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Old: >>101253812
I'm going through my stack of hard drives, usb sticks and sd cards, making backups of the contents and wiping them clean for future reuse.

I'm currently at a 2.5 inch hdd which is a Hitachi 5K750-750 (750GB 5400RPM) drive, but it contains an encrypted Apple partition.

I'm guessing I can't recover the contents (>inb4 give it back jamal). I don't recall owning or disassembling an Apple device in my household where this drive could've been in, so I have no idea how it came into my possession.

Was there ever a Mac Mini of some sorts which contained this drive out of the box or something? I'm curious as to where it could've come from originally.
Did some research and apparently it's from a 13' MBP from 2012.

I think trying to mess with decrypting it is going to give me more headaches than any boring information it could reveal, so I'm just gonna wipe it instead and chug it in a server.
Is Javascript case sensitive when parsing strings? I notice some website gives an error but they entered my post code with lower case letters? Would that even matter?
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I'm installing a new Linux Mint machine and want to encrypt it. I notice LUKS is only available when I select "install with LVM". I've been a long term Windgoy user so I'm unfamiliar with how Linux partitions it's drives, or handles block devices. Any good reads out there as to how I should handle encryption or partitions? I like the LUKS option at install, because according to my sleuthing, that encrypts it at root / and you don't have to deal with I do visually encrypting partitions.
Yep string matching is case sensitive in JS.
Oh, OK. I had an account with a financial institution and it gives me post code errors, and I noticed they entered it with lowercase letters, and I can't change it myself but they claim it's my fault and want me to clear my cache. I suspected it might be a case sensitivity issue.
Financial and government institutions aren't known for their technical prowess and capability. It could very well be something dumb on their side, or depending on the fucking phase of the moon (had that happen once).
when i plug in my headphones aux it doesnt play but when i plug it in halfway it plays but only one cup whats up with that?
Yeah I sent them the screenshot where it gives a function and says invalid value, but they think it's my fault and don't listen about possibly correcting the lower case letters in the post code. I just wanted to check that my idea was a plausible explanation since I don't know javascript.
>Put CD in drive
>Doesn't read it
>Remove it
>Completely fucks file explorer and only a restart will fix it
>Only happens with this one CD

What's up with this piece of shit?
Gonna set up a Raspberry Pi (3b) and throw Pi-hole on it, maybe some other stuff.

Raspberry Pi OS Lite vs Ubuntu LTS Server?

Is RSPI OS much more optimized over Ubuntu for example? Despite Ubuntu providing their own official Pi ISOs?

Does it matter much?
Apt isn't giving me the latest version of openssh. Doing "apt update" tells me I'm up to date. What do I do? I'm on Debian Bookworm.
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>external hdd too big for MBR so I format as GPT
>now this
wow cool, what did I fuck up and how do I fix this
How big have you set the cluster size?
broken connector probably
ahhh fuck it's 512 bytes
i've never had to think about it on ntfs and whatever macos uses. at least the drive isn't completely full so I can partition half of it, copy and wipe it
Get the data off first to be safe, but you can try set it to 4kb, then run chkdsk /f, then defrag afterwards.
how do i make 4chan not use is2.4chan.org and instead use i.4cdn.org?

alternatively, how can i make is2.4chan.org use only and disregard,,
>ahhh fuck it's 512 bytes
ayyyyy it's not 512 bytes, it's 4 megabytes. the default was wack as hell
I have a backup if stuff goes wrong, but thanks for the reply anyway
>9 anime
how they do it? how do they host tens of thousands of movies and tv shows ?
on a server
What can I do to make it look like I'm programming or doing something techy on a laptop?
A girl is doing karaoke by herself on a pool bar, and I'm too autistic to go near and listen
Something more practical and less sus.
Go near and listen, what's the worst it can happen?
which tech I should learn to develop a site that automatically posts government related information based on official reports? something like, every time the government approves financial aid for a foreing country.
Why are you on 4chn if you have such confidence?
I'm at home but I certainly wouldn't be on 4chan if I were outside at a bar.
It's a pool bar and she's in hot bikini singing french songs.
it could mean extract info from PDF files uploaded on a .gov site or get the info direct from the webpage
pic or liar
install git, then find any public github repo.
git clone <repo url>
and open it in a text editor like VSCode, and scroll around. make sure to look enigmatic by stroking your handsome facial hair on your chiseled jaw.
That's an opinion question. I'd build that with a separate backend that uses the express package for nodeJS, and a frontend that uses a UI framework like react or svelte. The backend gathers the information with most of the logic (sounds like you might need to scrape pages), and the frontend requests data from it as needed. It's a little easier to manage both sides when they are both written in the same high level lang like JS or typescript. If you already know another language, you might just want to use that instead. JS gets bullied a lot and it has some objectively bad things, but all of those can be avoided in the current year.
It works only in movies man. Forget this idea. You have higher chance to be robbed.
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on win11 how do you get to desktop after waking pc from sleep without any lock screen/login screen clicks. I want to skip that.

its local acc and no password set
netplwiz was set so users dont need to login
personalize lock screen doesnt have any relevant options
accounts - sign in options has no relevant options
>That's an opinion question
yeah, I understand. I'm just a beginner, so my doubt was more about the need of very specific tech to do this, but from your reply it doesn't seem as crazy as I imagined.
from the dificulty aspect, from 1 to 5, how hard it could be to build something like that?
I can do basic stuff like deal with arrays/lists in C, Pascal, JS and Python.
I am kind of a retard when it comes to piracy. I'm downloading relatively uncommon fetish torrents from pornolab dot net (russian porn torrent forum). Website tracks your ratio, and blocks you if it's too low, so I need to seed. With Transmission on ubuntu, port forwarded and confirmed in the program the port is open, I can't hardly seed. Website says there are several seeders on each torrent I have. Several torrents are 100% downloaded. No restrictions as far as I can tell in transmission that would stop seeding. I have uploaded a couple gigabytes over like a week, but for last few days all torrents usually say seeding to 0 of 0 connected peers. Again, website says there's way more seeders than that.

Fucking why? I'm trying to seed, I don't want to get blocked for low ratio. Do these russkis all block american IPs or something?
In android, if someone is trying to call, but you miss the button to pick up and it keeps ringing and you want to pick it up but there's no obvious "ur mom is calling click accept" type button, what do you do?
Windows kills itself at the most minimal read error.
This has been a problem since XP SP3.
Russian, Moldova, Chinese, Indian, Vietnam, Malware Infected PCs working as hosts, etc.
They are also utlracompressed so they are like 30-50MB per episode when the raw is 700MB-5GB.
When this kind of thing happened on W7 it was easy enough to just close the explorer and run it again. No such luck with this fucking dogshit.
Either your ports aren't really open or your ISP is doing something behind your back and not telling you which is extremely common.
Well shit then, I don't really know what to do. I wouldn't think the ISP is doing anything, after all I've been able to seed some. Maybe the website just isn't up to date, and there's actually less leachers than it says. Or when people download they limit the number of connections, everyone else is way faster upload than me, so I get passed by? I dunno. The whole website seems to be in a multi week long free leach period, once that ends I guess I'll just heavily restrict my downloading so I don't go below the ratio limit and hope over time I can seed enough.
ISPs generally don't give a shit about people downloading torrents, but they do have a problem with people seeding.
I'm not sure why this is the case. It could be one of those "we don't care about junkies (leechers) we care about the dealers (seeders)" or if it's something on a more technical/infrastructural level, but whatever the reason they don't like seeders.
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Working on a Cleartouch Interactive 5070+ smart board. Turns on, screen lights up, but nothing shows. I connected to 2 PC's and a laptop using HDMI and VGA, hoping it would project to the screen. Nothing happens. I look inside a panel on the side, and it looks like there's some hardware missing, inside that panel is the pic. Tech support is no help, there is NOTHING I can find on the web for hardware specs or any general maintenance. Anyone know what this 16x3 connector in the image may go to? There's a power cable in there too so I'm thinking it may be some kind of hardrive or computer unit. I'm really hoping there's a work around for me to get this thing going, even as just a monitor, don't really care about the touch screen capabilities. Any help, advice, or ideas is greatly appreciated.
What are some modern TOR forums /g/ *generally* approves of?
It used to be good back in the 90s when it was developed by enthusiastic, White, tech nerds with a drive to succeed. Now the code has been outsourced to indians and the company itself was infiltrated by jeets and poc.
VERY anti-semitic
What program should I use to backup my drives? I am running Windows 10. It seems like Clonezilla and such are Linux only. Is there not a FOSS option that will run on Windows?
Assuming a normie use-case (mostly just using web browsers and an office suite), is there any real difference between running Windows and Linux in terms of normie-tier focuses (lag, battery life)?
Which thinkpad is in >>101289804?
where do all the electronics youtuber repair guys get their trace files and layouts and all that stuff they show on screen ? internal contacts ? black market ? russians ? do they thousands to the big corps ?
Local backups or cloud backups?
local, but having options for cloud would be nice
How the fuck does malloc() work in C?

void *a = malloc(4);
void *b = malloc(4);
void *c = malloc(4);

void *d = malloc(4);

printf("a: %p\nb: %p\nc: %p\nd: %p\n", a, b, c, d);

>a: 0x5e618455a2a0
>b: 0x5e618455a2c0
>c: 0x5e618455a2e0
>d: 0x5e618455a2c0

b was freed so d is allocated where b was. In this case, there is room for this. However:

void *a = malloc(4);
void *b = malloc(4);

int *c = malloc(4);
*c = 12;
printf("c = %i\n", *c);

unsigned long int *d = malloc(8);
*d = 0xffffffffffffffff;

printf("a: %p\nb: %p\nc: %p\nd: %p\n", a, b, c, d);
printf("c = %i\n", *c);

>c = 12
>a: 0x57cd718542a0
>b: 0x57cd718542c0
>c: 0x57cd718542e0
>d: 0x57cd718542c0
>c = 12

d is still allocated where b was even though it is twice b's initial size and does not overwrite c as all even though its size should also include c.

At a very low level, what is going on here? Is there something I'm missing? I understand how the stack works as it translates to assembly and I'd like to learn the same for the heap. Does anyone have any articles that goes in depth on this?
service manuals, duh
You should be able to re-access the call via Notifications, swipe down from the top of your screen.
Power Options

Go near and listen anyway.
Hey frends. Trying to split tunnel w/ my VPN on Linux mint. It wants me to select the application through the file system but I can't find the path to the chromium app. Any ideas?
Disable CD/DVD autorun. Bad sectors screw up Wangblows since always, even 10 and 11.
Check for CD rot, try a GameDr/DVDDr device to resurface the CD if it has tons of light scratching on the optical side. If the label is damaged and/or has CD rot, you are screwed.
stop using chromium
what raid software works on windows that's not Storage Spaces? i want to use ZFS.
I mainly use Firefox. Just want another browser for the split tunnel.
Linux VM
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I've noticed that my home wifi is a good 15x slower than my mobile hotspot. is my crusty old ISP brand router going to cause that much of a disparity, or am I going to have to contact the cunts to come and fix it? I should probably buy a new router anyway desu
nigga they ALL look like that
Oh and while we're here: what are some good reasonably priced options?
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i got a new monitor (old one died) that apparently does 180hz refresh rate but nvidia control panel still only lets me choose 60hz maximum. is this a common problem and is there some easy fix that i'm missing.
the monitor is a ViewSonic Omni VX2728J and ym video card is a 4070 if that's important. running windows 10
i dont want to use linux or vms
dumb question, but is your monitor cable connected to your gpu or your mobo?
that's surely where the internal android computer goes
i've never seen these things before, but i'd be surprised if it needed it to use the other inputs, probably just need to use the remote or buttons on it to switch the input
you can backup a windows system using clonezilla
well then you can forget ZFS
definitely connected to the grafics card. the mobo only has display port outputs and they have rubber stoppers in them, i'm using some old HDMI cable to connect the monitor to the graphics card
Unironically, a news website that doesn't have ads or sponsored content. You're describing REAL journalism.
damn...really with i learned linux when i was still a kid. i dont want to learn it now and some of my games dont even work on linux
Yea I tried the buttons but I think they did make them reliant on the android computer, or they're broken. The tech support said something about the "android hardware is broken", and I figured they meant a hard drive or something. Unfortunately they and no one else sells components for these under $600+. I may try to find a cheap remote for it and see if that'll work. Thanks man, I appreciate the second opinion, anything else you can think of?
Is solidity still in demand in the industry? Can I learn it to earn a handsome salary? I mean actual cash, not funny money
why are external hard drives so expensive now? Used to be able to find 5TB going on sale for around $95, now sale price is like $115
they may have designed it so the buttons go to the computer so the computer can handle the inputs and perhaps do overlays and things
the unit that goes into that slot you showed will be the entire computer, so it's possible the unit doesn't do anything at all without it
as for anything else... you could maybe find the main video output pins on that connector and hook something up to that. there's probably an hdmi/dvi signal on there that the display always shows (the computer's output)
otherwise maybe keep a look out for second hand computers that fit that range/model. yes, commercial stuff like that is always expensive
i had my desktop pc (no ups or backup power at all) suspended for a few hours (systemctl suspend). had a power outage of about 20 seconds or maybe more and then when power came back i saw the led still be orange rather than off (sleep mode) which i found weird. i pressed a key on the keyboard and the computer woke up normally in the same state it was when it was suspended (to ram, not to disk).

how did that happen? why didn't the ram get wiped when the power loss happened? i'm confused.
also, it's probably not too hard to figure out what wires are a video signal, as they'll probably be their own bundle of shielded wires, possibly even silkscreened on the display's main board. you'd need to take the back cover off to get a look at it
at worst it may be LVDS (like a laptop), but you can get controllers for that to turn it into HDMI/DVI as well
type chromium
in your terminal.
In some systems it is chromium-bin so let it tab complete.
power supplies have capacitors in them which hold a fair amount of power, enough to handle brownouts and even extremely brief outages (measured in milliseconds)
standby uses extremely little power, so in standby i would expect longer outages to be handled by them
ah ok that makes sense.
I guess my question was too smart for you dumb niggers because nobody has answered me for HOURS
The fuck do you want? LVM + LUKS, just works, anything more is ultra autism territory like storing keys in the tpm and ensuring secure boot works.
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Should I have loud speakers next to my computer? Would the vibrations loosen things, fuck them up?
you'll find more people familiar with that in /fglt/
you don't technically need LVM for LUKS, LVM is short for Logical Volume Management and provides a layer in between volumes where you can place filesystems or other layers, put simply, LVM is like another way you can partition drives (among other things)
i can only assume it does this so it can make one large encrypted volume, on top of which LVM is placed so you can "partition" the drive further without needing to make multiple encrypted volumes
na it's usually fine
extremely loud speakers near hdd's could pose a problem, if you get erratic seek times, look into shock mounting
best to use speakers that are magnetically shielded as well, just in case
>Any good reads out there as to how I should handle encryption or partitions?
always ask the wiki
>That's not mint
The arch wiki will usually have answers for all of your technical questions because those are the people who are getting deep into low-level operations with their OS.
Maybe this wasn't such a stupid question. Anyway in case anyone was wondering I found my answer through the following resources:
It's a lot more complicated than shoving a bunch of blocks of memory all up next to each other.
thx, mate, the idea came up while I as trying to see how congressmen voted on a particular matter by looking at the official report on the .gov website here in my country.
technically the info is there, so nobody can say it's a transparency issue, but the step-by-step to find it is kinda convoluted.
so I want to make it more visual and easier, like you choose a law and you can see a pizza graph for YES/NO votes to pass the law then the names, photos, contact info of the congressmen that voted for that, maybe have "profiles" for the congressmen, so people can click on their avatar and see all the matters that he voted on and how he voted, which comissions he's part of, what is his political party, which laws were developed by them...
those are things that I feel people would be interested in and would like to see side by side on the same page or one, two clicks away.
to do it on the official sites, you would have a bunch of pages open and it would be a whole afternoon research.
best technology to stop massive farting? i cannot stop farting when I get anxious or stressed
Just use gparted. If you want to play with that stuff manually it's not a spoonfeedable topic.
commonly sold under the brand name Beano in the US
Fantastic idea! That makes a dead end into a new project, thanks man.
Linux mint isn't too bad, especalially if you are only going to use it for raid
The full version needs no more than 16GB, and there is a light version
You would need to set a FAT32 partition to xfer between OSs, but that is only needed when you are xfering files
If you are zipping files it also has barebones 7z implemented(doesn't have volumes afaik), and you can probably download a better 7z implementation if needed
Anyone know if I can download videos off forums without registering and logging into them?
Forgot a few things that will be useful
>linux holds a cache in the memory by default, this can be good or bad depending on how often you lose power
sudo -w vm.dirty_background_ratio=0

Tells the OS to write when it has any dirty bytes in memory, by default 10% of your memory could hold these bytes
sudo -w vm.dirty_ratio=XX

Tells your OS how much memory it can cache for writing/xfer, if moving alot of small files, or a few medium size this can be nice
Unlike background bytes, once you fill the cache, it becomes blocking

Using a VM might also be a good idea, as you can see if it is writing using a UI you are familiar with, and you can do stuff on your main OS
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apt is really intended for system tools and dependencies, the packages are mostly outdated stable versions. you can find mirrors to more current versions on openssh.com
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I bought an EMF tester because I'm having strange problems effecting me. I put it against the wall and is this a high score, are my neighbors trying to kill me? Not even my computer can get that high.
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Is there anything that can be done to reduce or eliminate the reflection on this TV?
turn the lights off
>hide credit card with a fake credit card/name

Is there someone just like this for a phone number
There are plenty of websites with dummy numbers that can be used to receive SMS if that's what you're looking for
Just Google "receive sms free number"
those are often picked up and blocked, whenever I try to uses those to make a new discord account for example it doesn't recognize it as an acceptable number.
what's the ebst way to back up an external hdd any anon would recommend?

hoping to take my E drive and copy all its contents to a different external hdd J drive so I have a backup just in case
>“If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you'll be right."
I remember Steve Jobs saying this and it's such a profound idea, but most of us never live by it. Why do you think that is?
probably because it's not really a good idea
if you actually knew today was your last day, you would certainly not plan for anything, use your resources conservatively, and would probably just do dangerous shit with reckless abandon, because why not? it's your last day, you don't need to worry about the next few decades
i get the intention, you can't live only for tomorrow, either. there's a balance to be made
how to remove cum from my gpu
>Maybe get adventurous and try 40MHz. It's a router setting. There is no AC hardware that doesn't support 40MHz channels.
>router setting
The thing is no *client* ever did 40MHz.
I still don't believe you can do over 100Mbit/s with Wi-Fi.
Are there any particularly good models of flash drives or are they all shit?
Is that it? There's no filter or anything I can put on it? This TV sucks.
first time clonezilla then incrementals with rsync
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change the source of light, use a led strip behind the tv , I ordered one from ali with a remote to pick the color
Well, I liked that lamp because it's the only thing that could light up my whole room. An LED strip behind the TV can't do that.
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As far as I know they are all 'dumb flash' and you can tell this by their small physical size: you simply can't fit flash, DRAM cache and a load balancer controller into that thing.
This info can be outdated though.
well you can't have a light in a spot where it can reflect off the tv and not have it reflect off the tv
the only practical places you can put a light in a room where a tv is on one side and you on the other side is either behind the tv or on the ceiling, unless the room is wide enough that you can put it on the side enough to be outside of the 'view' of the tv
Let's say I fired up LightHTTPD on my VPS and served some static content without doing any extra configuring or firewalling. How fucked am I?
Having no problem firing up servers and doing some copy-paste configuring but that's my 100%.
oh i suppose beside the tv, but then the light is in front of you
Genuinely, why is /g/ so transphobic? Like every thread is tranny this tranny that, and it's nowhere near this bad on literally every other board I go on.
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they're largely shit, but there's alternatives
Aren't these things quirky regarding different brands of drives?
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Thats what that thing is called thanks anon i mean it doesnt fix it but at least i know what to say at the electronics store
do the classic scammer strat
>go to cmd
>type tree
They are quirky in the sense that not all m.2 drives are the same, they have different notches so you can't physically mess it up.
trying to fix my filters for this board. i got /tran[ns]/i to get rid of those threads, but that also matches with "transition" which i don't necessarily want. any regex wizards that know how i can match a character that's optional, but as long as there is one, it can't be "i"?
i would probably just explicitly filter the variants you want, otherwise you might accidentally filter unexpected variants like transmission, transform, etc
so like maybe;
and if you want to know how to do what you asked specifically for future reference, use a negative lookahead
why the fuck does my mic buzz on obs and discord but not on vocaroo?
since vocaroo is for voice recording, maybe it runs audio through filters to clean up common issues
thank you, that's perfect
np, thought of another one you might want;
ok i'll stop now but i hope you can see how to add variants from these examples
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>it's nowhere near this bad on literally every other board I go on
you're a godsent, thank you anon
may your USBs always plug in correctly on the first try
>you're a godsent, thank you anon
np, i could use this as well, there's more variants than what my old filter did so i'll be using this as well
>may your USBs always plug in correctly on the first try
one can dream
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Hi I need help troubleshooting this simple script. Apparently there's a syntax error around 'break'.
i'm drunk and did't read the code, but i got yandex to ocr it and ddg ai chat to check it out, and it noticed you tried to use pandas as "pd" even though you imported it as pandas after the break
Thanks for cluing me to that prob, but the break bit still remains.
well here's the other stuff it said, i'll add that ai stuff has a tendency to make shit up, so don't take it too seriously;

Changed import pandas as pandas to import pandas as pd.
Added missing square brackets [] to initialize the tweets list.
Fixed the loop syntax to properly iterate over the tweets and break when reaching the desired number of tweets.
Corrected the syntax for creating the DataFrame pd.DataFrame.
Fixed the column names in the DataFrame constructor.
Corrected the quotes in the to_csv function.
noticed the points didn't really explain anything, so here's the code it spat back
import pandas as pd
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import snscrape.modules.twitter as sntwitter

scraper = sntwitter.TwitterSearchScraper("#python")
tweets = []
n_tweets = 1_000

for i, tweet in tqdm(enumerate(scraper.get_items()), total=n_tweets):
data = [

if i >= n_tweets:

tweet_df = pd.DataFrame(tweets, columns=['date', 'id', 'content', 'username', 'like_count', 'retweet_count'])
tweet_df.to_csv('python-tweets.csv', index=False)
Are there any usable x86 tablets out there? 10" ideally

I want to play some basic 2D games on the train but having all those buttons and controller nonsense like a steam deck would be useless for me.
Doesn't need to be powerful at all, just cheap so that I don't have to take care of it much
How does one even gain this knowledge???
I really don't think that's how they do it.
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>try to filter something
>it doesn't work
>I don't get it
Could someone help me with the filtering option? Even the example it shows doesn't help me. Not sure what am I doing wrong.
Can you show us your filters?
I got frustrated and deleted them. I will come back next time to ask after giving it another go.
..so the reason is because they're from different heaps or something? That would also explain why they're supposingly adjacent in memory yet the minimum chunk size is 64 bytes
You may want to get a new hdmi/displayport cable - my hdmi only goes up to 60hz too, whereas with the old displayport cable, it went up to 144hz
If it did have a filter, although there would be no obvious reflection, the light would increase the black levels since the light is hitting the screen
Nahhh it's pretty true, obviously excluding /v/ and the like, this board is quite bad for this
Drink some water/coffee and go take a shit
>write post
>hit submit
>post successful
>post nowhere to be seen
this is so god damn infuriating, what could be causing this? disabling oneechan and 4chanx don't help w this issue
I believe it takes up to 30 seconds to see the new message, since that's how often the 4chan json updates.
no it straight up gets sent to the shadow realm, never to appear, happens most often when I attach an image
4chanx will automatically try to redirect me to post #0 after 20 seconds or so
what is your as number?
Yeah I knew not every adapter supports every *type* but regardless that.

>"connection error"
Happens only on /fglt/, maybe I'm shadowbanned or something.
Hey Anon. Long time Linux user here. I got a problem:

I have a bootable micro SD card for my Steam Deck that has Batocera on it with all my ROMs and games and cover art on it. I only have a single Micro SD card to USB adapter that I can read on my Linux Mint install.

How do I create a bootable image file to place onto the Linux Mint hard drive and then to be able to flash the new microSD card with the copied image?

Would I use 'dd' for the initial image creation to the Linux Mint computer and use Balena Etcher for the second part to flash it to the new SD card?

Is there a GUI version of 'dd:? Asking since I love gparted personally. Thanks my dudes.
You should make a new RetroNAS or Open Media Vault with your new setup. Just a suggestion.
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how can ip adresses be dynamic? if ip addresses change all the time then how can we find anyone on the internet?
ur isp's logs
websites use static ip adresses. your ip being dynamic doesnt matter as much
so my router's ip is static but the address of things that connect to it are not. they get an ip address assigned to them by the router and since you can add and remove "nodes" from the network it is not guaranteed that they will be given the same ip address right? in that cases if i have 2 computers in my network and i want to send something from computer A to B but B has the dynamic ip of google's static ip then how will my router know which one i mean to send the data to? Thanks for the previous answer btw
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This is for IPv4 specifically:
ISPs have sort of shitty amount of IPv4 addresses available so they have to pool them as much as they can. This means that their actual networks are largely passive and the IP allocation comes from a centralized source.
Like when I did 4G a lot, the v4 address was more or less random, coming from multiple different IP pools each containing thousands of addresses. BUT the IPv6 part stayd mostly the same as the ISP did *actual IPv6 networking* with the address space given. As in individual towers having actual IP blocks assigned to them.
Also: your cable or whatever connection not changing IP for decades still doesn't make it static in the sense you could run a root for example DNS on it. Static in this context meaning the ISP will guarantee the IP for you.
are there any adjustable, variable hz lights that range from 30h to 180hz with a set luminosity level
seems like something that should exist and be easy to find but I am getting absolutely nothing from the garbage that are search engines these days
My computer's been crashing a lot and I can't figure it out. More specifically it seems to crash a lot less when I'm playing a video game. Does that actually point to anything specific
Bump to avoid the dumb networking fags.
>More specifically it seems to crash a lot less when I'm playing a video game.
undetected part-specific overheating due to a broken thermal sensor (no part specific cooling as a result) or false-overheating (trips overheat early) could be it
both would be migitated by an overall higher level of cooling
I have personally suffered from a motherboard having a false-tripping overheat sensor that was negated by over-cooling
took me forever to figure out too
so I suggest to check hardware thermal sensor levels against each other first of all
Does 1080p look like shit on a 4k tv compared to playing 4k res on a 4k screen given I sit about 3,5 metres away from the screen or will I notice almost no difference at all?
Thinking about getting a gaymer laptop or a ps5. 'top if 1080p look bearable or ps5 if the former looks like shit. Afaik ps5 isn't true 4k either but is upscaled from around 1400p.
how do I into GIS? I want to render and print some maps from OSM data for bike routes that preferably don't look like dogshit, but I can't seem to figure out what software does this, it's all libraries and abandonware from what i can tell
when buying something at comiket in "princess maker 5" the game crash with ntdll error 0xc0000374
how can i fix the crash?
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Been trying to reverse engineering a IL2CPP C# program but Ghidra gave me this output code instead of proper C# code
Did I do something wrong?
You want to create an image of the SDcard so you can re-flash it later?
>Would I use 'dd' for the initial image creation to the Linux Mint computer and use Balena Etcher for the second part to flash it to the new SD card?
>Balena Etcher
Have no idea what that software is or what it does. dd just reads and writes data.
dd if=/dev/sdX of=image.img

and later
dd if=image.img of=/dev/sdX

Where /dev/sdX is the device and image.img is the file.
Any ASUS router based in your budget.
fmovies runs on 15 video hosts, they are in places that do not care about DMCA and are small enough to not be worth suing.
That is how all pirate media streaming sites do it.

And its cheap to do but they want to make money out it with lots of ads or malware ads because "the risks".
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Can anyone direct me to where I can get a nice large, possibly extra large mousepad? I've been using my current one for literal years and it's nearly fused to my desk. I bought one like 2 years ago but the shit would make my arm go numb and get all itchy. I've tried searching amazon but all I've found are people complaining that every pad smells like chemicals and I imagine if it smells like shit it's probably going to give me an allergic reaction. Why the fuck is it so hard to find a large cloth pad that isn't soaked in fucking chemicals that'll make me break out like a fucking AIDs patient?
buy glass skates for your mouse and stop giving money to the mousepad jew
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one of my drives randomly started looking like this in explorer. i can still access everything on the drive though but i cant download anything because "0 bytes" it should definitely have space available i even checked wiztree and deleted some leftover game files in steamlibrary that were worth 12GB but explorer still says 0 bytes. never seen something like this before anyone know whats up ? all other drives seem unaffected and work as usual
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Does anyone know how to cleanly bore those two holes?
if i make site example.net, should i also buy example.com and have it redirect to the .net domain? i don't know if most people just assume by default the sites they remember are all .com but i'd like to not risk it, or worse have to deal with an (ultimately unlikely, but still possible) instance of someone scooping up the .com name to fuck with me or something.
I'll check them out, thanks. Current planning to buy my first home server and I'm in need of ideas anyway.
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>Smart TV from Samsung
>Smart TV (addition) from Google
>Smart Fridge from LG
>Smart camera from TP Link
Is there an application that connects all four of these? It seems a bit silly to have 4 different apps.

I wish my LG fridge would play Audible.
Dremel mount.
>if i make site example.net, should i also buy example.com and have it redirect to the .net domain?
>i don't know if most people just assume by default the sites they remember are all .com but i'd like to not risk it
I think this is country specific. Where are you from?
I'm from ooga booga country and here the local countrycodeTLD is the primary thing to go for. .com, .org and such just makes everyone think of <non-local thing>.
What are you marketing?
this is just for a personal art site, and i'm from the uk but will expect to see mainly northern americans and other anglosphere countries using the site.
Webms load really slow or not at all in when browsing 4chan. I'm using an extension but even if i have it disabled it takes forever. What could be the cause?
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how do i trick twitch into thinking i am watching their stream? I made a throwaway account for a reward. I need to farm 6 hours of whatever but I don't want wanna waste my time. how do I accomplish this? I am using firefox and tried the following after googling my problem
>Object.defineProperty(document, "hidden", { value : false});

you definitely can open command promp and change directories with cd command
found this too https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/429635-always-on-focus
nvm i fixed it
this is going to sound fucking stupid but if you just need horizontal size, try to find a ~2012 razer Goliathus mouse mat
there are unsold brand new ones here and there
the ones with the giant fucking razer logo on one end that are very obviously woven cloth
I used the >80cm wide one ("control" model; which was just extra frictive) until reasons, and gave it to my dad (old school network admin, complained about tiny mouse mat with endless monitors) and he fucking loved it after he was at first very, very suspicious of it
the only issue with it is that you need to use a damp and very fine microfibre to "rub" the dirt out of it since it's woven cloth glued to a rubber back layer
literally the only actually great razer product ever
the newer ones are fucking shit, don't touch those
I currently have a RPi4 serving as a NAS, another RPi4 download torrents to this NAS, then Kodi on my Android TV to access the medias, I use ZeroTier on the NAS and on my laptop or smartphone to access my NAS.
I'm replacing all my RPi at home with a single Synology, and so the question of using Plex instead of Kodi + SMB / MPV/VLC + SMB over ZeroTier is popping.
I delete my medias after watching them, I'm the only user so far (wife doesn't care too much about this), I'll replace ZeroTier with WireGuard (wg-easy).
Also I won't be home for a month soon, with meh internet connection, I'll probably grab a CCwGoogle TV with everything already installed and setup instead of plugging my laptop.

Is Plex a better solution ? I don't see the need of transcoding so far.
What is some good site to generate AI content?
FrankerfaceZ has an option to always claim drops? Would that work?
remodeling living room

what (used) TV specs and size should I look for to use with a PS5? I have an old ass Vizio, it works but I want something newer
I don't think they make 1440p tvs, but if you go above that almost everything is just upscaled to 4k.
>run BleachBit Portable
>now VueScan doesn't want to scan
I don't get it. It recognizes my Canon MP280, but every time I click on "Preview" or "Scan", it doesn't do anything. This is what I've tried so far...
>restart my scanner
>restart my PC
>reinstall VueScan
>reinstall drivers
why while joining 2 images and maintaining aspect ratio it recommends to calculate it with this formula:
 new_width = (new_height / original_height) * original_width 

what's the logic behind this, explain plz in detail like you would to a superretard
Just leave it on lowest quality and muted then come back in 6 hours.
>(new_height / original_height)
the ratio for the change in size. so for example, if the new_height is 2000 and the old height is 1000, then it's 2000/1000 = 2. Twice as big.
>* original_width
the height was twice as big, so the width should be twice as big also. use the ratio as a scalar of the original width to get the new width.

what is so hard to understand? this is elementary math.
Where can i get my hands on some juicy cybersec/ethical hacking pdfs?

People around my place are charging for them but i'm sure i've seen many just laying around on telegram (a shame i didn't know better)
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Is there a repository of really common recognizable sound effects? I need it for video editing. I'm looking for deliberately generic or old ones where you'd absolutely recognize them.
Okay, I installed Canon's official software and it gave me a "Code: 2, 140, 21". I researched this on the internet and found a video that said to just press the 'Stop/Reset' button for ten seconds and then restart the scanner. I did this and now I can use VueScan.
Am I stupid in wanting to hold onto my S10+ from 2019?
typically if you're running a server you make sure to tell your ISP to give you a static IP. Either that or you use DNS to keep your dynamically changing IP up to date with your domain name.

Also just so you know, dynamic IPs dont change as frequently as you probably imagine. They typically stick for several months.
complete and utter noob here
I want to host a server to play openrct2 with my friend. All the guides say I need to enable port forwarding for port 11753. My question is: will this fuck me over?
na ur good
Nah should be fine. No application other than your openrct2 server should be running on your server which is listening on port 11753.

Make sure to open only that single port to your server ip's address, and not open all ports on your modem.
so if I were to run the server on my PC (the one I use to play the game) that'd be a bad idea?
Does it still work? Do you have enough redeeming qualities to make up for not having access to imessage, or live somewhere that women don't give a shit about that? If so, then it's not stupid. It has lineageOS support, if you can figure out how to load it and unlocking the bootloader won't cause things you care about to stop working.

TV size depends on your viewing distance. Anything OLED is a huge burn in risk buying used.
No, should be fine. Don't sweat it. If you're paranoid you can disable port forwarding after you stop playing and don't need the server anymore.
oh alright (nice dubs btw) I was just concerned about opening up my network to hackers or something
my mother's gotten her identity stolen so I'm kinda paranoid about potentially opening up a security vulnerability to the network
thank you
Honestly this is what you deserve for buying into the botnet.

Is there an electrical line on the other side of the wall? Another apartment? A wireless electric meter from the power plant?

Really depends on the site in question, but you might just need an extension that enables you to use the full right click menu. yt-dlp or gallery-dl or downthemall may also work for no reason whatsoever.
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how do I stop youtube from showing me these preview thumbnails before the video is even over? I can never read what's on the screen
Does anyone know a good, simple, language agnostic testsuite?
> black box testing based on executable inputs/outputs
> (optional) """wrapper""" unit testing, where it can generate dummy entry points based on a template and insert a few lines of code, compile and run them checking exit codes
i keep finding myself rewriting very similar functionalities in bash to this end...
Use UBlock Origin.
Add these to your filters.
Might work, might not. Works for me.
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You can turn off endcards in settings - I think it requires you to be logged in however
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How do I use a PS4 controller on PC? There's DS4Windows, but that's no longer updated. Does that fact matter? What are some other alternatives? I'm on Windows. For Linux, should it work out of the box, or do I have to use some similar program on it as well?
Steam provides drivers for it.
Did piece of shit youtube stop working for anyone else?

Not sure if jewgle has blacklisted me or something but it won't play back anything right now unless i turn off all adblockers, just gets stuck at the loading wheel.

Already tried wiping the site's cookies from FF's history and so on too. Will try to update the browser next up

Was working perfectly fine a couple hours ago though so i suspect they're fucking around with the backend again and are doing some sort of decentralized A/B testing
ame sexo
Alright it's working again after the update

It was bitching about librewolf being outdated too so they definitely want their goys up to speed on the browser updates, will have to spoofmaxx in the future there
PromptcHan has really good results for images and vid loops but you gotta pay
Changed my internet from 100mbps to 500mbps and videos are loading exactly the same. Wtf is this pile of shit scam??? Why is everything loading the exact same as it was before. I tested the my internet by running an internet speed test and both the download and upload speed are much faster but everything is loading the same it was before. This isn't youtube videos btw its videos posted by people on boards and forums. The thumbails take shit long to render too.
To add to what the other guy said, you have to return to baseline eventually.
I've been close to two different people who almost die at a pretty young age, renal failure for one, cancer for the other, both on their 20s. After getting over their illnesses they radiated with life, sounds like hippie bullshit but I don't know how else to put it, they REALLY wanted to make the most out of life, took chances, traveled etc. For both, some 6 months later they were back to their usual selves.
If everybody is a tranny, nobody is a tranny. Same as faggots, you faggot tranny.
But besides that, there unironically are a lot of trannies because of the autism comorbidity
Check it at the OS level if possible, my bet is on vocaroo having a noise gate of sorts.
Images you mean? Bing does that nowadays
Try looking for public domain sound effects
I mean if testing your network you do get the speed then everything else is on their end
balena etcher is basically dd but uses electron
it's the most egregious display of bloat you'll find
idk why people use dd just for copying images with no other options, you can use cat/cp for that and not have to worry about messing up or forgetting to set the block size like you just did
and if you want a progress bar with speed and eta, try pv
>balena etcher is basically dd but uses electron
It's "basically dd" when you use specific settings.
>idk why people use dd just for copying images with no other options, you can use cat/cp for that
Honestly didn't occur to me cp can do that, thought it was strictly a filesystem operation tool.
>I was just concerned about opening up my network to hackers or something
Hackers doing hacking is another story. The whole port thing compares better to a ringing phone. Hosting a server is like being able to receive calls, it doesn't make the phone call itself any more or less 'evil'. (the phone call being game traffic in your case)
>Check it at the OS level if possible, my bet is on vocaroo having a noise gate of sorts.
I unplugged and re-plugged in my mic and turned on reduced noise in the motherboard settings, which worked. But it's not ambient noise, it sounds like some sort of interference. Oh, well, it's fixed for now I guess
>If everybody is a tranny, nobody is a tranny. Same as faggots, you faggot tranny.
>But besides that, there unironically are a lot of trannies because of the autism comorbidity
ive been called these enough that its just like ok, but i still wish people wouldnt because its just mean.
but my points not about that, its about how crazy obsessed /g/ seems to be with trans people. it didnt used to be like this
>Honestly didn't occur to me cp can do that, thought it was strictly a filesystem operation tool.
while /dev/sd* stuff are special in some ways, when it comes to simply reading/writing, they are still files
so yea, you can quite literally just
# cp /dev/sda /backup/of/sda.img
Reposting a question from last night:
I'm looking to have one monitor that does everything from 720p to 4K with an integer scale for lower resolutions. Obviously this causes some issues; 720p will only integer scale to 1440p, 4K, and 8K. 1080p will only integer scale to 4K and 8K. 1440p will only integer scale to 8K. I'd like to have all the ridiculous monitor features, too, from G-Sync, VRR, HDR, you name it. Is there an 8K monitor that does everything without applying filters to lower resolutions? Alternatively, is there a 4K monitor that will allow integer scaling of lower resolution content while adding a blank border for something in 1440p? Am I being unreasonable in this search? Is there something on the horizon that might handle all this? Should I get a dedicated set of monitors? I'm flexible on suggestions.
I made a bash script to monitor server log files, like so:
sudo inotifywait -m -e modify "$LOGFILE" | (etc doing various stuff with it here)

I run it like so:
sudo showlog.sh

this creates 2 active users

but here's the problem. It stops updating after 12 hours or so. The 2 users generated by the script are still active.

What's going on? Tired of restarting it
nohup, &, CTRL+Z and bg?
Or just put it on a .service file.
Also if anything else fails you can put it on a hourly crontab and use a pid check to avoid running twice.
anyone know any way to download age restricted youtube videos with jdownloader2 without using an account?
Dont laugh.
How do i dmca a youtube channel for using my original character? I dont have a copyright or anything but they are using her name and design and shit
thanks. I solved it (I think) by putting the command in a loop and a timeout in front of the command, so now it restarts every hour
yt-dlp can do it, not sure how you would plug that into JDownloader.
Is it 'BAD' to Leave my PC on all the Time? I keep it On even when I am asleep, and Everything looks good but is it good longterm, like should there I be Restarting it Once a Day or something?
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>set up pihole
>change dns in modem router
>machines use new dns, see queries in pihole log
>except internet stops working for all machines
>change router dns back to ISP settings
>internet still doesn't work
>factory reset router
>internet works again
>every time it's like this

How do I even approach debugging and fixing this shit?

>t. humble software dev, not an experienced network engineer
>change dns in modem router
Elaborate please, this can mean many things.
You want to change the *DHCP reply* given to your local clients, not change the router's parent DNS as PiHole is local. That locality could potentially confuse the fragile thing AND there is no need for the router itself to use or know about it.
My firewall has a public IP, say, and a private IP, say

I can set a NAT rule in my firewall that directs traffic to to, so going to from outside of my network brings up the site hosted on

The problem is that within my home network, going to just goes to the firewall's browser config page (which I normally access at

What can I do so that traffic from my local network to my public IP address is routed through my NAT, so that it can be redirected to the same server external traffic is sent to?
Is it true that there are no good nonwhite tech people? Are all pajeets bad at tech/programming, as the meme says?
Here's my situation:
>have MALP on Android
>have MPD on my Ubuntu server laptop
>MALP can recognize/scan my whole music library, but I cannot hear any audio. The seek is still moving, though.
I am aware that you need to type in some shit in the conf file to setup the audio output. The thing is what's the audio output for linux? ALSA? SLES? I tried both and it's not working. Can someone who uses MPD to stream music on their Android show me their conf file if possible?

wait aren't you supposed to not say what your IP addresses are on the internet? I'm a bit confused.
In the modem, under Network Settings > Home Networking there's settings to set up the LAN configuration.

IP addr + subnet mask of the modem, DHCP server state (enable/disable/relay, the latter I might use to forward to the Pihole once I get DNS working)

IP addressing values for DHCP (start-end range, auto-reserve IP for same host) + lease time

Under that there's DNS Values, which dictates which DNS servers to use when resolving domains.

Options for these are DNS Proxy, Static, and From ISP.

When trying to configure it to use the Pihole I set the DNS values to Static and set, which sends DNS traffic to the Pihole (confirmed working in the Pihole query log) but my internet connection just stops working. I can still access devices on my LAN, however.

The endgame is to also use the Pihole as a DHCP server, but I want to get at least DNS working first.
They ended up adding it, so all hardware can connect to all software. It's cool. Matter or whatever.
>PSU cables- PSU side vs device side
Just opened the new PSU I picked up last year for a new build, a FSP PTM X PRO 1200w ATX3.0 / PCI-E 5.0 compatible model. The cables are fully modular, but some are difficult to know which are intended to plug into the PSU side, which are intended to plug into the Motherboard. Now the 24-pin ATX one has different connectors on the PSU side and the Mobo side of the cable, and they're labeled differently (ie P1 on the mobo side apparently, and PSU on the split, asymmetrical PSU side). However, the CPU power connectors are harder to tell - both sides are labeled CPU stupidly. I think the side that is split into 2 groups of 4 is probably the mobo side of traditional holds, as the opposing side is just unified 8 pin connectors,but it would be nice to be sure I don't fuck anything up. My mobo uses 2x 8pin CPU connectors after all.

Some of the other connectors differ from PSU to Mobo end or are otherwise easy to see (ie SATA and Molex connectors clearly look the way they do, are multiple to a cable, and the end is single row 4 pin on the PSU. THE 12V connector though I won't be using it seems to be the same on both sides and its the only one that is a rounded cable, not a flat one, VGA/PCI-E power seem to be 8 pin on the PSU side and 6+2 pin on the PCI-E device / GPU side if the past is still accurate, but theylabeled them both VGA so that's not really helpful. Just wante to make sure I'm not fucking it up

>Mobo PD power plug / PD_12V_PWR
This one is new to the high end AM5 board I'm using (Asus ROG X670E Extreme) but last I built was X99 era so things have changed perhaps.
>connector provides additional powerto your PCIe x16 slots. To support 60W please install power cable to 6-pin PCIe Graphics Card Connector (PD_12V_PWR) else only 27W.
So just grab a PCI-E power cable from PSU for this thing on the mobo? Some say it benefits GPUs drawing from slot + their own cables, some say USB Power Delivery too

This is what it looks like. Changing DNS Values from DNS Proxy to Static allows me to input two IP addresses.

Changing the first address to my Pihole's IP routes DNS traffic from the modem to the Pihole, but internet stops working as a result.
Can you add custom voices to Google Assistant?
The addresses I gave are just stand-ins to make it easier to refer to them later.
>DNS -> Static
And then your Pi-hole IP.
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Yes and then my internet stops working until I factory reset my modem.
My bad, go to "Static DHCP" tab first.
That just allows me to set static ip leases based on Mac address. Fwiw my pihole's static ip is configured on that device itself, not the modem. I.e. the static dhcp list in the modem is empty.
Whole another way to tackle the problem:
Disable the DHCP server from your router entirely. Then set up one using Pi-hole.
Configuring those chink boxes is just awful, could just do it with real deal Linux.

That's for any systemD/Linux out there.
I'll try that then. My end goal is to also use it as dhcp server. I'm using Ubuntu Server so networking config is managed using Netplan.

The DNS server address should be or
>I'm using Ubuntu Server so networking config is managed using Netplan.
Ah. idk crap about NetPlan so can't help you there.
>The DNS server address should be or, the loopback address is networking jargon for "me". Obviously the clients can't use "me" as their DNS, haha.
i thought jdownloader already uses that for its plugin, either way there are scripts that can get around the age restriction but i don't know how to implement anything with it, the devs don't like them because they can use proxies so they won't do it themselves
>1980 - 5 MHZ CPU + 1MB RAM
this would be spaceship category in 1980.

>2001 - 200 MHz + 24MB RAM
and this would be extremely slow in 2001

>2017 - 3.2 GHz CPU + 8GB RAM
in a laptop, I guess this is correct. Let me guess, the comic is from 2017, right?

>2034 - 150GHz + 1TB RAM
High end workstations might make 1TB RAM a norm by then, but I doubt average game PCs will have more than 64GB. Just for comparison I've been on 16GB for a decade and only nowadays does it feel cramped.
150GHz CPU will only be possible if you add together the speed of all the threads in the chip. Or we switch from silicone to something else entirely, and a single decade won't be enough for that.
How do I mine data from social media and similar sites nowadays (specifically X and Reddit)? I have a speech analysis tool that makes a political profile of any text provided. Nothing too fancy, just some regex shit, but I do need a plaintext file for this.
can gallery-dl automatically add the tags from danbooru as metadata to pics it downloads?

also is there a way to get gallery-dl to download all parent and child posts for an image?
I think I got it working!

Since I'm running Pihole in Docker, I changed the network_mode of the container to 'host', and removed the now-redundant forwarded ports. Apparently this is a thing when using DHCP in Docker.

And one of the nameservers in /etc/resolve.d still pointed to the gateway, which is now pointing towards itself.
>on a systemd distribution
Isn't that very tiresome?
I've created entire routers by just using systemd-networkd. (plus hostapd obviously for the Wi-Fi access point)
it shouldn't matter much if Ubuntu Server install Raspberri Pi firmware. RaspberryPi OS is bloated but it just works. But I trust Ubuntu Server more desu.

another idea: pdfgrep?

You could try allowing your Transmission port with UFW.

>What program should I use to backup my drives?
Write a custom Batch or PowerShell script. Try xcopy or robocopy but note that robocopy only copies whole folders.

check what wifi channels are contested in your area. switching to another wifi channel with low traffic will speed up your wifi. There is linssd or the open-source Android wifi analyzer app (can't remember the name).

psyllium seed husks every day or silica gel. also, try stopping drinking mil for a month (if that doesn't work you can try stopping eating gluten grains for month)-

you need to always disallow SSH with password (use ssh keys) and you definitely need a firewall (ufw).

because trannies invade all places and demand special treatment. much like furries. they are never chill and they want drama. if they are not getting drama, they make it up and tell lies.

test your RAM with memtest86+ and check your cooling.

there are good non-white programmers but they are rare because globalists hire non-whites because they take the job for lower salary and they demand no benefits.
Netplan uses systemd under the hood apparently. This was just setting up once (properly) so I can forget about it.
Is it a good idea to upgrade from 4070Ti (not super, just Ti) to 4080 Super or should I just wait for a new series of gpus to drop in the future?
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Is a this monitor a good grab if i can get it for 60 euros? And if its bad what other monitors can you buy for cheap on ebay which have decent specs? I just need to expand my screen space because a regular 1920x1080 monitor feels kinda cramped for what i want to do.
I cant connect to 4chan from my home network at all. The IP resolves but I get "connection timed out". Tried multiple DNS servers and the IP is resolving but it just wont connect.
I'm on my data right now

What do?
do the thing with
ipconfig flushdns
I am looking for a better internet links or 4chan approved links, it was posted sometime ago on this board, but I lost it.
On 4chanx, which box should i tick so images and media in general auto expands to the right size/fits to my screen so don't have to scroll?
English is not my first language so I hope Im being clear lol
My router is dying and I haven't bought one in almost 9 years.

What do I do? I'm not a retard and I can set it up, but I don't even know what brands are good or what features are total memes
Don't know what happened or how I managed to fix it, but powered off my router for half an hour and everything works now.
ive been regulary turning off my router when i go to sleep or work so i get a new ip adress when i come back after 8 hours and ive been told nothing can go wrong. and it did. fucked up my adresses, started giving me some WAN adress and i had to contact support for them to delete it.

how come
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can anyone please share the picture that is like this but instead of notes it's macOS on both ends and in the middle it's linux and windows
idk about a specific settings that automatically does that but you can press "e"
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sorry i wont make a false meme
>fucked up my adresses, started giving me some WAN adress
that cant happen
you're retarded and started falsely inferring things because something else wasnt working
I have two different monitors. How do I calibrate them without spending hundreds on a colorimeter so they look identical?
MPV input question:
n set video-unscaled yes; set video-aspect-override no

N set video-unscaled no; set video-aspect-override -1

This acts like a toggle between seeing original resolution and what I thought was default behavior. Instead, for videos that are not 16:9, hitting n while in fullscreen allows the aspect ratio to change. I do want it to fit the boundaries of the window as best as it can, but I also don't want the aspect ratio to change. I'm unsure but still going through the docs. FWIW, I'm on a pretty old build (0.34.1)
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go to advanced -> custom css and add a line like this at the bottom:
>false meme
lol although i do agree that it's not entirely true it's good bait
I'm having an issue running fallout 4 and I'm not sure how to fix it. When I launch the game, it runs in the background and locks the mouse controls to a small region in the center of the screen. I have to end task to get out, but sometimes control panel opens outside of the mouse region, so I have to restart the computer. I've tried running it with multiple resolutions and both windowed and fullscreen, same thing. I've never had this happen before.
How do I scrap websites of videos and photos?
Oh cool, thanks
My Discord Acc got comprimised which made "me" send dozens of invites to some scam site to firends and random ppl on servers.

I already deleted my Discord Account and going to delete my E-Mail too. What's the worst case scenario? (I had a very strong password too)
Should I spray ants with anti-ant spray if I saw them on the stairs leading to the 2nd or 3rd floor when my apartment is on the 5th floor? Basically, will spraying them while they're down there prevent them from going upwards or will it chase them off from there and make them think "it's time for migging"?

I don't know what other board to ask, /an/ may be more appropriate but /g/ should have the highest IQ (and /an/ doesn't have a stupid questions thread).
I got my first PR, what do I do?
I don't remember anything, it's a project I threw together in a weekend and haven't thought about it since
Merge it if you want it merged.
Don't merge it if you don't want it merged.
Follow up with change requests if you want to merge it after some changes.

Unless it's from a jeet. Then always decline and close the PR, and commit the changes yourself if you want them added to your repo.
nothin, put your feet up and let other people fix your shitty code
welcome to FOSS
Can you pay for something on Amazon without it saving your CC on the account?
Where can I learn how to fix cell phones?
What is Chrome Profiles and how do I remove the feature without deleting all my extensions and bookmarks?

I created a new youtube account and made an accidental double click, which seemed to have destroyed my chrome browser and now I have this useless profile feature.

While googling, the first result was about someone deleting it, but then also losing all their extensions and bookmarks they had before.
In the process of researching more on how to avoid that, but figured I'd ask here too since this might be a 2 minute answer in here as oppossed to a 2 hour rabbit hole on my own.
should I download and install vlc player for windows or windows 64 bit if I have windows 11 pro?
I just found this particular single earbud "nokia bh 110" and it works, however battery lasts only for a 2 minute of audio playback then it dies.

That said, questions:
- I want to use (single) earbud for phone calls. Usually I have short briefings, but sometimes it's about one hour session, Anyone have any opinions on "headset vs earbuds"?
- Is there any reason to favor "dual" earbuds in favor of singular, when it comes just for calls?
>windows 64 bit if I have windows 11
they have nothing to do with eachother
but yes always get 64bit versions of software, 32bit is a legacy thing, every computer these days is 64bit
The more angular coverage the microphone array has, the less incidence of outside noise coming into the call you're going to get.
how can i loop on mpv guuys
you probably already figured it out but you press L, either the lowercase L for looping from point A to B, or capital L to loop the entire video
Is there a software that will create a transcript for a video?
Basically, if i have a one hour long video of someone talking, and i'd rather read the transcript than to watch the video, is there a software that will make such a transcript for me?
no it's to adjust the settings so that when the video ends, it automatically restarts and plays on loop, especially for short clips of 10 seconds or less
i dont understand, try pressing shift+L
I only remember that there was a text file inside the mpv installation folder (or maybe in appdata) to modify those settings
I know ported Google Voice numbers aren't supposed to get shut down for inactivity like Google's free numbers would
But I've heard phone carriers have their own inactivity policies and can go over Google's head to take numbers back
Is there info available on what those policies are for each company? Would they send an inactivity warning the same way Google would?
I am currently on 16 GB of ram with 3600 hz write speed. My computer is showing signs that one of the sticks is fucking up, so I bought 32 GB of ram but it's 3200 hz write speed. Am I going to notice a difference? I bought this from Best Buy without doing much research since I work from home and didn't want my stick to fail without having a backup on hand
It's too late now, I killed them... I killed them all. Even the younglings.
I hope you bought that stick knowing that it's compatible with your mobo.
which recent version/commit of mpv started rounding the playback speed on-screen display?

now it displays 2.00 as 2 and displays 1.10 as 1.1
instead of always using 2 decimals
it looks janky as fuck now

if there is a config option for this that would be great otherwise I might just go bisect my way to it
I have an android phone, and I deleted a bunch of NSFW shit that I don't need on my phone. However, when I try to post pictures on apps like Instagram or X, the most recent pictures are all the ones I tried to delete.

I tried finding the pictures through my photos app (the default system one) and Google Photos and tried to delete them and permanently delete them. After this I disabled the Google photos app.

A day later, the same photos still show up in my recent photos even though they don't show up in the download folder any more.

How can I find these damn photos to get rid of them for good!?
think ur best bet is factory reset
What should I use to benchmark my pc to make sure everything is running like it's suppose to
TestMem5 for memory.
Haven and 3D Mark for GPU.
Cinnebench for CPU.
I logged into my spankbang account for the first time in like a year, decided to dl some vids, and it says I need to upload more to continue downloading, but I can't find the upload function anywhere anymore
>3D Mark
>paid software
as much as i hate userbenchmark i might try that instead
Use the demo. All you really use it for is to stress test the GPU for heat and not chasing high scores. Haven is used to run for 30+ minutes to test for stability.
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ended up bisecting - it is this commit
Is wsl2 + GUI ubuntu good?
I mean, is there any problem specific to wsl2_ubuntu that are not present in normal ubuntu?
You guys know that having a really long ethernet cable means data gets lost, right? Does that apply to HDMI and Display Port cables? What's their maximum length before I lose performance and quality?
player/command.c | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/player/command.c b/player/command.c
index b5f9ad8065..f84e2c952c 100644
--- a/player/command.c
+++ b/player/command.c
@@ -413,10 +413,12 @@ static int mp_property_generic_option(void *ctx, struct m_property *prop,
static int mp_property_playback_speed(void *ctx, struct m_property *prop,
int action, void *arg)
+ bool flip = 0;
MPContext *mpctx = ctx;
if (action == M_PROPERTY_PRINT || action == M_PROPERTY_FIXED_LEN_PRINT) {
*(char **)arg = mp_format_double(NULL, mpctx->opts->playback_speed, 2,
- false, false, action != M_PROPERTY_FIXED_LEN_PRINT);
+// false, false, action != M_PROPERTY_FIXED_LEN_PRINT);
+ false, false, flip);
return mp_property_generic_option(mpctx, prop, action, arg);

ok moving on with my life
I completely forgot this was a thing, Jesus. I got lucky, it's DDR4 which is the same as my previous one. Thanks for that.
Is there anything out there that'll let me see the total subs a twitch channel has made so far that month?
>click channel
>immediately see a count of every sub that month
I want to see how rich these people are
but there was a leak a few years ago maybe you can find by googling

why do you care anyway? just assume anyone with more than ~100 viewers earn a living wage, and anyone with more than ~2k viewers are millionaires.
I mean subs are shown in real time and broadcasted every time a single person subs x amount. surely there's something that can tell me the total if I choose to have it follow a certain person.

I just want to click around and see how much money people have made
I hate mkdir, general directory structure, and permissions.
this shit is not a safety but a cancer.

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