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does it miss the point
or doesn't it?
lets have a civil discussion about that.

Who wants to go first?
BSD license is cuckery, pure and simple. You allow corpos to steal your code without forcing the corpo to allow their code to be stolen.
You mean lend it to him
>implying large entities care about licenses
lmao they'll steal your code anyway
I, too, get all my opinions from Luke Smith
>daily cuck license shill thread
It's a regional thing, I shit you not.
maybe not if you live in some shithole like india or china
but in developed nations, yes, companies very much care about licenses.

They dont want their source code to one day get leaked and then owe some foss retard MILLIONS in compensation for using his logging library without permission
>he thinks licenses are legally binding
They can afford better lawyers than you in a civil lawsuit
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they are lmao

>They can afford better lawyers than you in a civil lawsuit
anon maybe learn how the legal system work before you critique it. Its not like bill gates can just go kill someone in a mall in the middle of the day and then get away with it by paying some lawyers a few million dollars.
you are confusing SLA (software license agreement) with EULA (end user license agreement)

while technically eulas are also legally binding, its very very hard to sue an end user for breaking it. You can very much sue a company for breaking a software license however, which is what BSD GPL MIT, are.
>Its not like bill gates can just go kill someone in a mall in the middle of the day and then get away with it by paying some lawyers a few million dollars.
dont know who this faggot is
guessing he was charged with murder but didn't get sentences, and you're implying he "got away with it" because he paid his lawyers so much. In reality there was probably more to it, if i go look into the details.

Like when a story of a cop killing a black man comes out and you lefty retards cry about it being indiscriminately killing and racism, then when i go look the actual story up its because the guy was shooting at the fucking cops or charging at them with a knife or some shit lmao
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yep i was right
he didn't murder anybody it was a fucking accident on a movie set
You're really fucking stupid lmao. No need to keep replying to me
the thing that baffles me anon,
is people like you will keep spewing this bullshit even though i just showed you how retarded you are. Like tomorrow or in a week you'll argue some lefty point about the system being rigged and billionaires having all the power on some other thread AGAIN despite what just happened now

why are you like this?
>i just showed you
You just showed you're a gullible goy, nothing more. Good golem
>muh left and right muh direction brain muh billionaires
Fucking retard. Kill yourself
Also you write like a subhuman twitter faggot and/or woman with the lack of capitalization and such, which makes your opinions garbage by default.
Name one time this has ever happened, by an actual FAANG-tier "large entity" based in a western country. It's never happened and it never will happen because it would get discovered or leaked right away and it's incredibly unprofessional.
Do you have access to the closed-source codebase of all FAANG-tier large entities?
>it's incredibly unprofessional
Right, surely that serves as a deterrent kek
you seem kinda mad
So you can't name even one single time?
So you can't read?
>heh if you're right then why can't you answer my biased question which operates from false assumptions? gotcha
Braindead fucking faggot.
Freetards get defensive when the uselessness of their licenses is pointed out, but the fact is that if you don't think the NSA or whoever else wipes their ass with that kind of stuff and does what they want regardless, you're delusional
If your reading comprehension is so great, why didn't you address: "because it would get discovered or leaked right away"
Because that's a baseless claim with nothing to support it, so it's not worth addressing.
I can make the exact opposite point and you wouldn't be able to prove me wrong either.
i couldn't care less if the NSA or whoever wipes their ass with my license because i know a judge wont when it goes to court and i can prove they actually used my software
If it's really happening at Big Tech, but it never once leaked, that would be a massive conspiracy. Do you think Guido van Rossum worked at Google for seven years and never noticed his company was stealing code from his free software comrades? You just don't know how the industry works if you think it's remotely possible at a super-large western tech company to intentionally violate a software license without anyone knowing.

You also don't have a clue about how binary reverse engineering works if you don't think it would be discovered right away if a Big Tech shipped stolen free software in binary form to customers.
I've said this in other threads but permissive licenses aren't "cuck" licenses. Besides public domain, they are the closest that comes to "free as in free speech" license as they respect free market-esque principles in open source software. GPL/commie licenses ironically fundamentally relies on the same anti-competition concepts that gave us proprietary software. Copyleft isn't the opposite of copyright, it uses the same structure but moves in different directions. Get rid of the legal system behind copyright and you also unknowingly get rid of copyleft. Intellectual Property is the root problem that should be addressed. It is the biggest danger and enabler of the bad practices Stallman and others describe but most freetards especially the ones in the Free Software Foundation will shift the blame as they don't want to admit that they don't like open source as a voluntary choice, public domain, and like some aspects of IP such as complaining like fags that their idea got stolen. Getting rid of IP would mean decentralized, anti-authoritarian battle of ideas which would be benificial in tech. The biggest argument against BSD/ISC/MIT/Unlicense is that globohomo will steal from you without given it back. Lets use Apple as an example since they usually take FreeBSD or NetBSD code to replace aging NeXT modules. Apple would lose its strangle hold over Darwin/MacOS. It would also be a win for right to repair too because it would be perfectly fine to reverse engineer and distribute it. So in order Apple to come out on top they would have to put something out that doesn't screw over customers else someone could make the same thing but better. Tech in general (software, hardware, etc) becomes less about brands and more about putting out the best idea. Overall, getting rid of IP would enable right to repair, eliminate all incentives to make proprietary software, fuck over globohomo and a bunch more of other anti-consumer and anti-competitive practices.
t. cuck
>Getting rid of IP would mean decentralized, anti-authoritarian battle of ideas which would be benificial in tech
no it would mean an absence of ideas
with no monetary incentive (thought IP) there would be drastically less creation overall
>Get rid of the legal system behind copyright and you also unknowingly get rid of copyleft
Well yeah. This isn't a gotcha and it's not "unknowingly," it's intentional design. Copyleft was a "if intellectual property has to exist, at least we can use the system against them" type design. If there was intellectual property reform some day that weakened copyleft but also weakened proprietary software in the same way, Stallman would be thrilled.
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Reminder that GPL is the worst of both worlds, because it indirectly promotes cloud/SaaS.
wait really? that wasn't just written that way to be funny?
Yes, some regions barely understand English and speak backwards non-human languages.
You contradict yourself with your picture, and it's funny
Why on earth would you release your OSS as GPL?
If you want the true spirit of open source, choose the actual virality of AGPL and Server Side Public License.
If you don't care about that and just want to release your code, pick MIT/BSD.

GPL only benefits webshit startups. That's part of the reason why local software is dying out.
This post is really based and I agree the GPL has flaws. Its just far better then what the evil big tech companies are doing.
omg this is off the charts based and exactly how i see the world... this post makes me want to consider making all my GIMP plugins MIT and trying to convince the GIMP team to make GIMP MIT.
the idea that software licencing is of any great importance is far more pernicious than the implications of any particular licence.
They think winning legal battles is about the power level of your lawyer and that any court case can be won as long as my lawyer can beat up your lawyer.
Yeah they use "borrow me" in the midwest from what I've heard.
wtf Luke Smith said this? I support BSD now. No way am I sharing my opinion with a low t onionstard baldie
This, but unironically.
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>hasn't looked into the details
>still has an opinion on the subject
>well akshually...
The absolute state of Americans.
not reafing all that shit NIGGER
>it really is midwesterners shitting up the board
I'm sorry Eurobros I should have known...
There's literally nothing wrong with cuckoldry
enlighten me then faggot you were the one who brought up the case

tell me how this man is actually guilty and tell me how nobody else, included a whole jury and probably several appeal judges, sees it as such.
the virgin noooo the corporinos!
the chad I don't give a fuck, let's to back to the old sovlfull pro piracy internet
Open source is a meme
Free software is the only thing that matters
>no response
another spineless "the system is corrupt" lefty i've defeated


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