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>less telemetry than linux
>more control of your os than linux with 3rd party HIPS firewalls like Comodo and Zonealarm (linux doesn't have this)
>more supported computers and professional software
>makes Linux obsolete

Is there any reason to use Linux now that Windows has released Windows 11 government edition? Why would anyone want to downgrade os?
i swear to vishnu there's a bunch of coordinated saars shilling this thing out of nowhere
my internet persona demands I remain on linux until windows is deemed to be based and redpilled.
The government edition was made in partnership for use by the Chinese government.

Nope, 10 is going to be my last winjeet system. Goodbye sers.
>source code not available

a rock is still a rock at the end of the day. Threads like these are catalogue pollution
Imagine installing an OS called "government edition" for privacy
They must be joking, this can't be real
People shilling an OS with less telemetry than Linux? I wonder why that might be.
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But what does the G stand fooor
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"People" like OP are desperate for your feedback. Do not give them what they want.
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Windows 11 Goblin Edition
Where can I get it? Will try it on a VM later
>Windows 11 Government Edition surfaces online
What does "surfaces online" mean in this context? Is this an actual Microsoft product or is it just a Trojan Horse for tech illiterate schizophrenics?
There is no such release. It's just another windows repacked iso. Only a moron would use it.
>>no system requirement
At last I'll be able to run Windows 11 on my Tandy 1000EX! (But how many 5.25'' floppies does it take?)
clickbait, cmge builds have existed for a long time now
Someone should run it and scan what info it sends home. I don't think it can be any worse than the original Win 11.
As someone who had a lot of experience working on government computers, there is no such thing as a Windows "Government Edition." This shit probably comes preloaded with 15 crypto miners and a sleeper ransomware client.
retarded nigger
Upset that I'm exposing your scam Punjesh?
Just give it up man. This is just sad more than anything.
What makes the Government edition different from the LTSC?
Best windows 11 version btw?

Debloating is good and all but I heard some processes are good to make games runs smoother and things like that.

For example, stock win11 vs winTLSC ... Even tho TLSC is debloated, win11 still runs games faster
Made for chinks. G edition is actually obsolete if you wanna daily drive it. TLSC is bad and g edition goes further
>no bloat
>comes with twitter and solitaire
Pick one
How true is any of the shit that you're fucking saying, you stupid fucking faggot? Provide evidence or shut the fuck up.
shut up already
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good morning i will be your Copilot today
True. How do you test for those, though?
> No system requirements

OP is a retard
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>to make games runs smoother
Seriously, what the fuck kind of retarded nigger, zoomer ass, bullshit post is this?
Show me the source code and I'll believe you
File deleted.
>inserting a space after the greentext arrow
you don't need to do that here, newfriend
games ran the same for me when i switched from w11 home to w11 iot ltsc, its just nicer having options to disable stuff and less bloat. its amazing how regular consumer windows is so terrible compared to it. that being said, id rather be on linux but certain things just work no hassle on windows so this is a nice middleground.
Oh, good. I assume the BSOD screen no longer says "gathering information". It just says "You're fucked, have a nice day".
Glowie DUH
>Windows Government Edition
So would this have even more CIA/Mossad backdoors built into it, or would it have less (or none)?
For real.
Its also pointless if the average normie can't get their hands on it.
I suspect its because of the realization that the IoT edition has just as much telemetry.
>no dl to iso
>no sha256 hash
>>less telemetry than linux
doubt it
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>(pajeet windows modification of the week) Makes Linux Obsolete
Call me when K Desktop Environment Plasma and its software suite is ported to Windows.
>he wants his desktop environment to krash
>have to tinker and cripple system to get good battery life
linux is a joke
>>less telemetry than linux
Linux has no telemetry, if there is one it's alawys opt IN, unlike closed source microjeet spyware
All that aside, windblows is fundamentally worse than linux simply because of one thing
Getting software and updating it, package managers are superior
Also windows updates are super slow, forced and annoying
Still no Wireshark proofs? Weak work.
Remember to add "/Ever wonder why these blatant troll threads/i;boards:g" to your filters, anons
They're the same now. So much indian code in explorer next to IE last touched in 2009. I'd rather my DE be responsive and have real features.
its real
this is an official SKU. "EnterpriseG" has been on uup for a while iirc
Nice. Wo ai zhonguo
using 11 unironically feels like using gnome or KDE, might a well be using that garbage instead, or switch back to 10 which is perfect
wo ye ai zhongguo
>make attempts to use me second monitor
>Switched my gpu
>Doesn't work
Goddamn why does this happen
What the fuck? I begin liking cinnamon and then I don't anymore because it doesn't work
Then I have to go back to kde because it works and won't crash but I don't like it
It amazes me how governments trust closed source operating systems. So they're probably deeply involved with the OS and therefore you shouldn't trust a closed source operating system. A hardened GNU/Linux distribution is the way to go.
you should use xihuan 喜歡 instead of ai 愛, which is more used in a romantic context
>I'll suck a dick but I'll never swallow
Quack quack little win 10 baby duck. Upgrade time is coming and you'll be swallowing and telling everyone how delicious it is in no time.
This build is for Chinese government so yeah they will not mess around. I will be using g edition after like 4/5 months when everything matures.
Are you kidding me? G edition has less telemetry than linux. Its made for Chinese govt, do you really think they will forgive Microsoft and USA if MS does something fishy? using W10 at this point is foolishness
yes a lot of microsoft shills on here and other boards
> governments worldwide running Linux on their main computers
> open source means predictable, reliable behaviour and stability, esp. if using Debian-based
> the only time governments care for winshit is when they have to use Adobe crap or other bs

Yeah, no. This is a meme and governments are merely going to put this edition on a few auxiliary machines to use bloated Microsoft and Adobe software, just like they’ve already done before. Nothing new, other than Microsoft being ass and doing the de-bloating of their OS for gov’t instead of some technician in the hopes that it’ll replace Linux in governments.

Y’all have to be fucking idiots to fall for this.
"China Government"
I dont know why everybody in 4chan is so salty and such a fanboy of linux or something else. Their brain is damaged beyond repair to think rationally
kill yoursef homosexual
Its made for Chinese govt. it sends nothing back home. There are already tests done. Do you really think China is playing around with USA and microsoft?
Fucking retarded nigger its made for Chinese govt. Are you Chinese govt. official? stupid fuck. First study on this topic a little then comment may be?
why would you shift to linux? G edition has less telemetry than linux to suffer?
why did you quote me, do you know what cmge is?
Bro give me break. If you ever used a crack software there is a higher chance it was cracked by me and my team. just stfu already.
what a sad dumb nigger you are then
>ah yeah you know that thing nobody can legally get their hands on and is unobtanium to anyone except weird nerds obsessed with not using ant other OS?
>makes linux obsolete
yeah lemmie get right on that you retard
There is still bloat in the screenshot though?
Why would you think they would run any different? LTSC is just normal Windows without the Store and a few pre-installed apps.
buy an ad, glowie nigger scum
your way to insult shills is to tell them to give 4chan their money?
you spineless reddit-educated cuck
NTA but you're not reading into the post correctly.
He's not saying to literally buy an ad, he's saying he (believes, and correctly i might add) that op is trying to trick people.
Source other than your ass?
Are you ESL?
I mean that in a non-insulting way but the message itself isn't meant to be taken literally.
...how are you this tech impaired and how were you even able to reach this website?
Based Aussie shitposter
criticizing someone for using cucked language makes me an ESL?
take the L, you're parroting the equivalent of "pay your taxes, migrant!!!" no matter what your actual intention is. you sound like a cuck, period.
But it good os unlike Linux
no matter how "debloated" you make windows 11 its shell is still dogshit compared to 10, yes windows 11 is so fucking bad it makes 10 look like a godsend
You absolute retard . Being made for the CCP doesn't mean less backdoors it means 10x more .

Why do /pol/tards like to forget that China is a authoritarian communist state ?
No telemetry, but the UI is still javascript. The fact that they can't get the taskbar elements to line up properly is an unforgivable sin, in all of GUI history this was simply not even something that even a lazy dev could make happen in any toolkit anywhere. God damn.
The source is Microsoft itself you retard. Im not going to spoon-feed you because you have already spread misinformation without knowing anything.
Oh honey you really think CCP with spare USA or Microsoft if there is any backdoor? Do you really think Chinese Engineers are that dumb? Really nigger?
>scan what info it sends home
It'll just be encrypted blobs.
>The source is Microsoft itself you retard.
When did Microsoft switch their internal employee email over to cock.li?
There is no "Government Edition" of Windows.
>no system requirements
It runs on thin air?
dude, not your personal army
we don't give a shit
stop being mentally retarded thx
> A custom build make by people you can trust. No -- we're not naming name.
>Comodo and Zonealarm
>Chinks want Unity engine
>They buy it and strip out the bullshit then add nanite and lumen to it
>Chinks want Windows
>They get a version with zero bloatware or spying
Words cannot describe how much I hate the West. Truly embarrassing civilization. Honestly as an ausfailian I now want China to come and convert our country to CCP or whatever the fuck, they seem based AF.
what's next, honeypot edition?
I thought April Fools was 3 months ago
he's been posting this shit for years but nothing has happened other than wasting 4chan's bandwidth kb at a time lol. definition of impotent seething.
I know! Just imagine how much time he spent seething, and he does it for free.
>>more supported computers and professional software
only valid point, the rest is snake oil
It does make Linux obsolete because it has less bloat and telemetry than Linux.
All hail BASED China!!!!
>less bloat and telemetry than Linux.
Run your own fucking test retard. Just use wireshark to do a simple test. Motherfucker. Do you think China is playing around with American product?
It’s this
CCP government admins noticed some Skiddies popped up on their servers who had downloaded it.
They realized they could shill it to more people to collect even more data in their botnet.
Expect a TikTok shill campaign soon.
Thanks, but I'll be sticking with Windows 7 Ultimate.
Ghost spectre repack of any windows edition is the only way to use windows
I worked in IT and in every gov office always saw Windows 7 in his computers.
Do you have brain damage? Yeah, I said what I said and stand by it. Now, do a favor do everyone and find a rope to kys, you literally know nothing about win isos.
>kde on windows 11
unironically would be kino
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WTF this still exists?
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Are you hitting on me?
Didn't everyone drop them because they turned out to be some ratbag Israeli outfit? I recall everyone I knew dropped them en masse at the time.
What makes you think he isn't romantically in love with his country? Are you not in love with yours?
Afaik people just stopped using it because Windows Firewall became a thing..
>Why would anyone want to downgrade os?
dunno anon, isn't that what you're trying to argue for?
Ok so where can I download it?
gangsta shit, nnyigguhh
>Is there any reason to use Linux now that Windows has released Windows 11 government edition?
Yes. Wanting to use my CPU power to run programs, not waste half of it rendering the fucking taskbar because they rewrote it in React to remove a bunch of functionality.
No thanks I'm sticking with 10 LTSC instead of 11 GAY edition
How stupid will you feel when an unpatchable security flaw in your ultra based W11 LTSC/G is discovered?
Kill yourself shitskin
iot ltsc with some tweaks unironically cured my linux distro hopping, cant fuck with this shady meme edition i see shilled on here and twitter though
The G stands for Gullible.
>iot ltsc with some tweaks unironically cured my linux distro hopping
hate to say this but you're still backdoored and are running a black box OS.
>have to tinker and cripple system to get rid of bloat and spyware
windows is a joke
disabled enough shit i could with tweaks, no bloat or annoyances to join the ms ecosystem and a simple system is good enough for me. i dont hoard cp or do anything shady and i own an iphone so any further telemetry worries would be a hypocrite and more importantly, a fag
meant to say "would make me"
imagine coping this fucking hard holy shit lol
youre a faggot
>leaves Twitter, Facebook Messenger
all good chief, if you can get your family members on LTSC that's even better
yup, got my dad on windows 10 ltsc since he didn't vibe with linux mint too much and was on windows 7 until 2020 lol
Imagine not dualbooting both Lin-knocks and Wind-O's.
Retarded Mossad kike.
Windows Eleven is Vista all over again.
Here is all faggots need to know about Microsoft and Windows 11:

Essentially, an Israeli spy (former Unit 8200), Ohad Zaidenberg, in collaboration with Microsoft higher-ups (Chris Kreb and a few others), the DoJ etc., has taken control of critical US infrastructure. "Volunteers" are vetted by him and only him (not the US government) and are encouraged to join to carry out these exercises—sabotaging factories, manufacturing plants, dams, nuclear powerplants etc.

With regards to censorship of Americans, Microsoft's NewsGuard was launched with the latest iterations of Windows 11 and of recent, Windows 11 Government Edition. It is Microsoft's own censorship apparatus, built into the operating system and its main browser, Edge. Windows 365 Government, Windows 11 China Government Edition. This is part of its "defending democracy" program which will be installed in ALL US voting machines—ElectionGuard (this is still in the works and being discussed).
Running ANY iteration of Windows 11 they is connected to the internet renders your computer a vector for "cyber crime", " cyber terrorism" towards the coming "cyber pandemic".
And for god's sake, THIS IS NOT A DRILL
Holy redpill
how much will government edition cost?
its like paying not to watch ads, in this case have bloatware.
U mad?
Yeah u mad.
ricing, easy configuration, overall more streamlined system that doesn't have all the legacy baggage shit.
I’m still on windows 10. What should I upgrade to?
nothing for now
Sirs, please enjoy big beautiful Japanese breasts today.
Stripping windows of bullshit isn't hard and I definitely trust myself to do it more than Microsoft and the US government.
You still have a year of security updates, just ride it out desu. When you want to upgrade, probably 11, it's the same shit with some ui tweaks but you can pretty much all of the Windows 10 stuff back with shit like ExplorerPatcher. /g/ freaked out on 10 when it was new too, it's just the way of things. https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher
This is why I will keep my anti-virus turned on while I try out Windows 11 incase it tries to install any fishy viruses.

You sound like a real q anon schizo with your elaborate fairy tale.
Can I put mi title at on the top of the screen in this edition?
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holy fucking cuck
go open the resource monitor and check the network traffic and watch the system process sending data to a bunch of microsoft IPs every couple of seconds

why you insufferable faggots so anti linux
>Judging by the screenshot solitaire is considered a necessary app
It's government edition alright
>Why do /pol/tards like to forget
they are not, its more of (you)r problem, tourist.
you read like a dumb jealous faggot
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11 G doesn't exist
You retards are downloading a custom ISO from some Ivan that probably has malware in it
Don't be mad but I use Linux AND Windows AND BSD but I stopped using Mac when I retired. The senior center supports every OS.
they have to fill their time whilst taking a dumb on the street
based, same once W10 support is done, I'll go manjaro
master edition vs slave edition
>Is there any reason to use Linux?
What you should've posted
IDK why don't you try it?
You're not tricking me by appealing to Cunningham's law, faggot. Fuck you
faggot cope thread
Did they really call themselves "Gorilla Unit"? Blacks are so funny.
>i swear to vishnu

Poojeet Crapoor and his "god" of poo.

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