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Alright, so I'm sick of snarky, doomer posts by ironic zoomer children. I want to have some fun and make something with the site I've had the misfortune of being on for the last 16 years.
How about 4chan 2.0? Where the gimmick is that in order to post on the site, you have to be invited.
It's still all anonymous when posting, but now you have the ability to ban any post you think shouldn't be on the site if they're part of an invite chain you started. The catch is, you can't ban them directly, you need to delete the entire chain. This encourages swift user moderation because it means that if you can ban the post and don't, anyone above you that bans them will include you.
It also encourages older community members to have a more steady hand on who to ban because you might literally just gut all the content your invite chain provided.
In this system, there will be no permaban, anyone is free to invite anyone, but if you keep inviting shit people, it's only a matter of time before you get culled as well. Also we're fucking bringing back visible sage.
I've got a few thousand in savings to get the ball rolling on any server costs, any oldfags, or even non-Reddit newfags in that wanna relive the old internet where we actually did shit?
what is blud yapping about
The chain idea is fine in theory, but giving massive control to someone whos only achievment is being early is retarded, and I wouldnt trust that to go well. Its basically how reddit moderators work, isnt it?
Also, what happens if someone who invited multiple people gets banned? If you dont ban the other children then they become unbannable since theres no one above them, and if you do then an oldfag getting banned can ban half the userbase. Overall the idea is too convoluted for what will effectively be a shitpost/hangout site
The chance to be a patrician for first and only time in your entire life.
>giving massive control to someone who's only achievement is being early is retarded
Worked just fine for Rome.

The idea is simple, you're getting convoluted with doomer sandbagging. What do you stand to lose versus what do you stand to gain? The money's all my own.
The invite-only system with collective responsibility for bans might discourage new users and stifle the community's growth, ultimately creating a more insular and elitist environment rather than a vibrant, inclusive one.
basic graph theory is not zoomer sandbagging
>creating a more insular and elitist environment rather than a vibrant, inclusive one
To be quite honest, I think this site would have been better if we took that approach, but ultimately it's not really my job to decide.
By being a founder, you'd have your own branch you can cultivate, invite as many people as you want, and control the space that way, without interference from anyone else.
You too.
i'll fund the logo
Ayyy, let's go, do we want to keep -chan branding or go with Rome because that's literally the inspiration, and I think would do really well to sell the idea.

Sidenote: I think it's fine to give inordinate power to people who were early because there's going to be literally thousands of people that'll look at this thread and doom it into oblivion and only a few will sign up. So it filters for the 1 in 1000 people that are willing to go out and create something successful, and keeps the people that would leech on success ultimately out of power. Name me a better system of governance, or an empire that stood longer.
i dont have alot of trust for someone who doesnt think about details like this. This kind of thing is the first questions I would ask before joining such a site. Ive seen many new chans being proposed on this board and this one doesnt seem like a particular winner. For that reason, im out.
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Where's my 20k saar
I respect your time, but to be honest, I'm more attempting to woo Mark Cuban, that's the only reason anyone is on that show. Have you seen your recent portfolio results?
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So is this going to be like the Senate of Rome?
A patrician council if you will
Mark (((Chabenisky)))
Literally. Everyone here that helps build Rome gets to be a Patrician. You'll have complete control over your own individual family, and no one else can tell you what type of people you want to bring. Oldfags decide board culture, no rewrites from tourists flooding in.
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>Sounds based
I hope the containment boards are actually going to be contained
Ban anyone that leaves it. You set the rules. Not under your purview? Enlist the help of other patricians to curry favor.
If a plapjack irritates you you're too much of a bitch to write anything yourself anyway.
Instead of an /int/ board, there could be a board where which patrician's family you belong to.
Make /g/ flags for each operating system so I can filter windowsfags out
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These sound excellent. It would be wise to have contingencies set up for the inevitable collapse if this is truly going to be like Rome
No, fuck you. You're trying to make another reddit/discord circlejerk. Literally attracting the same mentally ill userbase of power-hungry mods. When 4chan was created it allowed for anonymous shitposting that quickly expanded to other topics. What does your website provide? Anonymous powertripping? If you've been here for 16 years then you should have known this is against all the values that make 4chan the place it is
Hire me as a President of the logo advisory committee with $75k CTC.
Don't let this shit die
Remove the k, chud.
Le bump
Cool, another project that won’t go past the logo design phase and a readme.md

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