark variant for the mint-x
Tried Linux Mint 21.3 recently. I really wanted to it, but:
1) Not enough space to pin favourites on the menu
2) Screen tearing on 10th gen Intel laptop graphics

Pretty hard to believe that #2 was even a thing given that its a 2019 laptop running an Ubuntu 22.04 base.
yeah, what made them so autistically hate fatpack anyway?
They don't hate flatpaks, they just had a spergout about "muh security" and hid the unverified flatpaks by default
It supports wayland since 21.3 for all your coprophilic needs.
>grandma running random .exe files she found online is a heckin' good thing!
mint is from like 2006
it's experimental and barely works for now doe
yeah, waylard do be like that
PPA's were important in the past but flatpak and appimage obsoleted then.

pipewire may not be ready for showtime still. For example I had issues with it muting audio in Windows 9x virtual boxes.
Getting the latest Mesa, in case you want it updated more often than once every 6 months.
>be me
>install mint cinnamon
>steam games don't launch
>external monitors not detected
>had to install a newer kernel for my wifi card
>wierd errors on boot (googled them only to learn its because my laptops 11th gen i7 is too new
linux users really just play tuxbird on the built in screen of a 2013 thinkpad all day, don't they?
They autistically hate Snaps, not Flatpaks:
>googled them only to learn its because my laptops 11th gen i7 is too new
That's a problem with a lot of "Stable" distros
Spotify has a Ubuntu Repo.
Zoom (lel) provides deb downloads (but since they have security issues every 2 days you permanently have to manually update).
Mint 22 will be based on the very recent ubuntu 24 with 6.8 kernel, I think you should give it a shot
Most of the issues you described will likely disappear with that
Not sure about the monitors and steam games but it shouldn't hurt to see
Hating snaps is based DOE
Mint with Xfce and Chicago 95 is peak boomer feel. I recommend it.
So in other words, they are sane
Yes, they are. No stupid change for change's sake.
Why the fuck did they switch to matrix? That defeats the entire purpose of having the support channel that you can use without making an account. It doesn't help that it's just a baggy web app.
Also now The main matrix homeserver will be flooded with even more users. Centralisation much! Very sad
IIRC the IRC client they were using got abandoned, and then someone suggested they switched to matrix instead of writing something in-house
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List of features removed?
>1) Not enough space to pin favourites on the menu
The menu is resizable and influences the amount of icons it can show, not sure if this also applies to the favorites.
I didn't know you could resize it until I read it somewhere well after a few months of running Mint.
Why do they use old granny names?
nitpicked the codename award
That's dumb. They'll never be able to implement the matrix protocol on their own it's the most obtuse shit in the universe. It'd also be more forgivable if they ran their own home server instead of feeding more raw data directly to the main one.
I get it, it's mostly project business so really private conversations aren't happening on there, but I still dislike having to register yet another account just to use Matrix.
>just werks distro

Citation needed
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werkz bro
probably fine with newer kernel
Didn't know until now, thanks anon <3

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