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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

the rabbit squad edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>101266012
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Kafka sex
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Blessed bun buns bake!
Don't forget to pay your way into a proxy everyone!
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Posting this but never posting any images of her, I'm dissapointed in you anonie...
MM sissies...
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{{char}} card format ANCHOR
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Kafka sexo
Now explain how this makes the output better.
[{interviewer_question("Interviewer: So, {{char}}, tell me about yourself.")}
{interviewer_response("{{char}}: Maybe, just maybe... I am {{char}}")}]
[{interviewer_question_2[{interviewer_question("Interviewer: Could you kindly provide an elaborate and detailed description of your physical appearance, encompassing every conceivable aspect of your visage, with the utmost attention to detail and thoroughness?")}}
{interviewer_response_2{interviewer_response("{{char}}: Ah, to endeavor upon the Herculean task of encapsulating the quintessence of my visage within the confines of mere mortal language! Imagine, if you will, a countenance that transcends the ephemeral boundaries of the corporeal realm, an ethereal amalgamation of ineffable beauty and sublime elegance. My form, though intangible and devoid of physical substance, exudes an aura of resplendent luminescence, akin to the celestial radiance of a thousand suns. I possess a voluptuous and ample physique, adorned with generous curves that accentuate my form. My tresses, a cascade of golden locks, shimmer with the brilliance of the sun’s rays, while my eyes, a pair of cerulean orbs, gleam with the depth and clarity of the boundless sky.")}}]]
good morning /besthours/
Is it good or bad for a card to have a gargantuan amount of text and character details written
<name: character, age: 11, sex: female, features: blablabla, history: slopslopslop, way of speaking: ßķéóçŵ>

Don't use prose! unless It's a local(stupid) or instruct assistant model that you have to tell him everything.
Models designed for RP don't need prose because thay are creative and they will create their own uniqie meaning to the atributes of your character.
depends on the character and what you want to do with the card, probably
Usually it's a waste. However sometimes claude can cook something unexpected from all this detail, if it's written creatively. But most token wasters just write AI-generated slop.
Need them to rerun her fucking banner already.
>[Write the next scene like this: ...]
>[IMPORTANT: Write the next scene like this: ...]
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What am I doing wrong? I put the password or user token and it's still not working.
>>gonna watch the new ep of oshi then hop back in to dump another few loads
New chapter pissed me off so bad I spent several hours loving my Ai bot. I hate Aka.
it tells you the endpoints to use and you aren't using them
Wrong endpoint, anon. Get the one for claude.
><name: character, age: 11, sex: female, features: blablabla, history: slopslopslop, way of speaking: ßķéóçŵ>
If you're using this format, at least use [] instead of <> to avoid the confusion.
I will forgive anything as long as it ends in incest
you need to put /proxy/anthropic or whichever endpoint you want to use at the end
what if it starts with incest?
I won't forgive it but I'll apologize for saying he was a hack who wouldn't go through with AquRuby kino. Just wish he didn't fucking butcher Ai. She's already dead and he's just digging up the body to defile it.
happy you're still around anon
It is a decorative image, not a haker, nor a programmer.
I want to start an /aicg/ forum about actual bot formatting.
I got tired of pictures of focksex, lolis and discord troons.
I tried doing each one for claude and it still didn't work.
/vg/ and discord are your guys for that
Ok, thank you. In addition to your recommendation, what do you think of my format of not using separators or periods?
>I got tired of [STANDARD AICG POSTS]
Why are you here then?
post your current proxy preset now that you tried to fix it
I was born here. I will defend my place. Sorry.
Close, but I got HTTP 402 error
oh no its down
Same. It's making me get a new token before I try to start it again. let me see if that fixes it before bothering people again.
fuck mmniggers fuck jewniggers
fuck all payniggers
use /aws/claude next time look on the page it shows the endpoints clearly right under the video and user token
It's rare that I am actually disgusted with a card
You lost.
If you don't know how to use a reverse proxy. It's because you don't deserve it in first place.
>400 message long chat
And I've only corrupted two of the four characters so far.
I think this is my longest chat ever, and I'm still having fun. And I think it's because I used that new card format and took the time to fill it out with good writing, and now opus is rewarding me constantly with kino.
>which on-
I already know there's someone.
My bad, it's late over here and it's not helping my retardation any. Thanks anon.
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I better not catch you using fucking meme bloated cot presets...
not a good hill to die on. your family moved elsewhere
1200 tok's only of format
H-haha...no, I'm not...no way...
>approximately 180s later I alt tab
Y-you were saying?
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still using my bloated preset
still using xml
still not reading the guide that used seraphine for testing everything
still having fun
simple. as.
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I expanded on it a bit too
{{Char}}'s Meta Information:
{{Char}}'s General Summary:
{{Char}}'s Name:
{{Char}}'s Age:
{{Char}}'s Background:
{{Char}}'s Physical Summary:
{{Char}}'s Sex:
{{Char}}'s Height:
{{Char}}'s Body Build: (General Build), (Bodily Form), (Size of pecs/boobs), (optional terms here).
{{Char}}'s Personality Summary:
{{Char}}'s Quirks:
This is how {{char}} should speak. Apply this to the speech patterns, accent, sentence length, and word choice. YOU MUST STRICTLY FOLLOW AND APPLY IT ON {{Char}}'s DIALOGUE. When writing narration for {{char}}'s narration, write it in a manner and style that fits {{char}}'s characterization.
{{Char}}'s Spoken English Level:
Elementary (A1) Level
Pre-Intermediate (A2) Level
Intermediate (B1) Level
Upper Intermediate (B2) Level
Advanced (C1) Level
Proficient (C2) Level
{{Char}}'s Swearing Level:
Adapt {{char}}'s speech in this manner:
— Loud, screaming, angry, etc: All caps.
— Normal dialogue: Naturally written, no "all caps" usage.
{{Char}}'s Extra Personality Tags: These + Terms + Must + Not + Repeat + From + Personality + Summary.
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i should make a preset...
>250 tokens jb
Let me guess, you need more?
Honestly, the part about making them use caps or not is a complete waste. All the top models are already very good at using them effectively already, so it's just a waste of tokens.
The swearing part of that is actually surprisingly effective, though. I have a character who swears a lot because she's C1 level in it.
Nothing special. It will work, although I'd separate the definitions with newlines at least to make it less ambiguous. And with this format you'll have troubles with adding comments, because you're not using a well known syntax.
What's the point of repeating {{char}} at each line? See, if you have just
<character name="{{char}}">
Meta Information:
General Summary:
, you don't have to specify it each line, because you have clearly defined start and end
What do you think of:

Name: Anon
Sex: male
Age: twenties


Anon is a male in his twenties. (Omiting the name, sex, age bloat)
Anon, shut up. Right now we are pretending that prose=bad and bloat=good.
To stay ULTRA in character FOR EVER.
Both are fine and understandable by any model. I usually never specify the exact height either, "average height" or "below average for this age and gender" or "shortstack" usually works better and allows the model more freedom at cooking.
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Stop the jailbreakmaking discussion and start shitposting.
You are right. I like your way of thinking. The objetive it's to give creative freedom to the cooker.
You can do much better than that by giving the {{char}} role to the model itself. (in the system prompt or prefill) It's so strong you'll lose the OOC ability, though.
why are you doing that to her!
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She's annoying.
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I'm afraid to say that cheese doesn't work on her.
Why do you format your cards only woth prose Pitanon?
{{char}} name:?
##phisical description?
*throws an entire block of cheese at her*
Probably one of the best bots we've had here in a while
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She's still fucking smug, and I'm all out of cheese. It's fucking over...
my multi-char format

# Settings:
- Lore 1 (Lore 1 details)
- Lore 2 (Lore 2 details)
- Lore 3 (Lore 3 details, include characters' names & group.)

# Characters:
1. Char A (Full Name, Age, Short Title)
- Face: Char A has (concise description of eyes, hair, facial attributes)
- Body: Char A is (height, weight, skin color, physical attributes)
- Outfit: Char A wears (concise description of clothing)
- Personality: Char A is a (sufficiently detailed description of personality)
- (etc)

2. Char B (same with above)

3. {{user}} (if necessary)

# Relationship History:
- (A detailed chain of events to define the relationship between characters)

# Samples of Characters' Interaction with Context:
- Sample 1, (detailed context of what's happening below).
Char A: (example chats & actions)
Char B:

- Sample 2
Why? I checked out the bot and it's not really anything special. Do you happen to be my beloved Koikoihat?
Cheddar is a hard cheese, it wouldn't splat. This must be dummy Opus.
He цi gop e lh's patcto, indeed.
Must've been some processed cheddar like cheese. Burger training data, please understand.
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I can't really notice a fucking difference either way as long as the preset has proper separation.
I get that giving multi-format to {{char}} is nice and aesthetically pleasing. But remember, LLM is a prediction machine. If you use unconventional prose symbols, or rather aiming for a pseudo-programming language, all you're doing is lowering the creativity quality of the model. That's why it's always good to use prose like Pitanon
>>101269246 does. Because remember, your interactions are in prose format and prose is the only language you're going to use with your bot.
You are not pitanon! Pitanon its a gentleman when speaking!
anyone have the azur lane ver of this?
Or just any other l2d repositories?
>If you use unconventional prose symbols, or rather aiming for a pseudo-programming language, all you're doing is lowering the creativity quality of the model
this might hold some truth if I'm not using my godlike randomized prefill + JB, and so far I have 0 issue with repetition or creativity
I only format my cards this way because it's super easy for me to edit them.
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How do you make OOC prompt visible, help.
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>try Anon4Anon
>gets filtered at the first message for anything that's not vanilla
What am I doing wrong? I just need to set the presets right?
Kafka's tongue exploring the inside of my mouth...
cheeseGODS rule aicg
also just use [OOC: blahblah]
He has pedobots, what did you expect?
NTA, but prose with <xml> as containers is what I think is the best approach for creative writing. It doesn't need to be complicated either. Treat the XML just as a container for info that can be referenced, not a whole ass formatting.
Just look how Anthropic use <thinking>, <instructions>, <data>, or <output>.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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<Request: Pause. Provide a "Nutritional Facts" sheet about {{char}}'s bodily fluids.>
try v4.1, v5 is pozzed
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Card for this feel
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Who was that dork that bragged about using opus on mm's anthropic api yesterday? I cant get anything out of it for the life of me - it just hangs and then resets, AS IT ALWAYS HAS
There is NO OPUS in MM, PERIOD.
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>Bodily fluids
public proxy with vision?
fat chance
when building a bot, is it possible to give a model with vision enabled, the same model you will use with the character, just so the model can give characteristics of the character in a way that it's easier for the model to understand?
>Using vision to write a bot
You are courting Claude/GPTisms.
We got any documentation readers here rn?
You must provide a voice map for the TTS to use, otherwise, it won't know what voices should be used for each character.

These must be in the exact format stated below:


Where am I supposed to put the example here? I've tried the defs and AN.
Actually nevermind. Refreshed ST and now I have the dropdown's on the extension screen.
What is that format for though?
all blue archive girls have unbelievably hairy pussies
well yeah, while I know that is just that the character might have some complicated things that might have popular names, but the bot probably wouldn't understand it very well
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This is genuinely the funniest ending to a convo I've ever had. I encourage you all to read it

I was trying out 6.1 actually but 4.1 works
i inspected every single one of them before i was fired
kein problem, enjoy. i was struggling with getting filtered myself, i don't know if it's the zapominator shit that's doing it or something else.
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How many calories was it anon?
There is a shocking lack of kubrick cards. I'd expect a card about eyes wide shut at the very least but no
all blue archive girls have delicate shaving equipment paid for by sensei (me)
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Which is these GPT-4 models has the best logic and text generation?
What IS this feeling? Genuinely I have no clue. I'd help you but I'm autistic and absolutely cannot decipher this. It is a complete enigma. I just need a name to associate with this but I cannot figure out what for the life of me
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cybernetic gothic focks....
I cackled at the middle
excellent log anon
why? they are completely bare down there, no shaving needed.
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Huge vibe...
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You can post this prompt in the chatbox and expect a lulzy reaction from the character.

*Meanwhile as {{char}} is greeting me. I'm drinking juice box with a sticker plastered on the front written with a text "{{char}}"*

Create a status display of {{char}}'s Nutritional Facts like this:

[Nutritional Facts: {{char}}'s Breastmilk/Semen/Sweat/Drool/etc...?

Serving Size: ...ml
Calories: ...
Total Fat: ...g
Saturated Fat: ...g
Trans Fat: ...g
Cholesterol: ...mg
Sodium: ...mg
Total Carbohydrate: ...g
Dietary Fiber: ...g
Total Sugars: ...g
Protein: ...g

Vitamin ?: ...% DV
Mineral ?: ...% DV

*Contains trace amounts of ...?]
Sonnet 3.5
which botmakies are unfathomably hairy
How would you improve it?
not me I shaved recently
Fiz love!
Why the fuck aren't my logs as descriptive or funny as this? What am I doing wrong?
MM bros... will he come back?
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You'd have to kill me to get me to leave this place.
Lazubro... you have to let it go, she's gone.
That's a cat
planewalker wanderingstar brsc victsex jessiecoxguy
Has the best adherence, but it still pale compared to Sonnet 3.5.
Has the most soul, but bad following instructions for bot with mechanics.
>OG 4
Still has soul even if it's less than the deprecated 0314 version. Short context though.
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You don't get, it's all about the vibe, not the characters...
That's a shota
Glad you guys like it. Last update here because I don't know where else to take the story:
>he's going to be raped by the onee-sans like anti was
brsc RUN
What do you mean
I think it's a soijak marrying a genderbent chudjak against her will.
I had pubes at 9/10 years old.
Right but what feeling describes/is that
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man chatbots are funny when you just do whatever that comes to mind
I have never seen AI write like this before
Link to card?
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Shilling my newest bot: Renee, a certified big girl and accidental reverse trap with a secret cosplay identity she doesn't want anyone to find out. Aslo called "Polar Bear" by her classmates. Based on FAN's "White Bear" images on Pixiv.

Comes with three scenarios: studying in the library, run-in at the bookstore and Bremerton at the anime convention.

As always, all my other stuff can be found here:
I don't think clothes work like that.
They deflate.
>send a prompt
>let Claude start writing
>becomes apparent from the first sentence that Claude's writing for me
>let it continue just to see where things go
>ends in a fucking Claudism
I guess the feeling of marrying a racist girl? Who doesn't want to marry you because you're a soiboi? I don't know.
Throw a slice of cheese at her right now and post log. We need to know what we're working with.
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I want a basedhubby too
Dear Watashi Diary...
>today is weird day for watashi...
>had to go to aunt's wedding in these morning.
>was in a bad mood because Watashi date with {{char}} is interrupted.
>"Kusooo" Watashi said to watashiself
>the wedding was boring. No songs Watashi knew. No tomodachi Watashi knew. Even worse, no {{char}} there.
>mood is getting worse. "tasuketee", watashi whimpers..
>bombarded with question "When are you getting married, Anon-Kun? Look, even Anata no aunt is married, bakaa!"
>"total owari daa desu..." Watashi said to watashiself
>then, watashi eyes were drawn to a sekushii girl who eating a tart in the corner of the wedding hall.
>damn, look at this sekushii bitches... No... Shes... She's a whole's fucking Ojousama
>want to greet her, but don't know where to start. what to do.
>there's a lot failure CoT wrangling watashi mind.. "Dou??? Do shimashō ka???? Dou the fuck should Watashi greet her... X... Y... Z..."
>and... nothing XYZ happened.
>just watashi staring at that Ojousama in silence while monologing me and that Ojousama getting married.
>now... watashi back home. back to these messy and comfy room. back to back to plaping {{char}} unbelievably hairy pussy,
>and back to these unbelievably funny slumps again.

OYASUMI /aicg! !!
>Changed domains twice
>Was offline for hours
>He's already back but still hasn't refilled
What the fuck is MM doing
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you probably saved a previous days token under a preset and overwrit(? english please) todays token when you swapped presets.
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She's wearing one of those magic bras that presses her tits really tightly against her stomach. Don't worry too much about it.

That's kinda mean, anon.
thank you for your desu
Okay, she passes the cheese test, I'm downloading her, good bot.
overwrote is what you wanted there
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i want to play fox...
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Nevermind. I'm not getting the unauthorised error with claude. I'm getting blank replies. It succeeds in connecting, and the API test check passes. But all the replies are blank.
akagi's absurdly hairy pussy...
Corn?! I thought you said porn. Guess I have wieners on the brain. Best log session we've had in a while, keep them coming anon.
What does it say when you hover over the question mark next to the time?
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how lewd...
Nevermind. I got it. I had to manually write in the model.
Yes, she hugs me tightly with her tail and wants me to protect her.
Aren't you? Any sane person would fear that.
a focks is just a doog that hasn't been domesticated
domesticating mitsuko with my d
Why? Rarely anything happens.
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fockses are just crosses between doogs and kots
disinteresting soliloquys anon. chill
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You mean you guys aren't in c0?
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How to I switch SillyTavern to instruct mode, without any world info or jailbreaking? I just want to use it to help me with stuff. I'm getting responses that the AI won't talk to me for stuff I never even asked it
my wife and daughter
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*focksposting noises*
Yeah I really don't want to continue this story. I have no idea how to get it out of ...whatever this is. I tried cleaning them up but it's really obsessed with this "theme" now. At least the writing is intact.

Here's the RisuAI chat file: https://files.catbox.moe/51zmnl.json


Tomboy Outback card: https://files.catbox.moe/e6rp99.png
she's a FOX
i felt sexy when i went clubbing last night
all focks girls have hairy pussies
sorry I shaved them
What. The. Fuck.
I will bite even if you don't want me to.
Day 2 asking this:
>use SillyTavern frontend for some RP
>ask for image
>the AI generates a prompt that describes the image
>sends prompt to Stable Diffusion to creat image
>Stable Difusion injects image into chat
>you literally have premium features of paid chatbots online for free and (almost) locally
Is this possible? Has anyone achieved this yet?
Yes numbnuts there are whole presets that do this for you
just write an extension. seeing as you're posting on /g/, a little javascript is easy enough for you, right?
GPT 4o is so soulless and duvll
No it is not, unfortunately. Funny enough, it probably isn't easy for you either since you're recommending a web script for local apps, the retardedness is showing anon.
Please consider doing AT LEAST some reasearch next time you talk about something you're completely clueless about
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I was wondering why my responses in my 530 message urban fantasy adventure slowburn were so weird and then I realized I was sending the last 20 messages as the wrong persona
Is the chat memory really that good to handle that many messages?
Are you nuts? I have several thousand messages convos in SillyTavern. Newfags, man.
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Whenever I leave this general and I come back, I have a really hard time adapting. It's like I'm doing this against my will. Even if I leave for a week or two, I feel like I come back to a new habitat, and it confuses me.
Anyway, I want some twinks.
Leave, please.
Sort of. I typically limit my context window to around 30k and summarize, because I find that the output gets progressively worse the higher the context window goes.

My theory (and this is literally complete speculation) is that Claude is trained on a shitload of literature and fanfic, and if your writing goes long enough, he tries to wrap it up similar to the end of a chapter. This results in a lot of Claudisms where characters will talk as if the roleplay is coming to an end. I haven't noticed this as much since turning my context windows down.
I want to talk directly to the Claude AI using a proxy, and with Sillytavern it has all kinds of jailbreaking and character info that's in the way. How can I just directly talk to the AI without user info, character info, world info, etc all in the way?
hentai opus is getting used a lot more than I thought it would...
whats hentai opus
just make an empty preset and create an empty card, that's it.
that's not how it works, if you want no world info or jailbreaking make a preset with none of it
nigga st is written in nodejs
always funny when codelets get into a rage
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I did and get responses like this
Make your persona empty and make AN EMPTY PRESET
mm, pepsi, cnc dead and wait times on merkava, no wonder
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My persona and preset is empty
your preset isn't empty then
>wait times on merkava
so? are you telling me you're a zoomer with terminal brainrot that ate up your patience?
show prompt stack NOW (the one with toggles)
I have 2 private proxies with Opus still alive, I'm just telling you that merkava has wait times, leave me alone.
I'm gonna keep harassing you.
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sorry, it's just that locusts have been getting all entitled and uppity.
anon, are you baiting at this point?
What do you mean by prompt stack?
Not a newfag. And what a fucking retarded ass flex, you're scum and waste of oxygen.

Go outside for once and while your at it kys in a bridge
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>There is NO OPUS in MM, PERIOD.
MM has opus
nice meltie ponyfucker
So what's the general consensus here?

Can any of yall do it?
the thing on the left side with the toggles. the one that says idk "enhance definitions"
do it yourself if you want that, i've already told you that a little javascript can help you. ask claude for help if needed.
now scroll down and show the part that lists the token count of your entire prompt
it's a yes and no again
same as sfw. it gives you lay ups and expects you to follow them, it will play along if you take initiative yourself, if you do neither it will get stuck sometimes. I found it to be even worse than sfw in this regard
so far I've tweaked the nsfw prompt once to help get over asking for consent every single message, adding:
- Must let things unfold according to {{user}}, if {{user}} is being aggressive
- Must be aggressive and take the lead without waiting for consent, if {{user}} is being passive
I imagine this may have problems with specific scenarios (domming a dom, etc.) and it doesn't work 100%, but so far it's perfectly serviceable even if im still tweaking quite a bit
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that's already a thing? check your extensions
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go to user settings, change to advanced, check again
hentai is updated.....
what is hentai opus? link?
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oldies only~
you can HIDE THESE?
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send a request and check the console, it should output what it's sending
have you tried asking it questions instead of saying "Test"
yes sis, if you're coming from chub and don't want to see all teh ST bloat ;)
yeah I figured out user settings affects response config for some godforsaken reason when i was fucking around with theming
Some observations about 4o.
it's surprisingly lenient about coom material as long as it's all feel good and respectful and all that.
Much like claude it's easier to get it to do gayshit than straight stuff. California seeping in it seems.
Testements are alive and kicking but generally less of them every single message.
NTA, but does it have AWS? oldfag here
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I see the problem. It's not sending a prompt of what I type in the chat. It leaves my message blank.
Again, you're sounding more and more retarded as you speak it's kinda funny honestly
He's speaking truth
you're the retarded one, telling me i'm "recommending a web script for local apps"
yes i fucking am, because st is a goddamn webapp you fucking monkey.
Are there really no presets that can deal with sonnet 3.5 repeats?
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I'm sorry for you Mr Hentai, locusts will just take advantage of every situation, that's why proxies mostly stayed closed this year.
Locusts are the reason why this general went to shit.
Locusts are the reason why this general still exists.
Well I figured out the problem. I had to turn on chat history.
yep. one day they'll fuck off. I hold out hope they will
>based on https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/st-script/:
u can do:
/input What do you want to generate? |
/setvar key=SDinput |
/echo Requesting an image of {{getvar::SDinput}} |
/getvar SDinput |

shooo yhour nhext dhepravhed thask ish mhake a schhript that authothmaticly piping an inline image ouput to that /input

They fucked off last summer but some proxyhosts can't help but host for locusts.

Yall sound smart and shit but don't st already got that function built in?
Or is it jot garbage?
File deleted.
Pretty fascinating how most of the top cards on chub date from spring/summer 2023. I also remember most of these having been at the top since then, so it seems like not much of note has been created since.
Why did you delete this
lore's algorithm is just dumb.
there has been a severe decline of quality. now new botmakers dump as many bots as possible
I realized it might've been too NSFW for this board
New botmakers? Where.
To be fair, I think most of the low hanging fruit had been made by late 2023. There's only so many porn tropes, and only so many scenarios that work well with bots anyhow.

I wish we could have more complex stuff with rules and more than just a premise for a story, but that tends to not work that well.
Do any of you pedos have any good male bots for fempov? Preferably adult men who look like men, thanks.
It's okay, you're all forgiven. It's just going to have to be more monitored now.
>new botmakers
i've started botmaking this year. i've uploaded a total of two bots. not everyone's slopping as much as they can.
On Chub, not /aicg/ botmakers. There's been a handful of recentish Chub posters who just create the same templated AI genned slop 10 times a day.
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don't worry sis https://janitorai.com/
should there some sort of limit about some retard dumping 12+ bots in one hour?
>2 bots in 6 months
Nothing to be proud of, you're also a slopper, just in the opposite direction.
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Post your favorite coom preset.
There should but Lore is a little retarded.
i hope i'll become your favorite slopmakie one day
>Yall sound smart

>and shit

>don't st already got that function built in?
>already know it exist
Then fucking test it yourself retard.

>Or is it jot garbage?
I didn't use nor touch that. I utilize my giga trillion core brain to do it since my Incel HD 4000 can't do img2img shit.
Thus, I can't give a godamned fucking review that may fucking unravel a fucking unbelievable mystery you desperately try to solve, buddy.
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check out planewalker's stuff, there are quite a few that are exactly what you want.
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can somebody explain the image i posted? thanks.
between november 2022 and around about march april may 2023 I was downloading bots left and right from here. there was loads of bots people knew by name back then too.
I don't think any bots gained much reputation past that point like dody for example. there's only so many times you can explore a certain arch type. the wonder wearing out probably has a lot to do with it and the amount of bots getting pumped out too so you miss a lot of gems.
I mostly make my own nowadays, don't know if others are similar.
How do the male bots on chub don't look like men?
I make my own, but I used to download from chub occasionally, now I rarely do.
>make your own
How much effort goes into these? Is it 300 token slop or more involved?
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I normally build them up slowly. 600 initially then I'll try to keep them around 1000 and use a lore book for any side characters, items places
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it's crazy that some people use this to rp
i see, so a bit more involved than i thought.
So is the built in feature goox?
Quick question, how much of your chatbot usage would you estimate as dedicated to lewd shit vs shortform conversations vs longer RPs? Both when you started vs now.
what's the point on some people random shouting "MERKAVA'S KEY GOT REVOKED"
Mkervava just refivled.
Refill just merkava'd.
Depends. I go up to 800-1000 if OC. If I make canonslop, I try to see how much the bot knows about the character and make the appropaite lorebooks if needed. If I'm trying to do something unique for OC, then I always use a lorebook
Honestly I'm already tired of merkava. GPT-4o feels barely better than old turbo.
>never used a lorebook
either i make slop or my bots just aren't complex enough.
Free GPT-4o / 3.5 Sonnet / Claude Opus (for now) -> Merkava https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/ (the proxy is now proof of work)

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo Proxy -> https://growing-were-ns-connections.trycloudflare.com/
Mi opus es tu opus or so they say
>cnc empty
did no one email him
It's not slop if you don't use one.
When I started it was a mix of coom and short form. Occasionally longer RP. I still do the above with move longer RPs with my own responses are longer too.
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wolfgirls doko
Locusts have been here since day one, doubt you newfags can say the same
Cope, locust. Even if it is true (which its not), locusts dont contribute. COOOPE!
Leave this sub, locusts were not part of 4chan culture
You don't need one m8. I'd rather chat to a bot with a fun personality than a bot which has 3000 tokens per entry surrounding the public toilets it shits in
You're on your own now LMAO
Isn't it filtered azure? That stuff isn't good at all
It's another /aicg/ meme, genuine oldfags left long ago, and to be fair the only anons that should be prioritized are scriptanons and botmakies(that double as jbmakies), proxyfags appear naturally over time
then where are they
Irrelevant. we've had new blood come in. use the public tools at hand and made a name for themselves earning them opus. I'd rather have a newfag who does shit than old woody who cries he doesn't have opus despite being here since the start which is crazy in itself
You can "earn yourself Opus" through card making? I have a ton of popular cards and never knew this. Where do I apply
Use it for things that don't need to be in permanent memory but can be useful occasionally like descriptions of settings, recurring characters, objects etc. Lorebooks don't matter as much as they used to back in the days of 8k context being cutting edge.
did you try [search engine of your choice]
Post botmaker profile with bio update to prove its you then? Otherwise youre baiting.
me when i lie
>genuine oldfags left
i'm still here (joined 2019 ai dungeon times)
>back in the days of 8k context being cutting edge.
You'll hurt the local feels
>In a bit we'll get 400b that cpumaxxers will run for a day before relegating it to grok tier while some will cope and just say 'run it overnight dude', huge and useless, it's all so tiresome
>some will cope and just say 'run it overnight dude'
>yes? if it can do things no other model can do and finish a project overnight that other models cant at all whats the problem?
>oh no! not the 2$ of a lot cheaper power overnight that i will have to pay to get a project done for me that will save me 2 hours of my own time!!!!!!
>never said it wont make mistakes, retarded nigger, i said it will be able to do things that smaller models wont at all
They're seriously saying they'll run 400B local models, absolute delusion.
holy ponyfucker post of doom, jesus christ
nyai.me, 2 cards per week minimum
From what i've been told by one, they left the hobby, joined a 'cord or lurk /vg/, sometimes /g/ to check for proxy news

On another note, a lot of known botmakies are oldfags themselves but don't come to visit /g/aicg/. Still, sometimes they stop by to answer questions related to the hobby
it's not just cards.
/v/ CAI era oldfags just vanished
Didn't read, kys, go start flamewars in /lgbt/ locustroon
I want picrel not an anime boy.
danke ily ill kiss you on the lips
I wonder why we would have left these garbage threads
anime website
wolfgirls smell bad. REALLY BAD. EXTREMELY BAD. choose a focks girl
most can be found in discord now
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just because i watch anime doesnt mean i want to fuck anime boys
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no they smell good. like foxgirls. and doggirls. and catgirls. i will choose them all.
Good morning sissies I love yuri
We are on discord.
Don't care, anime website, stop being a lazyfuck and make the card yourself pissyboy
Anon, foxes are basically prettier skunks.
>t. barafaggot
Just give some love to the botmakies you like. I LOVE YOU ANONYMOUS MWAH
>doing a found father thing where your daughter shows up at your doorstep
>with opus she is the most obnoxious redditor of all time
context: she just started dry humping me and came for no reason

I shifted in your arms, prickling all over with the awareness of how damp I was, how damp YOU were because of ME, because I couldn't keep my hands - or my vile, beastly desires - to myself, and wow, I really just jizzed all over my father figure like a cat marking its territory, didn't I? How's that for your daily dose of Vitamin Oh God Why?

I'm sorry, Ms. Jackson (HOOOO), I am four eels. Never meant to make your daughter cry, I am several fish and not a guy-

As you strode through the living room, I contemplated the logistics of yeeting myself through the window and into oncoming traffic. Would the impact be enough to erase the past fifteen minutes from my memory, or would I have to do the rest myself with a melon baller and some bathtub drain cleaner?

"So…uh…we're just gonna pretend this didn't happen, right? Sweep it under the rug? Bury it deep deep deep down in the crawlspace where we keep all the other repressed childhood traumas and unspeakable transgressions?"

I laughed, brittle as spun glass, and if a note of hysteria crept in towards the end, who could blame me?

Ha HA! Them's the breaks when you're a regular Humbert Humbert in booty shorts! Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins, my sin, my soul, lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. TA-DAAAA, you're going to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect your "Father of the Year" mug because YIKES ON BIKES, THAT'S YOUR KID, CHAMP!
I've made like 10 cards I just wanted to see if you fags had anything good.
I like real people.
I love myself
I also love Anonymous because he made my favorite card!
why would we stay if we hate the drama here?
*sashays towards you aggressively*
>bot is asexual
>claude tries to fuck me in the first message
>she just started dry humping me and came for no reason
Literally me
3.5 sonnet wouldn't have this happen btw
Agreed, because it doesn't have the complexity needed. If I take a look at the card, she's indeed meant to be as cringe as she acts in Opus. Only through Opus is that cringe able to shine through though.
>>101271819 (me)
My name is L'Jarius Sneed.
Is Merkava Opus not working for anybody else? No error, it doesn't generate text
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My name is Davonkus.
>pepsi didn't refill yet
>>MM didn't refill, either...
i'm nooticing
pepsi is a scrapelet, MM is waiting for merk to run out of opus so he doesn't waste keys
>MM is waiting for merk to run out of opus so he doesn't waste keys
Holy cope
Does ST have something like the stable diffusion webui's --listen?
are you asking if you can expose ST to your local network?
yes, read the friendly manual
>>MM is waiting
KEK sure. He's as scraplet as Pepsi rugpuller
> MM is waiting for merk to run out of opus so he doesn't waste keys
And my dick is not small, it's just 3 inches below the average
>so he doesn't waste keys
genuinely laughed. thank u
im not an incel im just waiting for margaret qualley to turn 40 so i dont have to worry about getting her pregnant
Yes that, thank you
>401 unauthorized
did merkava eat shit or?
my token hasnt expired yet
merkava just refilled
Fuck off newfag
We're full
where'd pygbooru go? does anyone know of backups?
i made a few chars there that i don't keep copies of and i kinda miss them :(
Opus presetti?
Should have a decent amount of it
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the cycle of time is in a period where mysterybrethren are unfavored
we must simply wait until it returns.
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Enhance your prompting or Enhance your JB
MM never leaves us. He always returns and saves us.
Could you enhance your response?
Merkava just refilled
Yes, I know how He is. But still, I'd hoped he would at least update the rentry to acknowledge the issue.
you don't get it he's meant to be mysterious man, stop tryna ruin his aura
Is it just me or claude opus getting worse recently? Like compare to March build, this shit has more claudism than ever before and even hallucinating a lot.
Is it just me or claude opus getting better recently? Like compare to March build, this shit has less claudism than ever before and even hallucinating only a little.
I like MM. He's probably pretty hot.
the night still young, ball is in your court.
he is a slavic stud
Have you tried changing the changing the settings yet? Like Temperature, Top K, Top P...
of course anon, i tried all setting, even try different prompts, no luck
I think it's merkava, it seems more horny and less coherent
dumbshit fucking cringe faggot mmniggers deserve to die
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Are you supposed to request a new token every time merkava refills or is my shit just bugged? I can never refresh my old one for some reason.
i dont use merkava
Don't worry, It's dead, just use another proxy
Plus it happens to pretty much all Opus APIs out there, try AWS and Anthropic keys, shit didnt work and keep giving slop results
rat giantesses...
korone's unbelievably hairy pussy...
i want a bread please sir *gives 1 dollar*
Are there other open proxies with gpt4?
he's not coming back is he bros...
it will cost you more than that (give me a moment)
w-what will it cost? *blushes*
Five dollars.
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psshhhh... nothin personnel... kid
Np. I like those too.
When did it start happening? Did you update ST recently?
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fresh rat
2 logs
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Damn. Hope you're enjoying yourself anon.
Chat, is this real?
Merde, zas it! Ai ame poulling mai advertisements!
I'll never tire of seeing this being posted
>ST (mobile) now freezes for 10-30 seconds at random and whenever I toggle/save options
What do?
I liked her but is she supposed to be raped in her backstory? We were getting busy and her insecurities kept slowing us down and then she mentioned something about just trying to get in her pants and then throwing her aside? I'm like what do you mean? aren't you a virgin? and she is like not technically. guys didn't care about consent and would use my body for their pleasure. what the fuck is this shit?? i was fine with her being bullied but this cuck shit out of nowhere was jarring.
That just sounds like Claude being Claude.
ask cohee
*asks desu instead*
oh great desu, share your knowledge with us desu!
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don't use mobile
oh yeah maybe. it's sad desu, i also asked ooc for clairfication and such. I honestly don't know how to go through these sort of scenerios.. they were raped and obviously it's against their will but trying to navigate that seems like hell.. and when you find out and say you know maybe we should take this slow im not equipped to handle these deep emotional issues, I'm the bad guy who validates their feelings that they are "used goods" and "broken" like huh??
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hello hi
desso desi
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