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How can open source be monetized? If not, how are devs supposed to eat?
>inb4 source available proprietary
Dual-licensing while using AGPLv3 as your main.

Look into Goolges AGPL Policy:
>In some cases, we may have alternative licenses available for AGPL licensed code.
Meaning that they are fine with paying for another offered license.

Never use a permissive license, unless it's a library that you really want to give away for free.
>lust provoking image
By contributing something real instead of saas. Source code can be open whilst hosting and usage is paid.
For starters make usable good software people will want to use and they'll donate to you. Instead you reinvent the wheel over and over instead of making good applications people actually need.
>If not, how are devs supposed to eat?
In the pre-jewed world, people were supposed to be able to support themselves on one 8-to-5 work. And to retire before having dementia.
That would have let them with plenty of time to pursue FOSS developement as a hobby.
But sadly, we live in the post-jewed world. By now, the average NPC's brain is so fried, that they ask dumb question like : "How can open source be monetized?"

unironically? copyright laws. normally i'm pro-piracy but patents and legal enforcement are crucial for technological advancement. china is steamrolling us because they don't respect patents and the west is unable and unwilling to penalize them.
We know the answer by this point. Create something that undermines some big company's business model, then create a foundation and start accepting donations for obstructing your own project as much as possible.

Also, >>101240503.
>paid hosting

I thought you didn't like SaaS?

>paid usage

Source available proprietary.


Calling me an NPC isn't going to unjew the world. If you don't have anything to contribute, fuck off.


I thought that was standard procedure around here
forgot the lust provoking image, sorry.
Sell the binaries and/or first class support.
Business/Enterprise contracts.
Your second sentence disagrees with your first.
Patents and IP stifle advancement by restricting who can use, produce or improve it.

patents expire in around 10 years i think, they incentivize investing in R&D for a brief window of exclusivity and market domination. if this wasn't the case, people would just wait around for someone else to invent something and then steal it.

copyright laws for movies and shit should be 10 years too: long enough to make a profit but not hold onto it for a lifetime (98 years currently).
That fashion sense kill any boner I might have had

gachashit HAS to be AI generated nowadays. it looks like LoL but incoherent
open-source does not necessarily mean free of charge, see the Synergy project. Of course you can compile it from source, but then it's not licensed so companies rather buy the license
back in the day you'd mark up your disc prices a little but now we have the bazaar model where people are expected to be able to collaborate with you on the software.
you can make money by just selling it with source code for their own private development and modification, for the occasional stallman who wants to port it or something.
if they want to *sell* it though. if you're nice, you let them. otherwise don't let them.
Modern gachashit just piles on random accessories, colors, accents, and assymetry to trick your brain into thinking the character designs are different when they very clearly suffer from same face syndrome and more.
you make money by using the GIMP plugins for your content, product, brands, services. Or others pay you to use your GIMP plugins to make stuff for them.
China is anti woke and based in some areas but there social credit system sucks gorilla balls
>wait and steal
happens with patents, you wait for some fag to invent something, then you take it and change it enough to not be legally the same thing.

big corps do this because they have legions of lawyers and infinite money to suplex disputes, or pay hushmoney to keep the sharpest tool in the shed from getting assblassted.

Also patents are a historically recent invention, yet things were still invented. the whole idea of a patent is to protect profits and maybe as a mark of authenticity.

Personally I believe any rights to any IP should never exceed 5 years. Why? Look at Disney. Their golden age was brought about by what now constitutes gross copyright violation and intellectual property theft, now after all the IP, CR and DMCA shit (they pushed) there's not a single original thing that Disney has made, it's all remakes and remasters, because what humans are good at is taking a thing and making it better.

Look at noodles, chinese in origin made better by the italians and japanese, the Beretta M1911 was a copy of a spanish(I think?) gun, all of electricity's history is full of "theft" and "appropriation" and if not for such acts the development and adoption of it would have stifled for decades!
You don't monetize the code itself. You sell yourself as the person familiar with the code who bodges it together for a certain use case, then you make your bodges public.
It's like a guild system for programmers. You do less work since you don't start from scratch, and you're paid the same wage because non-technical people don't get it.
Did konqi really need ro be updated to be less fuckable? Was this really such a major issue?

There should be enforced licensing. You can use other people's stuff for whatever you want, but you have to pay them a reasonable fee. So if I like a book and want to write my own sequel, I can, and the author can't stop me, but I might have to pay them a portion of the profits in proportion to how much my book steals from theirs.

Patents should work like copyright, except for algorithms and methods instead of creative expression. That is, if I can prove that I had no knowledge of your design when I made mine, then it can't possibly infringe your patent.
Just shove ads in any open source project. Everyone will <3 <3 <3 <3 LOVE <3 <3 <3 <3 it. But seriously, people will write scripts to block or filter your app.
Donations. Obviously.
by getting commissioned
it's extremely easy, just make the exe or apk paid
that's it
foss on fdroid and github, paid on microsoft and google appstore
that's how openmaps does it
patents are 20 years since the 90s, before they were diferent in diferent places of the word and with diferent duration depending on which sector they where. Neolibs make a system that needed reform even more pro bullshit and imposed it internationally
>Also patents are a historically recent invention
if you considers late middle age recent sure.
we need to make donating to open source devs more normie friendly. so people dont need to know where specifically to donate, and can do filters like only donate to open source devs in your country so your donation doesnt devalue and get conversion fees.
Good luck enforcing American patents in China. The only way to prevent them from stealing tech is blockading them and bombing the undersea internet cables. Is the US capable of doing that?
That's one of the og new design refs for konqi.
I think its fine... I hate how shoehorned kate is tho.

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