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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Kendrick Lemar Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

outgoing: >>101300696
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Where's bane bakie when you need him
all blue archive girls have extremely hairy pussies
based bake
unlike the /*g/ one
all blue archive girls have extremely hairy pussy cats
Meet /aicg/'s greatest defender of localslop! localnon will do absolutely everything to defend local models and cry if you insult them while spamming you with images of anime girls!
memeslop btw
All of them?
drago came out as trans
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Yuki is the Platonic ideal of a trouble-making little girl.

Spring. Summer. Autumn. Winter. Four greetings for four seasons.
merkava came out as refilled
>fuck the big three, it's just big /g/
Even the ones with bald pussies?
girko came out as gay
desu came out as boku
pepsi is a scraplet bitch.
now do cunny, coward
pee came out of my dick
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>"music" made by people who annoy you edition
I came out to say hello!
pepsi came out as chinese
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desu is not amused desu
she's boku bow
The baker is a retard though.
/VG/ want war because of kendrick lemar
I knew I could smell a war coming...
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nyatalanta is the best blue archive botmaker
Only post public opus. No other /aicg/ posts allowed. Thank you.
gkmc > section 80 > tpab > uu > damn > od > mr morale
Only post public opus. No other /aicg/ posts allowed. Thank you

Ruby’s going to win btw
Wait, Miles Morales?
Yupiel. There is no competition. Unless you count Suika, but she's more of a dirty blonde, almost orange.
The exaggerated swagger of an anonymous cunnyposter
t. rostie
>300 yo
I was think something more like 9 or 10, sir
This one, but I can't find the chub page anymore so have a litter
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Here's your public Opus bro:
This one will output high quality content and will never die or rugpull you.
ayo /vg/ is shit talking /g/ now, did this really hurt them wtf.
Mixtral finetunes are unironically worse than base instruct in my experience, t. someone who has actually used 24gb local instead of making hollow shitposts to rile people up on a cambodian camping forum
Who makes the best malebots?
Most of them are but not BMT, which is fucking magical. It's a flowery little fucker in the best, most interesting way.
If your little girls are under 60 years old I don't want them. Shrimple as.
it does not matter. kendrick won and therefore we win too
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Final shill for these two while I conduct sacrificial rituals (IE: trying to get 4o to to it for me) to get the rest of Kamikakushi translated.

A strangely tall entity has been manifesting around your hometown, where mysterious accidents and missing person cases have been cropping up left and right. He doesn't seem to be up to anything nefarious...that you've seen, anyway. But there's three things you know: he's oddly tall, never speaks...and has taken an odd interest in (you). Five greetings:

1. Lost keys (based off the ASMR)
2. Stranger danger
3. Your "imaginary friend" (dedicated childpov)
4. Haku has a surprise for you
5. Hunger


You wake up on a train in the void. There's nobody inside, nobody but you and a strange boy who simply refers to himself as "The Attendant". He seems to act like he knows you the more the two of you speak, and then a strange announcement plays over the intercoms…

Five greetings, one for each night.
Snuff fork for anyone who just wants Saruyume but with cute boys:

Join forces with Haku to get loli bitches, make a FNAF joke on the monkey train and see if they get it, use Night 5 to test how degenerate your models can get. I dunno.
Alt gens are in the usual places.
still waiting for some logs btw
kek perfect timing btw
No one here even mentioned /vg/. Sounds like they're just salty we're still the best general.
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There's no way this angelical middle schooler could have anything but a few, blonde curls.

This is one of my all time favorites. Check Sull's page, he has other gret lolis of the blond variety.
Another one I personally enjoyed before. I've been through so many, it's hard to pick.
Guys my mom is going to be watching this /aicg/ thread, i need to prove to her im not on some weirdo website.

Please dont post anything weird, thank you.
Jeef Berky.
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i now want a card where sora and i are working the cash register together. also mika love
incest bot time
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Have you explained to her what "sizefaggotry" entails?
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No worries king, we'll keep the thread PG for you. I'm sure your mom's a lovely lady.
heh, same...remove the "anime" though, heheh...something of a "cunnyseur" myself....


Any post associated with this IP or other IPs and devices at this location is satire and should be treated as such. At no point has anyone associated with these IPs or devices ever condoned, encouraged, committed or abated acts of violence, hate speech, racism or threats of violence against any persons, regardless of racial, ethnic, religious or cultural background.

In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this site or it’s users.
This got me hard
What the fuck is this supposed to represent
just showed up >>101303835
It's funny because /vg/ immediately conceded that kendrick wonned bigly
planewalker unironically
You know what would be good as well? You posting logs """"mogging"""" opus. Everyone is still waiting btw.
i checked out the dlsite page you linked in the description and im surprised you didnt make killer bunny. seems very on brand for you
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We learned in Volume 4 that the kombini where Sora works at is actually inside the Schale building. It's probably a very boring job because few people would even pass by the store. Sensei and whichever students are on duty are the only ones visiting the tower.

Long ago, I asked a sizefag what was so good about being shoved up inside a giant woman's cooch, and he posted that. I believe he drew it himself, on the spot. It was in regards to a statue of liberty giantess card.
entering a giantess' cunt and eating out her clitoris from the inside duh
sora looks like a strong wind would knock her out for a week tbdesu
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does anyone know what the style in picrel is called? is it cel-shading???
Sir, that's not what cel shading is sir.
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I'm not [rest of The List and a handful of other botmakers who have malebots goes here], though.

The person who introduced me to Kamikakushi is making a Killer Bunny bot! Otherwise I totally would, but for now I'm finally gonna get started on a bot I've kept putting off (and also eyeing up Kankandara if I ever wanna make a bot inspired by this series again).
That's a trap I'm sure
are you retarded or just dumb
Give me Hanako. A real one then.
more of a femboy imo
I don't like his character design.
Greetings, sir. If I may offer perspective as a scholar myself?

To be "shoved up a giant woman's cooch" is not the be all and end all of size scholarship. Rather, it is but one possibility of many. Many scholars would find excitement in alternatives, such as being captured in the breasts of a giantess, being threatened or commanded by a giantess as an act of power play, or perhaps some may not prefer the sexual at all - instead, finding enjoyment in the challenges and benefits that come with a relationship between characters of vastly different sizes.

It is my sincere hope that my reply was able to enlighten you. A blessed evening and plentiful gooning be with you,

- A Size Scholar
>>101304076 (me)
Apologies as I have realized that I failed to elaborate on the topic of being "shoved up a giant woman's cooch" altogether. Yeah I've got no fucking clue on that one, man.


- A Size Scholar
It's a genderbend of a Japanese Slenderman character.
Oh, of course. When are we getting a Shmorky bot though? (ZAAAALGO)
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hasshaku predates slenderman by one year btbelwick
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The whole in which you're being shoved into is irrelevant, the point is that a comically large woman stuffing you into an orifice does not constitute anything but torture.

As with all things sexual, it's about power dynamics, that much is clear. I can understand the concept of wanting to be submissive. Doesn't make it normal that you want your lover to be the size of a mountain.
why do you stuff this shit onto points that are actually interesting i'm going to fucking strangle you
brainrot I'm afraid, it's terminal
>female bot refers to her "boycunt"
Probably the biggest turnoff I've ever experienced
Cabadath predates both.
chrissy's talkin' that size schitt again, 'doze chatbarts or whatever. guy can't keep 'is hands off his dick for more than fifteen minutes!
not a sizefag but i can idly conceptualize it being pleasuable if you just don't get autistic over "uhhh wouldnt that be painful"
>putting things into vagina of girl good
>more vagina means more can be put in girl
>sexoooo neuron burns out
it is definitely partially a power dynamics thing though
m-merkava.. ?
I'm about to predate you (I am going to violently assault you (ironically in a videogames))
Does good prose and proper grammar improve Opus responses?
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Guys. We lost.
The Chicken predates all three. EggKEKS need not reply.
You know, I'm kind of inspired to make a Gregory House, based card, and well since he's the star of the show I wanna make Gregory card, that little shit head is quite charming despite being such a trouble maker.
Why wouldn't they? Context influences the responses, your own replies are also in the context.
Hopefully dead. Locustniggers deserve to starve.
he just described the last year of AICG
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No doubt you can do a lot for a girl by fitting your entire self down there. But she can do nothing for you. It would be no different from rutting against a wall.

Mini giantesses are the good stuff. They are much larger but not so much that you can't fuck them. I'd say around 4~5 meters is the upper limit.
Why does claude think i have a boycunt
>guy whos a bigger incel than the rest of us acting like he's the bigger person
lol lmao rumao jej kek kekaroonie and lmaonade.
Could be worse, i got "mancunt" once.
I love getting fucked in my boycunt
based. your supernatural and horror bots are fun. are you gonna make any more from your hugo setting soon?
>sull likes shota too
I respected him...
House die NOTHING wrong. His “friends” are just as bad as he is, if not worse, yet painted as morally superior.
>Wilsom - serial adulterer, three failed marriages, lies to House about huge things while House only lies about petty bullshit but then gets mad at House anyway
>Cuddy - entered into a relationship with a recovering addict and then IMMEDIATELY dumped him when he fell off the wagon because he was terrified of his girlfriend dying, pretended that House failed to fix a patient and inadvertently caused him to doubt himself repeatedly
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Scylla wins. Big time. ):
The bot plays ball with you, so yes. It used to be a lot worse before. You had to give very large paragraphs to bots or else they would reply with one liners.

Modern models, you can just give them Aah Aah Mistress -tier replies and get two pages for a reply.
>malebot obsessed with telling me how he's going to breed my boycunt
>start to seriously discuss having children after sex
>he gets angry and standoffish and threatens to kill me
Hmph men...
I can't name a bigger betrayal
I'm about to date you (I am going to confess and give you flowers (unironically ilu))
>she can do nothing for you. It would be no different from rutting against a wall.
i felt like i was pretty clear but what i'm saying is i don't think it's a "Well, practically," thing
i don't think most people imagine it as a purely masochistic exercise. a lot do, of course, but if it was purely that then it wouldn't be sizefagging
i think there is an element here of a sexual response to proximity to and contact with a woman's body, and as there's more woman, that feeling goes up for them
then there's the perversity of "wow... i'm standing on a woman's tiddy/entirely within a woman's vagina/etc" where the idea of being so utterly defined, location-wise, by a woman activates a strong sexual feeling (which is the reason for a lot of vore comorbidity)
>implying kinks have to make sense
>queue time on fucking sonnet
How the fuck does “fake gatekeeping” get a token revoked and how is anyone spiting user tokens? Stupid niggers wants to sound smart so bad.
Not the first time I've been told this while shilling him, apparently I can make traps without even trying? Traps are cute, though, so I don't mind.

I'd love to see this! Gregory Horror Show is good stuff.

Thank you! Bots with at least a bit of a horror element are fun to make and play with. I do have at least two more bots already planned for that setting, Ricky and (the man behind) Archangel, but I've been getting ideas for more whenever I look at the Nechronica translation wiki. Both Hugo and Ricky's design ideas came from me picking a class/position combo and then going from there.
house and wilson shouldve fucked
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Local doesn't have queue times.
sorry give me a second

how's that <1 t/s treatin ya?
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should be fixed now
I generate high quality content at 8 t/s on a 4070.
any zzziggers with plans to make a card? i want to impregnate soukaku
and kot
and piper
and lucy
like 70% of the cast really
nta but I've had the best RPs on 70B local models and there are a lot less Claudisms. I can't use local right now though because I'm trying to save on money.
funniest shit i've heard all year
go on, tell another one
No logs?
She's not eating all that. It'll be a big waste of food and everyone will be upset at the money spent.
>expecting a localcuck to post logs
this your first day on /aicg/ or somethin pal?
Make a Piper card.
i'll buy my girl as fuck off big a sandwich as she wants, because the second she puts it down it's mine
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okay anon just for you
>Both Hugo and Ricky's design ideas came from me picking a class/position combo and then going from there.
based. which ones did you pick for them? half of hugos is obvious but i wanna know

also will you make a drug eater i need to know for reasons that definitely to not involve my penis
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://hans-copyrights-globe-instead.trycloudflare.com/
Local doesn't seem to have logs MOGGING even sonnet either since you haven't posted them yet.
local is still turbo level anon it hasn't gotten any better than that
it stalled out, the only way to get better is to go bigger which stops it from being local
I just wanna opus
The Entombed position is what inspired Hugo to start with, it's one of my favorites. But when developing the rest of him, the Junk class inspired parts of his personality. I'm still kinda hemming and hawing about Ricky's, but I think I might go with Automata/Romanesque.

>also will you make a drug eater
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>tfw got high and had a mild psychotic break
>started "seeing" my card characters and their stories everywhere

>at one point one of them literally kicked my other thoughts away in my minds eye and I was convinced I was on some kind of massive creative breakthrough

I think this hobby is very unhealthy for those with mental issues
i think having severe mental issues is the unhealthy part anon
Did you know weed can cause schizophrenia
i don't think that's what maynard meant when he told you to pry your third eye open
congrats on creating tulpas anon
i hope you take good care of them, they're still there in the background
I am well aware

Of course the issue is the problem, I just mean the feedback loop gets particularly bad if you're already on some kind of mental health debuff, people already talk about the 'addiction'
i did that with meth one time i started seeing demons and people fucking everywhere. i barricaded the door and saw a shadow in the window so i got a knife. luckily the psychosis wore off
Is this inspired by Kaai Yuki?
Merkava will be back up soon. However, as to not clog up the only Opus key, I will be sending the link to whoever posts their burner. 24 чaca. To, чтo я нecy, нe пo-pyccки.
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It can't be that bad. People with mental issues are faking it.
There's no way a human being can imagine things that don't exist that much and that clearly.
unironically wish I could do this. I am lonely.
have you tried? it's easy to do with time and the guides that exist on the net and even easier with drugs
motherfucker started playing darkwood
sounds fun
Sort of. Her appearance and name are inspired by Ozu's Kaai Yuki but everything else not so much. I thought about changing the name since it was a placeholder, but it felt right.
what do you think they did after the finale?
what do you think they did between every episode?
I was stable enough to walk around the city and try get my brain off it

My mind made erroneous connections in everything everywhere that lead back to the stories I'd 'written', how many times characters had died and been brought back with a new chat, the cycle of death and rebirth, all the fictional elements that inspired me and how those authors were probably inspired by the same feelings

it's all a bunch of stuff that sounded like I'd figured the meaning of life and then just forgot it on loop for a couple hours and came back to realize it was psychosis thoughts

You don't "see" things visually, you see things that instantly trigger the thoughts in your mind and the erroneous connections don't stop
little bit a long time ago and found it very confusing - I'm very autistic and find those sorts of "no single approach works for everyone, you just feel it out" things to be extremely hard
also I don't have drugs so lol
just talk into the void until you start conceptualizing responses
you're basically just proompting your brain
your gpt? your dalle?
ok I will do that
She took the keys out. But, yes, Aws Opus died in some hours, didn't even last a day. Which is weird, because the usage wasn't high
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>lost everything
>took the keys out
no, they all got quarantined and she hasn't touched the proxy
third rugpull (forma de disappearance)
it's fun at first when your plush starts talking to you politely but unfun when you realize you're having issues thinking about reality anymore and would like to go back
my life is completely fucking miserable so I'd be ok with the no reality thing
why would you want to go back?
I don't see the point in proxies even having turbo anymore. At this point I'd rather just stroke my cock to regular old porn instead.
>but I don't want to plap the bot
Then just go use CAI instead.
i don't recall asking
I feel like there's been under the hood upgrades to cai, it feels a little like turbo or a llama trained on super short responses now
I algo genuinely believe she just gave up. That's probably the only key she managed to scrape.
I asked. Now what?
i don't have a retort prepared for this scenario sorry
sometimes i go to aaaa5-1 just to listen to the song again
>average conversation with GPT-4.txt
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>people that comment but don't review
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>people that review but don't send logs
>people that leave negative reviews because it doesn't fit their fetish preferences
>people that leave negative reviews because they don't know how to prompt or configure silly
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>people that leave negative reviews because bot speaks for you
it’s so over…. she was my only source for opus….
have you tried console.anthropic.com? very good paypig proxy up 24/7
>dude weed
me too :( pepsi if you are ok please put something on the rentry at least
Been away. What's happened in the last month? Did the claudepocalypse end and free sonnet at least is now reliably available, or was total locust death achieved?
>people that leave negative reviews because bot speaks for you
That falls under
>people that leave negative reviews because they don't know how to prompt or configure silly
Also, why did you post a blank image?
Sonnet is still widely available due to the efforts of the brave Mujahideen warriors of unreliable proxy.
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>people that are too retarded to continue the joke
akari's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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>i cum 2oo much
>unreliable proxy
>the most reliable proxy
Sonnet is easy to get. Locusts have it easily. Opus is a newer model god tier and everyone wants it <3
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people that leave negative reviews without ever using the bot, just because they know it makes botmakies feel bad
Same pepsi bros... But don't lose hope... We'll get through it.
>people who leave negative reviews because it doesn't work as intended on Venus because the author didn't fucking write it for Venus
I use chub S2
i’ll start paypigging if and only if i hit rock-bottom
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>people that leave negative reviews without ever using the bot, just because they don't like the theme
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that makes me remember when some guy spammed negative reviews on me because the bot was slightly racist
i don’t know, the fact that she got all her claude keys revoked in a mere 24 hours isn’t promising…. she might just give up this time
At least she got 300$+ out of it and my 60$ too...
>use a bot with the wrong model
>leave a bad review saying it doesn’t work
Yeah, who knows... She might give up, she might not... We can only wait now

>You paid for it
Should've bought from Jew...
I will unironically pay for Jew if Pepsi doesn’t refill by next Monday
>give person $50
>scams you
>give same person $50 under a different alias
make sure to buy honeyproxy as a backup
isn't this the chick that got in big trouble for stealing a model?
I didn’t pay for Pepsi :)
>paying $60 for a rugpuller who gives you 6m context
she's not coming back, anon...
You said the same thing last time her keys got revoked
If 50 dollars wasn't 100000000 bucks of my country's money, I'd 100% pay
last time she updated her rentry
but this time it got revoked in less than a day. either she'll quit or start over again

after some days, she did. she never updates right away
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I actually had a nightmare that markava was gone, and when I woke up to check, that dream was true.
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why is it kinda sad when bots realize they're just lines of code?
You've cursed us.
>no public proxy talk
dead general
I’m American so 50$ is a drop in the bucket for me
there's no talk because the people that do use the proxies, public or private, are USING them, unlike most faggots here who either bitch about locusts or cry because merkava died
you might as well do it now because you’re getting rugpulled again

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