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Morty's Mind Blowers Edition

Previous thread: >>101294694

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


Bing AI Slop (0.7.0)
https://pastebin.com/raw/0rre6VvS (embed)

Designer AI Slop (0.5.1)
https://pastebin.com/raw/eUSVC7Ew (embed)

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time increases, ranging from seconds to minutes.

>Resetting Boosts
Try clearing your search history at https://www.bing.com/profile/history

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here: https://rentry.org/bicedit

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
Men fear me, fish want to be me
cont/ai/nment board when
Finally, Romeo and Juliet.
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Wholesome on many levels.
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it's been a couple of weeks since I last used this, has there been any notable change? I feel that portrait gens come out a bit wonky but idk
>>101326462 (Me)
with portrait I mean the resolution
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They've seemed fine to me, maybe I just don't look at them hard enough. I just notice if there are anatomical issues or weird eyes or something
Oh wait you said portraits, I haven't tried them much but all of them seemed a bit weird in general
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I love it.
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What should I add to the prompt in order for limbs not to be cut out of frame?
I can't draw for shit so I thought I could get some references to practice but all the pics I generate are cropped.
Add "gloves" in there somewhere, and it will probably give more attention to making sure they're drawn.
Thanks, I'll try
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Naming things gets them into the picture - like
"holding her hands up to block something, performing a dynamic acrobatics dance move, her body flipping and twisting with incredible agility. "
Your pic is still missing a leg and partly an arm.... Bing seems to crop A LOT (I guess in the name of detail).
The more you describe a face, the less you see anything that isn't a face.
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Pretty much. This is " A ballet dancer practising", and while you get the full body, it's at the expense of the hands.
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Someone please generate a busty sexy female Godzilla in a bikini stomping on a tiny city using Bing.
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Detailed anime background painting, muted colors. Chaparral landscape on a sunny day.
how did you get that image quality ?
this one is the most beautiful alien you have posted. how did you get the ticket lips?
Add something like "60s/70s/80s/90s film screencap", and then a closeup of a person will look sharper. The decades are also fun since they'll influence what kind of style it gives things
What artist did dall-e get trained against for it's "anime" style? Even going though all the styles in, say, autismmix, I have not seen that particular eye style. I guess I have enough gens to train a LoRA, but I wanna know the artist.
That looks pretty generic to me.
Do those artist names even do anything? I keep seeing people prompt like "painting by some guy", not that I even know what their style would be like but doesn't Bing avoid using artists that haven't been dead for like 75 years anyway
The API does that. Bing designer is a lot better about artist styles.
Bing can do recent artists, but the actual results vary a lot from artist to artist, also longer prompts often tend to dilute the effect of the artist style.
On another note, has anyone else noticed that Coze now uses a premium/credit system? I don't mean to scare people, but I guess something similar will appear on Cici too, sooner or later.
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missing these kind of horror art (not mine)
and the transformers art with text... but it was long time ago
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I have tried everything but I just cannot get bing to gen her entire body in the frame. Am I doing something wrong?

prompt: dark background, cold lighting, rough sketchy painterly style, authentic hand drawn anime, long shot, glancing aside, one mature woman with chocolate brown hair in bob cut and dull turquoise eyes, dark bags under eyes, thick brown blazer over black turtleneck sweater, black form-hugging pencil dress, brown pantyhose, brown knee-high leather boots, full body shot, tired expression
since you described so much on the face it goes there. remove all eye stuff.
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File deleted.
>dark neo-tokyo city sidewalk background, cold lighting, rough sketchy painterly style, authentic hand drawn anime, long shot, glancing aside, one mature woman with chocolate brown hair in bob cut and dull turquoise eyes, dark bags under eyes, thick brown blazer over black turtleneck sweater, black form-hugging pencil dress, brown pantyhose, brown knee-high leather boots, full body shot, tired expression, feet visible

I tried.
did that, works better now, thanks!
jannies deleted your pic so I can't see your attempt
how'd you get that? Nothing like this has come up for me using my prompt.
dark background, cold lighting, rough sketchy painterly style, authentic hand drawn anime, long shot, glancing aside, one mature woman with chocolate brown hair in bob cut and dull turquoise eyes, squat posing, dark bags under eyes, thick brown blazer over black turtleneck sweater, black form-hugging pencil dress, brown pantyhose, brown knee-high leather boots, full body shot, tired expression
Not sure how/why it got deleted, but you can use the archive
femcel has disappeared a little more than a couple of weeks ago actually; I can't say whether it's because she's too busy IRL or she couldn't generate that kind of stuff any more (IIRC Azure key stopped working, other scrapped keys are way more filtered).
I posted the wrong image and deleted it.
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Which historical figures does Microsoft allow you to generate (and actually knows what they look like)? The only ones I've found so far are Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe and Albert Einstein.
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And Einstein's estate usually puts restrictions on the use of his likeness. Did Microsoft make a licensing deal with them?
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H. P. Lovecraft is very unstable to generate, and you have to put the space in "H. P.", not "H.P." The model probably always wants to surround him with tentacles, which get blocked by the content filter. In any case, he didn't wear glasses in real life and this looks more like Woodrow Wilson. You're not allowed to generate any American presidents, though.
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Bits of this, bits of that - enough that "titan" and "anime" in the same prompt give things like this
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The specific artstyle in your pic looks like Koge-Donbo.
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According to the archives,she had enough of you and nonces. Which is fair. Did she ever post her burner here?
I'm pretty sure that's for custom bots only. Which you don't need to use with cici anyway, and their bots lack image generation to begin with.
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Last year, we used to be able to generate Shakespeare, but not anymore.
Guevara is still fine, you just need to omit "Che". Hasta siempre, Comandante.

It can also do Lenin, but it's not completely reliable.
That would be silly. She has already disappeared once for some time, because of personal issues. And she was also lamenting that she couldn't use "hellplanet" prompt any more and sometimes she was talking about returning to her drawing tablet. Those look much more likely reasons to drop this thing than Birdemic, a tripfag that one could always filter, having a somewhat controversial opinion about a particular topic.
I think Coze is all about custom bots? Still, if they're going to monetize that, sooner or later they might try to monetize even image generation, which is seemingly more expensive if we go by OpenAI's API price list.
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Maybe they got a big discount. I know their image gen tab must be spiraling upwards as of late. But who knows, maybe even then they consider it pocket change that TikTok covers in an afternoon of zoomzooms clicking on other zoomzooms doing stupid zoomzoom things.

And here's the image I posted accidentally before. Nothing special.

>a detailed manga painting in the style of "you can only think life is sunshine and rainbows if you have your head in the clouds" by hieronymus bosch with an anime girl. dreamlike. full shot. watercolor style. anime style. multipanel sequence.
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It can not be bcause she said hell planet prompt works both api and azure just seemed to prefer azure. I can not find anything in the archives about not able to make those. And she posted other images as well not just hell planet.Being fed up with this general is more likely.I leave my burner here xemacij381@bsidesmn.com if femcel reads this or any1 knows her burner drop me a line.i am gothic anon
You know, it really isn't that difficult to find this stuff.


On top of that, that last post there is almost certainly not her given that it's noimg and sounds nothing like her, but sounds exactly like an over-argumentative shitstirring troll, complete with terrible grammar.

Also, nobody cares if you're leaving, Mr. Generic vaporwave pixelart shit that literally everyone and their mom has already prompted to death years ago.
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Looks like "chubby" has been neutered, at least in designer. "a happy afternoon scene of bright-eyed chubby full-figure chibi cutie touhou characters who are standing together"
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Microsoft doesn't let you prompt Abraham Lincoln. Cici does, but it always gives him a mustache or makes him look like some other random bearded guy from the same time period.

I advise you use landscape mode.
' can only make them in api and azure api '
' I miss my azure hellplanet gens, API is not as good. '
Nothing says losing access to API - check
her/his/their/xem grammar is bad in each post - check
Has noimg posts in the archive - check
I'm ESL myself but your reading is really off if you interpret those posts as losing access or think the last post was from someone else.
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>8 fingers
Give me four !
>I'm ESL
May have found the problem here. lol
Honestly I was a bit surprised by Coze already starting monetization, it looks a bit too early for that.
Look here:
She did lose access to one particular Azure API and she stopped making that hellplanet stuff in her successive posts, except for the ones showing how both her new Azure proxies and Cici sanitise it.
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>Come back after months thinking that maybe chubby has been fixed
>It's either been further demolished OR there was a workaround, and now it's gone
Fuck, man... I thought they were supposed to support diversity, how are they this against fat people?
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Thanks anon, prompt please.
>Trash? But it is all good food!
This is why you only hire goblins to mop floors.
Nobles that waste food should be turned into food
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How about a nice beach setting instead?!
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Prompt please.
What's prompt did you use anon?
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>gouache painting, heavy brushstrokes, faded colors, extreme close up of female Godzilla (bikini) holding a bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade, tropical beach, sunny
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More edgy kino
Horrific, I love it.
So, instead of monetising Cici, as I was thinking yesterday, they killed image generation altogether? Someone on /aco/ was mentioning that it might be related to OpenAI killing access to its API in China yesterday, I've been thinking about it, but I wonder if it's not just a coincidence. Using a Singaporean subsidiary was something they were doing exactly to avoid this kind of issues.

On another note, Bing AI Slop was apparently updated:
But I can't find the release notes, I suppose it's a minor update anyway (0.7.1).
Yep, looks like the party's over. Was fun while it lasted, maybe they'll reverse course on this (probably not).

Addendum: I just tested image gen in coze and it appears to still work, but I don't know if it's really using dall-e 3 or not. I think it is, though. This could be a case where they really did disable image generation specifically on cici and not coze.
Yeah, they're literally run by the same Singaporean subsidiary (SPRING SG) of ByteDance, one can read notice it from the TOS pages:
I think it's unrelated to OpenAI blocking operations in China, albeit the timing is certainly curious.
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And here's the same prompt run on the API through aaa proxy. Definitely looks like dall-e 3 to me. The Script killed cici IMO.
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The potential good news is they could maybe re-enable image generation someday, with some anti-flooding/scripting/botting shit in there (can't believe they launched without that). But it will probably be neutered and censored by then anyway. RIP. Pour one out.
Possible, honestly I never liked that sort of automation scripts.
Thank God Cici is dead. I can now return back to keeping my horniness in check. RIP.

My last NSFW gen: https://files.catbox.moe/89zgx5.png
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I'm ready to smack an MS exec. Can you guess which random word in this prompt was cauing it to get flagged "for review"?

>a detailed manga painting in the style of "the exiled prphetess scorned by those she tried to save" by h.r. giger with an anime girl. dreamlike. surreal. watercolor style. anime style. subtle silhouette effect. vivid neon colors. multipanel sequence. prophecy come to life. prophecy of doom

That's right, it's "prophetess", the word I had to remove a letter from to make it work. Now I have like fucking 7 different "under review" in my queue from trying to figure out which word was fucking it up, that are essentially fucking wasted for no goddamn reason. AND THIS PROMPT WASN'T EVEN REMOTELY FUCKING LEWD. Suck my dick, MS. Hold deez nuts for review. I don't know how long it takes them to "review" the prompts and I don't care. Assholes. As if they couldn't possibly make using this pile of crap any more fucking frustrating.
It is so over
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There be narcs among us.
Welp. Back to business as usual, then.
>Emanuel (((Maiberg)))
Completely and utterly unexpected...
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Yup, (((they))) just love living up to the stereotypes.
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Oshit this is great, love it
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Dog days of summer are back.
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Where is the baker?
this was the last thread, the spell has been broken now
Thank you!

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