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Mayro edition

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Requesting Help
-Problem Description: Clearly explain the issue you're facing, providing context and relevant background information.
-Relevant Code or Content: If applicable, include relevant code, configuration, or content related to your question. Use code tags

Previous: >>101263305
What's the best scripting method?
>Custom scripting language -- "command-based" (each script line is executed as a command with arguments)
>Custom scripting language -- "procedural" (i.e lua)
>dynamic native libraries (C/C++ interface implementations, i.e what the Quake and Half-life engines do)
Oh, and one more:
The statically compiled one your engine is written in. Scripting is a waste of time unless you need easy mod support
>unless you need easy mod support
Which is what I need.
yes, double yes for luajit
>Custom scripting language -- "command-based"
>Custom scripting language -- "procedural"
most retarded option
>dynamic native libraries
my favorite approach, nothing beats native, although luajit can be fairly close. only trade-off is that you can never sandbox libraries, somebody will inject a ransomware in a mod and normies will blame you for it, even if people download all kinda of fishy files all the time
If you're using C or C++, I suggest LuaJIT then
It has a nice ffi api for calling C from Lua
i hate imgui i hate imgui
I have now ported my lua game engine to web using emscripten, compiled lua5.3 sources and my code at the same time.
But coroutines don't work, they cause an exception as soon as coroutine.yield() is called. Has anyone got lua's coroutines working on emscripten? If so, how?
are you using the latest version of emscripten? did you pass any optimization flags (O1/2/3)? did you pass -pthread? have you tried to use an older version of lua (eg 5.2/1)?
looking through emscripten's github repo seems nobody has the same problem
Need good resources on:
-How MSAA works, in details
-What's going on with alpha transparency, how did we go from "simply do an alpha pass after an opaque pass" to dithering
Ok, I think I figured how MSAA works.
Now please some link about dithering/transparency and why is every game using dithering
Games use dithering because it's "correct", alpha blending is a hack because actually ordering alpha blended pixels correctly is prohibitively expensive. When you draw using alpha blending the depth buffer is read-only, so there's no guarantee different alpha layers will be ordered correctly. Dithering can use the depth buffer properly
Making a 2nd visually basic space rpg, early fucking days, not sure what to focus on next. Have some bare bones.
>Enemy 'logic'
SDL has more useful features for actually making a finished product, like the controller API. GLFW is fine for toy projects and demos, but I wouldn't recommend it long-term.
>I wouldn't recommend it long-term.
why not
SDL is supported on pretty much every platform worth mentioning. GLFW isn't.
If GLFW supports Windows Mac and Linux what else do you need?
phones and consoles
also SDL has more active development (because it has more useful features)
So what does platform support have to do with the long-term?
SDL is effectively supported by Valve so it is future-proof, GLFW is maintained by hobbyists, and the library is intentionally restrained in what it does (different use cases). So long-term it makes more sense to just use SDL since it does everything GLFW does and more.
The only way to judge the sustainability of a library is by what projects it's used in, not what you think of the maintainers
There should be a poker game where you can cheat & get into gunfights.
>yes, double yes for luajit
Meh, most code in typical once-off game engine execution flow is not JITtable.
Anyone knows how mindustry run their business? I see that the code is GPLv3 but it's also distributed on steam? Is the owner of project solely benefiting (monetary) from this? And oddly there's no transfer of copyright from contributors to the owner. I would this would be necessary for dual licensing for steam. If they even needed to dual license for steam in the first place.
You can use GPL'd software commercially even if you're not the code owner, the only catch is that you have to make source/modifications available.
That I already knew.
But correct me if I'm wrong but to publish on steam you have to the copyright owner. And to interact with their SDK you also have to make your code proprietary, no?
You can write code, release it as GPL, and then still use the code yourself for whatever you want because you own the copyright
>But correct me if I'm wrong but to publish on steam you have to the copyright owner.
Yes, it's explained in the SteamWorks FAQ: https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/sdk/uploading/distributing_opensource
(Note how it talks about permission from third-party owners, if you're the actual owner, there's no such issue, which I think is the case for that Mindustry game you mentioned).
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Hello, retard LARPer here
What is the most /based/ way to make a game? Like maybe one or two layers of schizophrenia away from what Terry Davis did.
I want to LARP like I'm making a very based game in the most based way possible without any hint of onions reddit tier cringe stuff if you understand my meaning.
Like I get Terry literally built a compiler, and an operating system, but I feel like that's a bit too much desu
So yeah what's the most /based/ patrician core way to make a game?
Make a fantasy game console virtual machine that uses a custom dynamic programming language for implementing the game.
if you accept third party contributions to the code, Are you not the copyright owner of that new code?
Wouldn't that cause issue for distributing on steam?
>Are you not the copyright owner of that new code?
I'm confused. If you contribute to a GPL project, you are the copyright owner of your contribution. So if the project owner wants to let's say distribute on Steam, they would need to get your approval?
Well unless they required you to sign a Contributor License Agreement.
>So if the project owner wants to let's say distribute on Steam, they would need to get your approval?
I doubt it, I can't imagine the copyright owners of GPL code being bothered every single time someone releases something on Steam
>I'm confused
Stop fucking around with FOSS licenses then
>I doubt it, I can't imagine the copyright owners of GPL code being bothered every single time someone releases something on Steam
I suppose that's what is going on for mindustry since they don't have CLA. they're doing a sort of gentlemen agreement.

>Stop fucking around with FOSS licenses then
I want to be a good boy and give back but also not starve.
>I want to be a good boy and give back but also not starve.
Then release your original game first, then release the source code post-release under a permissive license.
>I want to be a good boy and give back
Use a permissive license instead of a communist one then
>permissive license
And get called a cuck? There's no winning here...
What's the best permissive license in the context of a game?
Can you actually think for yourself instead of doing what /g/ tells you to do?
>Can you actually think for yourself instead of doing what /g/ tells you to do?
I see this however nta, I'd like someone to answer
Ok I don't think my LARP abilities are there yet.
Can we go one or two more levels further from autism?
good morning /gedg/
today we will make progress, right? what are you currently working on?
Make a game for a console that doesn't exist, emulator and all
I understood that much.
Lets try to make it even more simple.
Imagine the console is the computer I have sitting on the floor. Assume the operating system is Linux.
What is the most /based/ way of going about making this game?
software rendered 3D game engine that runs as a UEFI application
you can use all of the hardware directly without some gigacucked basedOS in the way
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Learning three.js
The endgoal is to be able to showcase something to increase my chances to get a job interview + learn how to code (I love theory but I hate coding)
Rn I'm going for something very basic: Importing gltf models, tweaking the shader that three.js automatically adds to them.
Then I move to some more """advanced"""" stuff like grass, water simulation, particles...
My main issue is that I'm using webgl and thus I can't use compute shaders.
>you can never sandbox libraries
Have you heard about our lord and savior WebAssembly?
software rendered 3d physics simulator
Make a game that runs off a boot usb and not in an operating system. That's how it used to be done
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Making collision meshes and designing levels for my game but I can't design for shit
Water and particle sim don't require compute shaders, SSBOs, image load/store, atomics or anything else missing from WebGL2.
  vec3 normal = normalize(vec3(0.f, -1.f, 0.f)*in_normal);
vec3 light_colour = vec3(0.4f, 0.3f, 1.f);
vec3 light_position = vec3(0.f, -5.f, 2.f);
vec3 light_direction = normalize(light_position - in_position);
float diffuse_strength = max(dot(normal, light_direction), 0.f);
vec3 diffuse = diffuse_strength * light_colour;
float ambient_strength = 0.7;
vec3 ambient = ambient_strength * light_colour;
vec3 object_colour = vec3(1.f, 0.9f, 0.7f);
out_colour = vec4((ambient + diffuse)*object_colour, 1.0f);

Fragment shader for simple cell shading style.
Normal and position should be passed in from the vertex shader.
The cell shading effect, is a consequence of flipping y in the normal.
all of them are gay
>purposefully retarded scripting language design 1
>purposefully retarded scripting language design 2
pics of it in action?
Latest, yes. -O2. No I didn't pass -pthread because coroutines are meant to be single threaded just switching context manually inside the C code. No I didn't try an older version of lua.
If you need audio or controller support use SDL. If you need font and png support and are not willing to use third party libraries also use SDL. Else, use GLFW. For audio, always use SDL. OpenAL is annoying to use and it also stutters (know because SFML uses it). SDL has the best class cross platform audio support
Which is more autistic:
>Making a fixed function software renderer on the CPU that emulates old console GPUs
>Making a fixed function software renderer on the GPU using compute shaders
>Making a shader-based software renderer
>software renderer on the GPU
do you know what a software renderer is?
writing code is autistic
Try compiling without -O2 to check that nothing gets optimized out or doesn't get initialized correctly
you for posting this, pick one and get to work
Yes, a renderer that's done in software on a processor. And rasterizers on compute shaders count.
if shaders on the GPU counts as a "software renderer" then all rendering is software rendering
Well, I mean *compute* shaders in particular are software renderers
GPU compute is the exception that allows a GPU renderer to be considered a "software renderer"
that makes no sense
It depends. Lua is famous in the modding scene, and luajit is fast. But the language itself is very basic. Cool for learning I guess.
Javascript is even more popular and full featured, but also has very questionable design choices.
Python is an interesting choice, with some retarded choices too but not as bad as js.

Scripting languages were never designed for software development as you can see. Fast reloading is cool, but they usually share other designs that harm code maintenance and performance.
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why does ssr suck so much
Looks the same.
will they ever release RedEngine as open source? Since they're transitioning to UE
That would be a shame if they didnt
Screen Surface Reflection just copy and paste what's on screen
Just look at your pic
The angle of the reflection is wrong and if the camera was looking lower on the floor you wold see a cut off reflection because the 3d model would be partially out of screen
Game companies almost never release their stuff as open source
NTA but I believe he's talking about a compute shader that projects triangles into screen space and rasterizes them, therefore being a software renderer despite being on the GPU
you arent a cultured man i see
You can see the void on the right
reflections are bloat
I haven't heard of any games using webassembly for scripts, should work
visuals are bloat
computers are bloat
Real games don't run on web browsers but that doesn't stop retards from trying
electricity is bloat
Atomic matter is bloat
reality is bloat
You can run webassembly outside of browsers with WASI.
I think It wouldn't count, game engines like Unreal 5 use compute engines for a lot of the computation too, It probably wouldn't really count as being software rendered
because it's screen space duh
like what did you expect
Why the fuck would you want to do that
Use something that doesn't have "web" in it
your struct of the simulation is bloat
I need help finding a video on yewtube. I am searching since a few days, and I just can not find it anymore.
It included
> opengl or webgl
> import of a torus mesh
> writing shaders with glsl with mouse interaction
> tutorial style
> around 26 minutes
> end-result was a blue torus which got deformed and moved with mouse input (I think in a browser, so rather webgl-related)
embed a lisp :^)
the one who made the simulation is bloat
Such as? Only webshitters have even attempted to solve this problem.
Solve what problem?
It's totally possible that WebAssembly might become the portable executable default in the future - like Java's JAR but supporting anything that can compile to it. Most implementations also support sandboxing (as it is designed to be sandboxed), which is why this conversation started in the first place.
webdevs have no idea what they're doing and only understand programming from inside their self-made prison of web browsers and mobile phones
The problem of executing untrusted IL that can be quickly compiled to native x86/ARM in a sandboxed environment. The only other attempts to solve this that come to mind are PNaCl (dead), the LLVM bullshit Apple did for watchOS (cursed) and maybe Java (high overhead, arguably webshit, not sure how well the SecurityManager nonsense is supported today).
>The problem of executing untrusted IL
use Lua or something
imagine using a language that uses 1 as its base index
Yeah counting from 1 is pretty difficult isn't it
Damn, the Mario jump physics look very close to the original.
>reality is bloat
Good stuff
long necks are bloated, too many vertebrae
>What's going on with alpha transparency, how did we go from "simply do an alpha pass after an opaque pass" to dithering
Like the other anon said, it allows correct per-pixel depths. Also more compatible with deferred rendering (the original impetus back in the day). Read about Stochastic Transparency, which can use either dithering or noise to mask with.
Hey fellow Odindevs. Use -o:aggressive for your windows release. otherwise windows will think your game is a malware.
Need help naming a configuration option in my game.
You know, in 2D RPGs games you often have some kind of view blocking so you can't see through stuff. Works a bit like a light source centered on the player character in the middle of the screen. Objects around the player then cause shadows to be cast away from the center of the screen.
What is this called? In my game the player can switch between a high visual quality and a low visual quality of this effect, but what should I call it?
"View obscurity"? Nobody will be able to guess what that is.
Should I just tie it into some general quality setting instead?
Raycasting shadows? Or just shadows in general?
Line of sight
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i really regret playing elden ring instead of working on this, im gonna need the 3 extra days before i submit
looks cool desu
Thanks guys! I think I'll just refer to it as "line of sight shadow quality".
"light effects"
The art and the hat look good, what's the game about?
Guys do you know where I could find public domain rpg maker assets? I need characters (3x4 sprites), icon sets, and tilesets (the simple non connected type)

Not necessarily public domain, but often free to use for commercial projects with some attribution.
The thing is that I am making an engine not a game and that means I would have to require my users to also give credit, no?
No clue, I'm not a lawyer.
your in a cave and you kill shit
I just realized I could probably run the godot engine editor on my smartphone and it would be faster than the T470 I am currently using.
You can literally develop video games on a smart phone nowadays.

I feel old.
Anon.... that doesn't change the fact that you wrote the renderer yourself... In a programmable shader. That is software.

You DO know how GPUs work, right?
Go easy on the plato references
maximum soul overload
anyone knows of any examples of 32 bit lights usage on gayms?
What would it take to make a "text"/"webpage"-based game? I don't mean like literally do HTML5 webdev, I mean like, in C/C++, have the game's ui and graphics be displayed like web pages (like certain... online games... though I wouldn't make a game with the kind of material those games have, just the UI philosophy) or text.
Gtk has a webview you can use
love2d was the closest to a decent development experience on phone, but typing code without keyboard is shit.
>What would it take to make a "text"/"webpage"-based game?
twine, renpy-
>I mean like, in C/C++
just spin a webserver in any lang of your choice? you can also communicate with webview to have some kind of self contained app, or run headless chromium.

what's the point tho? a simple hyperlink based text game is easy, but a complicated interface would require some effort with CSS and JS, that's doubling the effort for nothing.
>a simple hyperlink based text game
that's exactly what I mean by webpage-based though.
you the fuck that posted the bugged out 32 bit sky, bls post a good shot of it fixed, bls
>Dunno how to fix bugs I've got with [spoiler]pygame[/spoiler]
>Figure I'll do euler problems
fuck ya
I'm fucking done.
Spent the whole day trying to debug the official fucking Vulkan samples.
The fucking CMakefile was wrong.
I'm scared to imagine what I will discover trying to implement this shit.
Give me 1, just 1 good reason why I shouldn't give up and switch to Unreal/Unity. I wanna make an actual game I have great ideas.
At least I fucking got it in the end, and went on github to report it and the fix to get my good boy points, but it was already an open issue since 4 days ago

anyone make html games? i really want to make something that is just an html file with embedded assets. are there any frameworks to help or do i need to make my own 'compiler' that glues together the html file? i am looking at things like phaser and then wondering if i can run it through browserfy
How much do you guys even care about memory optimization?
I wanted to make a game/gameengine in Haskell for the fun of it, but Haskell is garbage collected.
minecraft is written in java
why does it matter what I think? Are you making this game for me or for you?
Minecraft runs like shit
I'm not the guy using Java
What are you? A pussy who give up on the first difficulty he encounters? Keep trying or you won't be better than the normie who use Unity
We can still do an alpha pass after the opaque passes, it’s just an extra cost (and always was), whilst dithering is effectively free.
It's not that it costs more, it's that you can't sort alpha layers properly
watch some of this dude, he does a lot of cool 3d work in tree.js https://www.youtube.com/@simondev758
ngmi with that mindset
Java has the best garbage collector implementation in the history of programming languages funded by multi trillion enterprise industries, Haskell is just some incel meme.
I gotta step for this nigga, if the engine is trashy, it can be very hard to hack around, some times it might be easier to do it your own way
or just use unreal or unity
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Why the fuck just using VERTEX in fragment doesnt work with world_vertex_coords. I spend an hour trying to figure out what was the issue with applying color based on VERTEX world coords.
Turs out I need to do this:
shader_type spatial;
render_mode world_vertex_coords;
varying vec3 ver_world_pos;
void vertex() { ver_world_pos = VERTEX; }
void fragment() { ALBEDO = ver_world_pos; }

WHY IS IT LIKE THIS!? Why the fuck ALBEDO = VERTEX using camera position specifically inside fragment()?!
what is this shit even
honestly if your ideas were actually good you should be able to put the ideas onto diagrams and draw mock up's, and organize what parts of the game you need to implement, how your data will be stored, how systems communicate with each other, etc. Like when you have all that stuff figured out coding it shouldn't be hard.
From my experience the game isn't actually good and you are not able to actually explain to a friend what the game is and how it's fun and why people and streamers will want to play the game. Like any idea could be good, but it's either the game is amazing on paper, or your idea is amazing in your head but requires a lot of good art, music, direction, or the game is just very very well marketed (you need marketing for any success, sometimes someone does the marketing for you, eg: a streamer)
Also if you plan things carefully enough, you might find that you may prefer a certain general purpose game engine over another based on what your game is (maybe you need a good open source, non GPL example, and the only good example exists for a certain engine, maybe some addon is essential).
Also most people who make game engines hate themselves, because they cope with the fact that they probably spent X number of years making an engine and realizing that if their game flops, they won't be able to make another game because when you make a game from scratch, it's not easy to pivot into different games, and if you did it will look or feel the same. Like general purpose game engines could feel same-y, but if you spent like a week learning how to make it feel different, use a different UI, avoid default movement / animations, you could make it feel different since the API's are just hidden deeper and you end up being an engine dev when you use the raw API's (you could even write vulkan / opengl code if you wanted).
Godot shaders
It is that it costs more, you have to do lighting calculations again for each layer.
Most cases where you would want to use alpha in a more modern game you can either pre sort it (e.g. hair) or the geometry is simple enough to be sorted quickly per frame (e.g. flat planes of glass).
It CAN cost more if you have lots of overdraw, practically that's not usually the case
Sorting geometry helps but still gives you glitches
>when you make a game from scratch, it's not easy to pivot into different games
Yes it is you just reuse your existing code to make another game, wtf are you talking about?
>practically that's not usually the case
It’s inherently always the case, when there are no transparencies on screen you aren’t doing any extra lighting evaluations.
The only alpha blended stuff that has lots of overdraw is particle effects and particle effects have pretty simple fragment shaders
Yep, it's just that most of the time the resources I find on the internet use compute shaders. I'll try to do it myself the old way and use a fragment shader and a texture to store my result.

It's cool that you recommended this guy to me. Even though I already knew about him, the fact that you mentioned him reinforces my belief that his videos are high quality
I remember trying to follow a vulkan tutorial (the one that uses SDL) and getting crazy about the camera (since it uses GLM and GLM is made for opengl by default)... Only to find out that months later that the preprocessor directive for GLM to modify the depth of the projection camera was added the cmake file that of course I wasn't using

Regardless of that, what you are doing currently is great (learning about low level stuff).
However imo, one should also use an engine like unity to do some high lvl stuff so you don't tear your hair for just doing one pass. Unless you are already a god at c++, code and engine architecture, low lvl stuff... or you just absolutely need to use vulkan for one specific project.
Lighting already takes the majority of frame time, so having to evaluate it again for any amount of pixels is expensive.
And lighting on particle effects tends to be much simpler
So? Just putting your face against a glass pane would lose you 25%-50% of your frame time.
Please stop making shit up
Modern video "games" are fucking garbage.
I put "games" into quotes because they aren't even games. Games are fun. Modern "games" are either tech demos or interactive movies that are fucking boring.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is literally the worst piece of software ever created.
I fucking hate zoomers and I fucking hate modern games.
You should probably play more than one modern game before you say that
>plays shareholder billionaire corp slop
How do you make lights in a top-down 2D game?
Do I just do a second render pass to render occluders to a separate texture as black boxes on a transparent background, then draw another time with light sources passed to the shader? If that's the case, how do you make the lights not pass through things? Are you supposed to cast a ray in the shader itself to check pixels?
Please be gentle I'm new to this.
> come on buddy, learn the 4 same button combinaison
> look you can change your weapon
> its the same button combination but with different animation !
> oh and lets also add a lot of shit to make your life easier
> and a "hardcore" mode where you'll brainlessly grind to finish the game
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There are way better examples than rdr2
animations are bloat
>There are way better examples than rdr2
I don't think so. It is the epitome of the shitty fucking modern game. It is universally applauded and celebrated as a masterpiece video game. It makes me sick.
The whole industry fucking sucks. Burger Time and Lode Runner were pointing in the right direction decades ago. Modern games are gay as hell.
You have no idea how diverse the modern game industry is, if you want to hold the king of shitty movie games up as the only type of game being made in current year you're a moron
i will give it to you that I'm not super up to date but I can say with confidence that every popular game from the last 20 years has been objectively inferior to the popular games from the 80's and 90's
and it's zoomer and gen alpha's fault
and you're wrong
games from the 80s were bad too
Repent zoomer.
im saying that cause i played games in the 80s
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Repent proto zooomer.
Only zoomers think this is cool because they love nostalgia for times they weren't alive in
>because they love nostalgia for times they weren't alive in
Do they hate their lives this much?
I don't care much, I've learned the wisdom of preallocating the maximum expected space for almost everything, you expect 512 of a type of entities max? double it or even quadruple it. I even have an array of the whole game world state for backtracking and time travel.
It may sound like a lot but it really isn't, tightly packed struct of arrays saves you from wasting memory on padding, I don't use retarded data structures and variants either. you can even reuse parts of your memory if you have a good arena allocator. unless you're loading massive worlds, textures will still be the majority of your memory anyway.
i interleave my bits for max performance
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It's all so tiring...
Those fucking windows defender false positives plaguing me on each demo day. Now Odin master branch is broken...
That's what I get for going with an experimental language... I should have stayed with C or even flirt with the devil and go for C#...
I'm so done.
turn off windows defender
>you want to play my game?
>Great! just turn off your antivirus.
That's fine for demo day it's not a real release
my concern is to also have to fight that shit even on release.
are you the shop tycoon dev guy?
Note to self: either call my native game from a c# (or whatever approved toolset antiviruses like) wrapper application or forego native altogether and just make games for the web even if rawdogging vanilla javascript will be the only option
t. clueless and broke
yeah that's me
Windows is a scam yes. Why do you get false positives?
>Why do you get false positives?
I wish I knew. it sees my executable as if it was a trojan.
I got it the other day on my test windows machine and manage to fix it by changing the compiler optimizations. But now someone commented that they got the false positive too. Meanwhile it also worked fine for someone else...
install gentoo
If only I didn't have to release to windows.
>unstable/sid debian
living on the edge I see
Why are you autists trying to render characters with SLD2. Sdl is for mouse + keyboard + window manager and ASCII has nothing to do with computer graphics.
>ASCII has nothing to do with computer graphics
*except when you have to render text to the backbuffer.
>SDL2 is not for computer graphics, only windowing/input
lol, lmao even
>*except when you have to render text to the backbuffer.
Again, it's not computer graphics.
You want to render characters? Model them in blender and export them as gltf objects.
>lol, lmao even
I said ASCII, not SLD2.
>You want to render characters? Model them in blender and export them as gltf objects.
That's either retarded or genius
Anon, are you on any illegal substances mayhaps
it's all fun and games until you get an NVIDIA driver update that breaks everything.
my game is based on running on characters you type and place
So you guys are submitting to progress day, right?


So far Urban Tycoon dev has submitted. Make sure to give him some feedback!!
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>Have been fretting the past weeks over how to do shadows in a game
>also want to make a game like the sims
>think "hmm maybe I'll check the sims 1 to see how they did shadows"
>fire up sims 1
>the sims themselves don't have shadows
Granted, this probably works fine because the game is isometric. Should I do full 3D (which I probably will), then I don't know what to do.
Just do a circle under them
indeed all the shadows are either baked in the sprite or it's embedded in the vertices.
t. urban tycoons dev
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another one
And last one.
Why do people still insist on using lua over python? It is a trash language.
the problem is that almost all newly made executables are marked as viruses by windows defender. Maybe it might have something to do with your code if you think you fixed it.
you need an unspecified number of people to run your binary for windows defender to remove the warning.
if you used C or C++ or rust it would happen to you as well, but if you used unity or other engines it would not happen because the unity binary dynamically loads your scripts I think.
you could sign your code (costs money to get a certificate), but I think unless you release a lot of games, I would rather just release it on steam to avoid the antivirus issue.
Everything was pre-rendered back then, specially on isometric games.
If you plan on add your modern touch, you could always add shadows on post-processing
i'm so confused, why the fuck rows and columns in tiled are swapped? (0, 1) selects the first tile in the 2nd row
x, y
horizontal, vertical
Would it be good to just exclusively make a renderer in OpenGL or Direct3D and, for platforms where the main renderer's graphics api is not supported, implement a wrapper from the main renderer's graphics api to the platform's real graphics api?
I.e make a direct3D renderer on windows, and on linux keep that renderer but use dxvk-native or some native d3d->opengl wrapper
show us some cool lights stuff you've made with 32 bits pls
same thing happened with Nim, some people used it to make malware for long enough for the language specific signature to be recognized as malware, because it bypassed antiviruses before. it's not related to newly made executable.
Yes you can make another game using your engine (if you feel like you coded everything perfectly and there is no flaws in your code that requires heavy refactoring to fix), but if your game flopped, you need to ask yourself if you want to make another game that's feels similar to the game your released.
Do you want to change the lighting? do you want to change the way how water looks? do you want to add networking? split screen? run on the web or mac OS or mobile?
Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of games made in general purpose game engines are made by lazy devs who don't care if their game "feels like a unity game". But if you have that autism it's not that hard to watch a couple youtube videos that come with example projects, like how long do you think it would take you to do that?
Also I should note I am not talking about 2D games, there is not a lot of benefits that a general purpose engine offers for 2D games (other than easy to use menu UI system or some sort of 2d special effect tool / maybe mapping).
Also another trend I see with game engine developers is that they are obsessed with bloat or performance, like there could be good arguments to be made for very specific games, but it shouldn't affect the person playing the game or how fun the game is. To me it's like a programmer flex or something, but for some reason there aren't recent examples of successful games with a unbloated custom 3d engine written by a single person, and when I say success, I don't mean 1 mill copies, like 10k copies sold for like $10 is pretty solid for an indie, it's not retirement money but it pays for a year of work.
And don't forget that a lot of "first game engines" also feel the same as each other. It feels like school project, like you got cool lighting and physics, destructible terrain and 10000fps, but like where is the game? Like how many hours does it take for a low attention span zoomer to get bored and forget about the game (I mean the engine tech demo)?
Should I just use Ogre3D for rendering? I feel making my own renderer(s) would be a massive PITA
good morning sirs
Can someone using Unity tell me if the visual scripting is any good nowadays? Comparable to Unreal blueprints?
Fair point.
I wanted a technical opinion from the expert known as 4chan. Would be a shame to invest my time, energy, and soul into an engine that runs like shit.
>textures will still be the majority of your memory anyway.
makes a lot of sense. Thanks, anon.
kek, based.
Mindustry is also programmed in java and is open source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYWZri3tcks
Song of syx too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPuTGphKILw
Minecraft is literally the most optimized game ever lmao
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Time for a humiliation ritual
>"The wheel of death; what graphics api and platform should I program with?"
>Win32 -- Visual C++ 6 -- Direct3D7
>Win32 -- Visual C++ 2002/2003 -- Direct3D9
>Win32 - Visual C++ 6 - OpenGL 1.x
>MSDOS - Watcom ANSI C - software renderer
>Win32 - VC++4.1 ANSI C - software renderer
>Amiga (???) - C (???) - software renderer
>Win95 - VC++4.1 - Early early Direct3D (2.0/3.0)
>MSDOS - Watcom ANSI C - Glide
For any compiler marked as "C++" (aka visual C++), assume I'll be using (pre-standard) C++.
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/nocoder/ general
Why do people still use books to learn when there are videos? Audiovisual > visual > text
I don’t know how you guys live with yourselves using 20yo tech for nothing other than masochism. I’m using c++23 with Vulkan 1.3 and it’s great.
Books are created by actual professionals whereas YouTube videos are by idiots no more knowledgeable than you and me.
Vulkan is harder than any of those lmao. Though C++ before 11 sucks
Why don't professionals create videos then? No time, no money or no will?
>I’m using c++23
have fun, most compilers still don't even support some C++20 features yet
Also what >>101299017 said, and yeah pre-C++11 is cancer lol
Too high IQ
text is superior format: easy to store, edit, search, forces you to cleanly express yourself and it's easier to consume once you get used since you can see more the structure at once.
Books give people ability to larp as smart and educated nerds. You know the people who seethe at rednecks and white trash and who have pronouns in bio? These are the people
Speak for yourself
For me text is way better than video
It's way faster, the same content you put in a 20 mins video is a 2 mins read
It's more understandable and I don't have to listen to some idiot talking
It is more reference-able, I can jump to any page I want fast if I want to find something later on
Only idiots prefer videos, there is 0 benefit to them
That being said I agree books are obsolete because they are cumbersome to navigate and often contain irrelevant rambling
Best way is to have a guide in website form
Because professionals cater to other professionals not braindead zoomers
See >>101299127 for an example of such libtard sóymaster
reading is faster than speaking you absolute braindead imbecile
must be you people are so retarded that read in 1st grade speed
That's some powerful insecurity
>You know the people who seethe at rednecks and white trash and who have pronouns in bio
You're reading the wrong books.
Unironically read 90s programming books. They're soul
I disagree.
To be honest, I don't like when programming books OR videos are too short in my opinion.
I like 'em big, I like 'em lengthy. Give me those 1 hour C++ tutorial videos, and those 1000 page opengl books
>have fun, most compilers still don't even support some C++20 features yet
That’s the one area where Microsoft is based af. I love being able to use print/println.
You are seething. nice.
>comic sans
absolute harem
I want to program a game in c# with vulkan api (so that it is super ultra fast :)) but nobody from my uni wants to participate with me, only one man and he is Indian. What do?
>It's way faster, the same content you put in a 20 mins video is a 2 mins read
This is not even a matter of listening vs reading though. Every tutorial on youtube is n*10 because youtube shows ads every 10mins, so by sticking to these video lengths the youtuber optimizes ad revenue. If you look at very old tutorials on youtube, the 2min read is a 2min video.
>Only idiots prefer videos, there is 0 benefit to them
The main benefit is avoiding SEOptimized AIslop. I prefer reading whenever possible, but some things are impossible to find on google/duckduckgo/brave/yandex.
>admits to watching ads
Well fuck, I tried setting up a windows xp VM with visual c++ 6 and the dx7 sdk, and the VM's lagging like hell; turns out my bios probably disabled hardware virtualization on its own again, and I'm too lazy to go into the bios settings and turn that back on right now. Time for an alternative plan.
Where did I "admit" to watching ads?
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Does bare metal nuWindows even support VS 2003 or isn't that autoblocked by the os saying "use 2022 instead"?
in your post, saar. please reread
stupid ass
Because using c# with Vulkan is autistic. You should be using c++ like a real man.
I don't have time for sepples. and nobody I know knows sepples either. all pythonistas and csharpers
vfio gives the hardware directly to the VM, you need a GPU that is old enough to have drivers for windows XP for the GPU to work (all gpu's have a fallback basic output, but it lacks any graphics).
DirectX is designed to work with software rendering so you don't need a GPU, and even if you did any decent VM would have hardware acceleration to run most 2006 games (VMware, VirtualBox). There is VM latency, but it shouldn't matter. If you want you could probably install Visual C++ in wine and it should work, if not you could probably work with manually using the compiler using nmake or whatever they used.
I actually have vmware, and it has a hardware accelerated vGPU without vfio. It's just that my bios turned off *CPU* virtualization.
I still don't understand how it's achievable, you can multithread logic but drawing still needs to happen in main thread. Factorio also has scripting through lua, on paper it should destroy performance but it doesn't. Am I missing something? is there any technical blogpost about this?
your VM wouldn't boot if it had virtualization disabled.
I vaguely remember I couldn't run the newest VM on a core 2 duo like in 2016 because I think it had virtualization features, but it was too old to support (like I think it did work, just very slowly).
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fuck it guess I'll just install old msvc natively on windows 10
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oh boy
Ah, then maybe virtualization is enabled but there's some weird thing with the bios or vmware that's causing the vGPU and virtual sound card to hate me (at the very least, the sound is lagging hard). I swear I haven't had this problem before with vmware on this exact pc.
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here we go
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aaand I just realized the vmware vm actually runs fine, it's just the sound that's choppy, 3D acceleration works fine
Wow I'm a dumbass
oh nvm the graphics are a little choppy too
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JavaScript webshitter here, I'd like to make some cash grab 2d games for steam, cba with electron shit for packacking. Is lua/defold a good start?
Imagine using windows
Oh please, text takes super long to read and it is always written in such a way that makes you think a physiscs professor wrote it. Meanwhile I can just watch a video from laurie or coding with ash and it's all clear. Only morons and egoists read books nowadays, it is moronic
Yes it would. Virtualization is just like a dedicated gpu, you don't need it, but it helps. There is still an integrated gpu if you don't have it
figured out a dumb solution to the sound problem.
This issue happens if you run vmware on a hyper-v-enabled host. If so:
Just run a virtualbox vm in the background.
Somehow the vmware vm just works if you do that.
Personally, I disagree. "Morons" don't read books. They pretend they're too smart for books.
>no classes
>no functional programming
>no inheritance
>no interfaces
>begin end, do, then instead of {}
>1 based indexes
>if you don't prefix variable with local it will just pollute the global space
>no unless statement
>no shorthand function statement
>too verbose in general
What a horrible, horrible language
LaurieWired is better than any book
Literally who
windows with GDI
>With GDI
that'd be what "Visual C++ 4.1 software renderer" would entail.
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That is an option, but you could also just make a web game and release it on itch.io if the game is free (I just found out proton has fixed it's issues with steam overlay, so a steamworks node.js extension should work fine?)
I don't know anything about defold, first time I heard of it.
Erm.... I would not be surprised if QEMU could run purely on the CPU, like technically Windows's TTD is a "fast" x86 emulator.
Beat me to it
Lua is cool until you use it and then have to wrangle it to be competent
Errmm what the heck is this?????? How can you live test Super Mario Bros like that
>Lua is cool until you use it
Lmao this
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Installed VS6 sp6 and DX7 SDK completely on the windows XP VM.
Just did a test and the vm runs d3d samples on the vGPU buttery smooth.
Time to program.
>Windows's TTD
Microsoft supports total tranny death? No wonder why linux enthusiasts hate them so much
>no classes
>no functional programming
>no inheritance
>no interfaces
what? literally every lua project use a class library, all of that OOP garbage is achievable through meta tables, functional programming is easy too.
>begin end, do, then instead of {}
literally doesn't matter
>1 based indexes
based, lua is a scripting language, it doesn't use pointer offsets, you don't get off by 1 errors either because of the retarded "lenght-1"
>if you don't prefix variable with local it will just pollute the global space
local keyword exists, literally skill issue
>no unless statement
what the actual fuck
>no shorthand function statement
>too verbose in general
useless opinion
lua is way too flexible you can even do some crazy stuff, it's the easiest to embed by far, and you get the best feature in the world, aka coroutines that actually work. it seems that you never used lua in your life.
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slightly fun fact
VirtualBox 6.0.x and onwards dropped support for 3D acceleration on Windows Vista and below for "security issues" in the driver, if you want Direct3D on virtualbox, you have to use Windows 7
VMWare on the other hand is the only one who still supports 3D acceleration on Windows Vista and below, but it has it's quirks from time to time and you have to install an older driver version specifically for Windows Vista
>inb4 qemu
some people stated that QEMU with some specific drivers will allow XP to have 3D acceleration as well but couldn't figure it out for the life of me.
Hello spic. You the creator?
for me it's squirrel
similar api to lua, but better syntax and comfier to work with
you wish, the only real valid criticism towards lua is how troublesome debugging can be, but that's only an issue if your whole application is lua as in the case of Love2D, if you run scripts per entity when everything is self contained, you'll never find a better language.
Factorio uses it, Project Zomboid uses it, a million project uses it, your opinion is absolutely irrelevant.

>my fucking face when NESticle has been able to do real-time color palette changes since 1997
>mfw I have no face
Isn't squirrel deprecated or something?
No, the valid criticism of lua is >>101300601
Lua good this, lua bad that, real chads use C/C++ DLL scripting
>some random puts malware in a mod
>normies blame the game devs for making it possible
not really, it's still pretty solid for nowadays standards and usually used in niche things, even on indie games
Hell, even most of Valve games are powered in an ancient version of it and still just works:tm:
Hmm, squirrel 2.x supports vs6 (i'm the dx7/vs6 guy btw)
I am having cursed ideas
>muh malware
Who cares, stop being stupid
Yep. And it was a retarded language in the first place. Nobody uses it
>inb4 somebody uses javascript for scripting
What is wrong with javascript?
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RPG Maker:
this right here >>101301294
Speaking of scripting
Ever wanted to do scripting with a CPU emulator as the sandbox?
What is wrong with rpg maker?
Unironically don't know why they didn't stick to Ruby.
Because it is literally the slowest interpreted language
literally the last thing that would matter for an rpg turn based game. it was the crazy people who forced it to do real time action and platforming that made it worse for everybody involved.
Anyone ever used OHRRPGCE?
Yes. What u gonna do about it
The fuck is that
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it's ok to be wrong anon, isn't necessary to slurp their brazillian cocks while saying it
>didn't use RenderDoc
>lua vs squirrel war
More entertaining than C++ vs Java or C vs Rust, keep going lads
>/gedg/ thread
>not making your own scripting language
Brazil is the whitest latam country btw
IIUC how it works (I don't; t. Ubuntu enjoyer for 2 decades) Windows Defender is getting triggered by the unseen exe signature.
also the country that has the most trannies in latam
>no classes
>no functional programming
>no inheritance
>no interfaces
Who cares? Make scripts
That is a good thing
for the average /g/cel sure
and somehow mexico, land of the drug cartels, is loads more based (despite said cartels)
LuaJit isn't sandboxed either
>text is way better than video
unironically someone here should make a scripting language
That person should be me, but I'm too lazy/retarded to get into compilerdev right now.
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Compiling without have to write a parser is so much easier
I was wondering about that; what is even the relation between enginedev and langdev? It is this: both are about making machines.
Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine

Basically a budget RPG Maker that someone made in the past.
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>Checks on Wandering Hamster after all these years
>Zero progress
It's really over, isn't it?
I am also making a rpg maker now lol
>i despise this carpet
That's what she said!
isn't it possible to set from where comes the light, then for each item, you can just take the sprite shape in dark and then apply a translation and extend it a little bit according the time of the day ?
You would just have to be careful on the order to draw your sprite then.
>just take the shape in dark and project/flatten it
Sounds like the old projection shadow matrix technique but for 2D sprites
that seems the easiest solution no ?
You could easily make a script to turn all your sprite into shadow by applying a filter, and just draw it with basic math.
Since his game is reproducing the sims, he would have to check if it hits a wall and make a second translation from where the shadow breaks.
I guess there would be more cases like if the shadow goes over a table or a chair. he could ignore it like a lot of games did in the past or try to find a solution
I'm moreso just gonna do circle shadows to be honest.
bluetooth keyboards exist
>decide to refactor code, make it more readable
>nothing works anymore
I would have made a grave mistake, had I not the original code.
he who does not version his functions and structs and keep them shall know true pain.
It reminds me of my "clever" refactoring of behaviour trees, I fucking made an infinite reference recursion
A little, I didn't like it

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