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Why are good chair so fucking expensive?
>be at work
>see pic rel that no one uses
>sit in it
>literally the most comfortable chair I ever sat in
>check price online
>1500 bucks minimum
Why do jews do this to us?
>get a used one
There isn't any
If I wasn't on the 8th floor and had a car, I would've stolen it
>I wasn't on the 8th floor and had a car, I would've stolen it
Disassemble it you retard
>Losing your job over 100$ worth of recylced plastic and foam sold for 1500$.
There are people seeing me as it's an open space shit
>Why is anon disassembling a chair for no reason?
And how am I supposed to carry it back home when i take a stupidly crowded train and bus, impossible
Enterprise pricing.
Companies buy furniture in bulk at reduced cost and they write off the depreciating value of the chair in their taxes. Additionally they can toss the whole chair if anything goes wrong instead of waiting on repairs because of enterprise oriented warranty. Additionally additionally there are some advantages to avoiding liability or some subsidies that might be cashed in.
Home office has also driven up consumer demand of ergo chairs, also because of tax reasons.
Tbf no one uses it
Gonna ask if there's a possibility to buy it for cheap or if there's promo for it
The chair I have at home is killing my back
>not mesh
Enjoy your sweaty balls
I got a 250€ chink mesh chair and it's fucking comfy during the summer, probably because I'm a 6'1'' manlet
It is getting ridiculous shill-kun.
At least, wait for your other thread to ie before creating another.
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>ancient grandmother older than dirt finally kicks the bucket
>get a smallish amount of money
>buy a steelcase office chair with it
feels good, bros
If it's only worth $100 why are there no chairs sold for even $200 as good?
strategically "break" it by removing some part so that people think its broken, the office throws it out, then lift it from the dumpster
Modern enterprises outsource logistic to another company, which will both deliver the new chair AND remove the old one. Precisely to deter that kind of behaviour.
>His work doesn't pay for his home office setup

Get a better job.
You should've invested it in an index fund retard
>Go to Goodwill
>Oh shit there's a recliner for 50 bucks
>Let me go on the internet and pay $1500 for a worse chair
*This is you.
Ergo chairs are a meme leading to disabilties
>they write off the depreciating value of the chair in their taxes

I would like unemployed dipshits to please fuck off.
Do it one piece at a time. Eg. on Monday you take home one armrest, a couple days later you leave with the wheels, etc.
just build your own
Get a Steelcase Leap from a office supplier. Brand new leather should be under 500
yeah cause i totally can't do that with money from work, double retard
Genius. And it wouldn't cost him a dime. You'd know it was him when he comes through your town. He would drive around in style and drive everybody wild. Because he'll have the only one there is around.
>open space hell
>crowded public transport hell
What keeps you alive? I would blow my head off if I were you.
I'm in an internship/apprenticeship as accountant in a somewhat big company
There are days where I have literally nothing to do so that's nice (and wfh 3 times a week)
Paid 1130€ while living with my parents for working 2 days per week

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