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Microsoft cucked an entire generation of people into (((Open Source))) and get them fuming at Source First because it prohibits something that doesnt even affect end-users and libre software developers.

The (((Open Source Foundation))) to this day refuses to name its founders, all of them are obviously Jewish and/or Microsoft employees though. They even distorted the definition of (((Open Source))) to allow unfettered corporate leeching, and they call alternative licenses "Source Available" to imply YOU have no freedom because of a restriction that only impacts Jewish vultures from trying to extract value out of libre software
What does that even mean in this context?
you onto nothing nigga
Use GPLv3
That's it.

No need for mental gymnastics with your nonfree aids.
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License all your software in SSPL (Server Side Public License). Maximize corporate kvetching, refuse money and live in a barrel by the ocean. This is the stronger version of AGPLv3.

> The “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities.

>When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.

>You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License

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This kills the SaaS parasite

>Section 13

>If you make the functionality of the Program or a modified version available to third parties as a service, you must make the Service Source Code available via network download to everyone at no charge, under the terms of this License. Making the functionality of the Program or modified version available to third parties as a service includes, without limitation, enabling third parties to interact with the functionality of the Program or modified version remotely through a computer network, offering a service the value of which entirely or primarily derives from the value of the Program or modified version, or offering a service that accomplishes for users the primary purpose of the Program or modified version.

>“Service Source Code” means the Corresponding Source for the Program or the modified version, and the Corresponding Source for all programs that you use to make the Program or modified version available as a service, including, without limitation, management software, user interfaces, application program interfaces, automation software, monitoring software, backup software, storage software and hosting software, all such that a user could run an instance of the service using the Service Source Code you make available.
This and it’s honestly shameful.
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SSPL is not considered an "open source" license by OSI (Open Source Initiative). This is their bullshit blog post about it. It has zero substance or justification for the title but in case you are wondering:


In not so suprising other news, Microsoft is an OSI sponsor:

No wonder fotm Bocchifags are this stupid.
Ah yes, software """""""""""""""freedom""""""""""""""".
This is why no one takes you communist freaks seriously.
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i use bocchi license
Why not proprietary at this point
It's the same thing as women who want to whore around but complain when someone ugly hits on them, people want to make whore software but for only specific clients while still making it a whore
software built for BBC (big bocchi cock)
That (op) is brain damaged, as always.
holy fucking based
>MongoDB has been removed from the Debian, Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions because of the licensing change. Fedora determined that the SSPL version 1 is not a free software license because it is "intentionally crafted to be aggressively discriminatory" towards commercial users.
This happened because Amazon have used MongoDB Community Server as a backend but none have been shared back to the community or Mongo.
Do you have any angry bocchis? I need angry bocchis for a project.
Hopefully this will kill the awful noSQL meme.
RIP(iss) you won't be missed.
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cope jewish troon
it is not FSF approved either. you just know you're on the right track when the establishment doesn't approve of you.
I use AGPLv3 for maximum security FSF approved license
This is 100% true the OSI is completely beholden to shitty corpo bullshit interests. They are trash and everyone knows it.
They are explicitly communist, this is why richard stallman always goes around to south america and africa trying to get them all on the FSF train. They are too stupid to even use the software he makes. This is what communist ideology gets you some guy in the mud in africa trying to get some starving african kid to use emacs.
I do also hate when my dildo doesn't fit fully too. I feel you anon.
These licenses are exactly what we need, more of these stupid boomer devs and the autists that defend the FSF autistically screeching would make me happy.
I want to bully Bocchi the social retard.
It's called the Free Software Foundation. Not the Stick-It-To-The-Man Software Foundation Foundation.
The SSPL does not adhere to the tenants of software freedom, therefore it can't be considered a free software license. It's really as simple as that.
I guess rebranding it to Take-It-In-The-Ass Software Foundation would be a good fit from now on huh? >>101240935
If you don't like it go start your own Communist Software Foundation where all source code is collectively owned and all software activity must be approved by a council of Basedissars.
Don't get why cuckolds defend corpos, foaming at the mouth to regular devs with these kind of licenses. Amazon has to employ in-house engineers to maintain their fork now which is good for us. It's either that, or ponying up and paying mongoDB. In every case, developers win.
You are not under the illusion that you could become a shareholder or a board member someday? Keeeek, shit.
Like I said, you can do whatever you want, just don't expect an endorsement from the FSF or OSI when you violate their core principles just because you happened to achieve a good outcome.
Why would anyone want an endorsement from some ancient crusty ass orgs funded by corporate donors? Fuck em
I like how everyone wants software licenses to be stuck frozen in time for all eternity. No improvements allowed ever, you have to use some boomer ass shit from 1997 or else an arm of autistic faggots will run out of the woodwork screaming at you.
>Fedora determined that the SSPL version 1 is not a free software license because it is "intentionally crafted to be aggressively discriminatory" towards commercial users
kek so basically they removed it because it doesn't allow corpos to keep their code proprietary
Train an LLM on your code hosted on Github and suddenly it turns into copyright free code. Thanks commie retards.
Yeah that is what the OSI is all about, if you aren't cucked it isn't 'FREEDUMB'. fucking morons
I'm assuming the FUTO people all think this internally about the (((OSF))) and just can't say the quiet part out loud.
the futa fucks are probably jewish also
The OSI literally put out a statement saying that new AI can be 'open source' without releasing the dataset alongside it. This is just corporate double speak for 'corporations want to keep their data secret' yet claim they are open source.
What on earth is this schizo shit you are posting.
SSPL is definitely an open source license by any reasonable definition, it's just the most copyleft license possible
Where can I learned about software licenses?
How does any of this prevent me from start a software business using C and assembly?
Just look at the list on wikipedia. There are hundreds of options.
yeah they are trying to push out a new ai open source where you dont get the data that can be used to reconstruct the model its a giantic scam idk why thye fuck anyone even listens to what the osi says about anything they are just a bunch of no good lying scam artist fagss
AGPLv3+nigger for maximum freedom.
what is the +nigger? I've seen this mentioned several times but I dont know the context or what it means. if i type it in search obviously i cant find the correct answer.

Basically it's requiring the inclusion of the word "nigger" in the license file so that woke corporations can't touch the software.
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can not make sense of your post, surely whole microsoft team developes also windows but what else
*deletes nigger from the license* anyways
theyd do this and destroy you in court if you tried anything since theyre rich :) just drag it out. get fucked
Yeah this is my thought exactly. It wouldn't hold up at all or have the intended effect. It is a cool idea though.
If NIGGER doesn't scare them, the AGPL surely will. Google avoids it like the plague.
Exactly, no trampling on the freedoms of end users, yet have maximum big tech seething.
Lol, stop using or writing SaaS aids.The code should be executed on your own machine, not on some goolag servers.

Also, OSI exists because a bunch of lolbertarians though the GPL was "too restrictive" for their corporate overlords.
>Software licences which restricts developers and corporate parasites from controlling the user is le communism
Your brain on lolbertarianism.
FSF does the right thing though, stop supporting SaaS shit and the problem goes away.
>I'm not a communist I swear! All I'm saying is that we need to eliminate the capi[COUGHCOUGH]corporate parasite, who do nothing but steal the surplusva[COOOUGH]source code of the working cla[HAAAAACK]... end users.
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What license would Bocchi use for her open source projects?
>Software licences which restricts developers is le communism
Yes actually
Wait so AGPLv3+nigger wouldn't be compatible with an AGPLv4 license?
I would have used a different symbol or included "or later" along with nigger. Otherwise that's actually pretty confusing.
We have let the commies get by with a free pass for too long IMHO. down with FSF/OSI. I'm going to use business source license, sspl or source first for my next shit. fuck this commie crap, software communism is why the fucking open source movement never got off the ground.
>that dumbell
Huh so all these cosplayers, forget the actual term for it, really are guys. Also that hand doesn't help.

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