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>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>101229499
Oh boy just woke up from the tequila ptsd BOOM BOOM NAP (they’re still freedom fighting out there, ironically) it’s only like 1 am so time to make more sounds??!
why is bach so goated bros
it's kinda interesting. you think you need to copy synth sounds, drums, rhythms, styles etc.
yet when you really understand music theory it doesn't even matter anymore. as long as your melody is catchy you can put it over almost any beat, with any sound design, even with any lyrics.
so it's totally pointless trying to sound like your idols. because that's completely missing the point. idols can sing over any beat, especially kpop goes so wild sometimes with their sound.
but their melodies are always catchy.
i think melody is really the core of music. everything else is completely optional and just fancy decorations. but if the melody sucks music doesnt work.
you can be a trash hip hop producer, but if you have a good melody, then even with lame ass beats and lame ass rapper your song will resonate with people.
Local man realizes he is a person on his own and can create things he likes.
hard disagree
the melody is great in this but the production dates it
forgettable song to me though. just think about every song you remember. you remember them for the melody. not for the chords, not for the drums, not for the sound design, usually not even for the lyrics.
circlejerking over production quality is more like a hobby, not really something you do as a consumer who just listens to music for the feels and for the catchiness.
it's the year 2024, even normies have good audio in their cars, airpods, even macbooks, you need to raise your standards
Were you homeschooled or something?
Do you know how education works?

You study great works to analyze what makes them great and observe how fundamental pieces work to achieve that.
You’re supposed to be deepening your understanding of how a given art works so you can better apply that to your own.

Are you the AI obsessed guy?
I mentioned this conversation before I had with my brother (more chronically involved with people who are likely to be proponents of a certain type with it) and it frequently comes up that “tech bros” who think they can just churn out art don’t understand stuff like this.
while you study all the great works some hood rapper with 80 iq makes songs with 10 million views.
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Where do you guys get your drum samples from?
god i wish that were me
If you’re modeling your method after random exceptions that succeed you’re just dumb bro.
Extremely ignorant. Dk etc etc
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especially for its time it had epic production, sound design, percussion, "Soundin' like a zillion bucks on the track", melody is meh
Timbre is just as important as melody. The sound also affects you when you're jamming, you will come up with different melodies when playing a harpsichord than if you were playing a piano because they invoke different moods, or a distorted electric guitar vs an acoustic one. If what you're saying is true, you would be fine with listening to your favorite music with every instrument being replaced with a single sine wave, the melody is still there right? Why not go even further, just look at the sheet music and you'll know it's a good song, not need to have actual sound.
what i really meant is that you can minmax on top of a melody, but if the melody sucks (isn't catchy/memorable) all the minmaxing of effects/sound design/timbres etc. wont help.
basically you can't turn a turd into a delicious dinner. but you can turn beef into a delicious dinner. but raw beef on its own would be boring.
yes i used a food analogy, live with it.
i figured out melody. it's not about coming up with a good motif. it's about repeating a motif (with slight variation)
the repetition is more important than the notes themselves. otherwise the music industry would have come up with the perfect motif already and reuse it over and over.
but what they use over and over isn't the same sequence of notes, it's repetition that they use over and over.
every sequence of notes is good if you repeat it often enough.
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what if we've all just been arguing with a bot "learning" about music production
i found that instead of playing with hihat velocity it's better to just layer another hihat to accent the "higher velocity". sounds more "full"
Bot, troll, or genuine retard, it makes no practical difference at the end of the day.
I've tried setting up scnvim and can make sounds and whatnot but fail miserably when it comes to getting statusline working and documentation working within nvim. Does anyone here a good grasp on how to do things like this?
>but the production dates it
how, exactly? I'd rather listen to this than a ton of "modern production" tracks, and as a bonus this track is also nostalgic for me because of forza horizon
that's a man
I don't think anyone writes a melody they don't like and then try to improve the sound to make up for it. Most people find a sound they like and then the sound itself suggests the melody that you write.
geniuses of sound manipulation
Don't be using the Lion Rampant as a table cloth, love.
old school methods come from technical limits, you don't really have to follow them. you can use a sample that isn't really a drum sample on its own and just move sample start, sample length, filter, env, etc onn each note to make a bunch of variation out of one snippet, but that isn't intrinstically better than using ten different drum samples
>spend 3 months waiting for a MIDI controller to come up for sale
>get it for 100 bucks less than I was willing to pay
Hell yeah.
layering is best way to get more out of it. i do the same with kick drums. some tracks i make will have two tracks just for a kicks. makes it hit a bit harder and sound fuller. i learned that after reading some interview of q-tip/a tribe called quest.
sharing an L i found out yesterday digging mics out of storage. realized an sm57 i bought 8-10 years ago off craigslist was counterfeit. never buying a used mic again lol
surprising nobody in the process. they weren't that expensive new (still aren't as far as i can see). wouldn't even bother buying one second hand.
i'd gotten real gear from CL before and had no idea mics were being counterfeited. i was a poor college student saving $30-40 off the new price and it seemed reasonable.

it's heavy enough and the frequency response isn't actually that bad, you can't really tell the difference in most recording applications so it's still usable but i'd definitely stick to new music shop purchases anyway
well duh that should be a given but "more out of it" ?

Part of the reason I moved away from drum rack (not exclusively but like 90% of the time) was to more easily handle alternating start/stop points and fades of single samples and it's been a game changer for doing drums t b h.

Obviously it's best combined with other methods but even just simple stuff like doing a shaker loop sounds way more natural with a single one shot and messing with every hit than layering two sampler instances and messing with velocity etc.
Obviously you *can* do similar things with a sampler but it's needlessly tedious, imprecise, and you most likely can't control fade slope/curve etc like you can with fades or volume automation so your ability to vary is cut.
-Combine that with another layer or few and you're good to go.
That's how I do all my tops now for example for house or whatever. Apply it to other stuff as well, of course... of course...
>i'd gotten real gear from CL before and had no idea mics were being counterfeited
yeah, a lot of shure's stuff has been bootlegged for years by usual communist suspects. if something exists, the chinks will clone it.
> i was a poor college student saving $30-40 off the new price and it seemed reasonable.
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>well duh
> drum rack
drum rack is fine. i prefer the ancient and dangerously based native instrument's battery.
that's nonsense. see pic

it's like you only started using daws yesterday and thought:
> yep. i'll just go to 4chan and make up a bunch of fucking bullshit and hope people believe it
good luck with your mental illness.
How do I add bass to a track that is mostly synth pads? Playing single notes doesn't work, I tried just pitching down the synth pads 1 octave but the result is meh, it seems like it adds mud rather than a defined bass sound, I just need to fill up the spectrum with some bass but I don't know how
> I tried just pitching down the synth pads 1 octave
nah. what you could do is:
> add a lower octave notes from pads to compliment it, don't lower the octave of the whole thing.
> add bass synth/sample with same ADSR as pads
> duplicate the pad track and low pass filter the entire thing
many things you can do. experiment. see what works.
I am the Ahmad al-Buni of https://www.magesy.blog/download/audio-tutorials/
What the heck is this thread? >>101276392
Why does it need to be separate from /dmp/?
let the autists who don't make music jerk in their own threads
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For those of you who have tried multiple daws, >which one do you use now?
>what features did you like and not like about those daws that turned you away from them
Are those drum loops or proprietary drum packs? Is there a way to convert those to .wav?
>let the autists who don't make music jerk in their own threads
now that's extreme seething. did you get filtered by trackers? if so: embarrassing.

mostly ableton these days. i used to use reaper but i can no longer tolerate its shitty interface. before all of that existed: cubase.

Main daw, Cubase
Liked FL Studio, great value out of the box, hate that the workflow is too separated like the step sequencer, arrangement view etc., not a good workflow to record/work with vocals
Liked Ableton, liked the session view but hate the tiny little plugins at the bottom row view, not a good workflow to record/work with vocals
Liked PreSonus StudioOne, closest thing to logic pro, hated the limited midi edit view
Liked Logic Pro, hate that it's a mac so cracked plugins are a pain and plugin selection is pretty limited
no, i use trackers. i don't like talking to people on 4chan about them. seethe at being wrong, retard
> n..n.no. i use
shut the fuck up, thanks.
nope, you should get that reading comprehension checked out
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I got a better idea, if you have experience with the daw, reply to the corresponding image.

What do you like and not like about Ableton Live +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
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What do you like and not like about Reaper +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
bot posting time
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What do you like and not like about FL Studio +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
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What do you like and not like about Cubase +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
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What do you like and not like about Reason +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
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What do you like and not like about Pro Tools +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
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What do you like and not like about Logic +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
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What do you like and not like about PreSonus StudioOne +/ over other daws if it's not your main daw?
Aw shit. inb4 the resident /dmp/ autist spergs out about people sharing their opinions and experiences with daws.
Producers be doing everything but make beats s m h
Like this nigga triangulating and shit bruh like how's that gon help you make music fr this shit goofy as hell ngl nasa engineer looking ass
>just let the homeless man jerk off, shoot drugs, and shit in public. you're just being autistic if you dislike it
You forgot to mention that the only person saying that is the homeless man himself.
Literally just ignore him. Even reading his posts is worse fir everyone.
>faggot forgot to include my DAW
alright I'm making a diss track to you and sending it to the album
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My nigger
It's gotta be religious theme, how are you gonna spin that?
>how are you gonna spin that?
DAWs are gods and the heretic forgets one of the gods
the punishment? reverb will be automatically added to his master when he renders any song
>the punishment? reverb will be automatically added to his master when he renders any song
I don't think we're allowed to post /g/uro
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What midi velocity do you guys use when saving drum samples?
It's a sweet daw, but it's Apple, so you know.
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having tons of kontakt slop makes me less creative, I'm contemplating just deleting everything and sticking to stock reason.
>ugh I don't want to sift through all those plugins maan
>fuck it, I will do it some other time

also post your kontakt slop
Convert them to wav.
there are like million samples, I rather quit music before I have to sort that shit. I'm going to buy some drums and play that, fuck DAWs shit stagnated me hard and I'm too poor for euroracks
It's either having a million VSTs or wasting money on stupid physical "VST in a box" synths for me. And VSTs are all free.
I enjoy making music more when I had a casio keyboard and audacity. The more I hoard the less I want to make music
yes, take the stock plugins only pill
honestly whats the point of using reason if youre not using its rack/cable/modular flow
Exports to .aiff, 24 bit audio goodness. You can hear the difference between aiff and your standard wav.
> i'm not even pretending to be fucking retarded
>he doesn't just use shitty samples/preset drums, then goes back and makes it sound better with his sample library
Isn't that the main point of these sample libraries?
In the past 8~ months all of the conditioning I’ve put myself through to stay productive has kind of unraveled for reasons and I can only think of two solutions:

>shock collar that shocks during certain time frames if I leave the designated production area or am in a window that isn’t ableton
>a little pet feeder that lets out treats as track/MIDI clip count increases in the session

I am being 100% serious and this is not a pet play thing, I’m just that convinced that I can’t be trusted with my own work ethic without interventions like this right now.
Is this a feasible thing to set up?

Also somebody remind me in about two hours if I’m doing more sound design and not drunk and throwing games for my team in halo while oversharing to random people in stream. The drunk part will be true either way but I thought I might put some drums on all the sounds I’ve been doing the past few days,,,

I’ve identified the reason I always fall flat in that certain genre I’ve been wanting is not spending the autistic attention to detail evenly across parts and then trying to force a song way too soon (e.g the drums are cool but then there’s just a pad and shit melody made “normally” or the noise is noising but then the drums are just basic etc) so I’ve resolved to do a heavy sound sesh a day instead of a song a day to mitigate this (and my unease and writing so much less in the past couple weeks).

Yes I’m okay, just woke up (:

Break the other reaktor ensembles? :0
explain the use of each one
if you can't do that right now then delete all of the ones you can't explain the use
Kek I bet there's some gadget you can connect to a geofencing smartphone app that can in some way hurt you or annoy you if you leave a defined perimeter. Not sure how small/precise that perimeter can be though.
If you learn some basic arduino (and maybe M4L for interfacing with Ableton) you can make both of these yourself, but now you have the problem of becoming productive for that instead lmao. Story of my life.
Let us know if you find something that works.

>Also somebody remind me in about two hours
Bit late but here you go.
Haven't touched Linux for 5 years, has anything changed since then regarding picrel support? Latency, VSTs, FL Studio ASIO, do any of these work now?
Why would it? If you want good music support, you use a Mac. If you want shit that sometimes works but DAWs that are shittier than Logic, you use Windows. If you're a retard, you use Linux.
>flirting with people way too young now
That's how you become successful as a content creator.
unironically i'mseeing that now idk wtf is wrong with these people
It's like PEDs in certain sports. If you get caught it's over, but without them you might've never had a chance to begin with.
Being a pervert with minors is the ancient secret that the elite is keeping from us. The more egregious the act, the more power you acquire.
Ever wondered how certain people with seemingly no talent, personality, or really anything, somehow get rich and famous while people who are much better in every single way get mysteriously outcompeted?
They're all users of pedo magic.
>be messed up in all the ways that don't lead to success
giwtwm and i wish all the rumors about my kind were true now wtf
>how certain people with seemingly no talent, personality, or really anything, somehow get rich and famous while people who are much better in every single way get mysteriously outcompeted?
>tfw never got molested by a nickelodeon exec in exchange for a career

Potato potato
i was actually in a minor role on a disney channel show back in the day and quit for that reason, "unbeknownst" to my parents

not worth. does not give you powers.
actually maybe it does but it's like you get locked out of them idk
Nonono, you only get powers as the molester.
The molestee only gets the actor/singer career, and MAYBE gets to be the molester as an adult.

ughhh i'm gonna go get my childcare health license or whatever the fuck fuck this shit
Yo would you guys wanna hear some music I've been working on? Sort of new wave/synth punk type of thing
Alright check it out!

I'm not telling you. I already have to compete with discord homos buying everything up for their autistic "sample documenting" hobby
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I WILL find your samples
how do i learn to apply music theory
Fun tracks.
Would benefit from better sound selection/design imo.
get a daw or an instrument and you can start applying
i have both
even better
Music theory isn't some sort of cheat code to teach you how to make music, it is simply a form of analysis of already existent music

All your favorite artists probably don't use any music theory consciously when making music.
What I'm saying is simply try to make music you think sounds good regardless of some abstract notions of what it is supposed to be.

All you really need to know is the major and minor scales and have a feel for them to really begin making any sort of music
why does she have the scottish flag wtf
she does look like a bong
yeah choke on a dick faggot maybe one day youll make it big cocksucker
music theory is primarily useful in getting a common vocabulary to talk about making music. Like, when somebody says "you can use a tritone substitution to smooth out your progression", and you get what that means, that's application. Which yes, you don't have to know it, and artists aren't (usually) consciously thinking about it when they play/compose. But knowing the basics helps a lot, especially when you're on an internet mongolian puppet show forum, vs a teacher that can audibly show you what they mean by a tritone substitution without ever naming it.
yeah kill yourself
yabridge works pretty seamlessly for running windows vsts. latency is fine too, with the caveat that you have to fuck around with jack and/or pipewire settings to lower the default buffer sizes; probably depends on your distro; there are some that claim to already be setup for audio production but i'm too set in my debian ways to change. I dunno about FL studio, but native linux daws work fine.
It's not about making it. You can't really make money as an artist these days, just do what you enjoy and artistically fulfills you
Based guitar center clerk
did i fucking ask you for your retarded opinion dipshit? if i wanted to know that "nuh uh this is le deprecated and you le dont need that™" i wouldve asked on stackexchange or reddit
jacob collier is probably one of the most obsessive about music theory but he hasn't done much with it besides some gimmicky stunts so what does that tell you. less is more
Does anyone have the link to the fully deduplicated 90's sample cd pack?
holy fucking anecdotal evidence 85 iq peak monkey shut your mouth troglodyte you are literally a subhuman
textbook example of why understanding theory does not mean you can make good music. that "well" song of his is one of the worst I've ever heard, how did he let people around him convivence him it was a good idea to release that
can't stand this industry plant.

it's exactly right. i think people really do believe that "music theory" is a short cut. once you know it you can write anything!
WRONG. fucking WRONG. and jacob is a prime example.
the funniest thing is that he actually knows how to identify good songs and write normal stuff well, but I guess the autism is deafening when he's making his own stuff
jacob's idea of writing is to complicate everything to the point of absurdity.
> look at me! I can go through many various chord progressions within 32 bars!
> none of it memorable
the "keep it simple, stupid" philosophy applies to music too. it's how pop music has been able to thrive for eternity.
If you had to give up music forever what would be your greatest regret? I've written songs, produced tracks, played more music in the last couple years than ever before. Mine would be having developed all the bricks for a sequencer automating groove/microtiming, having patched countless sound generators, some of them creating all sorts of different pretty convincing percussion sounds, synths etc, and not having made any actual music with those. I keep developing all that stuff, keep telling myself one day all those ideas will turn to actual sound. But the truth is I probably can't do it by myself. Hence all the side bands I gig with. Fortunately I love tinkering with sound but it's not my primary goal, alas.
My biggest regret would be not developing my musical skills until I got perfect pitch, and also not meeting Jacob Collier in person.
>If you had to give up music forever
i wouldn't. i'm doing this until i die. apart from computer programming and horticulture, music is what i excel at and what i'm known for. it has become part of my identity whether i like it or not.
Don't get tinnitus/hearing damage, then.
>cancer cure will come before hearing damage cure
>the labels that own your songs will just generate more songs with their AI after you're deaf
God hates artists
Ok, Beethoven. I don't believe AI will ever create any brand new cultural movement on its own.
It's not that his music is bad, it's just that you don't have the ear for it.
A major part of what makes music appealing is familiarity to past experience with just a small touch of novelty to surprise us and keep us entertained while still remaining in our comfort zone.
Jacob is going outside of typical boundaries so it sounds "off" to most people who haven't experienced such a sound before. If you were to listen to it, I imagine that you would grow to appreciate and perhaps even enjoy it.
No one says it sounds off. Everyone says it's boring and unappealing.
No, it's not "an acquired taste", my issue with it is what he says with his music, to me it doesn't "hit" anything. It's just an autistic dude making music that he likes for fun, and he has that corny joyous music lover style. I'm sure that if he made music in a style that I usually like then I'd think it's amazing. I actually feel bad for him being this famous or having this "super genius" recognition because people go in expecting stuff that feels insane, but no, it's just him making autistic music that he likes lmao
>corny joyous music lover style.
lol. Ok, I can respect that.
His music seems to benefit from constraints such as those a live setting imparts. This is very good and enjoyable and free from the tasteless excess of his more outlandish work:
Don't know where to ask this. Has anyone tried to split black metal vocals and instrumental? Any AI program for this? I haven't tried UVR yet but I feel like it's not going to recognize it as a voice because the vocals are so distorted.
>want to use surge
>if you want ASIO in the standalone you need to fucking compile the program yourself
Free software was a mistake.
>Don't get tinnitus/hearing damage, then.
already have tinnitus due to medical condition but it's tolerable. my amp is always at a low level as speakers are very close to me. it would be much worse today if i didn't use earplugs at all the concerts and raves i've been to over the last 25+ years.
You should just kidnap programmers and keep them in your basement to write a custom DAW
I want a stinky slavic gf frens. What should a white bread like me do?
The video that exposed /dmp/
already been abiding by all of this but thanks

only dummies don't pick this stuff up
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Good Morning Music Maids!

I am making Public Domain audio software with Java. The program accepts code in a Domain-Specific Language called Bocchi Maid JukeBox (this is the only musical maid I know with huge boobs).

It takes this language and makes audio using midi instruments. It can play it or generate a midi file.

I can play all the midi instruments and make notes. I can set/change tempo.

Is there some kind of standard test for this kind of software? I am going to try to make it play Bad Apple today if I can find the sheet music for it.

I want to make sure Bocchi Maid JukeBox is powerful enough for real use. I could make every instrument play scales and listen to my Computer make sounds for an hour, but if there is a more standard test I would like to try this.

Thank you music maids for reading my post.
Has Frequent fallen off? His album was so ambitious and coherent. The newer releases are much less serious, ranging from ordinary to pretentious.
This should probably be more in the stupid questions thread, but I figure you guys have more experience with audio hardware. If I wanna plug my computer line out to a cheap audio mixer, should I use a 1 1in input with a TRS cable or the stereo 1in input with TS cables? Or XLR is better?
1/4 in, was thinking of my impact driver socket lol
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You gotta try harder than that anon
>seemingly, people hate subscriptions
>everything that focus on subscriptions is very popular and successful
>small creators are all on subscriptions models

Sobriety!!! Productivity!!!! Cured depression!!!
Additive synthesis and break autisms!!!!
Alright, how do I stop chrome from stealing my fucking MIDI shit? It'd be nice if I could occasionally use web MIDI still, but holy fuck, having to close this dogshit browser every time I want to open ableton or anything else that wants MIDI makes me want to die. I tried turning on windows runtime midi api and it didn't do shit.
Have you tried a different browser?
Firefox is shit for video.
try googling it
Pick your poison then
I have, I can't find shit but 6 years out of date advice for options that no longer exist.

You'd think a browser would let you disable a fucking broken feature.
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Alright, I'm a retard, it works. I fucking hate finding shit in chrome, so many fucking sub menus of worthless garbage and a search option that barely helps. Guess I'll find a portable shit browser I can use for the occasional webmidi thing.
Do you talk/act like this IRL too, or is it just to fit in on 4chan?
I want a Nord keyboard.
I don't have skills to justify buying a Nord keyboard.
You having a bad day or something, dude?

Don't worry, neither do most of the people who buy one.
>You having a bad day or something, dude?
Does the way he talks seem normal to you?
Why is there still no alternative to a BCR2000? The closest thing is some faderfox junk that's twice the price with half the knobs. When the fuck are they going to release the BCR32?
he sounds really full of himself
those who can, do, those who can't, teach
Then spending less time on this website might not be a bad idea.
>those who can, do, those who can't, teach
you say this as if that invalidates the video where he... teaches

good one bro

be real, all of us need to not be on this website so much
True, but some of us are affected more than others.
yeah ngl i have to periodically take breaks

sometimes when i scroll the thread my eyes literally just glaze over and my mind shuts off reading through "ur a fagget." "no u" "retard!!!" over some trivial shit and then I know it's time to hit the big X
Guilty ngl
>it would be much worse today if i didn't use earplugs at all the concerts and raves i've been to over the last 25+ years
This. I have tinnitus too because I forgot them ONE FUCKING TIME for a unmemorable concert in a tiny venue 20+ years ago. Learned a decade later it was nicknamed the 'tinnitus venue', the sound ingeneer must have been totally treble deaf. But even if I have hearing damage it seems I hear little sound events better than my peers. I believe I have trained my ears getting accustomed to ear plugs.
I'll receive my EN16 soon. A guy called it 'poor man's faderfox'. It's tiny, USB powered, scriptable and all encoders have push. Are there buyers for used bcr2000?
The EN16 seems really cheap. I don't know what encoders they're using, but they're steppy according to reviews, which means they're really cheap junk.

If the BCR32 ever comes out, it's 20 bucks less and probably has better encoders. We're talking like 5 cents more for a real encoder, it's crazy they're charging 170 bucks for something that low effort with half the encoders.

It's sad that we have so many VSTs with millions of virtual knobs, and no decent options for controlling them.
Who is this tranny?
>go 1 day with out mentioning trannys for no reason challenege (impossible)
>I believe I have trained my ears getting accustomed to ear plugs.
your ears will thank you for it. i remember forgetting them one time and i just used rolled up tissue from my pocket. that worked well enough.
>Learned a decade later it was nicknamed the 'tinnitus venue'
yeah i've met such retard engineers before. i remember one event at a hotel where the treble was so fucking high that my friends and i started yelling at the "sound engineer" to fix it or we'll start pouring beer over his console. fixed it and claimed he didn't realize it was so high. apparently his hearing was completely fucked.
>but they're steppy
For me it's a good thing. Some Anon called the bcr32 vapor hardware, and I think he was right. But from what you wrote, you seem like a guy who's never happy with anything.

>apparently his hearing was completely fucked
Many such cases. If they let Keith Jarrett dial the sound he wants, the audience would become as deaf as him.
>bcr32 vapor hardware
Could be, but there was an update 5 days ago, so I'm more hopeful than I was when I made the post.

>For me it's a good thing.
How could low resolution adjustment ever be a good thing? Honestly, the bigger shame is that they don't even have an LED ring, I forgot to mention that.

>you seem like a guy who's never happy with anything.
I'd be pretty happy with the BCR32. It's just a smaller version of the BCR2000.
Isn't that pure vapor hardware? I'm not giving behringer any credit or money anymore. I'll think of you waiting, unhappy, when I fiddle with my en16, pursuing my artistic endeavour.
>Isn't that pure vapor hardware?
Like I said, 5 days ago. Could be out by the end of the year, so only about 3 years late.
>I'm not giving behringer any credit or money anymore.
Fair, but nobody else is even really trying in this market. If I want a bunch of knobs, it's either this or paying twice as much for inferior products.
>I'll think of you waiting, unhappy, when I fiddle with my en16
And I'll think of you, using an absurdly overpriced device with less than half the features that cost you more money, while I'm using my old BCR2000.
it's here
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>sometimes when i scroll the thread my eyes literally just glaze over and my mind shuts off reading through "ur a fagget." "no u" "retard!!!" over some trivial shit and then I know it's time to hit the big X
A guy with a 160+ IQ is likely involved somehow.
FINALLY, might be one of his best reverbs
galactic bro
>make trance bass and drums
>they sound all right
>try to add one more element (bass, pads)
>it falls apart in the mix
At this point I'm gonna go scour some trance songs and dissect them to see how they do it, cause this ain't it.
Here's what I mean, nothing really grooves with this. https://vocaroo.com/1cG1XIl7OU3X6
nice deleted track, homo
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What the hell, I didn't delete it.
I will interpret this as God himself, being so disappointed in my draft, that he deleted it himself.
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this is probably a stupid question but I have this bass audio clip that I like and want to use, however it cuts off abruptly and I want the sound to trail for another bar or so. Is reverb the way to do this? Idk if I've seen people say never add reverb to the bass or not
reverb is just going to smear it, so if that's the sound you want then you use it. if you want to actually continue the sound then I'd just try looping the end in a sampler and then bounce and manually fade it out
sampling it would be easiest, looping the section before it fades then using the sampler envelopes to make it sustain
Is it normal to be technologically literate but retarded when it comes to audio shit?
I don’t know why people mod their M1 minis to run on DC and then connect them with a weird DC jack to their audio cabinet, does that make for a better experience or something?
Ableton has the best workflow due to its density/small UI elements, but it also "feels" the worst to use for the same reason
That sounds like pointless audiophile masturbation but if you're desperate to filter your noisy AC mains and the stock Apple PSU isn't doing the job (why not though?) AND you insist on using the built-in Apple sound hardware instead of a discrete audio interface, then maybe this would accomplish something?
I don't see how it's less work than using real equipment though
You better post source for this shit
Anon, that pic is signed.
I'm talking about the software, you utterly tonedeaf loop splicer
you are either him or you're a major loser dickriding him when he has barely made any music in all these years and not shown why anyone should invest their time and money learning from him specifically. he looks like he suffers from severe brain rot, probably hasn't upgraded his computer (an old computer would be sluggish even in basic tasks like web browsing, with a new computer he'd be able to do more compelling video content than white on grey powerpoint presentations like he's stuck in high school from ages ago) and monitors besides replacing things when they're broken, not moved on from dubstep or whatever.
>Is it normal to be technologically literate but retarded when it comes to audio shit?
If you're technologically literate, you are a gibbering retard to audiophiles, or you're some kind of big music shill or something trying to convince people that 5 dollar cables are "fine" when you really need a 300 dollar USB cable for true audio fidelity (tm).

None of the things audiophiles do makes any sense to anyone with even a vaguely cursory understanding of the principles they are wrongfully representing in order to make money off braindead boomers. The classic story is the guy who had another power pole installed just for his audio equipment.
that sounds retarded, you just need a quality external DAC
And that guy is trying to copy other producers.
we're all so fucked
this song was huge but it's really stale now other than for nostalgiafags when they're in a specific mood for it
now you can hear every single digital effect and it's not as impressive
you'd have to be a genius to make something that's impressive by 2024 standards and beyond
and most small-time producers won't have access to a top tier singer like this
>top tier singer
If more people were willing to take vocal coaching/singing lessons it wouldn't be a problem. But no, at dmp one mumble alone and wonders why voice takes are so cringy.
Is there anything like Logic's visual midi thing for ableton? I like the idea of being able to see variables in real time coming from my MIDI keyboard.
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I'm getting a bit bored of Fl Studio and daws in general, so I want to learn Furnace (a foss tracker). What console/computer chip sounds the best for keygen music in your opinion? Idk where to start
The one that evokes the most nostalgia in you.
What if I'm a 1997 zoomer, my first console being the PS2 and my first game Ratchet & Clank
Then you're not allowed to make chiptune. Sorry m8
Anything that isn't SNES is pretty good. Genesis is probably the best beginner choice assuming you can deal with FM synthesis.
pick something you enjoy hearing over and over, fuck street cred. life's too short and happiness is elusive prey
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i bought this piece of shit and i can't get any input
i've tried a clip on microphone with 3,5mm end with adapter to 6.3mm
am i fucking retarded or is this shit broken
i actually dont have a cable to connect this shit to my guitar
I like him and I also like KOAN Sound
whatchu gonna do about it
I am the Martin Garrix of racist pre drop vocals
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got this motherfucker for only 60 bucks bnew and it exceeded my expectations
Kek, what a screeching faggot
Has anyone else ever gone full retard when it comes to learning an instrument?

I'm strongly considering that instead of using any sensible system that already exists, I'm going to half invent a convoluted inverted keyboard layout where I have to derive every fingering myself. My system has some advantages, some personal, some logical.

I know I should just learn a regular instrument, but I fucking hate all of them.
Computer Music issue 336 downloads.
New ones are:
Bitwig 8 Track
Lite cm version of LOLCOMP

>bit dot ly/cm336downloads

The answers are
Drum kit
Thomas Wesley
Better link here actually:
genesis has that nice yamaha YM2612
>I actually don't have a cable to connect this to my guitar
You have an electric guitar but not a single basic 6.3 cable?
i'm almost not surprised anymore at the level of trolling/poor/stupid people that end up here. i didn't even read their post that far lol
Based, thank you very much
i have an acoustic dumbass
You have to accept to be bad at it when you start. People underestimate how much work has to be put in learning an instrument. That's why it's better kept playful: work is easier done when you enjoy yourself. If your ego can't stand being bad at something new, don't start anything. Or be humble and put the work in.
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I'm going fucking mad trying to find the sample pack that was part of computer music magazine issue # 156 back in 2010. I cannot find the sample pack anywhere, not on audioz/rutrack/internet archive. how is this possible
in the studio with dj fresh
instead of making honest music that people want to listen to. they make tutorials with unwarranted self confidence, at least KOAN sound had millions of views ages ago but frequent is a literal who. they lure in newfag wannabe producers like you to their websites and discord servers where they can put you in a bubble and make you pay a subscription to them for years. you've been scammed mate.
I'm okay with being bad, the problem is more in trying to define a good learning system when I have no real point of reference. Obviously I can just follow instruction for piano and mold it to fit, but most aspects beyond "practice scales and pieces" won't apply to a niche instrument with completely non-standard fingerings.

I'm not saying full retard in terms of being shit, I'm saying full retard in terms of essentially trying to reinvent the wheel instead of doing what everyone else does.
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Those look interesting. Only 100 bucks new, good review on audiosciencereview too.

I own the r1000tcn and they sound great with some caveats (especially a 8k-10k treble peak which I bring down with eq), Edifier price:performance ratio is hard to beat
I give up trying to understand what it is you're trying to express.
maybe now you can move on from drum n bass and dubstep which were only popular for the novelty factor and because people had shitty audio which wasn't capable of faithfully reproducing more complex material so the wub wub beep beep stuff won out at the time
So you don't know how to play any instrument, and you want to invent a new system for playing an instrument?
Can you please elaborate on what this inverted keyboard layout is like?
That's basically what it boils down to. The idea isn't really anything new, it's an isomorphic grid layout with fifths between rows, like a violin, with pitches increasing from right to left.
Perhaps you could consider that the impact of the disadvantages (or whatever you don't like) in a traditional instrument like a piano, might be smaller than the disadvantages of doing your own thing.
With piano you have a very long history of refinement and no shortage of knowledgeable people who can help you do anything you can possibly do on a keyboard.
That body of knowledge is pretty much nonexistent for your instrument, do you're going to have to go through a lot of trial and error to figure things out, and you might come to incorrect conclusions and not realize it for years (especially if you don't already have experience with other instruments). For piano that work has already been done a long time ago.
Plus, are you going to build it and/or program it yourself?
By the time you're done with everything and can play your first song you'll have invested a lot of time into it. Time that if spent learning piano instead, might give you enough skills to make up for all the gripes you have with it.

I think it would be a neat project, even if just for the novelty, but as your first instrument it seems to me that you're not going to be as satisfied as you predict.
Are you unhappy with all the existing isomorphic keyboards already out there? How far is your 'idea' from the accordion's?
These days there are plenty of grid controllers I can get to do what I want.

The problem is that I just dislike piano. I don't like cumbersome octave stretches, I don't like the size they take up, I don't like the lack of expressivity. I've got similar issues with most other instruments.

Most of them use fourths. I just think fifths is a little better, you get more notes in the same space and I haven't encountered any reaches so far that are too awkward. The other option is tritone spacing, which has some appeal too, but fifths has some positives. Like I said, my idea is nothing new, and existing products can be adapted to it, the problem is more one of the lack of any real documentation. But to be fair, even the fourths layout is pretty poorly documented, so I don't think there's a much bigger barrier here.
>I don't like the lack of expressivity
Skill issue

>even the fourths layout is pretty poorly documented
>and I'll refuse to take any lesson to learn any instruments because I don't like them
Keep at it and you'll die just like you are today: instrumentlet. You'll never enjoy musical skills transposing between instruments. You won't train your ear. I'm pretty sure you sing out of tune and can't hold a steady rhythm. And it's none of my business!
15 fucking buckoos in the music store
What's a good budget/mid-range USB interface? Been using a Behringer UM2 for years but lately I've been wanting to record live guitar playing and the latency and shitty ASIO4ALL drivers are killing me. I thought about a Scarlett or an SSL2, but there are also some good looking arturia and roland interfaces. What's a good, no-memes (4K sound in ssl2, it's just a V shaped EQ), good drivers, relatively inexpensive alternative?
>at least KOAN sound had millions of views ages ago but frequent is a literal who
>you've been scammed mate
what's the scam? they're not teaching you how to become a millionaire famous artist, they're teaching you how to make that specific type of music
He doesn't watch tutorials by the losers that make tutorials. His only source of information is talking to Avicii on his ouija board.
>Anyone who paid money for that Handmade thing should get his money back.
>Yes, I do agree with that.
basically the same thing
frequent is incredibly cocky like a confidence trickster
it's heavily implied that they can teach you to become a successful producer but they can't teach you that when they're deadbeats themselves
go back
>dude teaches you how to make good neuro basses
>it's heavily implied that they can teach you to become a successful producer
lol you're not getting lessons with avicii, just as if you follow the handmade hero thing you're not getting lessons with rockstar marketing team
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>want to buy product
>get put on waiting list so long that by the time you come up, you've figured out other means to solve your problems
lmao even
steinberg ur22c
I'm sorry you're too poor to afford 150 dollar end cheeks for your cheap mechanical keyboard switch abomination.

Who buys this shit to begin with?
>Who buys this shit to begin with?
If you have to ask, you're poor
>be Kontakt
>take a fucking year to load a blank instance
Why does it suck so much worse than Falcon or Decent Sampler or basically anything else?
Now you know why a bunch of libraries load in their own player.
Is there anything better than that day you get a new piece of stupid gear you don't need and you have loads of fun playing around with it?
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I will when it completes. I found bugs last night and am trying to fix them.
The day you sell it to buy another one
Explain this maid thing to a normie please
He's a /pol/ schizo who spams boards and gets banned from boards that actually have mods.
Do not reply or feed him. Make sure to report people avatarfagging
bruh what
Quit harshing my buzz man, I'm still in the honeymoon period.
mhmmm learning a new piece always gets me feeling like a kid again having fun in that zone where you don't even realize time is passing :)))
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I can barely play piano, but I enjoy noodling on it.
Would I regret buying this toy, or will it make me a happy turbo-noodler?
Depends how much money you have. Honestly, MPE is pretty neat, but it's not well suited to much more than navel gazing or monophonic lines. It's hard to modulate from regular pressure to the aftertouch area at the end consistently, especially with multiple fingers simultaneously.
anon you can't leave us hanging like that...what did you get?
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Maids come here to talk and work on advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research.

I don't use /pol/ and at this point feel that /pol/ should be deleted. It exists as a containment board to keep /pol/ out of the other boards, but most of the other boards are full of /pol/spam constantly regardless. Rather than a containment board, it is more of a contagion board that makes every Redditor who got banned from their favorite politics subreddit feel like it is their birthright to shit up every board on 4Chan with /pol/spam.

/sci/ is the worst about this currently. That whole board is basically unusable, because at any point it is 80% /pol/spam.
I bought one of the dozen or so MPE devices on the market. But I'm not telling you which one.
> navel gazing or monophonic lines
Sounds right up my alley. I can keep myself entertained by playing scales, I just want something even more meditative and suitable for taking it S L O W.
this is his trip, he's a psycho and shits up everywhere. anything you see with a maid on here or other boards is him or his alteregos shitposting
Has anyone here tried the Steve Slate headphone thing? Is it worth it?
Absolutely pathetic
Shameful display
Eli is one of the two or three regulars actually making shit that's on-topic for this board
And you're calling him a /pol/ tourist?
here we go, another new shitposter to make this thread unreadable
You keep making fun of Avicii and now he has cursed this general
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you want a linnstrument
it's binaural/spatial audio like virtual surround, there are many competing technologies both for consumers and music producers. most neckbeards think it's gimmicky because most implementations have fucked up timbre, some people accept it for watching movies but not for listening to music. i use EAC Individualized HRTF Synthesis together with my own room simulation and EQ. other people reported great results with mesh2HRTF, you can do a 3d scan of your head with an iphone x. some people think it's pointless without head tracking but head tracking isn't really necessary when you're staring at a screen and you get consistent stereo imaging.
i don't know what i'm reading but thanks... i think

they're cheap chinky headphones with a bunch of proprietary slop that runs on your computer. it's still not the same as any of the listening environments it's supposed to simulate
>every ableton user unsatisfied and asking for basic features
>sorry nerd can't do it too busy releasing new v11 betas
>July 5, 2024
>click link for psycho /pol/ poster
>it's just some guy talking about Linux and posting maids
he takes his trip off since everyone has him filtered but still avatarfags with maids. he has meltdowns periodically and doesn't actually make anything
I'm a half decent piano fag. Could I play this like a conventional keyboard or is it too wiggly and weird?
visions era best era
Different anon, but I've seen a few people online say it's wiggly. Take that with a grain of salt, of course.
thank you
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>complains about spam
It requires a lot of different techniques, and may require some adjustment to your playing style. In terms of how much of a jump it is from a traditional piano, it's probably the closest of the MPE options, but it is very much a different instrument. If you want something more like a piano but with some of the same expression there's the Polybrute 12, which is closer to a traditional keybed but you get polyphonic pressure tracking on every key. Osmose has that, and side to side wiggling for pitch bending.
Copy main chords midi onto a new track
Only keep lowest notes of chords
Bring it down a couple octaves probs
New instrument on that track ie synth bass and do whatever you want with that >>101288938

Boom Ez keep it simple bro

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