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>he fell for the Windows 10 LTSC privacy meme
Did everyone forget 10 was the original spyware OS a decade before 11? You can't block telemetry without blocking access to the internet, and even then it still logs your usage of various programs and system functions locally within the registry.
This is to enhance your experience Anon, it's all good for you
works on my machine
only when windows becomes unbearable to use or when any of the linux desktops become usable out of the box will year of linux come.kde is closest to a usable de and even that has annoyances like insane defaults.
>inb4 just confiure your system bro
i did. other people might not have the amount of patience that i have tho. i'm guessing that when microshart starts doing always online cloud shit is when people will seriously start looking into alternatives.
I was a little confused when everyone began talking about how the IoT/LTSC version(s) had no telemetry.
If the device is made to always be connected to the internet then it'd be weirder to have it not collect and report data.
post wireshark in desktop idle
You are getting spied on, you just choose to be ignorant to it
firewall blocks everything besides exceptions, so everything is fine
Telemetry is not a spyware and the rest of supposed "spying" is blatant bs made up by obsessed NEETs. Retards always mumble about muh spyware every single time a new version of windows is released. And yet they have 0 proofs that microsoft is actually spying on you.
omg haii Mr Gates ^^
>firewall blocks everything besides exceptions
it does not
try blocking any of the addresses you see in wireshark using windows firewall or simplewall, it won't work
All proprietary software is spyware until proven otherwise. Windows XP only pinged Windows Update and Activation servers from Microsoft. Windows 10 doesn't even try to hide the fact that it is constantly logging and sending information to Microsoft.
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Windows and macOS users are retarded. People literally uses this https://github.com/Atlas-OS/Atlas and thinks it is open source. It has proprietary GUI that can't literally do anything they want. On top of the proprietary OS that has proven to do all the bad things ever. Apple sells illegally users data every year and pays propaganda ads with that profit that says "iphone = privacy" and users are so stupid they eat that without any thought. iCloud leaks, but they did more propaganda about that so users don't care. FBI and NSA gets all the data but they did that "apple won't open iphone for the FBI" media thing and after that users don't care anymore. Intel macs had permanent hardware backdoor, but after propaganda users don't care. Now even the macs with M-processor have permanent unfixable hardware backdoor, but after propaganda users don't care.

These absolutely brain dead npc tier users (Apple/Microsoft) are the type of people that thinks Linux means terminal while they tinker with third party proprietary applications, scripts and registry fixes from random fan forums to get normal features and "removing telemetry" while real Linux use means just installing Linux Mint or Ubuntu LTS and using GUI for everything.

These Windows and macOS/iOS users are type of people that defend these data mining proprietary corporations, hate free speech, cry about everything but still taking that all like cucks every single time. 100% there will be multiple anons right now defending corporations, proprietary and saying Linux is trash etc. This is how stupid they are. Funniest thing is how much (brain dead) anons hate lgbt, propaganda and try to remove telemetry and spying while literally taking all of that and supporting it by using these corporations that are now days forcing this to Linux world (Microsoft, Apple, Red Hat etc.)
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Linux/foss haters are like hating bikes while loving cars and at the same time only using bike and services that supports those that you hate, only consuming content you hate and making laws that prevents you to use cars. How stupid you are?
Even after all these years I'm afraid people will still be benchmarking Linux against Windows XP or Windows 7.
>You can't block telemetry without blocking access to the internet,
> lol
i can't ever imagine being this much of a compulsive lying pedophile that has no idea how windows functions.

>won't work
works on my machine, computer illiterate pedo. you're a fucking idiot. lmao.
Linux Mint is already what you describe. Even a 70 year old grandmother could start using it without issue. You're just a dumb gaymer making excuses like always.
You've managed to say exactly nothing in your entire post.

Telemetry goes through svhost.exe. If you block svhost you are left with no internet yourself. Simplewall cannot block it because you either allow svhost or you don't, and IP based rules don't matter because there are thousands of different IPs and they get updated daily. If you are using Windows open the resource monitor and check the network traffic, the "system" process is constantly sending data to Microsoft server and some other stuff too. Even if you use SimpleWall it will also inform you that system (ntoskernel.exe) wants internet access.
good morning sir
Just get an AMD GPU.
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>All proprietary software is spyware until proven otherwise.
this is your brain on /g/
No I actually quit using using windows over 10.
You know no one actually cares about 11s spying when 99% of people gave 10 and 7's back ports a pass.
I've seen the telemetry ssl stripped and they are spying on you in an adware capacity.
This. Kde plasma 6.1.2 is good enough and close enough to Windows 7 for me.
The burden of proof is on the party supplying the mystery box to assure the recipient they are not receiving a listening device or pipe bomb in disguise.
but hes right?
Your computer can even be controlled remotely through windows update. Free software is the solution obviously but windows ameliorated is the only windows version that hasn't been proven to spy on you and be able to remote control your PC.
People talked about Windows 7 and 8.1 updates having telemetry backported into them. If you're using a stock or custom ISO you won't have this issue.
Wait until you do the same thing to Ubuntu and you'll realize Ubuntu spies on you more than Microsoft does. At least on Windows you can block it with 3rd party firewalls that hook into the OS and show you ever app connection or api action.
>Simplewall cannot block it because you either allow svhost or you don't, and IP based rules don't matter because there are thousands of different IPs and they get updated daily.
svchost.exe is only necessary for DNS. Restrict access to port 53 and you are good to go. Or use dnscrypt, then you can completely block svchost.
>Apple sells illegally users data every year
Dropped. Retarded post coming out of troonixtard's ass
>people think any internet connected device is safe
All your hardware has a backdoor. You have multiple tracking devices on your person at any given time. You want privacy? Go walk off into the nearest forest and never step foot outside of it again.
>You have multiple tracking devices on your person at any given time.
Last time I checked I only had one mobile phone on me with a removable battery.
OMG they are spying on me??? OMG!! Can they see the video games I play and the rumble videos I watch?? Can they also watch me type nigger online?? OMG I'm so scared!
Do you have a place of residence? Use a CC/debt card? Use an ATM? Go anywhere outside your house? If yes to any of those, you are being tracked and have no privacy.
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>pipe bomb in disguise
finally, we're discussing the true purpose of the Intel Management Engine
>Intel Management Engine
And the AMD PSP, derived from ARM's solution.
this. plus, i own a smartphone so the glowies already got me, i use ltsc just for the no bloat factor and software/games just working with no fuss, its all i need.even better that most my library is pirated and i have little/no interaction with microsoft asccount bs on my system
very patriot of you to ignore prism
It does not work like that. Unless you have evidence that certain software spies on you, then it is not spyware, obsessed NEET.
so get some logs and post them here or btfo
Just a quick refresher for your "muh privacy" retards:
>If your government wants to fuck you up the ass, they'll do a tax/financial audit on you. They'll ALWAYS find something, because those laws are specifically labyrinthine for that exact purpose. And they can do it over, and over, and over again.
>If a government REALLY wants to fuck you, they'll just kill you. You'll be found in the forest burned to death, a brick will smash your head in, you'll catch a shotgun blast to the back of the head, or you'll hang yourself and turn off your TV an hour later... and in all of those real life examples it'll be declared a suicide.
>If, however, the government wants to spy on you, they'll just go to your Internet service provider. I happen to work for one, and you have no idea the amount of information we have open access to. VPNs don't do shit, neither does TOR. We have free access to basically everything you do online. In fact, a service provider has access to so much information we actively hide it, just for the sake of not bothering with additional beaurocracy. The only thing saving you from being monitored like in a cyberpunk dystopia is that 90% of the government are clueless boomers, who have no idea how to get access to such data.

Thank you for listening to my lecture. Nobody cares about your gay OS or your distro of the month. It doesn't matter.
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>It does not work like that. Unless you have evidence that certain software spies on you, then it is not spyware, obsessed NEET.
>just because the government can kill you if they really want to by virtue of having information on you and correlative data that means it's okay to have private corporations and faceless weirdos stealing all of your other information
Fucking retard.
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Microsoft has strong double agent strings to pull in case this has a risk of happening and has been doing it for decades (renember the parasit that was hired to help with GTK by the FSF and just pushed for the GTK3+ abomination that's the default DE on most corpo backed Linux distros and wasted time with his pet project Mono? He's now an official MS employee doing a half assed effort on making .NET "open", surprising for no one. Also renember when some mysterious pronoun drama targeting the main Debian Plasma maintainer erupted just im time for the freeze before Bookworm's release so none of the last 5.27 bug fix patches made it?).
>Did everyone forget
Unironically yes. By the time Windows 13 comes out people will be saying 11 was the last good one. This happens every fucking time.
>what is a hostfile
>what is AcrylicDNS
Just block it with a firewall
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I mean, yeah? But the issue is not the government but private companies syphoning your data for their own, for-profit, purposes.
Everyone knows people can just disappears if someone high up wants it, I dont thinks anyone can argue against that.
Not sure why you think LTSC had zero telemetry or spying. It's just simply the best clean slate to install, then you use Portmaster over it to block the fuck out of everything by default.
then it should be trivial to turn it off. i dont want my usage "patterns" to inform your software development
>just im time for the freeze before Bookworm's release so none of the last 5.27 bug fix patches made it?
why the fuck is debian like this? it's an x.y.Z patch release. it's not going to break anything. patch your fucking shitware os already.
>Go walk off into the nearest forest
And then be tracked down by a forest janny and given a ticket for no woodcutting permit or fishing license.
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werks on my maschine
>VPNs don't do shit
>I know, I'm an employee at an ISP and when you turn on your internet, connect to your VPN and click on your browser, we somehow magically have access to the data on the server you've directly tunneled into.
Stfu, you raging cock addict. Your dad retired from Nintendo in 1994.
horrible taste on anime feet btw.
You're a complete retard, that anon is clearly taking about a real fucking firewall not some shitty meme software. Stay in school, you won't make it far without it.
>ITT technological immature anons discover that their Chinese edited LTS build of windows 12 lts-lgbtq+ still phones home and can't be blocked by disabling group policies
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telemetry is absolutely a form of spyware, data is being collected and sent to a third party. in this case its MS and the US government, probably a handful of others as well. dig around in the subkeys of FeatureUsage from picrel for just one small example of it. with "Recall" and the other stuff being added to Windows it'll only get worse. as far as I know there is not a single group policy that targets these forms of telemetry from being collected.
just say you couldnt figure out gpu passthrough for your kernel anticheat slop vidya faggot
i get random ass freezes whenever i do anything on linux. used to use linux mint at first and then kde neon. i used both daily but the stuttering was just too annoying for me personally although i suppose it is issue with kernel not the de itself. still, try explaining that to a random guy. also, i have a dedicated vidya computer so that's not really an argument for me.
i don't doubt this one bit. that's why i think bsd is a better option even if it has less features (as in worse driver support, less builds in official repos, less people using it etc). god bless the openbsd autists tho.
Most of us who use ltsc dont give a fuck about max privacy. So long as there is no faggot ass AI shit, no retarded bing start menu and no forced onedrive/bitlocker crap and explorer remains snappy were good. All I do on the computer is shitpost here, play some games and jerk off to korean girls. 11 ltsc 2024 pretty good for that.
Who cares? I swear y'all overreact about this telemetry.
>linux desktops become usable out of the box
This happened well over 10 years ago. Like a battered woman, you'll simply find an excuse to stay with your abusive OS.
Just install simplewall, block everything except DNS and DHCP. That's it. You have internet, but no telemetry phones home.
Not to defend windows but most of that is from nvidia, huwai, and there is one from cpuid and the first one is a ping to microsoft servers to check for internet connections (most linux distros have this too).
poo loo
diferent opinions, which one is true?
baby ducks will never stop using windows, they treat their computer like a toy
Idk, but I just installed simplewall and blocked internet access for svchost and I am still here with my internet working.
I do that with a different firewall, I only open up the ports I need from it which from memory are..
53, 5353 (DNS), 67 (DHCP), 123 (NTP time sync), 546, 547 (file shares), and 5355 (multicast). additionally I open port 80 / 443 only when I want to update windows.
>over the course of an hour
> a handful of dns requests
Oh no.
Apple does this every year you fucking sheep npc. Apple Faced $8.5 million fine for illegal data harvesting in 2023. Apple was hit with third class-action lawsuit over data collection even when users had data tracking "off" in 2022. They had software and hardware backdoors in every Intel based products for years. They did the data harvesting and sold the date AGAIN 2023 and was sued AGAIN. They sold App Store data and iCloud data to third party in 2021. Even today they have now new software backdoors and new M CPUs have now new hardware backdoor. Permanent and unfixable. They sold customers iTunes data without consent. Apple (and Meta) sold user data ILLEGALLY AGAIN to hackers in 2021. And this goes from 2024 to time where Apple was two guys in a garage.

Apple is company that makes money by selling users data ILLEGALLY. They have one of the biggest media propaganda machine ever. After fines, they still make over $200 million profit per year by breaking the law (just the profit from selling user data illegally) and they use this to do that "privacy = Apple" propaganda. And it clearly works because stupid retard ncp sheeps keep buying and thinking privacy while consuming Apple software and hardware.
0 proofs saar
If you are connected to the internet you are being spied on, anything else is cope.
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spot the glownigger in this thread and win $100 Google Play Gift Card
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>And yet they have 0 proofs that microsoft is actually spying on you.
Not so fast, Satya Nutella.
This isn't proof though, that whole video could be a sham. What exactly is the 'special decryption' program he uses?
Yes, this blocks connection to the internet as already mentioned before.
No it doesn't, stop lying you fucking retard. I already deboonked your stupid lie >>101333275
>op literally showcases using simplewall with the exact IPs shown in wireshark on the blocklist
>ignores the hostfile
>allow dns
>placebo blocked IPs are free to communicate again
Is it that hard for one distro to just copy old Windows?
People have consistently hated Windows since 8 though, and this is reflected in Windows losing market share continously ever since.
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kek retard
Windows/Microsoft have always being hated but it really started for consumers between Vista and XP.
>this is reflected in Windows losing market share continuously ever since.
Not that I'm aware of for desktops, things have been more or less stable thanks to piracy and corporations.
>B-but it lost couple percents in the market
Microsoft and the others have diversified things and don't rely only on their shit software to get gibs.
>port 53
That's DNS protocol...
Nope, Windows 8 was a vast improvement over 7 it's just that zoomers and luddites hated on it en masse. Normal people did not have a problem with it.
>Normal people did not have a problem with it.
Except it looked like dogshit and was also buggy as shit with drivers, it's also where flatshit design began. It ran alright I suppose but that was the sole redeeming quality I can say. Otherwise it didn't offer anything new.
Move on grandpa
>it looked like dogshit
No, aero was dogshit and I was thankful they finally got rid of it.

>buggy as shit with drivers

>it's also where flatshit design began.

Oh, you are one of them. There is nothing wrong with flat design, it's a vast improvement over what we had before. Time to move on.

>Otherwise it didn't offer anything new.
8 had a lot of improvements under the hood.
Bait too subtle, almost 100 posts and only 2 noticed.
>No, aero was dogshit and I was thankful they finally got rid of it.
They didn't get rid of it, a homosexual reskinned it as "metro" and began the UI inconsistency disaster.
AMD Catalyst drivers, also software vendors ending support for 8.1 long before Windows 7.
>There is nothing wrong with flat design,
Just use the fucking classic theme like a normal person instead of this troglodyte tablet OS abortion interface instead. Oh wait they got rid of that in 8 too because reasons.
>They didn't get rid of it, a homosexual reskinned it as "metro" and began the UI inconsistency disaster.
I do agree that the UI is inconsistent, but that's been the case for Windows since they started doing the luna theme. However aero was still distracting crap that was heavy on resources and looked dated as fuck.

>AMD Catalyst drivers, also software vendors ending support for 8.1 long before Windows 7.
AMD has always been notorious for driver issues.

>Just use the fucking classic theme like a normal person instead of this troglodyte tablet OS abortion interface instead.
Classic theme is looks way too dated though.
Nigger, you are accusing someone of spying on you, therefore you are the one that should supply evidence to back up your claim. You have severe mental condition if you think otherwise.
Good luck disabling it without borking your windows install, lmfao.
>telemetry is absolutely a form of spyware, data is being collected and sent to a third party. in this case its MS and the US government, probably a handful of others as well
Show us the actual proof or BTFO. capture some requests with network analyzer, reverse-engineer them and point where exactly this occurs.
>Staged video from one tinfoilhat on windows insider proves something
top kek
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Did you miss the part where Windows 10 talks to;
And a lot of other domains?
hello mr. nutella saar please do the needful and work with durgasoft for including oracle java with windows 12
>please prove a negative
Also, Microsoft was the first to sign up for PRISM.
>Nigger, you are accusing someone of spying on you, therefore you are the one that should supply evidence to back up your claim.
The burden of proof is on the software vendor. See >>101327079
the Patriot Act is all the proof you need you stupid fuck.
>please prove a negative
Alright, you are brain-damaged, I got it.
>Microsoft was the first to sign up for PRISM.
PRISM was about cloud services, not local software, you uneducated subhuman.
>PRISM is a code name for a program under which the United States National Security Agency (NSA) collects internet communications from various U.S. internet companies.
Try harder.
Sounds like a personal problem you dumb faggot. Linux just works on my machine.
No retard, it doesnt work like that. The software vendor is innocent until proven guilty. Following that logic, I can say that you raped your own mother and now you have to prove that you did not.
Again, this doesn't prove that windows is spying on you. You can't use /pol/ logic on other boards and expect somewhat reasonable people to agree with you, obsessed NEET.
When windows becomes unbearable I’ll move to macos.
Linux is for web servers, neets with infinite free time and people who enjoy spending 8 hours every other week figuring out why this random driver stopped working
>PRISM was about cloud services, not local software
not sure if retarded or just trolling
>Following that logic, I can say that you raped your own mother and now you have to prove that you did not.
not sure if retarded or just trolling
You dumb fucking gaslighting cretin, the NSA/FBI literally approaches every major software/hardware on their soil and asks them to incorporate a backdoor for their own use. The idea that they care about your privacy when they have the largest surveillance apparatus in the world is idiotic at best. They did so with CPU manufacturers, OS vendors, Antivirus vendors, ISPs, telecom companies, and so on.
>ok, post proof then.
This is why your father figure beats the shit out of you
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>conspiracy theorist nonsense

This is what you look like btw.
I accept your concession.
>You dumb fucking gaslighting cretin, the NSA/FBI literally approaches every major software/hardware on their soil and asks them to incorporate a backdoor for their own use
Your pseudo-anecdotal evidence is not real evidence. If this was real, then anyone , including you, can verify just that. Spin a windows VM , describe your setup precisely, record some network requests , reverse-engineer then and point exactly where is microsoft accessing your files, webcam, microphone and so on. Until you do just that, you are nothing but obsessed schizo who has very loose touch with reality.
k you're just being a retard I guess.
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people like to hate on it, but you're unironically right
8.1 was great. the superior performance and big leap of improvements under the hood can not be understated. windows 10 was identical to 8.1 under the hood until the few last years, no real improvements have been made since 8.1. that's when the competency left microsoft
>The software vendor is innocent until proven guilty
fuck off. that's only the case if it's FOSS
Spyware is software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.

Windows is a proprietary closed-source piece of software that transmits data covertly from the end users hard disk in order to obtain covert information about their system and activities through unsolicited network traffic as we've seen time and time again.

Now kill yourself.
In case you didnt know, half of the "people" on /g/ who sperg randomly about software spying on them are /pol/ tourists (the other half are freetards). The will never post any reliable proof to back up their claim since they have none, as their hallucinations are anything but real. Both groups are also tech-illiterate as well. Most /pol/ roaches still use windows 7, writed down their passwords on a piece of paper and thinks that smartphones are the satan himself. Freetards on the other hand decided to re-learn the whole new OS just because they couldnt bypass account requirement/couldnt cope with modern windows UI.

It doesn't matter anyway, nobody cares. Only you schizophrenic conspiracy theorist trump supporters do. What are you hiding? CP?
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>Show us the actual proof
open wireshark on a clean windows vm, type some shit in the start menu, thats all the proof you need you clown. also why the fuck do you think that FeatureUsage key exists? its not to benefit the enduser. https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/how-to-employ-featureusage-for-windows-10-taskbar-forensics/
>people like to hate on it
You bet I do, and I used it from 2012-2020, far longer than Vista or 7. Only XP comes close. And I tell you, 8.1 and especially 10 just feels fucking miserable to use. 8.1 was at least relatively lightweight-ish.
>gets called out for being a disingenious dumbass and gets proven wrong with concrete definitions
>deflects and claims it doesn't matter that it is guilty as charged
gg ez
Have sex incel.
Nah sit the fuck down, you're ez kid.
If you look past muh start menu, 8.1 was better in pretty much every way. Windows 7 aeroshit was heavy and ugly.
Have you ever had sex? It doesn't sound like you have.
Yeah I can tell from your mother being easy runs in the family.
That board is honestly the biggest mistake this place ever did, especially after 2016. You would hope they'd just stay there, but they don't.
>Windows 7 aeroshit was heavy and ugly.
Non-issue. You could just turn it off as we did if you so desired. And you could still rice the OS as you please.
>all this user error
I can tell just from the domains you didn't censor you have no fucking clue what you're doing.

And you KNOW you have no fucking clue what you're doing, it's why everyone posts these kinds of threads. You're hoping someone will educate you, but you're too ashamed to say "I don't know anything about OSes, software, or drivers" so you just drop a shitpost bomb and hope to scum the replies for handholdy info.
>In case you didnt know, half of the "people" on /g/ who sperg randomly about software spying on them are [HEADCANON]
Even so it was still clunkier and buggy. Have you forgotten what a pain windows updates were?
The 8.1 explorer and task manager and taskbar on the top of my head were also big improvements.
Have you ever had sex or not?
This image has already been posted before you fucking tourist.
good for you bro. hope you didn't waste too much time fucking around with it.
at that point might as well just use linux. macos is fine if all you do is webdev and kikebook. i use it at work and it's nice because it doesn't get in the way of work until you have to do something more demanding.
worthless post
>proving me right
Nothing but ignorant children here afraid to ask questions but with tribal allegiances to their coke/pepsi operating systems.
lmao do you chuds actually get paranoid about some nobody seeing how many times you clicked a button?
>fuck off. that's only the case if it's FOSS
Software is not safe just because its foss. Phobos client and recent xz-utils backdoor are the perfect example of that. In the former case, the malicious source code was public for some time before it got discovered, the later case clearly showed how brittle and insecure foss software supply chain is.
>covert information
All the telemetry data is anonymized, non-identifying and has 0 chances of affecting your life, so it is not a spyware. The rest of the comment is your weird masturbation fantasy.
No, you came with your delusion and therefore you are responsible with showing the proof. Do that yourself and show us where is that supposed spying.
you're literally posting off topic schizobabble targeting a ghost
Telemetry is not spyware, fucking idiots. Why do I keep seeing these thrads? Going to start hiding them.
>All the telemetry data is anonymized, non-identifying and has 0 chances of affecting your life
hello where is proofs :DDD
all these corporate "we totally care about your privacy bro just trust is bro" statements have been usually worthless
they have no obligation to not collect data on you, it is within their power
>All the telemetry data is anonymized,
wheres the proof, faggot? show us the code or shut your fucking mouth.
It's in Microsoft's TOS idiot.
And you believe them? LMAO
FAGMANs "just trust me bro" assurances are worthless
look at the onedrive/gdrive/icloud affaires recently
Over schizophrenic trump supporters? Yes.

>look at the onedrive/gdrive/icloud affaires recently
>random drumpf ranting out of nowhere
fucking americans
>hello where is proofs :DDD
>all these corporate "we totally care about your privacy bro just trust is bro" statements have been usually worthless
because? can you proof that ms is lying about their telemetry?
>they have no obligation to not collect data on you,
They do, because if they start doing it too aggressively, they might annoy their business customers. Many industry branches that we all depend on explicitly use windows and even microsoft knows that they cant mess with those kind of people too much or the whole world will be screwed.
see above, chuddie.
I wasn't ranting, that's what y'all are. Conspiracy theorists, like flat earthers and shit from /pol/. Weather you're from America or not it dosen't matter, you're alt-right.
you're worse, you're retarded or brainwashed
that's pretty cool kids, the adults here are talking about a desktop OS that doesn't shit the bed with basic bitch stuff like drag and drop across different programs, it's okay you or "grandma" can use it, but some people need more functionality our of it than browsing facebook or taking pictures of your troonish desktop
maybe one day linux desktops will be mature enough, bug unlikely given gtk/gnome faggotry, gayland and xorg autistic bickering, and others
>Software is not safe just because its foss
never said that. I just said they have an innocence til proven guilty, unlike your nonfree gayware.
>all these pearl clutching fags coming out of the woodwork to defend the bill gates company with abused housewife excuses
>Idk, but I just installed simplewall and blocked internet access for svchost and I am still here with my internet working.
so just because MS publishes a document on their site, you take it as the gospel? You're be-clowning yourself, Spend even 10 minutes reading up on the Patriot act and its interaction with US tech companies. There is no denying the government, You either comply or you go straight to prison for reasons of national security. for as long as the government wants. see: INdefinite Detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA),
oh and to add to this, look up the Lavabit case when the NSA wanted to get information on Snowden, same shit. the owner was threatened with prison and hit with massive fines.
No, I'm just a normal person. You think there's anything worse than a literal nazi fascist?
Snowden's a national tratior, what toy expect?
I could care less, anyone can be marked as a terrorist without due process due to the way that retarded law is, 5 eyes spyclub has their hands over all major tech companies and if you think that microsoft is merely collecting that data to help improve your user experience you're delusional, or a streetshitter shill for ms. either way dont even bother replying im hiding the thread and movnig on since I have better things to do.
>think that microsoft is merely collecting that data to help improve your
Or I'm just being factual.

>dont even bother
So you admit defeat? Good, bye now go back to your containment board.
>so just because MS publishes a document on their site, you take it as the gospel?
Yes, chuddie.
>You're be-clowning yourself
Said the tech-illiterate /pol/ tourist too brain-damaged to use anything other than anecdotal arguments or his own fucked up logic in a discussion. lmao.
only problem is no gorgeous looks
post simplewall and wireshark screencap
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TRVTH NVKE. Although I prefer white tomboys and I have to ocasionally run inventor on my computer desu.
>babyduck westerner has nothing else except midcentury german warmonger to benchmark evil
oh no no no ahaha
That's why Windows was the business users system of choice for decades.
>bateman poster
>proudly ignorant
1 cent has been deposited in your Microsoft account
Well chud, was he evil or not?
>it's just that zoomers and luddites hated on it en masse
Zoomers grew up with 8 and 10.
Man I fucking knew it.
Why was /g/ shilling this shit so hard.
Is that why they obsess over 7 and go "muh fruity aero"?
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Enterprise g chads don't have this issue
>chinese letters
Go outside this echo chamber and you'll realize people by default look back fondly on everything before 8.
No they don't, do you talk to people in real life? Nobody cares about these things.
these two are tourists.
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No, just you.

Have you ever had sex or not?
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>downroad this virus
pass chinaman
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Dude. >>101331251
If you go into either Windows Defender Firewall or Simplewall, create a user rule and select svchost.exe and take the action to block it in any way it will fuck up your network access after a few moments lest you unblock it. Are you sure you actually blocked svchost.exe with Simplewall or did you just leave it in the "apps without internet access [silent]" list?
So you don't talk to people in real life?
Microsoft doesn't spy on its customers and also santa claus is real
Schizo thread.
You're a weed.
What does hat even mean? That I'm high all the tiemo?fo LMAO.
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You're fucking pathetic.
There is no reason to set permissive rules for a program that already has internet access.
>a real fucking firewall
Shitware like Windows Firewall does not count as a "real firewall" you dumbass.
I didn't know this, but I blocked it with Windows Firewall and didn't have an issue until a few hours later where my internet simply went out.
That isn't Windows Defender Firewall.
The "services" option doesn't have anything to do with allowing DNS/DHCP.
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My internet was still working for hours after blocking it in Windows Firewall.
Use a firewall n00b
Fucking summerfags
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>kek reta-ACKKKK
Attempt to """block""" this process or whatever addresses you create rules for with snake oil placebo toys like Simplewall or Windows Firewall as you please, even with the former's settings out of the box with the entire blocklist activated it will still communicate with Microsoft servers even if you yourself may not have access to the internet due to firewall settings. And it's a long list of shit that's going to be trying to initiate unsolicited requests. >>101334725
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Now do us a favor and actually analyze the content of those requests. Unless we can clearly see our face, webcam content etc. being uploaded to ms servers then it will remain a twitter tantrum.
b-but my argument
still waiting
you dont understand, they are spying on me! they see me clicking the task bar!!!
oh no no no no
microsoft shills eternally btfo
Samefag windows cuck
>they are spying on me! they see me clicking the task bar!!
that IS spying you dipfuck
>every single "privacy" feature to disable built in spyware was a lie
>the firewall is placebo shitware
>smartscreen being off will still send files for analysis to microsoft
WOW, almost like it could be logically inferred from the very beginning.
baby duck thread
You're not doing a very good job shilling for your consumer cattle product
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Not a problem on Qubes OS!
Agreed, I should have gotten off this stupid janky Spyware OS and the stopped using the spyware programs and services it supports half a decade ago.
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>retard gets filtered by GPO episode #2374329742374029374023740216471231
wew lads
lots of poojeets astroturfing for m$ in here
Generalplan Ost?
>you are poojeet because you disagree with me
you are poojeet tier because you are a dirty liar who is denying reality
I do, do you?
>the firewall is placebo shitware
>blocking telemetry at the router breaks windows
I bet that furries in IT have more sex than you.
the problem is that you're a lazy retard not running windows firewall in default deny mode. blocking a bunch of urls and playing whackamole with processes in simplewall is not what i have ever advocated
this standard windows server install without any debloat scripts or tinkering dumbfuckery DOES NOT communicate with microsoft when svchost is restrained (the ONLY microsoft program allowed IN A DEFAULT DENY MODE WINDOWS FIREWALL) or disabled
again, you're retard. big big retard. learn how computers work
>reality is what I read on /pol/ and twitter
Just install Debian and avoid the headache.
Retard calling someone else a retard
It doesn't unless you consider blocking microsoft.com and thus onedrive not working """breaking windows""". This guy is just a massive retard talking out of his terminally underinformed ass. Just look at this cretin being surprised Defender is phoning home when he hasn't even uninstalled it.
>what is Tinywall
Can't you just edit the host file in order to loop back this traffic every time the system tries to resolve these domain names?
By default, Windows Defender Firewall blocks all inbound network traffic unless it matches a rule that allow the traffic.
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>Can't you just edit the host file in order to loop back this traffic every time the system tries to resolve these domain names
If your hostfile gets too good Windows Defender or Windows Update will take care of it. Dunno if exclusions work.
Works for me with Acrylic DNS.
You know you can remove defender?
Theoretically it should work if you just set the default option in Windows Firewall to block and update the hostfile with unwanted domains pointing towards a looping address, plus minus simplewall's default blocklists.
Is this after you turned telemetry to the minimum in group policy?

That doesn't make the leaked one real assface.
simplewall is literally windows firewall
Just block anything connected to M$.com, eZpZ
What addresses do I need to block on the router to make wangblows stop working
what's the headache?
you're a retard who can't into basic firewall management
i'm not an OS tourist like you. i have plenty of experience with debian as a desktop and linux in general and i have very good reasons for using this. i need no help with adding an executable to the outbound rules list once in a while
yes, obviously talking about outbound
can u answer this >>101347471
PeerBlock and ShutUp10. How is this so fucking hard?
no proof
no argument

L plus ratio + 41%
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skill issue, block CIDR or ip ranges. DNSAPI has hardcoded ips for domains
proof of hardcoding
program name?
lmao lurk more retarded zoomer, this is literally the first result if you search for packet analysis
there is nothing more incel than analysing packets
you know, you dont have to be such a faggot
you asked me for the tool, next thing is you pretend to be retarded or that it was not you
im not even him you retard
>DNSAPI has hardcoded ips for domains
Which no amount of firewall blocking will stop.
are you fucking retarded mate?
except that you can block ipranges and CIDR

if they hardcode IPs for domains, you can still block the IPs, you cannot go lower
if DNS cannot be blocked you block the IP
are you serious that illiterate? is this what it feels like to be surrounded by zoomers?
blocking IPs wont help
I have just about every IP range by Microsoft blocked from a few months ago and the telemetry is already back. What are you talking about?
seriously is disgusting how these microsoft faggots send data or calls to some ips, windows 10 supposedly will not have updates anymore so why don't block everything about them?, or release an scene, modified version of all their shit, but i prefer a tool for these things, i will not uninstall my os, i have many things there, i think many people won't reinstall or change os, we need a solution for this shit
Stop caring, it's anonymized data that's just done for user experience. Don't listen to /pol/ chuds, there's nothing else going on. Occam's razor.
You're fucking retarded, THAT'S DNS QUERIES YOU MORON
Ever wonder why
these blatant troll
threads that violate
the only rule in the
sticky are never
deleted while the
mod is literally in
these threads all day
deleting posts?

Because the
apple nigger mód
is the OP posting
from his iphone.
He spends 20 hours
a day of his worthless
NEET life posting and
babysitting these falseflag
anti-linux anti-windows
flamewar troll threads,
deleting posts
exposing him as
the OP, and saving
his troll threads
from page 10 after
every 1-4 hours
of no bites.

The only way to purge these shit threads off /g/ is to put a bullet in his head.
DoB: 2/2/1983
Age: 41
3004 Nor.folk Dr.
Austin TX 78745
(864) 421-3980
2020 Toyota Camry SE Nightshade VIN# 4T1/G11AK8LU913695

Larry Richard Irwin
8 Manly Drive, Greenville, SC 29609
(864) 232-2849
DoB: 3/20/1958

Alicia Hilley Irwin
DoB: 8/5/1956
Died at 58 on
April 3, 2015 when
she realized her
son was a faggot.
He then immediately
blew his inheritance
on fag virtue
signaling toys:

Lawrence Richard Irwin
DoB: 5/19/1985
Cocain addict
shoplifter brother

Leila Alexandra Scogin
DoB: 1/27/1991
Thot halfsister
between his mom and
Richard Gordon Scogin.
TL;DR mom was a whore,
dad was a cuck.
And in one trip to DC,
Rachel Bieder
dumped Jay and
engaged David Woolston
(must have been
going on for a
long time for
it to all happen
in one trip),
making Jay
a cuck as well.
This is why cuck
in all caps is
word banned.

>Sankey diagram with premature end paths
ur cute when u get this mad over consumer products
i'm not the one to jump to conclusions, but it feels like a glowie psyop trying to obfuscate basic computer literacy when /g/ can't even into a fucking application firewall (which is useful regardless of OS)
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>it feels like a glowie psyop
people don't want those either
yes, i'm usually not the one to jump to conclusions. but it's really simple to just cut out the bullshit with windows firewall, and it has been there and known about forever. yet everyone nowdays seems to prefer speculating, guessing, bikeshedding and tinkering installs to death with scripts and bloatshit like simplewall. do what i did and watch nothing happen in tcpview/wireshark
how do you guys filter internal traffic in wireshark btw? maybe im not using the correct term...
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>The "services" option doesn't have anything to do with allowing DNS/DHCP.
confidently wrong stupid nigger
like >>101327296 said you can also restrict ports
and >>101333327
>any of the linux desktops become usable out of the box
then it will never ever happen
I'll win euromillions ten times in a row before a single linux DE is any good and I say that as a long-time linux user currently on kde.
Acrylic DNS is a scam, I put with all ms subdomains and they were still connecting.

Put google.com in there, and that connected too. Fuck off shill.
They filter by DNS queries but don't check to see if there is any TCP/UDP traffic being proceeded by them.
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I've been sitting here with SimpleWall running (no tray icon for whatever reason though) on startup with all OOB blocklists enabled, System and svchost.exe set with user rules to allow for DNS only, with any other executables that have popped up so far blocked access. I have disabled outbound/inbound connections that do not match a rule in Windows Firewall and disabled some Windows rules. I have ran the debloat powershell scripts and have used ShutUp10. I have edited the hostfile to have as many domain names point to a looping IP.

So far, these are only domain from the hostfile the system has queried, however there is no TCP/UDP traffic corresponding with it of any kind as far as I can tell. Just DNS queries and responses. All else seems quiet if I just idle it in desktop (so far), having only opened one instance of ungoogled-chromium with Startpage active.
windows defender can be disabled in group policy in semi cucked versions of windows.
it can happen but such a distro kind of has to go against almost everything that 'unix philosophy' tries to establish. unix-like systems can totally be made usable for the average joe - just look at macos. when open source devs figure out why macos is successful the year of linux will come. i sincerely believe things are not as bad as /g/ makes them out to be but it's true that time is running out because more and more surveillance measures are being implemented in mainstream proprietary oses. too much money in them not to do it.
holy tinkertroon
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Even creating an outbound rule that indiscriminately applies to services only and all programs and application packages seems to just work so far with no disruptions. Gonna leave this setup running for the day and see if it tries (and presumably fails) to connect to anything other than endpoints used for operating system patches, updates, and apps from Microsoft Store.
Truth be told I don't really know what the fuck I'm doing, I'm just reading through this thread and the archives and just bashing together some semblance of a "solution" and even then I still "missed" something as far as I can tell.
>being this obsessed
lol. LMAO get over yourself your not that important!
You're a waste of bandwidth.
all they do is collect anonymous data, what are you so afraid of? your not important. schizo meds now.
Everyone should have quit windows when they released windows 8
Lies from a retard
>all they do is collect anonymous data
Unsolicited network traffic is spyware behavior, fuck outta here with that. This is need to know information for Gates and friends, I didn't ask for my machine to ping their servers.
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>anonymous data
Being this daft..
see >>101333781
1. uninstall simplebloat
2. set windows firewall to block all inbound and block outbound
3. delete all inbound and outbound rules
4. add executables of internet facing programs you need
5.1 add svchost.exe to outbound
5.2 go into its properties >>101349615
5.3 add a new svchost.exe for each service you want to allow >>101349615 (trial and error)
5.4 add these ports: >>101333327 53 DNS, 67 and/or 68 (DHCP) and 123 (NTP)
6. profit
I remember when they released that video showing it off looking like the UI being from that Idiocracy hospital receptionist scene. I seriously thought they were fucking with us.
Just don't connect to the internet bro
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Good times
It's not unsolicited, you agreed to the TOS the moment you installed it and it is not spyware. You are mentally ill.
I will attempt to follow these instructions to the best of my ability and see the results. I will probably try this on my laptop first (running 10 LTSC IOT with only the Powershell debloat script used along with ShutUp10) since it has very little on it.
>Privacy; Consent to Use of Data. Your privacy is important to us. Some of the software features send or receive information when using those features. Many of these features can be switched off in the user interface, or you can choose not to use them. By accepting this agreement and using the software you agree that Microsoft may collect, use, and disclose the information as described in the Microsoft Privacy Statement available at (aka.ms/privacy), and as may be described in the user interface associated with the software features.
I seriously hope you're not actually using the Windows firewall. This is a troll post, right?
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here's a built in predefined rule set that you can get inspiration from :^)
Did you read what you just quoted to me?

Captcha: PVSTD
Based irrefutable evidence
far from evidence nor irrefutable
not evidence chud
Windows has the same exact problem, which is why manufacturers install and configure it out of the box for normies. I swear it's like most of you don't even have a basic grasp on how normies interact with computers or what they even value.
>all this tinkertroonig for windows baby ducks to still have the os send dns queries to microsoft servers even if other traffic is blocked
the os will always betray you and ping back to home
Are these both inbound and outbound? Currently playing whack a mole in the windows defender firewall creating allow rules until I can use a web browser.
isn't Atlas os open source? how is it not open source?
i have added svhost to outbound also and i still have internet, i will check tomorrow also, but what for is this?, what programs not related to microsoft use svhost?
What is the best one and done Linux distro?
(you) think about "others people having sex" too much, seems like a projection from (you).
in macOS turning off some telemetry shit actually works, and it never turns on again. https://youtu.be/TJiOv2sLVxY?t=149
No, I just know none of you have had sex which is why you're all trump supporting fascists

Have you had sex?
man, people in this board really are tech illiterate. I'm not even a windows user but you have to be fucking stupid to believe DNS queries mean something or can't be blocked...
why do I even come here anymore?
how dare you post facts on a tech poser website
Ok smart person, what then does it block of DNS is connecting to those addresses then?
have you ever tried running your own DNS server and a separate firewall to block requests to certain domains/IPs/ranges? you know you can build your own routers or even modify SOHO routers to do that, right?
What I mean is if their are queries to it that means it's connecting to your computer. If it wasn't after blocking all of the IP ranges, why is it showing up in Wireshark?

>soho routers
Like Soho in London? What?
I'm still not able to get internet access even after allowing svchost to use dns/dhcp and opened up the aforementioned ports, prob doing something wrong
>What I mean is if their are queries to it that means it's connecting to your computer
what? not necessarily. it doesn't have to work like that. plus, as the other anon said, they have hard-coded IPs so why does DNS even matter?

>Like Soho in London? What?
I'm ESL but you are just retarded if you can't even google this shit.

fucking faggots jfc...
>they have hard-coded IPs
If there harded you can't block them, no workaround.
>All the telemetry data is anonymized
They know whose system that comes from. It is never anonymous.
just migrate to fwt you faggets
This works but simplewall is easier to configure and allows granting temporary access or monitoring traffic to an extent. It's literally just a better frontend to windows filtering platform.
yes you are right, i disconected and nothing worked, i was still conected that is the reason cuz still worked, after restarting or disconecting the internet will not work, so is not an option
halarious watch undeniably scrub because to suspect property sporadically list save a broad step-aunt live a safe state dump.

shunt, envious timbale
i installed simplewall and is awesome how it blocks everything, and it let you chose what allow and what not, the only problem it has is can't minimize the alert window
starting with windows 10 they included proper albeit not most up to date drivers in their windows update which is now enforced so it's not really a problem. any mouthbreather i've encountered managed to install chrome on their own and besides if you manage to set up windows on your own chances are you can get it to a functional state on your own as well but that's besides the point. as you say oems configure windows so end users have nothing to think about and that is the crux of the issue - end users don't want to think. that's why linux needs to just werk out of the box.

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