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What technology can we use to circumvent this authoritarian control should it starts creeping worldwide?
>communism 101
What would you expect from a brainwashed hard core socialism nation ?
porn is degenerate, it encourages women to be whores and men not to participate in society. rope all coomers and porn stars
The UK tried doing worse. Control Porn is an useless endeavour and waste of funds that should go to the plethora of problems Spain has.
>t. Spanish citizen
Soon they will control VPN too.
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>Officially (and drily) called the Digital Wallet Beta (Cartera Digital Beta), the app Madrid unveiled on Monday would allow internet platforms to check whether a prospective smut-watcher is over 18. Porn-viewers will be asked to use the app to verify their age. Once verified, they'll receive 30 generated “porn credits” with a one-month validity granting them access to adult content. Enthusiasts will be able to request extra credits.

>>>Enthusiasts will be able to request extra credits.
If they want to solve the issue of porn as an industry they need to take it out from the source -- all the "people" who own these companies.
Cool it with the antisemitism.
fake news, it's unenforceable. Block porn sites intead, retarded manolos
Give it 5-10 years and we have global mandatory online IDs and at that point it's full blown dystopia mode.
You won't be able to write nigger or faggot without being jailed for hate speech by automatic AI monitoring your posts.
They've been pushing this shit from any angle possible and finally they found their way in through porn, because a shitload of virtue signaling retards from both sides of the political spectrum will agree with these decisions.
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Did you know that watching porn is illegal in Korea? And tens of thousands of people get arrested every year for reading hentai? It's literally just drawn ass and tits on a paper??

This country is projected to have a birthrate of 0.64 this year. We are literally getting deleted as I speak and retards think teenage boys accessing smut is killing the society and not retarded working culture and expense of living. Raising a child costs tremendous amount of money. No, people are not happy with living in a cubicle and earning chump change after working for 12 hours every day. I despise with all my being all the feminists and conservaturds clamoring this shit. You all need to neck yourselves and not waste another metric cubic of oxygen.
still wouldn't stop hentai and rule 34 production, that's the only porn that's not pozzed unless the artist is anyway.
Spain is a feminist nation. Really. The enemy of freedom is primarily a decrepit old hag.

Porn is not an issue. Only degenerate christcucks and hardcore leftists think that. Both are authoritarians with ideologies based entirely on bullshit and both can go fuck themselves.
Good. Accelerate.
You'd have to nuke all of israel and america
lol, impoverished Spaniards getting in line for their porn food-stamps.
Who knew the dystopia would be so hilarious.
i'd rather round up and shoot all the people like you, before the whole world turns into the UK
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Mouthbreathers and women should have never been given the right to vote.
This is also a telling sign. It has nothing to do with birtrates, but explicitly with money (absence of it) and a shit quality of life. The presence or absence of porn does nothing for birthrates.

Basically the only way to fix birthrates, be it in Korea or Germany or anywhere else is to abolish feminism and completely demolish the entire wageslaving-for-peanuts economic system. Nobody will do this, so we're all fucked. All governments, all religious fucks and all "experts" are still trying to bullshit men into accepting a terrible deal that will ruin their lives while letting women do whatever they want while simultaneously catering to them in every aspect. We're stuck in a position where NOBODY even dares to suggest that women are the problem and that feminism was a terrible civilization ending mistake. So we've continue declining while old hags increasingly start meddling into politics and culture, degrading and enshittifying it further and further until nobody does anything at all. It's legitimately a mistake to participate in society beyond purely superficial stuff, so essentially everyone can forget about the whole deal with serving in the army or having kids or just giving a shit in general.
I used to live there and no one arrested me for watching. The websites are just blocked by boomer methods and was easily bypassed by whatever I used back then. I forgot already but it's not as gulag-esque as you make it out to be.
Good thing you fucked off a decade ago then. Never come back.
Based af
This is retarded, how could it work? Do they block domains? Surely it only applies to some domains and others are left out. Why stops people from just going to a different site? This cannot work, fake and gay. There is no way to implement this.
It's not even feminism, it's any female rights and welfare. Women only have children and families to avoid poverty. It's proven that as women make more money, they're less likely to have kids and start a family, and if they're married they're more likely to divorce and abandon their families. The only way to ensure women have kids is to guarantee they're stricken with poverty and/or death unless they get married and have kids by a suitable age. That's why historically women were treated badly
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>go to south korea to explain to studio how to use animation software
>get dragged out for 6 hours of drinking after my first day which lasted around 14 hours
>they're all shocked when i laugh in their faces when i'm asked to do this again the very next day
yall gonna have an empty country when everyone dies at their desk from heart attacks and strokes.
you guys got nice beer tho.
The solution will be artificial wombs unironically, children will have to be reared brave new world style, minus the castes and indoctrination (hopefully).
Until then, it's total population and economic decline.
Porn and guns must be banned for the greater good!
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>>Enthusiasts will be able to request extra credits.

so basically effective porn ban in 30 months unless you dox yourself to the (totally unhackable) feminist government as a degenerate coomer male?
>people will probably use US sites until those start getting blocked for not complying or the USA will also goes full retard
>tfw people eventually turn to tor/i2p just for normie porn
That shit is not restricted to just work culture btw. You have all these tryhards frothing at the mouth and telling you to jump out a window because you are not autistically obsessed with their favorite video game. Blue archive, league of legends, starcraft, you name it. This culture permeates parts of your life where you are supposed to just lay back and have fun.
Like fuck me, I'd prefer playing League on the NA server with all the grifters if the ping wasn't so awful. The best decision I've made in this regard is getting a Switch and sticking to single player games.
>Blue archive, league of legends, starcraft, you name it
Do Koreans have any interest in RuneScape?
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you appear to be dumb
porn is literally a way of taking control over the population
when you look at some of those magazines, it's pretty sad to see that even pornography was less degenerate back then
what if a child walks into a store and picks one up? have you thought about this at all? would you think of the children? the exploited women, of jesus christ our lord and savior?
can't you just bypass this shit with a vpn?
My post wasn't even that negative. Why so confrontational? At any rate, the gubmint allowing something like WOMAD exist without repercussions is gonna be a bad deal for anyone, natives or way gook ins. xD
Thought the ouster of feminist jerk Moon Jae-in would fix that but he was replaced by a burger lapdog.
Porn consumption is related to feminism values
Men don't need to cope with porn if sex was readily available but it ain't nowadays hence porn uses increase
Porn is a symptom of bigger things like drugs its an cope symptoms of an bigger problem
More feminism will fix it.
Porn is a jewish invention and is spread by (them), but look at what their holy books say and it's clear they don't even look at it for a second.
It's a Starcraft/Lineage country, bro.
That thing still exists?
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>would you think of the children? the exploited women, of jesus christ our lord and savior?
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some of them don't follow their holy books at all
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>Countless pairs of priceless booby prizes
Same anon you're replying to:
Mind explaining to me why you have so many grandmas stealing condiments?
I saw an unguarded bowl of chopped onions get dumped into some lady's purse.
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I will not participate in society even if I had to use a VPN for the porn and then again I will just make a gaint ass local collection like the good old days of 2007 if i have to deal with this. Society itself has too many problems and no "simple" solutions like this would work. Conservative politicians should learn that society is a whole meal package and you cannot just make 1 single "fix" while being a slave to Israel and Spain especially has a feminist problem. Spain is exactly a country where such a law will have 0 effect other than a few low iq males just raping some whores who deserved it.
Naturally what I am saying is known by all... as is the fact that these laws are expected to not work and are just used for more internet control. This is the real deal: internet control. Although the good thing about Spain and the EU as a whole is that it is just too insignificant to actually have an effect on anything. At most, its just an advertisement for VPNs
I have reported this commend to the ADL. Well not really but if a politician said what you just wrote he will have to deal with them for real.
learn a new language and emigrate. If boomers in my country could make it their life goal to emigrate to Germany and the UK, then you can too. Once you go to Russia or whatever "good" country you go, just do like the muslim and form connections with people like you. But then again, you already do that here. I am telling you the solution which you already know.

it is possible to think porn as part of public healthcare service, old whores promote self care and all, current healthcare idea seem to be identify every customer
It took me some time to realize that you are the Korean anon because of the "jump out of a window if you suck in LoL and SC2" statement. Sometimes I am glad I am from a "turkish-mongolian" tribe, because if someone tells me that I will tell them "suka blyat pedal naeban huq mi q6" and around 1000 more swear words in the following languages: Greek, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian and naturally English and a bit of German. Maybe my country is shit, but I am allowed to suck ass and swear all day while drinking myself to death.
Skill issue
Why is everyone freaking out about birthrates?
That's not the issue here
And anyway we're overpopulated so it's a good thing
Half the people popped out today are completely retarded too
Just buy a sex doll if it's so important
I swear to god, "progress" these days is a curse: South Korea may be a very advanced country but I would rather live in Tanganyika surrounded by n-words and being happy. Meanwhile the sk man may have 50 points of iq more than me but will want to kill himself every single day.
Anti-porn is just corny and retarded. It annoys me to no end, because retards will talk for days about freedom and being able to do what you want, but suddenly when it comes to porn, we need to ban it because... WE JUST DO, OK!? They'll bring up fucking everything, jews, science, studies, society, etc, bro. Just because you have a problem with it, doesn't mean I do.

Gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc which has — and will continue — to cause far FAR more damage than porn has done, but uhhhhhh FREEDOM

If you don't like porn, don't watch it, close your eyes and move away from the screen bro
imagine being a 120 iq asian explaining to a 70 iq monkey that you are more advanced because you want to kill yourself and are constantly depressed.
These things have been around since the dawn of society
Tradcucks are obsessed with it because they're the original feminists. Feminism rose out of spoiled upper society women who were treated by royalty by their fathers who didn't discipline them, which is analogous to modern princess culture borne from the American right. They'd happily send their sons out to die for israel, but their daughters are all princesses who deserve the best. The recent shitstorm about women possibly being subject to Selective Service/the draft showed how blatantly anti-conservative and woman-worshipping the western "right-wing" is. There's nothing conservative about them. They're just liberals who base their world view around the idea that women are divine and have to be protected at all costs. That's why they're anti-porn, because they think it's denigrating to women. They won't ever make a positive change, like revoking the 19th Amendment, but they'd probably take away young men's right to vote at the snap of the finger if it really benefitted women.
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Scrape a lifetime's supply of porn form favourite sites and store it all in hard drive. Download as many LORAs and models as you want to generate your own porn locally. Don't care if no one else can have porn, so not worrying about distribution of my supply.
is the new season any good?
Protecting children from porn is not authoritarian control.
Grow the fuck up.
I don't think I'd need to make it my life goal though? I already have my diploma, experience, and I can retake the TOEFL exam and just pack my stuff and leave you know? The issue is that all my problems here would be perpetuated elsewhere too.

Look at this picture. It's a corpse of a human who were enslaved for 100 years, died, and then revived to be a subjugate of a spirit specialist. It doesn't have emotions, desires, or expectations from life. It has to pretend to be a human to retain her form. And that resonates with me, because everyday I need to keep up the appearances, and the facade of being satisfied with this insane culture. I have already lived my whole life to live up to expectations of people around me. Living elsewhere wouldn't necessarily fix that. I absolutely dread the thought of being treated like a "model immigrant" and all the expectations that come with that, even though I'd be thousands of kilometers away from home.
This. Has nothing to do with porn. They'll use it to track all of your traffic and jail you for wrong think.
This shit is inevitable. It is the world the extreme political left has been supporting for years. And the cunts are gonna get it as well
just tell me how old are you before we go on long discussions because if you are like 40 it matters not, but if you are like 20 i really would say just "move" but can elaborate further.
I'm 28.
also if you hate the idea then i respect that. I guess i was just raised with the idea of "oh you want to live better? then move!" which kind of is a broken ideal of a broken people.
well as I said: I do get why my culture of "OMGGGG LOOK!!!! GERMANY AND UK EXIST!!!! MOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THERE!!!!" is a boomers cope and has a lot of problems, but... I would expand on it and say that moving to a less "mainstream" country with less of a "modern western" culture is a good thing. You even have the skills so you could try to move to some EE countries: right now I am thinking of Romania as actually being the best - poor, but not poor too much, western, but not western enough for it to be toxic.
Moving to a new country will give you exposure to new people and if the country has women that are .... fine (no woman is but some are better than others), then it can work.
Of course I am literally advocating for race mixing right now, and in old 4chan i would get 5 posts telling me that my nose is big, but actually this is just the way many people from broken countries think. It is up too you to decide how broken your country is. Also I just want to state that just because your country is broken, it does not mean that the other country you are moving to is not broken too.
I remember reading a reuters article about how romanians stole millions of dollars worth of fuel from a nato base and laughing my ass off. Nordicks, and middle europe like switzerland or austria would be nice though. At least it wouldn't be a net downgrade.
and no, I am not jewish. Boomers just always manage to create a culture and environment where you literally have to think like the arch jew of Israel to survive. Then boomers blame you because you "did not follow the path they want", even if their path only really worked 30 years ago. I literally have boomers in my family which advocate for moving to Canada - I am not kidding. Canada 30 years ago may have been an ok place, but damn shit right now.
Also Canada is a very good example what happens to a country if too many boomers get the idea that you HAVE to move there. It is a faith no country deserves.
10 years ago I would have told you that sweden or norway are shit but... they are quite ok right now. Just know that they too have a problem with reproduction. But then again, even if they are famous for their autism and inability to talk to people, you are famous for people literally not going outside of their apartments for years, so you beat them.
If the population decreases housing will become cheaper
You can't. Ask the Chinese. VPNs sell a service to people in a different jurisdiction from where they are operated. A company based in California does not have to obey Spanish laws, and can allow Spanish citizens to access content their government does not want them to access for a fee, payable through electronic means. These electronic means may be cryptocurrencies, which bypass all banking regulations. You cannot prevent someone from sending crypto to another person.
Bro don't be stupid. All the worthwhile porn sites are counted on one hand, 10 at most.
If they do this yeah sure it's bypassable using Tor unless they set up some China firewall thing.
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> Rank leader: reminder: 100 sterilized credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation
Not even China can manage that. Unless you go full North Korea and isolate the entire country into its own intranet you won't be able to stop people from visiting websites you don't like.
kys coomer
that's not feminism, that is sharia law

ask women
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Now is the time to rape spanish women, you say? State enforced rape, you say?
you can just mega dumps with site rips idk why people go to mainstream porn sites
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extremely based
I would be willing to bet that they say shit like this but then go to the synagogue on sabbath and wear tiny hats when appropriate.
Women make shit money in korea, still doesn't work. Literal cubicle living, rat dystopia.
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If this works the same way as buying alcohol or buying prepaid top ups from a kiosk then i really do not care.
If it works any other way like an app then the solution is piracy.
If you want to solve the issue of porn you need to deal with the demand side, aka end feminism and take women out of the workforce so they need a man in order to survive.

Just killing the kikes won't do shit, men will simply move on to hentai, which is superior anyways.
> WION (World is One News) is an Indian international English language news channel headquartered in Noida, India.
Good morning sar
no, housing get bought by foreigners and financial firms who then control rent
about time,we should restrict the entire internet
without exaggeration, a humiliation ritual
pretty obvious you're a boomer from the way you write
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>heres what it is
>procedes to gaslight the gullible retards with lies about its actual intended purpose which is deanonymizing the internet and having easier regulation of online speech and censorship powers

dont forget to pay your annual internet registration fee goy!
>Porn is not an issue. Only degenerate christcucks and hardcore leftists think that

>People trooning out and cutting off their dicks because they were exposed to porn at an early age totally isn't a problem guys.

>It's all those christcucks who are mentally stable with their spouses and children and houses that are the problem.

Okay coomer
Too true, tradbro. Christ is king. By the way, which way to the BBC breeding grounds?
Children get exposed to porn at an early age because their parents are morons who give them ipads at 3. Just because some people are retarded doesn't mean we all need to accept easily-abused government oversight.
The problem with all these porn restrictions is that they only ever go after normal porn.
For people like me, it's impossible to regulate it. I only use clothed women, and it's pretty easy with how women dress nowadays.
Burkhas are the only option.
>>get dragged out for 6 hours of drinking after my first day which lasted around 14 hours
yeah asians are weird and just alcoholics in disguise

Guns allow weak men (You) to feel powerful. It's anti-natural, thus liberal. All the atheist liberal revolutions were due to the peasants having guns. And that's since the 1800s. Learn history, and not from CNN.

History went to shit when guns were used. It's a fact. Real men used swords, but with guns the peasants felt they were knights and this removed the boundary between the alpha aristocracy with the beta men.

You own a gun? then you are a liberal. Simple as.
OK OK chuddies, this is /g/ not /pol/, please take the politics there
Didn't they legalize ducking animals like last year?
So what I can get fucked by a dog but I need a passport to see booba
better games than Starcraft exist, if only the Koreans picked up C&C then life would be better
>Why is everyone freaking out about birthrates?
it's about making GDP go up no matter what and old people are not enough and not rich enough to insure GDP forever
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unironically this, leaving the tree was a mistake for the human race
Surprised a porn thread actually produced a good thread lol
those nofap rvtrn youtubers realy did a number on these fuckers
Daily reminder that you should always be saving anything you like, that goes for movies, TV shows and even porn. If you lose access to porn because your government took it away then its partially on you for not saving your favorites while you could.
>India bans porn
>The whole world starts banning porn
What are the implications of this?
strawmanning kike
theres no point to that. if youre at the point where you are saving data out of fear the government will disappear it, its past time to topple and restart your government at which time you are free again and have access to whatever you want rendering the point moot.
thats just what a person looks like without clothes on little timmy.

why would gods perfect creation traumatize a child?
In the UK they require ISPs to block a list of adult domains unless you explicitly opt out of it. I'm not sure how well that's enforced, I had to opt out for my cell plan but not for fibre, so who knows.
The funniest part about the UK's ban is that they also block pub websites. And in 2021ish lots of pubs switched to those stupid QR code menu things, so you could go to a pub and not be able to order anything if you hadn't done the opt-out thing.
The second funniest part is they block 4chan.
Anyway, the EU's proposal is different, they'll require porn websites to verify ID. Same as what some American states do.
I assume enforcement will involve suing any porn distributors that don't comply, though with von der Leyen's gang of dipshits getting another term I wouldn't rule out a Great Firewall of Europe in the next few years.
I save things just so I know I will always have it, even if it gets deleted or lost in the future.
>The second funniest part is they block 4chan.
Fuck that brownoid fascist shit hole.
>paying for porn
>using sites like pornhub or redtube
>not using TOR when downloading porn
Hating God and worshipping Satan works well for the little hat people
>The funniest part about the UK's ban is that they also block pub websites. And in 2021ish lots of pubs switched to those stupid QR code menu things, so you could go to a pub and not be able to order anything if you hadn't done the opt-out thing.

I guess you'll have to connect to the pub's WiFi to get around it?
This way pubs can steal even more of your data so they win again.
Europe isn't overpopulated. Those newborns are pajeets and niggers or (in the best case) chinks.
>no, zoomers are coombrained not because they cannot find a girl because of feminism
>yeah goyim the problem is (you) so we should control how much you masturbate

It looks like (((they))) will use any justification just to not talk about how feminism torn apart the society. A housewife is a lost wagecuck, remember it.
Vagina-capitalism if the issue. The world needs vagina-communism.
That's what we call your mom.
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this is satire right?
The only way to block porn would be to have an os/browser spy on your screen and use computer vision and ML to see if what you are looking at is a porn site/video. Otherwise they can just go on an unknown site.
Oh, the horror! Not naked / almost-naked, attractive, women! He's gonna be traumatized now! (He's not, and will grow up just fine).
Japan never had this issue. Sucks to see them succumb to westoid puritans.
>muh population decline
Good. Less pressure on the global housing market, less pressure on the healthcare system, less demand in consoomer markets. If the pension system worries you, set a hard age limit fo 70 years to healthcare and welfard. Nobody needs to leech off society that long.
>muh economic decline.
Excellent, less slaves and less shekels for Mr Goldstein.
Spaniard here, the proposal supposedly doesn't dox you. They're sending a ZKP.
Not that I trust them, but this will only patrol normies and coomers anyway.
Generate your own.
Commie nations always ban porn and prostitution.
You will end up in jail for even having consensual sex with a Spaniard, it's a horrible feminist hell out there. The dating market is also approaching US levels of feminism and hoeflation.
well then take care of that too, you single celled protozoa
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>anonymous system literally designed by the data protection agency so neither the government can know the websites you're visiting not the websites can know your real name, as opposed to sending all your personal data and navigation history to israel like literally all the systems presented in america
>this confuses and angers the jew
I'll keep my "btfo," thank you very much. You can keep sending a selfie to tel aviv every time you want to visit a porn page in your land of the free.
To be fair at least we do have women worth some jail time
If new births are from pajeets, chinks and arabs, we ARE overpopulated.
What happens if you send a dick pic?
The NSA girl collects them
No woman is worth jail time, and desperate simps like you are the reason hoeflation is a thing.
Simps like to do things consensually though
I disagree, it is women who are at fault
a vpn? if implemented worldwide, tor
The more attention you give to women, wanted or unwanted, indirectly inflates their ego. Raping them means someone wanted them, and this will only make them raise their standards even more.
Stop giving women attention, you're only make it worse, coomer pagafantas.
>communism 101 is trad and based
wtf I am a communist now
i am from spain, this is just a try to stop kids from being fucked up cooomers
the details like the 30 credits per month are made up bullshit, they are supposed to be random tokens with limited uses so you cannot be tracked easily.
i am against this bullshit, but teens are getting braindead, like really fucked up, some bullshit needs to be done, and at least they are trying (or pretending to) to make it in a some sort of anonymous way
not that i will just work around it.
i would just ban underages from the internet entirely, not only for their own good but also to protect internet from them and the what about the kids idiots
Why are the parents not raising their kids then, why are they leaving it to the state? Parental controls have been a thing for ages, all it requires is for the parents to actually do something for a little bit in order to set it up.
>this is just a try to stop kids from being fucked up cooomers
Female hands typed this post
>we're overpopulated so it's a good thing
horribly enough, this is what the average white liberal believe. god help future generations
Why is there no social media passport then? You only get to visit these bullshit brainrotting websites if you're an adult. Oh no we don't do that because we're doing the right kind of brainrot.
You sound like a leftist control freak subhuman.
of course a ton of parents are being retarded idiots, and the few that are not cannot control that their kids dont use their friends smartphones, also forgot to mention that this is an eu shit
current teens are already a lost cause, be a nigger somewhere else
ask them, i am against this bullshit, but i am also against random fake information
learn to read retard
Overpopulation applies to all ethnicities you retard. You cucks always say muh white genocide as if overpopulation wasn't mostly about invading races. Canada is suffering from overpopulation because of chinks and jeets, France from niggers and durkas, UK from pakis and niggers and so on.
How is removing the extra people a "white liberal" thing you fucking retard?
>i am against this bullshit, but teens are getting braindead, like really fucked up
You seriously think that's just a porn problem?
This. Women must have no rights for civilization to flourish
>You seriously think that's just a porn problem?
nope. i said to if anything ban them from internet
this is why i've adopted political homosexuality myself. a prosperous world is one where men rule and keep each other happy. women literally everything that's wrong with the world, getting involved with them in any way is straight up demonic
At some point there's going to be a penis revolution and women, for generations, will be forced to suck old ugly fat bastard cock by law. Just think about it. This is what happens when you push the chronic masturbator too far.
googlemaxing, google will set us free, trust!
Who tf we? Are you a pajeet or a nigger? I live in europe and I don't care if niggers starve because they cannot control their birthrates. On the other hand, If we do not breed, our masters are going to replace us with those niggers, because otherwise there will be an inevitable economic collapse.
Good for Spain, they will slightly revert to a saner society.
0 sense made in your post. "invading races" means your government let them in to replace the nonexistent local population
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>muh left
also muh based and redpilled trad cuckservative right dont forget that
look at south korea if you think banning porn is the solution look there and witness a feminist shithole run by a feminist cabal gynocentric worship will only hasten with the complete ban and restriction on porn
it's not porn that is the problem but the parts ran by kikes and the shitty parents that refuse to do any parenting
Zoomer here. How did these work? Was it all soft-core teasing, or did they have actual frontal nudity in it? Was it just nudes or was it sexual activities?
Blocking porn is literally impossible. I have tried. Eventually you end with a hosts file so long the internet stops working.

Go to google translate, type in "[country name] [porn keywords]", translate, search in their nations google domain, endless porn.

As you can imagine, I have had to also block translation tools. It is very difficult to block porn. I block all the websites I normally use but there is always a new website. Ultimately it comes down to self control and avoiding websites like 4chan which shove lust provoking images in your face all day.
>let's just stop our brownoid snaileater population from jerking off
>that will sure fix the economy
Spaniards are the biggest retards ever, but at least their women drool over white tourists
This will be rolled out everywhere. It's part of the plan.

They always take away freedoms under the guise of something most people agree with. Usually they say to protect the children or whatever.

The basket of what qualifies will be slowly expanded, then you will need the passport to use websites that involve any non-mainstream political discussion or ideas, or anything not heavily censored. They will use this to suffocate free speech and opposition. This is what always happens. They will do it again.
Pussy whipped
>limted porn credits
>probably will get worse with cooldowns
porn will become an even bigger time waste, if you need to read reviews and look through forums so you don't waste your token.

i guess erp with your ai wifu in vr is the future.
>it encourages women to be whores
They do it outside of porn and also not because of it
>and men not to participate in society
Not because of porn and also society is no longer worthwhile
By your logic peasants were alpha since knights were always clad in armour and beta faggots. Armour and swords are also anti-natural.
>be spanish male
>be brown and short
>women have no interest in you and thirst over white foreigners instead
>birthrates tank
>rub your tiny dick to porn
>government blocks porn
this is your country on turbofeminism
>porno social credits
this generation is cooked :skullemoji:
Knights had to rely on morals and ethics to get their dick wet. Peasants didn't.
Nothing good came out of that eurospic shithole
people really still browse youporn or pornhub and watch "professional" garbage content?
these websites have been dogshit for a very long time, the professional porn industry needs to disappear, if we can bankrupt mindgeek then it's a net benefit for humanity.
At some point evolution and natural selection has to kick in, right? This can't go on forever.
Only if things ACTUALLY colapse. No memes. Collapse as in complete lawlessness, anarchy, thousands of bodies every where you go.

Otherwise, no. Never.
The only ones I've seen were just full nudity female only, no men involved.
on one hand, my coomer brain says yes
on the other hand, Im trying to quit porn and there isnt any way to consume it in moderation
I want to be able to download porn, but I dont actually want to personally save any. Its complicated.
Good marning saar!
There is no we, my country might as well disappear in the next 50-100 years because of low birthrates and the goverment can do nothing about it because it is the decision of individual people to have children or not.
Basado y rojopilldado.
The future is going to have the most robust black market ever thanks to decisions like this. The Tor Browser is already increasing in popularity.
lol getting illegal porn has never been an issue
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no one with brain uses that
Porn is an issue in the sense that it's a symptom of a decaying society. However trying to block it is as useless as trying to ban booze and we all know how that went. You just need to stop glorying it and not shove it in people's faces if they don't explicitly say they want it.
It's hypocrisy.
If a woman wants to be naked and record herself and then show it to people who want to view it, where is the problem.
The problem is you have one less male with a partner, and this adds up of course. Men will have to settle if they even can for old, single mom used goods or desperate 3rd world bitches while women don't have to settle at all and instead ride it out well into their 40s. These women will then go on to tell everyone else how its the best thing ever and sheep mentality will then snowball the same goes for lonely men who then will have nothing but porn to fill in the void with said whores to supply it. If porn isn't the real issue then simping is.
>The problem is you have one less male with a partner
This happens regardless.
Women will simply ignore most men.
>watching porn is illegal in Korea?
no it's not. only buying and selling is.
Read the rest of the sentence, it exacerbates the issue. Women don't have a problem with being single like men do on the contrary many like being left alone and when they have a need they always have surplus of dick to choose from. You then tell them how all of this isn't a problem but also tell them that it's actually a good thing and it will further spiral down into decay. You're putting pussy on a pedestal for short term dopamine gain.
I am not my government, and I did not vote for them.
Shifting blames does not make the problem go away. Overpopulation is still a problem worldwide. regardless of who started it.
>The problem is you have one less male with a partner, and this adds up of course
It's a type of a problem that literally does not affect the people not involved in the matter.
For example, a woman voluntarily undresses on camera and allows others (willing participants) to watch. The problem here is that various religious groups, incels, popular tv/political/public figure "traditionalists" do NOT get involved in this matter and to them interfering in the (personal) lives of others is the most important thing. If they are denied it they go mad.
>it encourages women to be whores

>and men not to participate in society
Man this level of contrarian would make GK Chesterton proud
>In the UK they require ISPs to block a list of adult domains unless you explicitly opt out of it.
Just change DNS
You'd have a point if we weren't knees deep in hoeflation with OF thots running rampant and touted as the new norm among young girls.
>he problem here is that various religious groups, incels, popular tv/political/public figure "traditionalists" do NOT get involved in this matter and to them interfering in the (personal) lives of others is the most important thing. If they are denied it they go mad.
Bro, this law was introduced by the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. The same party that supports an prostitution ban because it is "female exploitation".
If people didn't continue to vote for the PSOE things like this wouldn't happen, but they're masters of buying votes by showering half the country with gibs so they don't have to work a single day in their lives.
Not even with all the corruption that arise this year they lost a single vote.
now tell me how totally not corrupt and full of shit PP is, I want to hear it
Islam is the only answer. And not moderate Islam but Sharia law type Islam. White people had a good run but they are now cucked beyond belief. The only serious movement against cuckness is Islam.
>prostitution ban
shut it (((abrahamist)))
There is a reason islamist countries are primitive.
Apparently, people with brains are also in the wrong, but that's only because compromises don't exist here. Anything at all is never good enough. And that's okay. Microsoft Edge has been great.
Yes, bad genes, not the fact that they are not cucked like the west.
now the border to usa will flood with aliens
>goverment can do nothing about it because it is the decision of individual people to have children or not.

Government can stop protecting women's rights, forbid hiring women, so on. Also make housing affordable. In the end of the day men will decide do they have children or not. And, surprise - when they have good enough conditions the birthrates are normal.
It's the feminist socialists who passed the law, California did exactly the same. The whole (leftist) EU will follow soon:

>Eventually, Madrid's porn passport is likely to be replaced by the EU’s very own digital identity system (eIDAS2) — a so-called wallet app allowing people to access a smorgasbord of public and private services across the whole bloc.
They should do that anyway. But what is really needed in terms of birth rates is eugenics and artificial wobs. Don't allow every loser to spread his dirty DNA, otherwise we'll have masses of simp betas just like now.
the arguments that get thrown around are absolutely dystopic, almost as if the people arguing haven't experienced reality in their whole lives, pretty surreal, needless to say I have nothing to argue with such "people"
That has nothing to do with you.

>socialist workers party
Not surprising, commies are incapable minding their own business and getting into other peoples lives.
Most of the corruption cases from the PP were proven false by courts, not a single one from the PSOE has been proven false, and even if the ones from the PP were true, with only the Andalucia PSOE ERE case, they would have stolen several times the money the PP was alleged to have stolen during the whole "democracy" period.
Still, you shouldn't vote for either one because one is communist and the other is the same with a 10 year buffer behind them, the only one that would change things would be VOX.
>Government can stop protecting women's rights, forbid hiring women, so on. Also make housing affordable. In the end of the day men will decide do they have children or not. And, surprise - when they have good enough conditions the birthrates are normal
Are you chinese or a muslim? How can a government introduce such laws and restrictions in a civilized white country? That will never happen.
anon you are really retarded.
the pp is absurdly corrupt and they dont even really try to hide it bc idiots like you will defend every fucking time
and psoe is not even leftist, they are the progressive right wing of this country, and the party of the fucking bureacrats
>That will never happen.
It happened 70 years ago (Nazis). But I agree, the west is too weak and is cucked now. We probably need to push for anarchy.
irrelevant. This passport is not about porn but about making it easier to censor websites that spread wrongthink
Spanish citizen here. It's all bullshit, they've already admitted they can't block the main porn sites. But beyond that, this has nothing to do with blocking porn, the government has spent the last months coming up with insane shit to distract the media because Sanchez's wife is currently under investigation. It's all smoke and lies.
This may be the most subhuman retarded take I've ever seen about spanish politics, and the politicians on the current government are literal subnormals who get into international conflicts because they can shut their fucking mouths.
No, PSOE isn't right wing, and no, PP isn't either, they're both left wing, and the PSOE specifically is going full speed ahead to the country becoming a democratic dictatorship like argentina was until milei came into office, if you vote for any of those parties you're voting for communism, and with the PSOE for having zero rights and going back into Franco politics.
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Women are whores by nature and I will not participate in your goyciety.
Yeah and that's what's happening with "Le Great Le Replacement(tm)" as if it was a great plan and not getting repaced by fitter agents.

“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
Dumbass backward savages had these insights centuries ago.
You vill verk all day
You vill get paid pennies
You vill marry the whore wife
You vill have naggy poop bags
And you vill be happy
>coomer-hoarders win again
Ahaha, simple as.
>bans legal service
>illegal service skyrockets
Is there any situation where it does promote illegal services?
The entire thing is literally just a bunch of retarded boomers in government who are still mentally stuck 30 years in the past putting whatever lukewarm bandaid they can think of to either pat themselves on the back and cook up some bullshit stats on how they helped to advance their career, or just shrug and say they tried. Anyone with the slightest bit of technical knowhow will know that just like the whole age verification bullshit they can bypass it completely by using a VPN and connecting to a country or other place that doesn’t have those requirements. If you ever want to know how technically illiterate our “leaders” in government are then look no further than the senator who asked the CEO of Tiktok during his big hearing a few months back if Tiktok connects to wifi when accessing the internet. And that was just a dude in his 40’s or so. They will do literally anything before admitting that the retarded working culture from the last century still clinging around despite the mountain of technical improvements and economic changes since is why everyone is so fucked. Its the same thing elsewhere throughout the world.
Literal chimp lmao.
This. We should be helping Spain spread this to the world.
Netherlands has the lowest work week in Europe and the lowest birth rate. It's feminists and late marriage and nothing else.
You think homeostasis is where everybody is in a monogamous relationship with their life partner. This is simply fantasy. The human genome reveals. Only 40% of men have reproduced throughout human history, compared to 80% of females.
Porn isn't an issue at all. It's an outlet for men who never had a chance, which is a good thing.
>The Netherlands is arguably one that heavily embraces the 4-day workweek. In this country, employees can request a shorter work week (4 days) for proportionality less wages (so eg for 4 days get 80% of wages).
Gay. Still the same shit as usual, just with a slight sugar coating.
Wow, so you admit that you are a feminist agent and you want to increase the demand for women even further and thus increase the sexual market value of women even further? What's wrong with simps' sick minds?
Your solution shows no success. Like all "solutions" that try to increase the birth rate without giving men (non-simp) ownership over women.
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>If porn isn't the real issue then simping is.
Good fucking job anon, yes. That's literally it. As >>101309216 says porn consumption is a symptom not a cause. It really doesn't "exacerbate" the issue at all. Women are the gatekeepers of sex in a civilized society without legal rape and arranged marriages and naturally they will gatekeep nearly everyone. Simps acknowledge this fact and think "le based tradwomen must be only fucking the best dudes, we're improving society" when in reality everyone is getting extremely stupid and women mostly fuck an ungodly combination of retarded simps and retarded convicts/niggers because they want both princess treatment and good sex. Men who aren't either retarded or total slave-brains are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with this nonsense and that's why birthrates and family values are vanishing. And of course divorce is profitable for women and only ever damaging for men. Legally, women GAIN from all this. Of-fucking-course they will take advantage of it, and men would too if they could.

It has nothing to do with porn. Porn is mostly consumed by men. You are unwittingly a simp. Acting like porn is the issue is synonymous with pinning the issue on men, when that's obviously not the case.
This is what happens now, after men stopped giving attention to women and their insane requirements, they started infiltrating male dominated spaces and try to shame men into going back.
It's a very funny phenomenon.
>in a civilized white country

White civilization existed thousands of years without feminism just fine. 150 years with feminism and we cannot live without it. Are you a jew or a woman? Or just a dumb libtard?
>critical thinking
>ability to form an opinion
Get out you are not welcome
>still doesn't work
It doesn't work because of welfare. Rat style living has no impact on your birth rates, otherwise people in London would have gone extinct centuries ago.
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you are a feminist agent, keep you anti-male ideology to reddit
It's my unresearched, amateur opinion that the social issues that allowed South Korea to become an oligarchic quasi-monarchy ruled by a shadow government of gay feminists are the very same social issues that led to North Korea becoming a brutal totalitarian dictatorial shithole. Not because the Kims thought it'd be fun to be assholes, but because there's something in the Korean DNA that assumes direct control over their faculties if big daddy government doesn't intervene and force them to act like human beings.
All things considered, the Korean Peninsula needed a pic related treatment like a millennia ago. Take the Koreans that don't suck, brain drain them somewhere where they can be useful to society, and let the rest of them fall into the ocean.
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and you a canadian. if i had 2 bullets and were in a room with a jew and a canadian, the canadian gets both.
he did not imply he will go to jail after the rape, he just implied that he will enjoy the rape. Now the murder after the rape... now that is morally questionable, but if it is as common as predicted, this is more of a female problem than a male problem.
>It's my unresearched, amateur opinion
Yep, it shows.
Women are whores by default just like men are degenerate by default. Almost all homeless are male, most suicides are committed by men. Maybe they should work on that instead tormenting poor losers to make their lives even more miserable. Not everyone is young and can just go out and participate in society.
kek I think you rustled some jimmies anon. based af
this is already the worst case.
after some sad US example states sadly a european country now!
this should only hurt the companies offering porn, because you should definitely not give
your ID documents to a porn company!!!
(no matter how much you trust them. and there is no need, your payment processor knows who you are, and that you are old enough!)
It would always be possible to build secure systems, this is not one of them.

So porn from inofficial sources going through the roof now in spain?
(by the way good advice here: get it in ways where you don't have to seed(!!! or share your IP ...) so the fucking attacking side cannot damage you!!!)
(and there are even better ways to do it, find them, use them!!!!!)
>This will be rolled out everywhere. It's part of the plan.
this, and the example of Spain kind of proves this.
I love how porn addicted degens think that everyone is secretly as fucked up as they are and are just being hypocrites.

Like no faggot, normal people don't think about getting railed 24/7 by BBC like you do.
>left wing
>right wing
these terms are outdated and don't mean anything anymore. use terms that actually describe what they're doing. e.g. libertarian vs authoritarian, privacy vs censorship, basic income/social assistance vs not, low vs high taxes, small vs big government, etc.
Meanwhile sandniggers get free bux and can rape literally anyone.
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>And tens of thousands of people get arrested every year for reading hentai
imagine you are one of them, I feel sorry for them.
(feeling sorry for the average hentai reader, not the loli reader. *opinion*)

>without being jailed for hate speech by automatic AI monitoring your posts.
demolition man, getting auto billed for curse words.

there is a commercial german site offering erotic blu-ray rental.
they are not allowed to name the movies to a visitor of the site, if you are not logged in.
the current state is just ridiculous already! (picture)
Don't try to derail the conversation, both are fucking communist authoritarian parties, they think the same with 10 years of buffer behind the psoe.
PP didn't remove the women's law, didn't do the judicial system reform they're advocating for now, they didn't lower taxes, they didn't lower spending, they didn't remove anti free speech laws but added more, they didn't ban abortion, they didn't ban gay marriage, everyone who thinks they're still like with franco are stuck in the past.
The more I read about stuff like this, the more I hate tradcons and women
aren't you embarrassed of yourself?
>only buying
I wouldn't want to live in such a country.
And yeah I could imagine that the presence of north korea probably plays a role,
but come on, telling adults you are not allowed to buy porn?
or the censored (pixelated) versions in a different country (opinion).
I'm sorry I don't understand how one could even come up with such ideas.
That's retarded. Poorfags in Africa and in the Middle East are having 10+ kids just fine.
You just need to lower your living standards and have your children go to public school/share rooms/use hand-me-down clothes from older siblings/etc.
yeah, until they start doing it for something you are using...
how do you like it if you have to id to such a company first
to be able to post on an anonymous imageboard, hm?
do you get the problem even if you don't care for normies/coomers?
>don't "derail" the conversation by suggesting the use of meaningful terms instead of the ambiguous and worthless left/right
also I don't live in spain and I don't know the specifics spanish politics. I just know that arguing about politics while using the terms left/right is fucking retarded.
none of this true, unless it's some parental control shit, does your mum still pay for your phone contract mate?
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Spanish bros. Start downloading EVERYTHING and have it on your drives. Make backups! Make backups of THOSE backups!
I'm sorry but you are either stupid or rogue, not a single one of all these bullshit measures
prevents any person under 18 from getting porn!!!!
the only thing it does is it tries to annoy the shit
out of over 18 persons and it tries to just delete rights from people.
Would you take your gov mandating an ID verification before being
allowed to use an internet connected device
for any bullshit reason?
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Just get a sex doll and make all the feminists, tradcucks, and the government mad.
good over grown bush finds
this. I hope the porn industry dies
I imagine getting a sex doll like that will get you arrested in a country that has even banned porn.
>just pay someone in another country to access it for you and hope they were telling the truth when they said they don't also sell you out to your government
Porn isn't the reason why men choose not to participate in society. Society is a transactional relationship with the individual, and right now society isn't offering that good of a deal. If the costs of actively participating in a society outweighs the benefits you receive from it then there is no reason to participate.
Better to rope all r*ghtoids that pretend they understand anything and shove through retarded policies that just make life worse for anyone not rich enough to bribe the cops to look the other way while they violate those policies.
>waaaah i need id to see porn online
cry more porn addict
Can't you just use a fake ID like how the youth does to buy alcohol?
I wouldn't bet on it. Artificial insemination produces less virile children on average. I have no confidence artificial wombs will be any better.
>covid passports failed to be adopted
>digital id directly refused by both left and right
>glowies decides its time to put the porn behind a passport
>retards cheer not understanding why this is happening

>What technology can we use to circumvent this

lol lmao

>oey vey goyim the reason society has problems is..... because of porn

maybe if this was 1960 you'd have a point but we are so far past when porn is effecting anything. porn is, at this point, just a reinforcement of the cultural norms pushed by state mandated school, corporate propaganda, and so on.

nobody drops out of society to jerk off, people drop out of society because they cant get ajob, or a gf, and are terrified of aggressive forigners so THEN they retreat into porn.

>rope all coomers and pornstars

but you wont call out the jews who produce it. curious. oh, its not curious at all. you're a glowie shilling for digital id.

this. removing porn at this point is just a humiliation ritual. get goyim addicted to something, then make it legal so you have a new generation of taxpaypigs and non-aggressive offenders for prison slave labor. it wont fix society and it wont fix birthrates, s.korea is literal proof.

s.korea is even more dystopian than that. aoc is 18, but free public school ends at 15. which means poorfags have 3 years of wage slaving around sexy adult women they legally cant fuck, which conditions them into being dysfunctional drones.

housing is bought by banks, investment firms, and forigners. it will never get cheaper in your life time.

>the people in government...... are le retarded

how can you believe this boomer cope. they know exactly what they are doing.
>but the 40 year old asked if wifi conntect to teh tiktok

because he was trying to bait him into a loaded question using very specific legal language, legal language you are too stupid to understand. The language of the ruling class is not the language of the peasents
>I love how porn addicted degens think that everyone is secretly as fucked up as they are and are just being hypocrites.
Like the /pol/ tourists that keep screaming tranny tranny all day? I can agree with that.
>he didn't scrape Tumblr with the keywords used for banned korean developed porn
>if you need to read reviews and look through forums so you don't waste your token.
Omega kek
People flee from leftist (socialist) nations to rightist (capitalist) ones. Not viceversa.
That's all the proof needed that you're a retarded faggot with a retarded ideology.
Make the world a better place by killing all leftists.
State capitalism is not leftism.
>rope all Coomers
Besides this troublesome statement, based
Namely because the socialist nations of the past had poverty, shortages and little freedom while the capitalist ones were wealthy, had plenty, and had freedom. Today the right is promoting policies that drive up prices, concentrate the wealth in the upper echelons of society, and take away freedoms. You are trying to create what you profess to hate.
I was reading about this and is not credits. is tokens so sites can profile you. in any casy any form of ID for porn is cancer
>source: trust me, bro
so lame and unoriginal, /b/ro
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They are scapegoating with porn when the corpos are the problem?
Should send all their women to the Americas for conservation efforts.
Our societies are built on the assumption of having slight population growth and will massively fall apart if that's not the case, so mass immigration is the only thing you'll get.
>State capitalism
No such thing, you stupid predditurd.
Capitalism means free enterprise, which is the very opposite of state control.
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Capitalism (rightism) enriches nations.
Socialism (leftism) impoverishes them.

>Compared to those that were less free, countries with higher economic freedom ratings during 1980–2005 had lower rates of both extreme and moderate poverty in 2005. More importantly, countries with higher levels of economic freedom in 1980 and larger increases in economic freedom during the 1980s and 1990s achieved larger poverty rate reductions than economies that were less free. These relationships were true even after adjustment for geographic and locational factors and foreign assistance as a share of income. The positive relations between the level and change in economic freedom and reductions in poverty were both statistically significant and robust across alternative specifications.

>We study the relationship between economic freedom and poverty rates in 151 countries over a twenty-year period. Using the World Bank's poverty headcounts of those living on less than $1.90 per day, $3.20 per day, and $5.50 per day, we find evidence that economic freedom, measured by the Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom, is associated with lower poverty rates. We also test the effect of various components of the Index of Economic Freedom. We find that a government's integrity and a country's trade freedom are associated with lower poverty rates. We check the robustness of our results using alternative freedom indices.
You will work to pay the retirement of some dying old hag, and you VILL be happy. And so VILL your childrens.
Where were you all my life?
Yes it is... You've just been blinded by globhomos; Because they outsourced all of our society's problem abroad.
>Compared to those that were less free, countries with higher economic freedom ratings during 1980–2005 had lower rates of both extreme and moderate poverty in 2005.
Then stop supporting efforts to remove freedoms. The jew constantly tried to chip away at our freedom, and you're cheering this on.
>and men not to participate in society.
oh hey one of the anti-porn retards actually admitting they're a marxist
protip: the idea that you can't detach yourself from society because of some innate duty to society is a core tennant of marxist ideology
freedom of association is seen not as a right but a violation of rights
how about instead of banning port you fix society instead, men have every right to reject a society that does not provide any benefits to them, and to seek comfort elsewhere
>just raise white niggers
Id like to see them fucking try. your handlers are not as smart or as powerful as they think they are, and youre a disgrace to your family and species for enabling their sick, but thankfully ineffective, behaviour
>just get replaced by niggers
I believe it depended a lot on where you bought it. So in a grocery store it was probably mostly nudes.
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>we're overpopulated
No "we're" not. Assuming you're not a chink/pajeet
I live in Spain, and we are at the point of running out of jokes.
>Only spanish sites have to comply (Does not affect Pornhub)
>Can be defeated with just an VPN
>They are aware that it is pretty much useless, so they are trying to sell it to social media networks, because they wasted money on something that was never going to work to get reputation points as "the politicians that solved the pr0n epidemic"
>They still don't know that Telegram is an IM app. first they called it a piracy app, now a porn provider.

No matter what they try, "Wanking, uh, finds a way". In the end teens would be trading pendrives or cd-r's with the fapping material like we used to before ADSL at home becoming commonplace.
Don’t tell people to move here. Fuck off we’re full.
if those whores had no paypigs to leech off of they'd have to settle for a fat greasy sugar daddy instead which they don't even want to fathom
those whores will use the same attention those paypigs give them to sway public opinion idol worship in countries like korea, china and japan has gotten really bad and all they do there is sway their flat butts side to side for men to lose their heads fucking pathetic
Texas has ID laws for porn
The fuck does it matter that China and Shittingstreets are overpopulated, if their plague is spread all over the world?
The world IS overpopulated with foreign people. You're a blind retard if you think bug colonies in the East make the rest of the world any safer from them.
Also, most countries have a boomer surplus regardless of race. Everyone over the age of 70 needs to be put down.
>Everyone over the age of 70 needs to be put down.
Maybe they'll release the Coof 2.0 to take care of that for realzies this time
Where do you live that your boomers wanna move away?
>pinning the issue on men
These social dynamics are caused by men. If men weren't retarded coomer apes that simp and drool over a hole, women would never have the leverage they have on men. If men could go one fucking minute without thinking about pussy, women would become desperate, start hitting on men themselves, lowering their standards and rebalancing the sexual market, but you gorilla niggers are here fawning over plain ass women.

Every time you act as a slave of your dick and start doing stupid shit just to have a chance with women, you're worsening the gynocracy we live in.
backups of what? your blacked porn? your carrot colored roastoid getting fucked by some bald faggot? your le hecking incest porn? your tattooed up whore making fake noises in front of a jewish cam?
fuck off and die, coomer, you have shit taste and nothing of value is being lost with this.
Just cut off people from public healthcare past the age of 65 and you'll see people dying to cancers and other methods of natural selection.
Of course there is, the country participates in a capitalist global market.
>Capitalism means free enterprise
yeah, and socialism means """egality""". in theory, are you just finding out that theory and practice are very different things, or are you gonna cope with communist tier "m-muh real capitalism has never been tried out!!!" retardation?
It's over
They always need a boogeyman to torment and this time it's the coomer boogeyman who totally is out to take advantage of women to ruin their lives and totally not other way around.
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the tech kikes used to get rid of european nobility
see >>101320369 you coping coomer cuck
And? I see nothing about that blade that would make it ineffective against its previous master.
Just make a tulpa or "summon" a succubus. Robots are also coming. People can also make porn with AI. The traditional christfag family concept is dying, which is fine, the governments just have to adapt.
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Are modern women going to somehow magically become worth the effort after the porn ban/regulation?
Increased porn consumption is a symptom.
If women were worth pursuing, there wouldn't be any need for porn.
If women weren't brainwashed from an early age to be career "don't need no man" bitches, there wouldn't be any need for porn.
Let's suppose this succeeds but men keep ignoring women.
What's the next step then?
Cock rings that stop you from jerking off?
Bachelor/childlessness taxes. Only for men, of course.
This already happens but indirectly.
A solution would be to work as little as possible to avoid paying taxes.
If you want to stay in the west, then yeah, contributing as little as possible to the system is the only soluiton.
You can also try going where the feminism virus has yet to set in, like SEA, but it would most likely be suffering without a western remote income.
>just stop being horny lol
That's never going to happen because men were fundamentally, biologically crafted to be as horny as possible, to seek out women and penetrate them just so they could reproduce. Natural selection is on the shoulders on men who end up getting on the chopping block and not women who'll always have a guy to latch on to. To counter the problem men face you'd have to substantially increase the number of women and make them horny for dick just as much as men are horny for pussy. If you want to end pussy worship you'll have to introduce dick worship, fire with fire sort to speak because telling men to stop thinking with their dick is never going to happen no matter how much they'll get emasculated.
This is as retarded as saying we need to give birth to more weak people just because it's part of a nigger's biology to want to beat up people, and that we must listen to le hecking divine biology.
Control your urges, become a fag or get chemically castrated if you ever want the situation to change for the good of men, you feral nigger.
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It isn't retarded in ancient times dick worship was prevalent and you'd have sects of women who'd make sure that men would receive their fare share. That all died with monotheism such as the likes of christkikery who chastised both men and women now you have that backfire where men are vilified while women do what they want. You must equalize both ends for the problem to solve itself otherwise go ahead and chop the balls off men like we need more troons right now.
>chop the balls off men like we need more troons right now.
this would unironically free up women
wtf i love troons now???
Porn isn't worth saving coomer. If anything, it's still a form of woman simping
Yeah, and in ancient times we didn't have the Internet or niggers in the West. What about it?
I agree that christkikism has fucked things up but you're ignoring two things: humans have less tolerance for adversity in modern times, and supply/demand applies to finite resources.

Women have ALWAYS loved dick and they still do, but now they get the attention from 9000 horny pajeets following them on Instagram, 9000 Dsoycord simps, and 9000 4chedditors saying how le women are le beautiful and how they are so le desperate to even smell one. What the fuck do you think they're gonna do?
Of course they're gonna wait for Chad to pop out of nowhere, they know they have lots of simp backups.
>Women have ALWAYS loved dick and they still do, but now they get the attention from 9000 horny pajeets following them on Instagram, 9000 Dsoycord simps, and 9000 4chedditors saying how le women are le beautiful and how they are so le desperate to even smell one
Now imagine the same thing but applied to men. It would completely even things out. You can't because there are not enough women and they are just not made horny for it because there's no need to. The scale must be tipped in favor of both sexes otherwise misery and pain will continue. Sex must be normalized once more and made sought after equally on both ends.
>the solution to end parasitism is to become a parasite
unironically in a kike controlled world where the masters are parasites and you can't end their system you'll have to wiggle your way around just like the parasites themselves do in order to survive yes you'll have to play their game if you can't overthrow them so the only other option is to keep running away
The only way to end a parasitic system of this magnitude is to just let it devour its host and starve to death.
These niggers could just block every website that hosts porn by ISP if they really wanted to try purge that scourge, but of course they would rather hold a better grasp on the plebs' balls instead.
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>replaces it's dying nigger cattle host with a new synthetic one
what now, goy?
Or just say you now identify as a woman. I was already considering it for sake of lower retirement age, but you need tons of paper work, doctor recommendations and shit. One good thing about tranny bullshit is that it can remove the gender discrimination in law, if one can just switch their legal gender on a whim.
>Why is everyone freaking out about birthrates?
civilization is a ponzi scheme, and if we don't bring more people into it, it collapses
this is the post of someone who's been hit by it the hardest

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