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>anti-aliasing on image/video viewing programs
>autocorrect built into search engines
>automatic adjustments to screen brightness/appearance
>screen timeout / autolock
>needed a PIN to access my saved passwords
>mobile websites
>lossy data compression
>9:16 screen ratios (they are mathematically ugly)
>what pissed you off /g/?
this thread
>>automatic adjustments to screen brightness/appearance

>>needed a PIN to access my saved passwords
Don't be lazy, nigga.

holy fpbp.
Fuck you and fuck your soi jac thread

at least i'm engaging with anons instead of blogposting or ranting about jews/trannies
Websites not focusing the caret on the search bar by default.
When they put onions in my food when I specifically request no onions
>anti-aliasing on image/video viewing programs
You mean you prefer point scaling? You're a certified retard. As expected from a jakposter.
>Websites that reload, are slow, are designed poorly, or just don't work properly
>"""Security breaches"""
>When my internet drops or acts up
>Ads and paywalled content; attempts at extracting money from me (Making simple things services, for example)
>Companies trying to take away my property rights
>government backdoors
>companies intentionally sabotaging hardware so I have to rebuy
>companies trying to resell me the same product over and over again
>anything harmful to anonymity on the internet (Digital ID's, fingerprinting, IP logging, etc.)
>people who went into CS for money
>nocoders who argue about pointless shit instead of making things
Honestly, everything stems back to retards, Indians, and Jews. The world would be heaven if they did not exist.

nearest neighbor FTW
>Websites that
trap your Back button for whatever reason (fuck you Microsoft)
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>>9:16 screen ratios (they are mathematically ugly)
holy fuck I hate zoomers so much it is unreal
>Linux nerds always going on about muh security/privacy when I switched to Linux after hating Windows 8 and just wanting something stable and dependable that didn't annoy the crap out of me.
>Apple products 2011 onwards
>Companies who make everything a subscription
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Jira. Fuck Jira with a rake.
You will never go back to the internet in 1999.
Fags who are reading this shit on a piece of shit thinkpad. Break it in half over the knees. Then ask them for lunch money if they refuse give 'em gay nerds an atomic wedgie fuck their moms and beat up their dads.
just put everything in the backlog.
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Needing to constantly input your stupid password on linux EVEN DOE you need to type it in to log-in in the first place
Every linux distro/DE should have a feature to turn that bullshit off, literally NO ONE is using a multi-user office PC where that would be viable
I don't know what's their deal with thinking every linux user is using a multi-user office PC, there's even some mini rant about that in every distro every time you do sudo for the first time
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>constantly input your stupid password
>he doesn't know
I do know you can save it on krashde for one program at a time but that isn't perfect since you have to redo it for every program and I don't even use KDE
>First password
>2FA needed for safety
>Changes to second password after enabling 2FA
>Not even a day later
>Goes back to first password
>Because second password feels wrong
>Gets hacked, even though you have 2FA
anons, am i dumb?
Glad you asked OP:
>get temp. Iphone SE from vet's affair cause I lost my Android
>Hate Apple and soiphones but hey free prepaid service for 1 year and free Iphone
>Bitch sets up icloud acct with my REAL FULL NAME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION (because they our veterans soooo much)
>OK that suck but at least I can try and jailbreak it
>Tried using Altsore method and checkra1n for weeks with no success
>oh well as long as the phone doesn't upgrade it's OS I still have a shot
>Using as hotspot few minutes ago
>Connection lost
>Lil soi-ass phone was upgrading it's OS WITHOUT MY FUCKING PERMISSION!!!!

I got old trusty Galaxy A12 back and now I wanna give the crapple soIphone back but that VA bitch won't take it.


Sorry for the grammar errors but I was just so pissed-off I could barely type. I just wanted to jailbreak this bitch so bad.
>>anti-aliasing on image/video viewing programs
what software does this? did you mean bilinear upscaling?
I use windows on all my machines but I hate how fellow windows users go out of their way to suppress all critique.
The only way to improve is to get critique and fix issues. Market feedback is a real thing and has always been a thing.
Its extremely disheartening.
You have autism
and that is bad because...........
>anti-aliasing on image/video viewing programs
You mean lack of anti-aliasing.
>autocorrect built into search engines
You mean not having autocorrect.
>automatic adjustments to screen brightness/appearance
You mean fixed brightness.
>screen timeout / autolock
You mean not having a timeout.
>needed a PIN to access my saved passwords
You mean exposing your passwords to any nigger that steals your phone.
>mobile websites
You mean desktop-only websites.
>lossy data compression
You mean wasting time on lossless formats where lossy would do.
>9:16 screen ratios (they are mathematically ugly)
You mean all ratios other than 9:16, such as 4:5 and 3:7 (they are perceptually ugly).
I completely agree with you.
You're not really missing out on anything, the jailbreak scene for iTrash is dead.

I know but Apple's nanny hand-holding policy is fucking gay. It's MY phone I do whatever I want with it and install whatever apps I want..

But fuck it all anyway, I got my old Samsung phone back and crapple can suck it.
Isn't Samsung just as hostile? I looked into buying one of the Folds at some point and it didn't seem like it was possible to root without breaking the camera and what not.
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>What pisses YOU off
Jews. /thread
source on that pic? havent browsed pol in a while

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