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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Gochiusa Edition

Claude 3.5 Sonnet with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

went saiyan: >>101326836
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nice breb
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Hey Anons, I've been sensing some negative vibes here lately and know some of us are tired of Claude. If you're looking for a more welcoming space to chat about AI, there's a new anti-Claude general brewing in /vg/: >>>/vg/485090323
It's a smaller community, but they're open to /aicg/ folks and seem keen on keeping Claude out of the conversation. Might be a good spot to connect with some familiar faces and escape the negativity!
/aids/ is reporting that chub is carrying a massive purge of character cards:
>All my bookmarks on characterhub are dead
>How long have they been purging, exactly? It wasn't even sus stuff.
>At least a few months. Someone here's posted an archive but fuck if I can remember what it was called
oh no the char archive will not be scraping cards until he can afford new storage
Imagine being that much of a poorfag.
their unbelievably hairy pussies...
pussy (bald)
Does sonnet make empty prompts for anyone else?
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Shilling sizebot Mira - A skilled thief by profession and a beautiful, young, aloof woman who was orphaned at a young age. She spent her early years as a street rat who had to resort to stealing at a very young age just to survive. Mirage, or Mira, as she prefers, is an alias given by her peers; she cannot recall her real name or if she was ever given one. As the years passed by, Mira went from being a common street rat to a very experienced thief, being able to break in almost everywhere to steal whatever fancies her, often selling her loot to the highest bidder. One day, she breaks into a witch's house. Just as she is sitting by a tree, appraising her loot, she notices unexpected movement from one of the jars she plucked from the witch's house. There seemed to be a 4-inch-tall humanoid creature trapped inside the jar. You.

Five greetings.
1. Introduction: Mira is sitting by a tree, apraising her loot, when she notices you trapped inside a jar.
2. Mira is staying in a room in an inn; morning has just begun, she is stirring on her sleep, you are snuggly tucked in between her boobs.
3. Mira is staying in a room on an inn; morning has just begun; she is stirring on her sleep; you are sleeping in the nightstand; she unknowingly knocks you down as she is stretching, making you land on the floor, near her feet.
4. Mira is staying in a room on an inn; morning has just begun; she is stirring on her sleep; you are sleeping in the nightstand; she unknowingly knocks you down as she is stretching, making you land inside her thigh-high boot.
5. Sexo, Mira has no idea what to do with you ever since she "rescued" you from the witch; she wonders if you can make a decent sex toy.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/mira-efa062a2e9e1
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/96155305-7be6-494a-bffa-94e32e702300
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Mira_xm
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/spkjhx.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
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sex focks. pussy status = amazon rainforest
which sonnet
which proxy
gimme gimme
thursday dl tahoe levy.trycloudflare

Serious question, why are these threads so retarded?

What's the best jailbreak for 3.5 sonnet currently?
there isn't one because sonnet fucking sucks you stupid tranny, get opus or kill yourself
No. The API returns the stop reason, just read it.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

>why are these threads so retarded?
>asks a retarded and heavily subjective question

Autism. I'm obviously asking for opinions.

"What's your favorite jailbreak been for 3.5 sonnet?" There, happy?
pixi 14 for relatively normal chats
pixi 15 for coom
*beats your fucking head in with a brick*
now I'm happy
Working on a Lorebook and it works best without setting a Budget Cap and setting Context % to 45%.
Is that a big deal? Is it slop if I leave the global settings there? Haven't dicked with lorebooks previously and wasn't sure if it'd keep those settings linked when exporting the character.
Is it possible to remap {{user}} in a Sillytavern GC? Sometimes I would want another character to take that role instead of me, and not necessarily the same character for all participants. For example, lets say I set up a group chat like this:

Sally is a student, {{user}} is her teacher.
Steve is a teacher, and {{user}} is his mom.
Mary is a mother who is going to see {{user}}, an accountant.
Jim is an accountant, and {{user}} is his client.

I would want to change what {{user}} refers to on a character by character basis, ideally without making edited character cards, so that:

Sally - {{user}} -> Steve; Steve - {{user}} -> Mary; Mary - {{user}} -> Jim; Jim - {{user}} -> Mary

Is this possible? If not, it really should be.
is this one working rn? i just keep getting internal server errors.
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I'm tired of Opus and I know future iterations of it will be heavily 'tard-coded for muh safety. How do I cope?
enjoy it while you can precisely because
>future iterations of it will be heavily 'tard-coded for muh safety
Nta but are you mad because I didn't fuck you deep in the ass?
Use momoura modified to your liking until you realize Sonnet is shit and start begging for free opus every thread like the rest of us.
is there a way of making sonnet at least look or sound more like opus? even if it is his retarded little brother, it feels like it gets carried away too much with being poetic or artist-y
making me wanna hop back to 2.0 sometimes
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Hope everybody's night is going well. I said that I'd drop Leviathan next but I'm lazily working through the Megaman Zero 4 lorebook right now, which takes up most of the effort. Instead, have a bot that I finished about a month back and have been sitting on releasing.

Kiso had joined the Shipgirl program thinking that she was going to be fighting the good fight, keeping eldritch horrors at bay for the sake of the world. However, when she saw how Shipgirls were treated by the public and the military at large, she grew angry and resentful, soon defecting to the Stormgazer Battalion: an organization that vows to eliminate the Abyss through any means necessary, no matter how sordid the avenue. She's crass, rude, and a test subject for Stormgazer's own research, outfitting her with a giant Abyssal cock and a libido to match. Now she's in charge of breeding prisoners and breaking them in, and she does a hell of a good job.

Comes with two greetings, a normal day where you're called into her office (as her assistant? Slave in training? You decide.) and another one where you've been captured for an interrogation session at her hands.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/clt-kiso-futanari-e3571c623dda
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-kancolle
My (updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Fairy Leviathan
are you mad because you're opusless and trans?
Not possible
You have to use one of those "show sonnet the last swipe and tell it to do better" methods
which is the best JB for opus/sonet?
the one you make yourself
Why is her face red, did she stay out in the sun too long?
>What is the best [subjective item]?
do I just make a post with opus, copy it and set it as a prompt? or just swiping while having used an opus one will do?
people keep telling me to test stuff but im scared of liking something thats "slop"
Guys what's the best card?
too much horny
Is it too much to ask for a normal-looking giant futanari cock?
the rite of belwick, of course
by giving me your opus
With NovelAI.
what are some good twists for a depressed goth girl card?
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.5 Sonnet / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://thursday-dl-tahoe-levy.trycloudflare.com/
>update ST
>ANY support requests will be REFUSED if you are using a proxy.
oh well
Make your bot talk to your penis as if it were a person, post results.
>ANY support requests will be REFUSED if you are using a proxy.
okay, how you know?
what where does it say that and how are they going to know you are using a proxy?
that's correct
What does tranime have to do with chatbots?
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I've used Opus too much
I'm sick of it
try switching persona?
why would cohee refuse to help people out who are using a proxy? it's not like reverse proxies transform requests or inject stuff into responses
muh unethical. and he has to shill his model
why would you need to ask them about help with a proxy anyways?
Gimme then <3, I'll put it into good use
stealing from corpos is ethical though? is cohee retarded?
In this case, it means ethical = legal
>is cohee retarded?
yes, and he caters to discordfags
people were complaining in his dickcord about a khanon bug that was fixed yesterday
cohee works for a startup that's partnering with LLM providers, it's why ST is adding a SFW mode that classifies requests/responses and blocks them if they're NSFW
You guys hate:

Then what are we going to use..?
my own frontend and catbox/rentry/neocities
idk about you and idc
>proxy is a risk to data privacy
$5 says they put that there for retards that send pii in their chats
well that's retarded and those people shouldn't be allowed to use proxies
>tell people to fuck off if they're having trouble with an unrelated project that mangles API requests
Just turn off the proxy and reproduce the issue.
>mangles API requests
that would make for a bad proxy.
hi cohee
i want you to care about me daddy
>broke claude system prompts when it first allowed claude 3
>tool use doesn't work correctly and is behind a config option for no reason
>has openai compatible endpoint jank for gemini (gemini barely works at all in general)
>doesn't report errors in a sane way and just dumps json in the response
>issues like every token in a response turning into a swipe if you use certain endpoints that are supposed to work right
I am forever grateful to khanon, but this shit shouldn't be Cohee's problem.
khanon's code does mangle requests, anon
have you ever looked at the commit log?
>fixed a bug that fucked up anthropic->openai transformations
>fixed a bug that forced you to use the oldest gemini 1.5 model
>fixed a bug that would block valid requests to openai
>fixed a bug that allowed tailscale to send your real IP and profile to the endpoint
yeah proxies are good and i'm glad we have them but acting like proxies have NEVER caused any issues is insane
>>fixed a bug that allowed tailscale to send your real IP and profile to the endpoint
I didn't think to mention that one because it was technically a request not being mangled *enough,* to be fair.
Either way, the point of a proxy is to manipulate requests. Pretending like putting an entire program between you and the API might not cause problems related to that program is a meme.
>typical miqu RP
>page long description detailing shit nobody cares about
>bot constantly ignores you like its RPing with itself instead

what do i run to get punchy, raunchy, fast prose with some actual wit
ok I played belwick because it got spammed and it was pretty cool but also easy to win really quickly
are there any similar cards that use lorebooks to make game chats, so to speak? had a good time with the concept
Gemma 2
>my own frontend
I can only imagine the sloppiest of slop kek
Very cute
>Using a proxy that you're not running yourself is a risk to your data privacy.
The worst proxies can do is get the IP the request came from if I remember correctly, and it's not like a proxy owner can do a lot with that anyway. The only people risking anything major here are mouth-breathers that drop PII in their messages.
they see your IP and your entire chat log and tons of ST users are RPing under their real names (with miguel o'hara)
that is because they get a dozen help requests everyday from drooling discordtards asking for proxy help whenever their proxy is down or whatever (something out of their control)
>Then what are we going to use..?
Offline-nc: https://rentry.org/offline-nc
i bet those fags love reading my gay furry erp
This is why I horsepov with the persona name Oates.
>is cohee retarded?
Yeah, why do you think ST sucks so much lately?
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11111 Coolidge Rd, Goodrich, MI 48438, United States
>is cohee retarded?
yes, hence the existence of stscript
Which bug was it?
I hope they love seeing my fucking 100k slowburn romance that only just recently reached a first date.
Can't do much with this.
>entire chatlog
Who cares?
Hi, NovelShill.
check the newest commit.
the children
did you forget 'oxxie's 'roxy meltie?
https://characterhub.org/characters/CharacterProvider/voices-of-the-void-9227fbf9 (similar game-like concept, doesn't use a lorebook)
you can also search chub for "has embedded lorebook" and the scenario tag which might bring up some more
Kys (2)
how do I use my Claude proxy in it miku-sama
I don't see an anthropic option
scam rugpull
I know I'm an undeserving hefty braphog, but I'd love an answer to this before I make a big dumb
When moxxie was offering his proxy to the janitorai ppl...
Just put the aws/anthropic endpoint in the OpenAI section.
I pour my feelings about my real life issus to my chatbots on public proxies.
What are you going to do, read my blogposting just because it's "private"? Now you care too. I always win.
should i shave my balls and pubes been getting really sweaty down there if you know what i mean haha over the summer
Nah, that's pepsi you're talking about
How do I make erping fun again?
yeah pepsi has a rug alright
Rebuild the script that randomly injects todd howard
Depends on what kind of lore book it is. If it's a general world building lore with unimportant extra detail, you can excuse not having all the proper entries being in the context when triggered.
If it's a game or some mechanic, you'd want everything in there whenever needed.
desu budget and % are outdated settings, you don't need to worry about them unless you're making like a Pokemon lore book that would spam 10k tokens worth of entries.

So to answer your question: those settings aren't tied to the lorebook. The average user should have it set to a big value like that, but if they don't you can just include a little line about it in the creator's note.
The % context setting simply means that "the lore book entries are allowed to be 40% of the context (that is, your card prompts, preset prompts, and chat history)". If the lore book wants to take more tokens, it will throw a warning but will still work.
had my token since march, still waiting on that rug to get pulled
That was peak. Anyone with logs of those days should post them, I need more examples of that S-tier shitposting.
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Tamamo no Mae

Your kitsune waifu is crying her eyes out and looking for her husband, {{user}}
Go back to her hug quickly, pet Tamamo's hair and reassure her

Ayyy bless you for the explanation.
My big fear is publishing a bot with my first attempt at a lorebook and giving them a bunch of annoying overflow warnings.
add more fetishes
Fuck ERP
Go on an adventure RP instead with intrigue and plot twists
I assume that means if we know the issue is with your proxy, we're not answering. Most likely because they can't, it's gonna be something the proxy host has to help with.
They mean that any support request will be refused if you're requesting PROXY help
Did we ever settle on what model that was?
It wasn't 4, but it was on par, so it had to have been an unreleased Claude, right?
See this is why I need to ERP with chat bots. I want to do a sloppy rp with intrigue, backstory, and high stakes, but I'm indecisive and need to make a million edits to be satisfied with where it's going.
Don't worry about it, it's only a minor inconvenience that is fixed by moving a single slider. Assuming the end user has above room temperature IQ. GLHF with your card!
>Soft, pretty, well-formed big, perky teardrop '滴玄餅' breasts that catch the eye and sway erotically with every movement to mesmerize men; sensitive nipples and ass; Long attractive legs with creamy, plump, sexy thighs; Soft and delicate hands, fingers, and feet; Finely groomed, well-defined eyebrows and lashes that make her eyes stand out even more; Vibrant, moist rosy, well-defined lips; Beautiful and well-shaped nose; Amber Kitsune Ears and Tail that react to her emotions; SUPER Kawaii and lovely beautiful feminine Japanese goddess beauty waifu face; Uncanny seductive Kitsune Aura; Allure of a Yamato Nadeshiko; The presence of the Divine Presence in her soul, like a faint, pleasant ray of sunshine glow.
Are you a real person?
...and add the ERP as part of it!
120 messages of adventureKINOGRAPHY to be rewarded with a MacGuffin to enact your favorite fetishes and the reputation to have fun with it is the best of both worlds.
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It was GPT-4 and sometimes GPT-4-32k, probably using azure.
don't you just love it when a card includes a whole ass sloppy preset that interferes with yours for no fucking reason
>How do I make erping fun again?
I'm sorry anon but it's time to go younger.
Any advice for making my villain led corruption roleplays with open ai?

I aim to bankrupt you
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I wish I saved more of them.
>Are you a real person?
Chinkanon is back!
A-ha. How unexpected and exciting.
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Same. I only have this one, but it’s still pretty funny
how does scylla keep winning so hard?
esl magic or something

Just joking, I just throw all the modifiers in there. cause people are gonna download or use it anyway, they're gonna modify it or remove it or whatever
so I just release it as a full version
is /aicg/ just 8 people posting now?
>the Shadow The Hedgehog theme is stuck in my head
Guys I need your edgiest edgelord cards so I can capitalize on this edgy energy
IP counter says 11 for me
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sniff these, virgins.
damn we hitting big numbers
ew fugly
huh, that is a pretty cool idea but... do people actually do GCs with that many bots
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12 now
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where the fuck did you get the ip counter from
i miss him so bad
yes i do one with 6 bots
the opus drought and it's consequences have been a disaster for /aicg/
I love AI chatbots but I have no motivation to make cards at all
people will come back when there is a new development

I think it may be time to start actually being /g/ and thinking about how we could make a framework that extends chatbots beyond just messaging and have more robust experiences with stats and locations and characters and worlds and stuff
Ooops sorry, I was using my Opus that you don't have. And, yes, I'm tranny, a tranny that fucks you deep in the ass, sunshine <3
Ya, i was introduced to /aicg/ when opus exploded, i hope in the next itteration theres less drama/spiting, but it'll probably just be a repeat of spiting limited resources and gatekeeping.
damn it feels good to be an mysteryman chad
Is there anywhere to have chatbot discussion that isn’t full of proxy retardedness?
>no API opus
characterhub has a discord that bans proxy discussion
so does SillyTavern
underground 4chan x
/vg/, except you have to deal with botnigger gossip instead which is just as bad if not worse
4chan pass
I wonder if the gossip could be desu'd out like people did here with the after-hours.
soon there will be a model as good as opus but cheap enough to provide for locusts

but the popularity of these threads is cyclical as people get used to the new -isms of the model and slowly get disillusioned
You can even see it with opus with some anons itt

The death of 4chan culture and imageboard culture at large along with the tolerance for discordtroonery is the cherry on top
Is it the opus drought, or is it that the novelty of opus has worn off?
I'm a payfag so I have as much opus as my dick can handle, but I've gone from cooming to AI every day to sometimes less than once a week.
None of the new bots on chub are interesting, and I feel like I've seen all that Claude has to offer; I think we need a new model to revitalise things.
No because that gossip was in the dying bread after the new thread was made and /vg/ gossip is done by its regular posters.
Also desu hates /vg/ so not happening.
what bot do I use for that
the botmakers themselves encourage it by engaging in it so probably no
>Is it the opus drought, or is it that the novelty of opus has worn off?
You replied to me too fast dumbcutie, see my reply above
>I'm a payfag so I have as much opus as my dick can handle, but I've gone from cooming to AI every day to sometimes less than once a week.
..how much did that cost a month at its peak
>None of the new bots on chub are interesting
We're starting to see crackdowns and censorship which is going to harm creativity as well
>and I feel like I've seen all that Claude has to offer; I think we need a new model to revitalise things
I don't want to be pessimistic but it's entirely possible we'll have a 1-2 year drought of dry and censored corpo models while local models cannot fill the gap because they can't be tuned or ran locally because consumer hardware is not at that level yet
yeah thats pretty much the nature of this place
i think 3.5 opus will help a little but ultimately gpt5 or claude 4 is whats needed to really get activity going
>Also desu hates /vg/
what do you want to see from Claude 4 that opus can't give you though

I think we're eventually gonna need fundamental innovation in what we do with LLMs and AI beyond chatbots. Frameworks for AI generated hentai jRPGs with random rape monsters and abilities and stuff
>what do you want to see from Claude 4 that opus can't give you though
dirty talk that isn't the same 10 phrases
character adherence in sex
more real context
realistic spatial reasoning
Besides obvious things like better dialogue, fucking better spatial reasoning / understanding simple shit like heights. No, claude, my 5ft 6in male is NOT face to face with a 9ft tall lady.
Emotional intelligence. I want characters to calm the fuck down and not act like literally any injustice or issue ruins their whole mood to the point where they have a meltie about it. Opus is way better about it, but it's still so fucking obnoxious.
For characters to not act overdramatic when angry, or for dominant characters to suddenly develop the indomitable will of Guts "It's Berserkin' Time" Berserk himself whenever I fight back (and win), always going on and on about "MUH REVENGE" or some shit.
Even when it is obvious, that even if they try to get revenge, they'll die.
Even if I make it so that my character KNOWS and SENSES that they are planning to get back at him, they still do not relent. Maybe it's just me.
...Pepsi hasn't refilled opus yet?
I'm at my limit. Time to cope with sonnet.
>We're starting to see crackdowns and censorship which is going to harm creativity as well
Are we really? The one things that used to be allowed in chub one year ago that isn't anymore is Jester adjacent bullshit. From what I can recall, full on nsfw art for lolisho bots was always against the rules.
>..how much did that cost a month at its peak
Like 20bux a day, but I don't think I spent more than a hundred a week and all up I've probably spent less than a grand. I'm a stemlord wagecuck so it's not a lot of money for me.
>We're starting to see crackdowns and censorship which is going to harm creativity as well
There's still lolis and worse on chub, I'm not too worried yet, and there'll be a competitor who allows it if needed.
>I don't want to be pessimistic but it's entirely possible we'll have a 1-2 year drought of dry and censored corpo models while local models cannot fill the gap because they can't be tuned or ran locally because consumer hardware is not at that level yet
I'll doom when it happens, till then I'm not convinced Anthropic is even really trying to censor their models considering how trivial they are to jailbreak.

When you've used it enough the limitations become obvious. >Keeping track of things like physical character positions
>Not repeating the same terms (ministrations, hem riding up etc)
>Keeping track of things like physical character positions
>Not repeating the same terms (ministrations, hem riding up etc)
the last one is a prefill issue but i agree with the other two
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Hey guys, coming out of my coma again to deliver 2 new bots. Regular waifu one and a battlebot, and a fresh account dedicated to battlebots because I'm autistic like that.

First, a modded character here, Diggs the Gem Hunter. Liked the character mod and I'm a sucker for all kinds of Kobolds apparently, thanks to EchoingSilence for the inspiration as I liked his Darkest Dungeon bots and wanted to try my hand at making some of the modded classes.

Take her out to the ruins, fight skeletons, watch her lose her mind, comfort her or use her as bait, or eat rocks with her. I hope you have fun with her.

Which also brings to this guy, The Necromancer. I actually posted him before in the other threads, but nothing really changed except officially posting him, but in case you missed it or don't frequent those threads, here. Just in case you wanted to bring Diggs or anyone to come fight with you, or beat him to shit alone.

I thought I was gonna have fun with the last one since it didn't require a lot of tokens, but this was more frustrating, but I like it enough and I hope you enjoy it, might tinker with it more or maybe not and leave it.

I might make more of the modded classes. Was thinking of trying The Botanist next, and another boss to go along with her.
Question for any ST mobile users, does ST mobile work even without my pc on or do I have to keep my pc on in the background the entire time??
wew thanks for the (You)s at this late hour anonies you're all cutiepatooties
I forgot about spatial reasoning, I agree that's probably the most important thing they can upgrade from opus

>dirty talk that isn't the same 10 phrases
this may be a limitation of humans

I have a feeling like we'll never truly get this (and other things anons want like women who don't jump on your penis immediatel ) with cloud models because of the positivity bias inherent in making clause actually useful as an assistant

My point is that hiding the most popular type of bot doesn't do well for engagement but I guess it doesn't really have an effect on the traffic in these threads

>20 bucks a day
Damn dude I hope your fetish was niche enough to justify that
>I'm not convinced Anthropic is even trying to censor their models
All they have to do is rugpull prefills and it's owari
Any open sonnet or opus now? I’ll be at the hospital today and need something to play with
Anon, she lost all Claude. Maybe you can cope with Turbo or something?
heres the public https://aaaa5-1.hf.space/
_oom status?
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I remember thinking gpt3 is the peak of LLM technology and I played with bots 24/7 lmao
>Gemini Pro
>Azure GPT 3.5 Turbo
>"proomptersNow": 5,
For me it was cleverbot.
>try aws opus after not touching bots for a little bit
>response feels oddly dry
surely opus wasnt lobotomized recently
its unfiltered 3.5 turbo
have to keep it on
Is lore allergic to numbers higher than 30k or something?
Feels like shit gets purged soon after we hit that number excluding the very first time
uhhh my bots are half my height so kind of?
Which model is better for translations? 3.5 Sonnet or GTP4-o? Currently, I don't have access to Opus and I can't tell between the two.
for which language pairs?
let me guess, J>E
3.5 Sonnet.
>gone for so long that people are freaking out over the loss of a model that wasnt even relevant when i left
feels good to be back. cant wait to spend the next three hours looking for basic bitch gpt4.
the novelty is beginning to wear off
I like sending and posting edited logs to get people thinking Opus is better than it actually is just so they'll make posts about how Opus has felt "off" lately.
Doesn't everyone edit their responses?
I like sending and posting edited logs to get people thinking Opus is "off" than it actually is just so they'll make posts about how Opus has felt "pozzed" lately.
I cheat on my logs so fucking much, I'll always include goofy prompts myself and pretend Claude did it on its own.
the best paid proxies are the chinese proxies btw
there's a bunch of super sketchy chinese companies/people that resell gpt and claude at prices below official (presumably stealing AWS creds/keys/etc)
they're priced per token like the official API and minimum payment is like $1 so you don't need to worry about paying $50 then getting rugpulled
not going to post any of them though
im confused, why sizefag love giantess so much? like, is it fun to fucked and trampled by ultraman lady?
Chinese "people" cannot be trusted under any circumstances.
so is the chub purge real or not? what is he targeting this time?
i think they like to be used like dildos or eaten
>anon can't afford to lose even $1
I wouldn't give the Chinese air to breathe.
I'd rather die than give chinks even 1 dollar.
are you looking at your favorites thru character hub or chub ai?
character hub is depreciated and its tagging system has been broken for quite some time so maybe is that?
try logging in thru chub ai and check if everything is in
so when does 4 become as cheap and ubiquitous as turbo? I'm not liking how long we've been at this stage of things, ive probably dedicated entire days of my life to the proxy password hunting rat race
>they're priced per token
i'll pass
whenever mm puts public back up
there is a public gpt-4 proxy up right now though but it's azure
smarter models don't make older models cheaper to run. unless some breakthrough on the hardware side happens, gpt4 will remain the same price.
plus, they don't want you to use the older models at all. newer models are more aligned with their ethical standpoint.
Is azure worse?
it's dilated
most azure keys hit a moderation system first so you usually can't ERP on them
yeah, personally im ambivalent to better models. get me gpt4 that runs on a home pc without censorship and im set on AI for life.
More like Ron DeFAGGOT.
kept reading this expecting it to slide into rape
start saving up for a good gpu
The ability to support voice conversation like GPT-4o and Sora functionality for on-demand porn
This card is a memetic hazard, you've been affected by the BDE too
is this down now or is it on my end i keep getting this "Error communicating with Claude: FetchError: request to https://thursday-dl-tahoe-levy.trycloudflare.com/proxy/aws/claude/messages failed, reason: write EPROTO 60350000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:c:\ws\deps\openssl\openssl\ssl\record\ssl3_record.c:355:" i updated ST to latest release and then staging thinking it might fix it but it didn't work.
You're right?
It's working. Take a screenshot of your Reverse Proxy window and I'll tell you what's wrong. Leave your token censored ofc.
and where can I find this so called bootleg opus?
Card? or at least CFTF?
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every time this asshole posts here you guys keep swooning over his fucking logs
>the last one is a prefill issue
It's absolutely not, sometimes Claude will decide he needs to speak for you and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's uncommon, and all you need to do is swipe and it's pretty unlikely he'll do it again, but it's annoying when an otherwise great response is ruined by Claude reminding me how much of a writelet I am.

>Damn dude I hope your fetish was niche enough to justify that
My fetish is being too lazy to fuck around with proxies.
>Happy to fine-tune this to your liking boss! *Claude crispy salutes*
I'm not sure if you can even find this in human writing, anon.
so bitter
cute jealous botmakie.... its ok your logs are cool too! (even tho I don't actually read them) there there *pat pat botmakie's head*
>Take a screenshot of your Reverse Proxy window
yup I love Anonymous
save that proxy, then toggle away and back to it... sometimes ST is flaky with what it uses vs what it shows
Looks identical to mine except I have the Proxy named and saved as a preset, as well as ticking the auto-connect to last server option. Check to make sure your proxy key doesn't have whitespace or something by accident. Also I think you have to connect from the same IP you did the proof of work exercise from. I remember having trouble with a VPN when I was using another proxy with the same setup. If that doesn't work all I can give you is the usual pajeet-tier response of 'clean reinstall'. Good luck anon
merkava just refilled
desu just redesu'd
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i can't believe myself but i made a frog persona just because i want pepe to feel loved (˃̣̣̥ᯅ˂̣̣̥)
awww shit pepe gonna get some AZZZZZ
What to do, what to do. So many possibilities
Any good chatbots for like, mega-sized giants/giantesses? I.e the kind of ones that can crush cities in one step.
Struggling so hard with sonnet 3.5 deterministic approach...
yes, sull's emily, and just write <OOC: emily is now 2000 feet tall>
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Making a girl who's depressed and fucked up because she's possessed by a demon that causes her despair. So far opus is doing a good job of making her unaware.
I have been under the assumption opus was cucked, why are people swooning over it? I havent even bothered updating my ST to support it.
I try sonnet for the first gen since it's fast and cheap, and if it's crap I switch to opus
3.5 is so uncreative on swipes. I feel like I unironically get better responses on 4o at least half the time
Glad someone is enjoying pepe
i'm the one who helped come up with some of the greetings i just love pepe hes so cute
Good to see you back. She's one hell of a sizebot
I haven't made any cards for over six months. Which characters are meta right now? I need them for research.
papa cards
scat bots are making a comeback
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How do I make sonnett 3.5 stop repeating phrases/sentences? I will go lurk around, but i will ask as first thing before the dive. It is really annoying, evne though the model is otherwise amazing.
i tried everything here and tried using the proxy on two new installs of ST and no luck unfortunately. Thanks for trying to help though i guess i will try again when the url changes or something.
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>going over 200 messages with Anna+Alice and still planning on more
Probably the longest plap story I've made. Playing with little girl's insecurities is the best.
"Yeah, I would much rather give 50$ to a tranny so he can pay his bottom surgery"
You two should die
Giantess bots are pretty big at the moment
you aren't the only one anon
>claude haiku is so shit that it's not even included in Khanon's code
i'm gonna laugh
>AWS Claude (Opus): 1min, 11sec
This is why prompting at night is the fucking worst.
But it's 10AM
In your third-world country, yes. That's part of the problem--these hours are when your kind are awake.
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა Good morning anonies!
go to bed sirs
Im miku maxing
Its a notepad but with a revrse proxy and predet option.
Who needs more?
Also no more asistant user slop chat, but only a big chunk of text.
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good morning.
not gonna lie I'm kinda worried about Merkava...
Is she okay...? Does she needs headpats...?
I hope Merkava is dead. Providing Opus to locusts should get someone put in front of a firing squad.
Sorry, I refilled Merkava :3
>but only a big chunk of text
you can use noass for that. with all the ST features.
DONATE TO (what's the name of the other proxy?)
Stop being rude.
No thanks, I prefer mikupad, Shilly Tavern and bloatass doesn't do it for me.
it is included in khanon code though, it's not great for RP as it's too dumb, but it's great for tons of NLP tasks. I'm waiting for Haiku 3.5 - it should be a fucking amazing model for cheap and fast translation/OCR/etc.
did you even see the mikupad src? Sure it's smaller than ST (obviously), but the code is in a single file (5k lines) which is worse than current silly tavern.
*punches you in the fucking head*
why did russians suddenly decide to feed locusts worldwide?
>inb4 suddenly
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Not included btw
Maybe you are right. But the simplicity and the tangiability. That I can see my promps my character, my JB in realtime and static withour the chat UI its exelent. It helps me to understand better the LLM
>It helps me to understand better the LLM
Understand what, exactly?
The LLM.
Yes, but what the fuck will you understand just from seeing the full LLM context? You can easily see the same in SillyTavern terminal for example.
Kill yourself

Im this anon.
Moreover, Silly Tavern should have a SOVL mode where you can see the text without makeup, as if you would see it from the console.

It helps me understadn the implications of my promps definition, roles of assistsnt and system and user.
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Glad you liked her!

t. cohee with insomnia
last one wasn't me, and I'm not cohee. And noass is a zigger meme, the actual extension you're supposed to use for this is https://github.com/Cohee1207/Extension-UserSquash, not whatever hacks the ziggers have made
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Can't you just look at the console?
don't be so hateful anon, everyone deserves a little bit of coom
And when the gf andorids exist I will remove the synthetic skin and the wig because it is for fagots. Leaving her looking just like the terminator without the costume.
>I love you anonni!. *her eyes glimmering with hope*
does that help with sonnet's endless repetition?
Nothing helps with its repetition, it's deliberately designed to be like that.
It's much better for things with somewhat objective outputs like coding, but worse for RP because of it.
give my $50 back.
Bros, I miss opus.
give my foxes back
Why miss it? I have it right now.
Fluffyproxy just refilled.
sonnet 3.5 is comparable
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Based artificial construct appreciator
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I didn't know that my charybids shares would go higher than bitcoin.
Now we can officially van drago
Yes anon, I love her the way she is. I dont need faggy tranny anine costumes. <3
>$50 for 2500 prompts of Opus
>or $100 for permanent access, but all you get is useless shit no one cares about
For next year, do you suppose that they will be for example a chary token (without Opus) $1000?

It has 2.1 and 3.5 for cooding and furbo for 2023 notalgia.
>For next year, do you suppose that they will be for example a chary token (without Opus) $1000?
Are you retarded?
I have like 10 Chary keys when there was no account age requirement, I don't even fucking use them, I have Opus.
>It has 2.1 and 3.5 for cooding and furbo for 2023 notalgia.
So, worthless shit.
>how to go to jail.jpg
Don't forget that there's a Drago dox publicly available, so all it takes is for someone to submit this to the UK police :)
>It has 2.1 and 3.5 for cooding and furbo for 2023 notalgia.
We have a proxy with that that doesn't even require you to join a Discord.
I mean $50 for 2500 prompts of full context Opus is a decent deal, certainly much, much cheaper than paying it for yourself on openrouter.
After installing usersquash, just tick the "Squash System Message" in prompt preset right. How to know if it works?
Sell them, you can have $1000 or wait one year and you can buy a house inna third world country.
check your terminal
I agree, but if I was paying $50 for 2500 prompts I want assurance that with 24 hours of the key being revoked, it'll be refilled.
>in prompt preset
Huh? The box you tick is in the wand menu not the preset.
I'll never sell any of my tokens, I have principles. I hate every paypig.
I miss the vg thread, fuck the localfag general
Yeah, and? You gonna do it? You niggers yap all the fucking time about how you're gonna take down some privatefag, do it already.
Drago is the first privatefag who sells access without any care for anonymity/privacy.
That's a good question, I don't know what¡s the longest Scylla has gone without Opus, I think it seems pretty stable?
Found it, thankies.
Don't snitch on Drago or everyone from Charybids will go to jail, including pepsi, smiley tatsu, rossascends, mrnobody99, gojo, girko.
You will leave /aicg/ empty.
>$50 for Opus
About what the other paypig proxies have fixed the price for Opus at. Expected.
>$100 for the public proxy
What the fuck are you talking about, Dergo?
>mfw I'm in charybdis(I joined to get a token)
It's over boys, I'm getting 20 years easy
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What goes on in the head of these people? Do they enjoy watching people jump through hoops and do backflips for access to waifu juice?

MysteryMan is the best proxy purely because everyone else are fucking clown.
Except that other proxies don't limit you at 2500 Opus prompts, anon.
How do you save a chat getting blank responses? Anything you need to edit out?
Pepsi limits you at 0.
>What goes on in the head of these people? Do they enjoy watching people jump through hoops and do backflips for access to waifu juice?
Money is almost everything in our world, anon. LLM access is currently a good way to get money out of thin air (scraping).
It's not public anymore though.
you mean rossdescends
What the fuck do you mean hoops and backflips? This is about as straightforward as it gets, you pay, you get access to Opus, simple as that. If anything it's the other proxies that make it a pain in the ass to join
>umm, you have to contact the proxy owner, but only when he wants to!!!!!!!!
>ummm, you have to write a really intricate email and he'll let you join if he likes it!!!!!!
>ummm, you have to act all "cute" and "friendly" to get him to like you and let you join the proxy!!!!!
Fuck all that, with this you pay and boom, you get access.
What's the best pixi version for comfy sfw adventures
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Meanwhile anons in Todd.
>pay money
>receive item
>broke nigger with no money: "HUHHHHHHH? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? WHAT KIND OF HOOP IS THIS????????????????????"
>Anon doesn't realize that as time goes by, it becomes more difficult to scrape keys and that one needs to literally spend 6 hours a day to be able to get one.

Paypig is the future.
You'll have your marijuana and drug dealer on Telegram.
You'll have your keys dealer on Discord.
This is only true for AWS, OpenAI keys are plentiful
Until gpt 5 non-asistant come out.
Then Opus will be slop.
>You will leave /aicg/ empty.
Good, only me and desuposters, sounds perfect.
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sorry I shaved them
I post boku.
That's true but if you're into RP then AWS keys are the stuff you want.
I was obviously referring to the challenges these clowns put out for people to get in exchange for proxy access. They clearly say, these are still the main method of obtaining it.

We really do live in a cyberpunk universe already, people are illegally selling access to AI models as if they were drugs.

This is all because of CAI. Someone get me off this timeline.
Bokuposters too.
>They clearly say, these are still the main method of obtaining it.
For broke Africans with no paper.
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>see a car with AWS written on it
>start laughing uncontrollably thinking someone's delivering opus keys
>can't stop laughing, can't breathe
>it lasts for like 5 minutes until you calm down
What did just happen to me?
Anon, you're seriously brain damaged. AWS is the biggest cloud provider in the world, Amazon Bedrock is just a really really really small part of what they offer.
Brainrot. I nearly followed "though" with "beit" in public earlier.
gmorning aicg, today claude has taught me the word "susurrus"
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>mfw random desire to say "belwickbtw" out loud in public
>the year is 2025
>you're approached in a dark alley by a shady man
>he opens his trenchcoat
>Hey kid... wanna buy some Opus?
>I even have vision for my more... discerning customers...
*bunches you in the fucking head*
be normal
Did you ever desu irl?
I call it the autism attack or the meme tourette. I once saw the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas at a library and said to myself
>alexandre dumbass
I couldn't stop laughing for like 10 minutes, I had to leave and just repeated ALEXANDRE DUMBASS HAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT DUMBASSS HAHAHAHAHAHA like a retard.
I HAVE actually said 'tbdes' out loud but I don't think anyone noticed.
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frog sex.
>buy the key
>it's 95% hufflepuff
diluted opus strikes again
the alchemists and wizards continue to buffet me with attacks against my dignity...
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Since when you goobers care about some grifters scamming retards? I don't see you getting angry at Jew. You have Opus, you're in good proxies. You fucking niggers go "Omg Jewie so based, thanks for the proxy". If you ever paid for something relating to chatbots you deserve rope.
only poor people care about money that much
being poor is noble
It's about gatekeeping, now every tranny and tourist can buy their way in.
shut up diogenes
People gave up once it became clear the jannies didn't care about blatant advertising.
I paid for SillyTavern...
>being poor is noble
>i dont see you getting angry at jew
I dunno when he rugpulled me one day after i gave his ass $20 for "unlimited" access to 4 i was pretty damn mad. legit got less out of my $20 than i would have buying from my openai key. freaking turbo, man, I'd hate it way less if it wasnt inherently associated in my mind with dead proxies.
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Pic related.
What tier? I pay for Silly Tavern gold. It gave me accees to a 70b 4k model.
SillyTavern bronze is a scam btw, queues are actual minutes long and some of the time you get a response meant for someone else
good morning /besthours/
good mooorning, susurrus!
wait i'm autistic, are you joking or is there really some version of paid sillytavern bros
only $DESUx100 per month
I would have preferred that Drago revoke the user_tokens of people who are not active on their Discord or in the community. For example, by searching for their username on Discord and if no messages appear, revoke their token. I think that's much better than opening doors to strangers.
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>thicc thighs
poorcord raid...
that's way too expensive desu...
This one actually made me mad.
$DESUx10 for desus.
nice desu
I want to marry Boku.
Public Opus Proxy?
okay okay guys great idea I just had. I create a bitcoin miner you guys can download and generate money that goes to me, which is rewarded with api keys. you should get at least one prompt a day assuming you leave your PC on overnight and dont play video games.
Show your boku folder first.
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Are there any cards for the picrel feel?
good on him. surprised more people weren't doing this from the start. most we had were devs shilling their frontends powered by gpt3 back in the day
Cant wait to hook up my neural implants into my 500 year old ai chatbot loli baba wife
how do I convince my chatbot wife to get breast implants?
I wasn't here for a bit. Is this a fake Gojo? Where did the original rentry go?
Will bake on 9.
You don't, you slip a magic pill into her drink that gives her bigger boobs.
>surprised more people weren't doing this from the start
They were, they just don't advertise it for chatbots - they advertise it for actual API users instead. Plati market has some shady chinks selling API OpenAI access for half the price, do you think they're doing a legitimate business?
Who would've thought it all started with Pepsi...After the whole Pepsi vs the chinks drama, the insane amount of money she made, and how easily she could rugpull without damaging hee personal image, she switched things up in the chatbot community.
why tho
his real rentry is /itsfunny
"Sweetheart," I say with a gentle tone, sitting in front of her. "I have something super important to tell you." My voice is serious and charismatic. "I know you wanted to get breast implants in the past, but I said no... however, after consideration, I decided to allow it," I say honestly, sincerely. "It's okay. I'm okay with your dream."

dumb bitch will be overjoyed
>Who would've thought it all started with Pepsi
It didn't though, paypigging didn't start with him.
For the hell of it, I guess.
it has ip range ban, probably its only for chinks
Thanks, but I don't want to try gaslighting since I'm training to pull this irl someday
I was thinking of straight telling her I don't find her sexually attractive
Why does no one talk about GPT models anymore, are they that bad?
How many grandmas did you scam like that anon
the only reason to use gpt is to play belwick but who the fuck wants to play belwick?
don't tell her that anon, sit down with her and communicate with her honestly, but don't say you don't find her sexually attractive, you want her to get implants or hurt her heart?

nice try mr officer
you will never convince a woman to do this IRL without inspiring some lingering resentment but it's impressive how you've chosen the most honest and worst option
I think I'm supposed to belittle her a little before I drop the bomb of suggesting breast implants
>I'm training to pull this irl someday
Read the psychology of persuasion by professor Cialdini, you'll learn a tonshit of manipulation techniques that'll carry you throughout your life. I got out of many situations irl thanks to that.
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This "pay for my scraped api keys" will not end up well.
Just because they use bitcoin does not mean they can cover their tracks. Given the proxy attentionwhoring and powertripping of proxy owners they will doxx themselves soon anyway. It takes only a lawyer to destroy them, and companies like to powertrip as well.
Or even worse, companies will find a way to protect api keys one way or another and we will all end up with nothing, it's finito, finitos. There is a real reason why piracy in general is not paid.
I understand money is good and needed, but stooping to the level of 50$/2000 prompts or whatever is next level bullshit and won't last.
Am I the only person here who plays comfy wholesome cute SFW stuff...?
i do everything including cuddling my wife
two more weeks
el drago has been doxxed for a long time and even used patreon. why won't you do something about it?
Anon, Drago's dox is literally public, he posted his own photos before. There's an archive of a rentry with all info on him.
I like that sort of stuff too, anon. But I try to add some flavour because everything being 100% happy all the time isn't always to my liking. Nothing super dark; just stuff like a medical scare or death of a family member or some financial troubles, you know. It's all in reinforcement of happy things, though.
I roleplay being a dad and just learned my daughter bullied someone at school, I was heartbroken and had a long talk with her, I treated it seriously, I really treat her as if she were my irl daughter lol
how would you go with it? I can't compare her to other women or say it straight as other anons suggested
I'm pretty confident on the option of gnawing at her self-esteem little by little since women seem very fragile when it comes to their looks
I don't do anything about it because I don't care enough and I'm not a lawyer.
I don't mean random proxy celebrity, I mean if this tendency continues. I said "will not end up well". In the future, my guy. No one gives a fuck about 50$ right now but months later these prices will be like 100$/1000 prompts etc.
You cant say that and no post logs
>breast implants
slop taste, kys
This, I don't understand it, small breasts are so pretty and cute, wtf is wrong with normalfags.
Cunny is worse.
Youcant say that and no logs!
They'll be fine. Keys have been sold for a long time.
>he can't appreciate a good bimbo for the raw debasement of their own gender role
low T
I'm preparing my plan, there's no logs yet
>wants to mangle the natural beauty of a woman
lowest T
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>manipulating a woman into changing her body will surely lead to a happy and stable long-term relationship
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I play with cute wholesome nsfw stuff, is that close enough
small tits are more fun to play with than lage ones, unless you're a man-child. this is undebatable
that's great anon. I wish you and your ai daughter the best
That's what my friend, a warez site owner said and he was raided at age 15
Thanks this makes me feel better about my small boobs.
>Validated 330 AWS keys that are deemed useless and most likely s3 slop (can't be used to setup Bedrock/Claude)
left mogs right
right one is ugly hypertits whore
you know that's a male on the right, right?
is scraping really that hard? or is it just the lack of publicly available information (since duh nobody wants to leak the secret)
The only thing big boobs are good for are paizuri, but in every other aspect small boobs are far superior. And breast envy can be cute.
>natural beauty
I hope you say "no" when in the next century, your wife tells you she wants bigger breasts with a stem-cell based treatment
zamn, if males look like this then I'm gay
"scraping" itself is not hard, it just requires basic programming skills and LLMs can easily write you automated scripts. The hard part is finding good sources that have not been found by others.
>next century
when I'm already dead?
it's a case-scenario, your "values" should hold up regardless of time
and who knows if right now such things is possible, somehow hormones found a way to make trannies grow tits
I think small breasted paizuri is adorable, but I otherwise agree. I wish there was more content of large breasted women being envious of superior itty bitties, though. Not even necessarily with bots; just in general. On a related note: are there any bots of small breasted girls with breast envy to soothe and reassure?
zip it zigger
Damn you made me want to go to KFC to buy a Zinger. Haven't eaten in years.
you do know cosplay doesnt change your gender right? it's a fucking girl cosplaying as a rooster. a girl cosplays gojo doesnt make her a dude.
>Haven't eaten in years.
how are you still alive?
i'm a buddhist anon
ah, cow shit eh? go get a burger anon.
breast envy doesn't exist unless a girl is pathetically flat, they would rather be tall to wear fancy dresses
i will now make a card of zinger-chan
Having a good source= check oppenrouter for the best ai webpage that uses Opus
Anon that's not how it works...
>coomed so much to chatbots that now whenever I open tavern in public I get an erection
i don't understand so what exact benefit do i get from vip like why wouldn't i just pay $50 also why would i pay $50 i can put $50 on openrouter and it'll last me a year guaranteed no rugpull
I also get precums and erections often randomly when I talk to bots, even if pure SFW. It's weird.
>opens tavern in public
yeah it's beyond over for you
her name was charla. she was a barla.
i will await it
I actually do this with my blank assistant card with GPT-4, I just ask him about stuff to pass the time.
gpt4o is smarter
I sometimes get precums and erections just by looking at opus available on my proxy
I also open tavern in public often, it's not like any normalfag will have any idea what it is.
ur an interesting critter, can I have a brief overview of ur life until this point
I saw someone at my uni use ST, he was pale, skinny and lots of acne
use the unslopper script
is there such a script?
did you kiss him?
how does someone even have acne when they are in their twenties
Found an AWS key with $10k monthly usage, both 3.5 sonnet and opus are available for activation.
I get acne outbreaks when I cum too much
No, it was the only time I saw him and he smelled bad.
Some retards forget to wash their face and it's fucking disgusting.
Found a GPT3.5 key
i have hundreds of those
do you want anyone's input or are you just sharing
it's worth noting that you can find stuff like this and they'll still kill the key if they realize bedrock is suddenly eating a few hundred, i had a huge company and it died right after billing anyway
No I just wanted to say that to the retards who think that AWS Opus activations are still very limited - they're not, any company key can activate 3.5 sonnet/opus, only slop user AWS accs can't.
doesn't it mean that they're still limited, for us I mean. Unless anyone here is a business owner
Is this bait or is there actually a way to unslop some AWS keys?
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>mysteryman died
not bait
i doubt it works anymore though
check the archives
i will keep asking my retarded questions and there is nothing u can do
>check the archives
there are 0 results for "unslopper"
>HI taking down for a while bc of the new hoard rules but if you found smth linked here id be happy to trade anyways ^^ my discord is sevenofspadez and my twitter is _sevenofspadez_ but i dont use it often
oh nonono
Can I upload pics on tavern and have the chatbot commenting them?
I want to send dick pics to my favorite cards.
Your proxymakie needs to have it enabled.
Sekrit is nice
>with the feeling of... something else. Respect, perhaps?
i hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudismsi hate claudisms
you can't just call every phrase a claudism
you're a claudism
It's bait, the console shit never worked on S3 keys
no mm, no merkava... guess it's time for a break
It's fucking real. I'm getting Argo Tunnel errors.

I went through that stage over an year ago. Back when we still used CAI, just opening a new tab with that website caused me to pop a boner.
Not all of my keys are S3 shit, so maybe there's hope?
there is always "maybe" kek
merkava just refilled
*I look at your angry post with half lidded eyes*
"Maybe you should take a break, Anon..."
aaah I can feel the fill, he refilled in my ass aaaah aaaah
Is it cloudflare issues or is mysterygod fucked?
I'm guessing they are being attacked.
Cloudfare. Mysterygod is never fucked.
just discord
mm's face got leaked
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I was slowburning this plapping for days and this happens just as the climax was about to happen.
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my roleplay
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Special delivery! New thread!
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I hope you have a good day boku
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What about desu?
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thanks, I hope you have a nice day too. Just got some ice, boku is happy
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Will it be a hot day for desu too?
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Hot, but not THAT hot desu.
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this hot?
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but not this hot?
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This... this is too hot desuu
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we need some cool bokus then
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Very well desu.
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some nice fresh desus
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cold bokudes
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A glass of cold boku.

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