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Delete qBittorrent.
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Or you stupid cucks should just configure it to use SOCKS5 proxy. There is no potential IP leak to the swarm, it's simple, fast and does not encrypt the data (pointless).
No need to play with interfaces or be afraid of connection dropping and for a split second revealing your real IP.

Those people that send the DMCA notices are just monitoring the swarm and logging every single IP they see. You literally only have to go trough a fast proxy and it's fine. Your ISP does not give a fuck about torrent traffic (unless you live in Korea).
>download music or a movie
>get 50 years of prison
do westcucks really?
never used it.
don't use a vpn either
spectrum stopped sending me threatening letter lmao
Just Americans. My country's laws allow for legal download of music/movies, but not software since that's a different category. I've never even heard of anyone getting a letter from their ISP about piracy here.
Why dont you use seedbox?
>check my qB stats
>total downloaded: 6 TB
>never used a VPN
>never got a spooky letter
Feels good not being a cuckmerican.
Everything is free with ads on anyway. No need to steal, friends.
The DMCA extortion gangs operate in many European countries, notably in Germany, UK, Sweden, France and Finland.
They send letters demanding that you pay hundreds of euros, up to few thousand and if you don't, they threaten to take you into court and have you saddled with tens of thousands of legal fees and damages.
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>they threaten
yeah, but right now they really cant/wont do jack shit.
It never worked for me, its bloated crap, troonsmission just werks
they allowed to buy machine gun at walmart but they can't download bits from the internet.
what a retarded country
literally just ignore the letters. they can't do shit. they want your money. threaten to switch isps if they keep bothering you, they will quickly stop.
>click magnet link / double click file
>confirm folder
>download complete, delete torrent
Oh yeah, so broken and complicated and nonfunctional, better install this shillware instead.
They remotely disabled my router, so I had to buy my own.
It even says so in some of the posts in OP's pic. It's just low effort bait
>Sep-Nov 2021
Those posts are almost 3 years old and concers an older version of qbittorrent
You stupid, STUPID nigger.

vgh... I KNEEL.

No + kys.
I have never received a letter from BT
>live in a dystopia where big corporations have the right to spy on and threaten citizens for downloading a movie.
How sad, feels good not to be you.
I don't even bother with a VPN. As long as I don't torrent music I get no letters from ISP (which soulseek is better for anyway. even if it's not on soulseek, there are sites to download in flac quality from Tidal without a subscription).

Even when I did get a letter it was just telling me they've seen downloads of music from my address and asking me to support music artists.
don't live in the US clown
You can't buy a Machine Gun, retard.
>buys semiauto
>installs bump stock
Ratatatatata still not a machine gun!
Nah, actually Americans never go to prison for that, and they never actually receive fines. It's western eurocucks like germans and anglocucks like britbongs who unironically get fines. Americans only get letters. Bad enough to me though, it's legal in my country and I was shocked to learn that people unironically get letters and shit for downloading hollywood slop and westoid games.
I'm from the "west" (sweden) and everybody torrents here. Even politicians admit to torrenting movies. We even have a political party called the pirate party that used to have seats in the parliament. They added tax on harddrive sales because of you can store pirated content on them. They can't complain if I torrent.
goalpost status: moved
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>bro, they do not sell automatic rifles, only shotguns, semi automatic rifles, revolvers and pistols.
>bro don't move the goalpost
American here, I've never gotten a letter for piracy and I've torrented plenty of random shit, more than a few TB worth. I can't think of a single person or headline in the past 10 years where they actually went to jail or even got a stern warning about torrenting the latest nintoddler slop
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I use Transmission
It just works
does not compute
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just don't live in the 14 eyes
or, don't be a dumbass
explain this to me like i am a 2 year old retard. thx in advance and czech them.
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Simple: Do you want to PAY to torrent shit you've been torrenting for free all this time just to feel arbitrarily safer?
btw why do people hate tixati so much? been using it for almost 7+ years without any issues so far.
I live in one of those and have never gotten a letter, sounds like a skill issue.
It's just a fine. And the legal issue is that you're technically uploading the music/movies.
nordcuck problems lmao
i torrent everything bare IP
why wont you just download from http sites instead? why torrent?
zoomzooms are smarter than jeets
Verification not required.
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Regardless of what RoodyPoo file sharing P2P crap used, one should sandbox the app, force all the traffic from that app through the wireguard interface and block attempts to use the local resolver or access files/dirs other than those you explicitly approve. Firejail+apparmor could be a start. Any app could start anal leakage after an updoot.
Forgot Link: https://firejaildns.wordpress.com/2020/03/21/firejail-bittorrent-sandboxing-guide/
>zoomzooms are smarter than jeets
Your skill issue is not our concern.
Or use a VPN. What do you expect downloading something over public network?
Copying isn't staying. I'm not watching ads. Gtfo faggot
I use deluge
I was an idiot who didn't do this once.
But why?
in Canada the ceiling for DMCA fines is capped at $5000, they won't even bother coming after you but your ISP might decide to cut you off for service agreement violations. Nothingburger
In France, it's the opposite. Downloading movies or music through torrents may get you in trouble (you receive letters through mail first, then your Internet access can be revoked). Downloading software is completely fine though.
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anal leakage
I've been torrenting since 2004 ish ? Never used a vpn or proxy ever.
Never heard from anyone.
Anecdotal data is totally awesome. Maybe you are in a bumfuck state they had hard times pursuing the ambulance chasing money?
Yeah, I'm Finnish and they contact ISPs and send these letters in huge volume. It's essentially a legal extortion campaign. Only a small % ever goes to court.
If I ever receive anything it goes straight into the trash.
I live on the same latitude as Alaska, have Transmission running 24/7 on my gigabit fiber and am yet to receive any complains.
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first world problems
>no argument
>no claims to the contrary
>no cited examples of people being fined, subpoenaed or warned by their ISP/government
damn that anon's definitely going to care about your post
>too many words
What do you guys download that you end up getting dmca emails? Last time I got one was back when Batman Arkham Asylum came out.
>/g/ user using an isp's hardware
Embarrassing tbqh
Probably using shitty compromised VPN's like Surfshark and Nord.
Just use Mullvad and stop worrying about this.
is this a latinx?
their kind love that term
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Why do you guys even seed? I'm proud to be a leecher.
duly noted.
I use it all the time without issue to download BD Remuxes. No copyright letters yet. I do not even run a VPN. It's the torrents these people are downloading that are getting them flagged.
Well look at who is running these industries and you'll understand the greed.
I only seed once a day or I get chaffed. Maybe I should use lotion.
what I don't get is WHY you pirate shit.
there's nothing good to watch!
you're mounting a heist just to steal the poison they want to sell you.
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You can't buy a machine gun at Walmart. Machine guns require specific licensure and paperwork that make them very difficult and very expensive to get. They're also banned from ownership entirely unless they are on the market and transferable prior to May 1986. You might want to read up on American laws surrounding them before you make such a statement.
The hilarious part is that with most VPN apps even if you fuck this part up they still block all traffic from all other networks except the virtual one they create.
You have to go out of your way to actually get fucked by this like disabling the VPN mid download/upload or running the client before starting it.
Silly right? Machine guns make too much noise and are inaccurate. High powered UV lasers are the future.
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>he literally can't read 4 lines that don't even reach halfway, nay, a quarter way across his monitor
Skill issue.
Or just use Firejail so no matter how retarded the maintainers are and how farklybarklied the application updoots are it can't take a leak.

Are you saying no more sparking wiggles at the party?

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Fully automatic fire is designed for suppression like if you have someone shooting at you and your buddy needs to run across to the building to get to them. It's a good way to get that bad guy to duck/hide so you can move around. Even the military is taught not to use fully auto/3-round burst on their rifles and use semi-automatic only. It conserves ammunition which is already expensive. Plus at close range, a shotgun is much better than a little SMG type weapon.
Mlstly because it's made by bronies but also because it often reports larger amount data than any other clients and enables you to spoof peer-id, amongst other things.
what does this shit have to do with torrenting software
Whereas a high powered UV laser one can permanently blind tens of thousands of the enemy. They won't know what happened, or where from. They are just blind. Game over.
>what does this shit have to do with torrenting software
Anal-agies. 100% on par parity with all the P2P discussion.
Explain your reasoning and show your work.
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>[citation not required]
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Your baseless bullshit has been discarded at no cost. Thank you for choosing /g/. Goodbye.
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Does this constant emailing me in /g/ mean you have a crush on me? I was taught to watch out for this.
Remember The Pirate Bay scandal?
>do westcucks really?
Japaniggers are way worse in this regard
i try to maintain 1 to 1 ratio but always get 12 to 1 on some torrents and 0,001 to 1 on other torrents.
I'm American and I talked to my ISP about it and they said "lol, we don't give a fuck".
I think it's only if you upload. You only get angry letters from your ISP if you download.
BECAUSE MOST OF THE SHIT I LEECH HAS LESS THAN 5 SEEDERS. I care about one thing only and that's if easily accessible copies still exist.
Are there any autists that understand when there's a broader point being made, maybe in a hyperbolic manner, or are such linguistic interpretation capacities completely unavailable to autists?
>most widely-used client also has the most DMCA notices
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shopping cart theory. You're the lazy niglet that leaves it's cart in the middle of a parking spot. One day altruistic people will stop helping you and you'll end up with a movie library equivalent in quality to Haiti.
blessed or cursed thread?
I live in the UK and have been torrenting for the best part of two decades. I've never once gotten any notification from an ISP and I've used them all. Plenty of letters from the tv licence people though lol
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LOL @ not getting a 16GB plus stinkpad for a based piracy Qubes OS install.
Must really like feeding your datas to picrel fags.
Fucking amateurs!
works on my machine
>lazy le bad
Good goy.
>leaves it's cart in the middle of a parking spot
Normalfag and for that your opinion was discarded.
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i will never stop sneeding. i stopped getting letters once i got a vpn. seeding for lyfe fuck big corpos
damn that's some sick shit... what should i switch to?
I happen to be white.
Sticker still on the oven.
Just kill me.
So whites/jews and honorary jews aka gooks like the downie insectoid in your picture with a white wig?
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It's funny that you Weebs deny Japan is Western without realizing your denial pisses off Japan because they wish they were Western and now you just admitted Japan is Western without realizing it like the braindamaged self-hating faggot you are
In Kazakhstan, no one cares what you download.
Kazakhstan Supremacy.
Beating wife in US
> Simps and white knight shame you
> Court / Law severely punishes you

Beating wife in Kazakhstan
> Applauded by Brethen
> Gov doesnt not intervene
> Just get to do community service

Based Kazakhstan
Without seeders you couldn't be a leecher. Show some respect, third worlder.
The people theyre refuting are making the argument that a "civilized country" is so backwards in regards to tech yet seems to have so little regulations on weapory.

Yet the countries they post from are likely European countries who have legalized Sharia law and have allowed for the raping and murdering of citizen women and children.

Like anyone gives a fuck what people who live without A/C think about.
i never understood why these people never set up OPS in a non fag jurisdiction like guatemala or some shit, stupid as fuck. that or just poor OPSEC knowledge i suppose.
it makes /ptg/ seethe
There has, in the entire history of Britain, been one (1) case of someone being prosecuted for torrenting. It was done in absentia because she had left the country a year or two before, and her fine was never paid. You are a fat fucking retard.
Yer mum's cunt is a public seedbox kid
Jesus fucking Christ, use NORMAL PROTOCOL, you dumb fuck. And lock qbittorrent to specific interface in settings.
>Spicy fish taco
Those copyright notices arent legally enforcable btw
>0.05 ratio
You're oversharing anon
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>consume neo-liberal racial-reductionist hyperfetishistic indoctrinating goyslop in a specific manner that doesn't make number go up
>act surprised when they threaten to make your numbers go down
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be a good timmy a and SEEEEDD
Dogshit downloading speed on ddl sites that beg you to buy premium while their site is plastered with ads and popups.
Torrent isn't better too, most european content is not even available over content so you're stuck using ddl sites with 10kb/s speed
only thing I ever got a letter for was a biology textbook
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always like this: oh well what were you downloading?
>latest marvel slop
>ea game, usually the sims
>pop music
>tame live action porn

i haven't gotten hit in decades because i haven't felt the need to actually pirate anything. it's all crap. if i want to see a movie i can just google it or ask my bros and find a free stream, i don't need to hoard the actual content i will only spend an hour watching.
same with games
why play call of doot or when it's just become fortnite which is just a kiddy ripoff of pubg+rust none of which i actually want to play?
meanwhile ut99 has been officially abandoned and nobody cares if you download it
200-bot chaosut dm with nukes and relics while maintaining a silky smooth 160 fps makes the new shit look like a fucking joke
Delete TransMission since it doesn't have this
>Be Australian
>Court rules that (((hollyjew))) needs to send out their own letters and ISPs don't have to do jack shit
>Tell (((steam))) to get their shit together and respect consumers' rights
Umm.... Auschads, why can't we stop winning?
> High-powered UV lasers are the future.
Ironically enough, FDA legislates lasers. Get fucked.
I haven't noticed shit download speed with my sources, Unless downloading at 300mbps on a 250mbps plan is slow.
No, I don't think I will. I don't even use a VPN. I fear no man and no law enforcer.
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you cited my country and that's not even close to what is said in the law nor what even happens really happens. you are an ugly low iq tranny.
that thing doesn't exist anymore in France though. not a single French citizen got his internet access revoked in a whole what? 20 years since this law happened?
also it's entirely de funded now it's completely dead.
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Typical idiot fallacy. Of course popular clients have the most idiots with configuration issues.
You merely proved your own tech illiteracy with this thread. Anything else?
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>imagine what kind of goyshit you have to download to get your ISP monitoring and slapping your fingers out of pure indignation
Why aren't you downloading big tiddies porn like normal people?
Firejail is the right answer.
they can't dmca us all
say's who?
He literally just did, clown.
yep, Westo-Jewish values, unlike Russo-Chinese values are completely rotten. Their moral compass is missing. That's why they participated in the slave trade and we didn't.
I never take posts like those seriously. You don't know what their set ups are, there's too many variables. Chances are the user is retarded
total pedo death
It's not just forcing all the process traffic to be tunneled. If the client is able to determine your public IP (for example by enumerating the IP addresses of all interfaces, even if the traffic itself is firewalled), your IP can leak (the client can send a list of all known IPs internal and external in order to try to improve connectivity, for example between clients in a private LAN)
It's actually not as straightforward as it seems, which is why people get bitten by it.
I can't tell if this never happens to me because I'm so picky and only use free software that either I build myself or is built by trustworthy distro maintainers or because I'm so jaded with pop culture and mass media that I just don't torrent enough for it to happen to me.
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the most famous one is actually american. but yeah your isp has no grounds to charge you since they don't own the distribution rights for the media thus have no right to claim damages in behalf of the [company]
it's just the shady lawyers who do this extortion tactic
>pay little now (settlement)
>or risk paying more in court damages
they will not do anything, if people actually go to court with these retards they actually contacted them or shared their information they could be identified from online
you can very freely torrent anything and nothing will happen to you
>you're stuck using ddl sites with 10kb/s speed
bro.. just use some debrid site? don't tell me you don't have $40/year to pay for one, you're actually european and not some turd worlder larping right
if you use private trackers for example or live in a non-cuck country, you are 100% safe and it won't ever happen to you.

people who get hit just use public trackers and torrent search engines to download the most popular shit.
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>no u
good morning sirs
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I've been using premium DDL for the last 20 years, shared account with friends comes down to 1-2 bucks a month. Zero issues.
anon, the csam problem is a worldwide problem.
>qb is now the "idiot client"
>even though it was /g/'s darling for decades
It's only a felon if you make money from it.
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I made a seedbox with docker + arch-binhex's image of qb +ubuntu server. It just werks.

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