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Whats the deal with these FUTA weirdos, they have some keyboard app and some dogshit adblocker. Why does everyone keep mentioning them the last few days? They are doing literally nothing special and they are openwashing assholes that hate free software.
If you don't like their software then don't use it.
good morning sir.
people keep pushing it here becuase louis (((rossman))) is the person behind it.
Lmao no he’s not, he’s just s faggot that is hired by some tech billionaire that owns the company.
Friendly reminder that FUTO is the organization directly responsible for the takeover of the Freenet name from the battle tested, privacy oriented, community developed software, to be transferred to Ian Clarke's unproven, non privacy oriented pet project, all for Ian's personal financial benefit.
bruv do you not know what a grant is? they just gave him a grant. they give grants to hundreds of random ass things im going to go out on a limb and say they had no idea what he was even doing with the money and thought they were funding the old thing. you think they nitpick every single thing tor does when they give them money? I dont even like futa but as someone who has gotten grants before, ur being schizo thinking donors control details of what a project does with grant money.
I had no idea what you were talking about but seeing the thread on the mailing list this is pretty damning.

Louis Rossmann was contacted about this after posting an hour long interview with Ian on Youtube, and choose not to say a single word about it on his channel.
What on earth is that supposed to mean? You think that because someone steals a trademark (that they arguably own) from some extremely tiny niche organization, that they are somehow going to rescind a donation over it? What planet do you live on? I'm guessing louis does not give a flying fuck that some rnadom british guy stole a repository name.

>What on earth is that supposed to mean?
It means exactly what I said. That Louis was contacted about the situation and chose to remind silent.

>You think that because someone steals a trademark (that they arguably own) from some extremely tiny niche organization
What organization are you talking about? The Freenet community is not an organization.
It's just a group of volunteers who write code, some of which have been granted permission to commit to the repos.
If anything the tiny niche organization is the Freenet Project nonprofit, since neither Ian nor the other board members have been involved with the Freenet project for more than 15 years. It's been run by community members who have nothing to do with the nonprofit.

>that they are somehow going to rescind a donation over it?
Nobody asked such thing. I suspect you are personally involved in this somehow and arguing in bad faith.

>I'm guessing louis does not give a flying fuck that some rnadom british guy stole a repository name.
"Some random british guy" that he personally interviewed for an hour about the project, and that his employer funding directly lead to these issues? Doesn't seem random to me, at all.
I don't understand what you are even on about honestly. I'm going to read the mailing list thread someone else posted because I'm open to the idea that I'm just being stupid and not understanding you... but I'm ngl, from what I'm understanding thus far this sounds really fucking retarded and autistic. Why do you care so much if the name of a project changes?
>dogshit adblocker.
What adblocker sars?
Imagine if the Mozilla board of directors caught a whiff of money from Google and decided to make a new browser based on Chromium that had no about:config, no privacy features and no extensions, and called it "Firefox".
And the people developing the current day Firefox were kicked to the curb and told to continue development under an alternative name.
Wouldn't that piss you off?
>bruv do you not know what a grant is?
>doesn't realize "grants" is a way to give money through nepotism/cronyism/... and tax deduct it
>t. grant receiving privileged guy
What's the better alternative? I can feel the aether cured of foul energy after giving up gboard.
There isn't really one that I've been able to find. It is good. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
whatever comes with lineage (AOSP?!)
hacker's keyboard
florisboard (beta has missing functionality)
why would i need more?
Honestly I would respect them and Louis more if they just renamed the organization to FUTA
Their Voice Input thing is pretty good.
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They seem to have doubled down on keeping the name FUTO despite all the FUTA jokes. They aren't going to pussy out and change it.
who cares its just a name
>directly responsible
Based on basically everything I've read about it, they're indirectly responsible, if at all.
Either way, this is hardly a valid criticism against this. If you want to say something that'd actually make people reconsider using their software, mention their non-free license, which is a good (and sufficient) reason to not use it.
It is open source, it is totally fine. Why do you give a fuck if it has a clause in it that says 'corporations cannot yank our code for free'. Permissive licenses are literally just cucking devs in the ass. The only people who advocate for permissive licenses are people who build trash software that no company would ever want to steal. Everyone else is smart enough to use shit like business source licenses and other non-cuckshit.
It's not open source, it's source-available. That is a proprietary license. It's basically a worse version of CLA licenses: if you contribute to it, they can use your code but you can't.
Either way, not gonna use nonfree trash.
just fork it lul, there is nothing in the license stopping forks LOL did you even read it or did you just go with what some youtuber retard talking head said?
FUTO voice is fantastic. IDK the rest of the stuff.
The license has clear limitations on what I can and cannot do with it. For example, using that keyboard on my phone while I send work-related messages would be a violation of the non-commercial clause.
Additionally, any modifications I make are liable to be sold by the original license owners, while I can't do the same. Isn't this the "cuck license" thing you refer to? Giving stuff for others for free while they profit from your work?
Either way, I'm not here to argue about how nonfree licenses are shit. This thing is unusable.
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My software corp's internal name from this point on is now Futa Company
good artist

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