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>work 2 years as assistant sys admin while getting my comp sci degree
>allowed remote work during summer, while also doing internships without my boss knowing
>fell for the /g/ meme of (((hustle))) on the side and never been transparent with him
>after graduating, accepted a dream job without telling him
>yes man for a month "yes I can work Mon-Fri during summer boss!"
>cuck out week before start day at new job and call out sick
>already started working and still haven't told him I got a new job
>called me today asking if I'm feeling okay and if need more time off
Fuck /g/ everyone of you are subhumans. I feel like a piece of shit right now. Gray beard sys admin took me in while I was flipping burgers as a freshman, even let me work remote so that I could study and work more hours (an excuse I made up for first summer, but he let me do it during school time as well). And this is how I repay him... I worked hard while under his wing but I should have been fully transparent with him about my new job. I was scared shitless of disappointing my mentor. I already asked to talk with him over the phone. Any advice? I made a sketch of the things I wanted to talk and apologize for, I'm only 23 years old so I know I'm a retard and I hope he will forgive me.
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reap what you sow retard
I'm a little confused.
Everything you did would have required consistent thoughts and reminders of the act that you were about to commit.
>fuck you all
>any advice?
stop being a bitch
It's called delusion. In the back of my mind I knew I was going to start a new job. But at my current job I was always busy and never committed to having this conversation with him, I convinced myself that I was going to work there. Well a month passed by and here we are.
Better late than never. I'm sure he'll understand and you'll both move on. If you really feel bad, get him a cake or something to say you're sorry
Anytime I asked questions about employee-boss relations anons told me to "treat them cold hearted like companies treat you, just quit like they would lay off you" except I was young and didn't realize my boss was the exception
youre fucked. your reputation is ruined for acting like a streetshitter.

anyways, how did u get a new grad job in this economy?
your supposed to do that with big companies not small-med, which it sounds like you must be if they're hiring a kid as an assistant to a vital component of the company, no less allowing him to work remote.

yeah you fucked up and probably lost a stellar reference, but hey, think of it as a crucial lesson learned.
>not having at least 10 jobs at a time for your hustle.
you could spin up another lie and claim youre transferring or moving. but you should probably just be honest and say an opportunity came up and youve greatly appreciated his tutelage.
Apologize and say you were offered a new position starting immediately and you don't have much choice.
Just accept responsibility for your actions and tell him straight about your new job.
well thanks to my amazing boss I had a real world project filled resume, I didn't only do basic sys admin stuff. He let me build internal company websites and scripts and tools for others to use
I hate being young and stupid, but all I want it for him to not be mad. He was literally like a Dad to me, I spent more time with him then my actual family lol. I already scheduled a face to face meeting with him and it sounds like he already knows what I have to say
I hope it works out for you and your boss/dad anon. This world can be cruel, try not to be cruel if you don't have to be. Especially to those you care about or care about you.
Just pretend you haven't started yet but you recently got it and you'll need to quit sooner than two weeks. Then thank him for everything and offer him a blowjob.
just be honest with him, explain that you had a hard time communicating you were leaving and say you know what you did was wrong. Now you will have to send christmas gift to him every year
*snif* *snif*
Smells like slimy, larping, lying, (op) in here.
>He was literally like a Dad to me
What country is this? Where are you?
You could forward his deets to me and I'll be his new protege since I'm stuck in total Hell at the moment.
I can install Gentoo and Arch, push to github and w̶a̶s̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶p̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶d̶o̶l̶l̶a̶r̶s̶ justify our department expenditures migrating containers over AWS.
I am self-taught and White.
Don't backstab people. At least don't do it first, but in general it's better to cut all ties than continue to communicate with shitty people and backstab them.

As for your question, if that dude didn't fuck you over, at least he deserves to hear the truth.
This is why you give a cold 2-week notice every time you retard. Stop being autistic and act like everyone else if you want to form lasting connections in the working world.
>I feel like a piece of shit right now
You should, because you're being a cowardly piece of shit and nobody told you to do this.
>I should have been fully transparent with him about my new job.
You *should* have put in at least a two week's notice instead of just ghosting him you retard. Whether you should have given him more of a heads-up than that depends on how much you trusted him to not fire you early for taking a new job.
>I was scared shitless of disappointing my mentor
And yet here you are, disappointing your mentor as a direct and obvious consequence of the actions you took and somehow defend with this reasoning. Are you really telling me you were incapable of thinking more than a couple months into the future when you decided on your plan?
This sounds like some retard fantasy you built in your head.

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