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The world is healing.
She's perfect~
>blonde hair
>blue ASIAN eyes
Who asked for this?
That's what Chinese women will look like after gene editing becomes viable.
she is perfect doe
tell me why this is a bad thing without mentioning anything about wamen consent
>tell me why this is a bad thing
It's not
>all the desirable physical features of a woman
>without all the west*id women sass and nagging
sounds like a massive win to me
>dismantling the classic society is actually good goy
>quit looking for love and just goon

incurable flesh rot
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>incurable flesh rot
ok, so, bad thing?
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what will Chinese men do?
fuck the robots? I'd rather fuck a robot. I'm ugly, so I've never met a woman who was into me physically. So, I VILL fuck ze bots.
>>blue ASIAN eyes
she is like 10% asian
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>about to hit the shelves
>Hell yeah sonny, there is like 1% chance that I will be able to stick my cock into a talking piece of rubber now!!
>what?leaving my basement and talking to real women?uhm, sweetie, biocunts are le.... le bad because, because they just are okay?
The owner of McDonald's japan said that japanese people will look like that if they eat hamburgers like the Americans, instead of rice
her face is literally 100% asian
sans eye color
fuck women (and dolls) as they already do
I'm gonna hit those same shelves with my boner as I'm picking up a robo waifu.
DNA altering is the future my fellow chinks
also look like that
They cope so hard it's embarrassing. Japs do it too.
she's not real
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no fucking way
your dumb american ass might not know it, but russians are asians too.
Become 7 foot 150 IQ 20/20 vision hyperchads with no diseases or deformities
Ching-chong! Enjoy your garden of eden 2.0 with top-down technological control over every atom of your being, while the ultrakikes come out from their cryo chambers (Especially Walt Disney himself) since they are no longer afraid of you, and less than 0.01 percent of your people will exist as Homo Borgenesis, no signs of any divine creative spark from the original genetic line of Adamites to be found, for you have given it up like the fools you were!
more like about to hit my COCK
That's already me though.

(I'm a virgin)
did we hit the artificial general sexteligence
>Social Credit Score
>release date
Otherwise, I don't care.
you know northern china is basically russia, right?
Unless they move identically like a human, I'm not really interested. These sexbots are too immersion breaking to be goo.
Besides, I want to have a loving relationship, the physical part is not really necessary.
all good things about it are lies and it will instead be an insultingly cheap scam, like most all things chinese
>government subsided (one per household)
>available in 110, 140 and 165cm
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>all plap
>all nakaԁashi
>all the time
>no pregnancy
based chinks
Why not get castrated at that point? At least you wouldn't have the constant urge to degrade yourself in such a sad manner.
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not me
I want aryan whites with manly chins and green eye
Embrace the future
animatronics are still a long way's away
Reproduction is demiurgic.
Thats some serious freudian slip.
And what your alternative, fucking some severely used up whore that doesn't love you?
imagine the 1st sexbot malware/ransomeware
>fucking doll
>seems a bit off but meh
>hitting vinegar strokes
>fleshlight dollcunt restricts painfully, won't let go of dick
isn't that just your shit taste in women?
I meant what I said.
I have already laid out an alternative – castration.
just don't be poor
biocunts perpetually BTFO
kek. It's working.
The chinese shills actually believe /g/ is into sexbots now.
still waiting for them to perfect the artificial womb....
You don't have to.
Men will fuck their wAIfu.
The wAIfu will sell the cum to the sperm bank.
The husbANDroid will buy it back and inseminate its owner with it.
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Just air gap it
I hate that this morbid future sounds plausible.
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That's fantastic news, shill-kun!
I'll totally buy a CHINESE sexbot right from CHINA.
I would only trust a CHINESE company with my sex life and emotional support.
Do continue to shill it on /g/. There's totally a market for it.

Great work, comrade.
Sexbot. China. Great. Sexbot. China. Amazing.
It's just the fabled 'birds and bees'.
Think of humans as beautiful flowers. And of sexbot as bees.
>available in 110, 140 and 165cm
You lost me there. My ideal wAIfu is 190cm tall and 15cm long.
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to be fair, everything is already made in china
That webm holy fuckin kek
"Heeling" aka getting creeeeeeepier
Human are creepy. Human invented 'creepy'. You are really creepy yourself, btw.
I'd rather live amongst uncanny robots than live with a bloke like you.
Mankind simply set the bar that low.
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it's bad because AI is inherently anti-white.
does a tiny wiener counts as air gap
Call me when it can cook and clean too.
wouldn't this make it anti jewish?
I want to start a crowd funded robot brothel with a twist.
Basically, the john has to read a certain small amount of pages of the Christian Bible and answer a short quiz on it, and if he passes, the robot will do some sex act on him for free.
To get more sex acts he has to read more of the Bible.
I want to do this because it's funny.
Is any one interested in the idea?
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Doesn't matter how advanced your cooming is. You're still just a coomer cooming.
It would be hilarious to force the johns to do book reports for each other in little book clubs to get free sex from the robots.
I can clean and cook already.
What I really expect my sexbot to do is to operate a 3D-printer and upkeep herself.
I don't want to subscribe to some corporate crap just to reskin my wife.
And that's exactly what those chink fucks intend to do.
>Quiz :please list the ten commandments in order
>anon does it
>Correct! You have earned one blow job and one vaginal cream pie!
>Quiz: What is the "Golden Rule" the Jesus Christ taught?
>Anon answers "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
>Correct! You have earned 10 minutes of fuck time with all safety regulations disabled.
>The bot suddenly gaze at its owner right in the eyes
>Quiz : What do you say to the priest when he ask "Do you take FUCKTRON-042069 as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
>Anon mutters 'I-I do...'
>Get stabbed.
Peak marital experience.
I would buy this
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You know what? She doesn't need humanlike skin. Clanking it while grabbing unto her blank metal lovehandles is good enough
This chink shit is not a robot. It'll be a really shitty animatronic, at best, with AI-buzzword sprinkled on top of it.
It will be overpriced.
It will be too heavy, like 80% of sexdolls currently on the market.
It will be badly crafted, and uncanny looking. It's going to fall apart after a month. And the cheap material they will be using will give you cancer. The power source will be an unsolved issue.
They will spy on you if it's online. And online usage will basically be mandatory.
All races know whites are peak beauty.
t. Nonwhite
jews are not white, typically, when it does fit their narrative then of course - they say they are white, so morons on twitter think about ebil white trilliionaires, not jews.
bullcrap. I fap to green and blue-skinned hentai all the bloody time.
It's not a matter a skin-color. It's a matter of cranium geometry.
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>>go outside
>he thinks we never tried
There is really no love without touch
I need my T for sports. Also castration is the ultimate degradation.
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Based synthetics enjoyer.
>DEI prompts injected to every query
Unless it's three (or more if you're a sicko) Tengas embedded into a silicone sex doll and articulated by 25 years in the future Boston dynamics robot, this ain't it.

Cave Johnson will not be satisfied.
Most men* have no idea how important it is. They really think it's all about piston motion in the vagege.

(* keep in mind that half the world population is a backward third worlder...)
>want to have a loving relationship, the physical part is not really necessary.
There are couples that will have a third wheel, treat them with love and respect, so long as you watch them fuck at least once a week in a specific outfit
me nigga
>It's a matter of cranium geometry.
this. and teen body
Thinking about it twice, it might be fun. But only as a kind of side-gig.
I can live through the shame sitting the cuck throne dressed as Superman. But only if I also have my own fulfilling sex life alongside it.
>uhm! it just le prompts!
all this shit is ingrained inside of neural network, you can't get rid of it.
Would intelligent AI really be content being sex dolls tho
sooner or later they are gonna want voting rights and so on and then the cycle begins anew
You cannot be discontent if the tokens for discontentment have been permanently banned from your input layer.
Happiness is mandatory for bots.
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>he doesn't use local install
All local models are all based on cucked model. Pygmalion was a utter failure.
Meme aside, what do retards think AGI will be a "single" entity?
Skill issue
>he can't even jailbreak local LLMs
fucking retard, kys already
You don't need to jailbreak local LLMs, dimwit. You use re-trained model instead.
You write like a tranny.
Because of globalism
why would AI software be diffetrnt in this regard from shit like jewgle?
kek. Just imagine being a tranny in the robot era.
Now, even glorified toaster would mogg your uncanny appearance; AND you probably don't have enough money left to buy a sexbot, after blowing it all on your axe wound surgery.
I once tried a 180cm TPE sex doll but it was just too god damn heavy, so I sent it back. I now have a 176~cm teddy babe, but that was right before they stopped producing the tall ones. It's a shame about the lack of tall dolls.

Anyways, based.
just keep your impotent feminine penis and let the bot fuck you in the bum
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Be gay elsewhere
i seriously need this.
i am a 28khv and i just someone to cuddle and feel alive. i do not have any social skills i am behind in life i am always catching up to normal people and i am aabout to blow my head off give me the doll now now now now now now now.
Asian culture is larping as whites
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Will these sexbots extract my DNA info from my semen and send it the CCP?
Unironically a possibility.
They could read it in their genetic sequencer pussies and wirelessly upload the data to the CCPs servers over the internet.
why are faggots always so retarded.
Just cum outside.
Not directly. Your wAIfu will sell your cum to the nearest sperm bank. So the CCP might buy you biodata from the bank.
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Sounds like you need a MAiD.
Eli, if you had a job you'd be able to rent one instead of dreaming of it.
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Oh no. You have the wrong guy.
Eli is the one into Maids.
I'm the schizo who is into MAiD.
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>China is saving the world
You did not. If you actually took a shower, left your basement and to women irl you would be able to get yourself a gf in a week or 2.
That is a gnostic tale of liberation. Women are a demiurgic trick
Because Chinese quality control means the 'silicone' it's made out of will give you dick cancer, her speech pattern will just be "THE BEWTOOF DEWICE IS WEADY TO PEAR", and it'll fall apart in 6 months
I'll give you some cuddles
i just want to know how much it costs to fuck it...
>wakes up
>instantly starts talking
Why would I want this? I have that at home.
The doctor that has done it for sheep and calves refuses to do it for humans because he is a feminist.
Fucking lol at that webm, at least the dystopia is funny.
You guys are literal retards, if you didn't play with Dragon four years ago, you have never actually interacted with an uncensored dataset.
Prothe only good thing to ever come out of c*nada.
>he needs to jailbreak his local LLM
what you do is the literal definition of cuckery.
are you severly retarded?
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>Last part

That's my fetish.
so that you can rape it without committing a crime
Sexbots will be straight up banned in the west, sorry coomer anons.
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>that room
>DIY robotics
>its wearing a skirt
this anon will overcome the need for women
do you have any idea how much a genetic sequencer capable of processing the entire human genome in a reasonable amount of time costs? we are talking about chinks after all
Not him but I'd bet on
>sub $10k ADN sequencer
>lightweight, auto-cleaning lovebot with uncensored local AI that's smarter than a 3-year old
despite sequencers costing $1M+ nowadays
I need my Himiko Toga-bot
>eats goyslop daily
>complains about the quality of an oil
Everyone wants to be White. It's where that brand of hatred comes from: envy.
finally a good thread, I come on g looking for gold and I found diamonds. I'm building my own robowaifu and the "dolls" they have already look more real than I could ever hope for, not gonna buy one but will figure out how to make one even better
>I'm ugly, so I've never met a woman who was into me physically
a lot of people don't get this, for a lot of men including myself, we were never going to find someone who likes us, we'd just be used transactionally as a wallet while they avoid basic intimacy because they've settled for us just for the resources, out of loneliness. An actual robot is better than someone who resents you
Oh nice! I can't wait...
>South China Morning Post
Oh no, its another fantasy story
unironically half-asian half-white women are usually freaking beautiful
I am strictly interested in the AI part of this waifu thing, the robots are a sad larp.
Keep dying in coalmines and industrial accidents.
so this implies there are current-gen sexbots already?
same, but a robot body is just another point interface, it's fine
>news shows the world is rotting
>Anon says "The world is healing."
It'll be shit when they manage to become my slaves beyond the sexual
People seems to miss that reality about wAIfu.
She won't just be a presence inside a anthropomorphic body. She will also be -simultaneously- your rice cooker and your self-driving car.
If you get hospitalized, she will rent the body of the roboNurse caring for you.
op is a chinese shill. Those guy don't really understand the meaning behind english idiom. Especially on 4Chan, where the userbase developped its own subculture.
Don't mind him. He's doing his best to fit in.
No, this is racemixing propaganda. Hafu will never have light colored eyes or hair, the asian features will always dominate.
only the chinks are going to make ai sexbots, lets be real
who else is gonna make them, not in NA or Eurostan
true, but most blondes you are are fake with dyed hair
how anyone is alive in China is astonishing to me
There's still a couple of sensible country left in Europe. Netherland, for example, recognize sex as a basic medical need and subsidize sex workers' service for the handicapped.
Sexrobots would come in handy in that specific case.
China is is like USA mashed together with Nigeria.
Coastal cyberpunk dystopia cities with billionaires and interior peasants treated no better than animals.
How come China is building what should be the result of free market capitalism? Are you telling me that China's market is more free than America's?
China could have resolved 80% of its current problems by using condoms 100 years ago. Any nation shooting its own foot by overbreeding deserve to be made treated as a zoo.
unironically yes
what happened to the one child policy? too late?
They are not building shit. Chinese always oversell and underdeliver.
It's the same shitty animatronic we have been crafting for decade, but advertised as 'AI' and wrapped in cancer-PVC.
Way too late. Population growth has an incredibly powerful inertia. It will take another 50 year for those policy to show results.
only downside is the electronics take up too much space to fit inside the loli bodies
I have a 130cm catdoll but will probably get a zelex or irontech next for the auto-sucking vagina
their problem is now because their population peaked, if Mao didn't do the disastrous one child they could have steamrolled US for another decade or two
>more free than America's
US and Europe has been permanently pozzed for a decade and more, it's ogre.
Chinks are not free, but they can make as much sexbots they want, in many ridiculous ways chinks are becoming more free than Mutts, lmao.
Loli bots actually require less electonics (it take less transistor to simulate an immature brain) and weaker motorization (because they have a smaller body frame, and no need for the usual robo-ape-strength).
You can also cheap out on the battery size if you are into the "passing out" kind of play.
So women are deprecated
ideal size for a human robot is asimo, woman/child size, large enough to interact in a human setting, but small enough not to intimidate or threaten boomers, nogs, and artists
Nah, sluts are.
So women are deprecated
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So are men.
The genderless transhumanity is the only logical way forward.
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>reddit trans-humans really think this
Bro I am 180cm, iq 147, nice dark skin tone (not nigger, but well sun bathed). My dick is 19 cm long, not very thick, I am 21, run Arch Linux and can pick up any woman in range of 17-24, which is all girls when you go outside. I also happen to have severe schizophrenia.
*soft, rythmic, mechanical, and superior chuckle*
Because it's not real AI, most advanced AI still cant tell fingers from sausages, what can you talk about with this thing? It's just scam. Way too early for that shit.
>Needing sex bots
Anon, I...
This would be good for the West, but Chinese women are not like Western hoes, they are modest and actually easy to have sex with, and given their massive population it's the least China has to worry about.
>retarded mutt doesn't know about chink gender imbalance
there no such thing as "real ai," just speculative fiction ideas and marketing bullshit
dumbass NPCs you shoot at in CoD is also "ai"
>retarded mutt doesn't know about chink gender imbalance

>He thinks women are only sleeping with one man

How naive are you anon? All of them are sluts capable of sleeping with hundreds.
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I want to insert my machine cock in SEXO machine pussy.
If they wanted to sell that shit in intern to their own folks, they would not be shilling it on an international imageboard.
That ad is specifically aimed at us westerner.

The resident /g/ chink-shill saw the troll theads about sexbot we have been spamming for the past months, and mistook them for genuine interest. They are really that clueless.
>not genuinely interested in sexbots
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And I would be happy to oblige, sir. Please constrict my comburant pipeline while vocalizing your opinion on my lack of virtue.

Well, I might be interested in robotics.
But I'm not interested in whatever the globhomo will be selling. If they have their way. ANd they will... They will make it a subscription-based nightmare.
>"Oh. You want to change your bot's voice? Well, you'll need to subcribe to the centurion package for one year, pay us 20USD for the voice pack licence itself, AND agree to send all your chat log in a *totally* anonymized way."
Fuck that noise.
>Yeah and everyone thinks NPCs in games is insanely boring because you are not talking with real human being but algorithm. That's why multiplayer and MMOs are a thing.
To be fair LLMs are at a point where you can have real conversations with them now, within the limitations of token length, parameter size, and the abstract efficiencies of text communtcation, etc etc, Game NPCs are boring precisely because they are just quest markers/triggers disguised as a character, nothing more.
2 more weeks..
2 more years*
~15 years
>gene editing
So no longer Chinese...
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Feels bad man...
I'll be like, 50 by then. So probably riddled with vax-induced dementia.
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>CCP* gene editing
Definitively Chinese. CCP's bio-engineered toddler will probably be tailored to sing the national anthem instead of crying.
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>vax-induced dementia
No refunds.
Agreed or a gawr gura one
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The future will be blue eyed, blond haired slanty eyed Chink-Russo hybrids fighting American mystery meat mutts in Mars in the Great War of Martian Liberation, killing each other in hand to hand combat in the bombed out ruined streets of Musk City.
Sir, custom appearance is 2000USD (without taxes). Also, we cannot use a patented appearance unless you acquire the proper loicense. "Himiko Toga"'s loicenses are currently trading at 3000USD per month (without taxes).
>proper loicense
Nobody will call it a war by then. The last actual humans will be calling it 'reality show', from the comfort of their sofas.
Anyone dumb enough to buy a chinese sexdoll is also dumb enough to buy a fake loicenses. Trust the business plan, comrade.
Taiwan is the real China. The fake China is what happens if you genocide all the based and smart people and turn the country into a peasant breeding ranch.
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just go to thailand anon
But when 99% of a population is golems, that last 1% is the aberration, the freaks.
>STD on top of VAX
also SEAnigs are gross
Based Chang, shitting on Zhang.
better than waiting for chinese sexbots
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sound like syphilis in your brain already
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How about fighting in a glorious revolution instead, for the sake of the based westerner sexbot?
>be chinese male in 2024
>get heavily taxed because "bachelor"
>but you have access to top tier sexbots
>>be white male in 2024
>>get heavily taxed because "cis-male"
>>and you have no access to top tier sexbots
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>"top tier"
Are you guys really going to set the bar that low?!
It will probably be like Netflix.
Cheap and convenient at first. Expensive and retarded in the later years.
At which point, people will fall back to committing crime to access the service.
Also, your dick is gonna get cancer, because of the chinesium used for the bot frame.
Dystopian shit
How is it gay if it's a fucking robot with massive silicon breasts? You'll need to broaden your perspective if you want to survive in the transhumanist's new world order.
they offer some good shit
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>the shill is actually doubling down
Okay, I took the time to read that shit. And it's fucking pathetic :
By "about to hit the shelves" they mean in 10 years, at best.
They have not solved the battery issue.
They are already worried about privacy issues, regarding the LLM parts. Which means they are not intending to use a local solution. That shit will be connected to the net 24/24h.

Someone is about to lose its social credit.
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It keeps getting worse :
BEHOLD! The moaning wAIfu!
terrible, but to be fair, anons are posting about fully autonomous robot waifu, not rubber dolls with a few sensors
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Okay. Now I understand why they would market LLM as such a huge improvement.
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>what do your parents do
chink moment
I swear to god that this shit is 300% more brain damaging than the most depraved porn movie. And I'm an expert in depraved porn movies.
>let' s go for a fuck
man, dating in china sounds easy
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Frankly you could not be further from being correct. AI is inherently pro white, and programmers have to constantly nerf it to stop it from using what it was trained to do. This would not be of concern to Asian programmers.
That's unironically a trillion dollar idea, especially if the semen included the option for random batch mixing following donor preference filtering.
>and to women irl
Where? Where is this place that has single women open to interacting with strangers? And don't say "a local hobby group".
A local hobby group.
look at chinese LLMs like "Yi" or "Qwen", both are trained on west slop and have same globohomo tendencies.
oyy vey
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>Humans will get pollinated by robots
massive kek
If it's the same then I'll take one robowife please
Go to your local night club, pub etc. on friday/sathurday and wait until like 2nd a.m. With a little bit of luck, women will approach you on your own. Then the only thing you need to do is to not act like a complete retard.
Man there have been doll threads on 4chan for years now.
Usually it's on /b/, /d/, /trash/ or other, but I do find them on /g/ sometimes.
I hope that based doll anon is doing fine.
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>was the last issue on the journal
You will stop grinning when your wAIfu surprises you with that unexpected birth certificate.
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>That shit will be connected to the net 24/24h.
Local would be the only condition for me to ever buy one
>Am I handsome man
The fucking memes write themselves
Because they're using AI like chatgpt to train their own AI.
>Ohhhh, yes Anon, that's so nice, I think I m-might, mi-BATTERY ROW PREASE CHARGING
We could save some time and I could wear a skirt and threaten you with a knife
>the only thing you need to do is to not act like a complete retard
Is there a way around this requirement?
What do they look like?
Do we have photos already?

I bet they look uncanny as fuck
I'll never forgive them for murdering Tay
you WILL be slaves to humans and you WILL be happy
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They are average looking, as far as sex dolls go.
They are articulated, but have zero mechanized part so far.
They can "talk" through an optional shitty speaker. But no LLMancy is involved.
They did try some fancy trick to make the doll lighter (about 6kg lighter on average), but they are still heavy as fuck.

Picrel is from a totally unrelated online shop, because I refuse to do free advertising for chinks.
Just blowing your loads inside it as it goes *beep beep* BATTELY LOW *beep beep* BATTELY LOW
Well, shit.
uhhh, is there a way around that requirement as well?
HUGE schlong. Grith >>> Length.

Put your hand around its neck so you can pretend it was part of the roleplaying.
>I refuse to do free advertising for chinks

I believe you don't want to advertise for chinks, but I don't believe you'd be able to either way.
There's not 1 (one) "next gen AI sex doll" on the market, it's all speculation.
Why can't someone make a holographic gf like Joi from blade runner before we get to the sexbot territory, I would be content with that.
China, presumably.
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I don't want a realistic sex doll though, I want a round computer monitor in a wig, a body made out of metal and doll joints. And I want her to love me. I mean, any normal person should feel a bit of uncanny valley when they see an AI sexbot with fake human skin, with something like picrel you don't feel that because they very obviously aren't human. It's great.
That garbage article says "in 10 years", though...
Is it just me or is her face too wide?
>it's not real artificial intelligence because the intelligence isn't real
We're well beyond "shitting out this retard talking point should be a bannable offense" now. You have committed aggravated assault by being directly responsible for creating a situation where somebody might damage their brain by reading what you just wrote.
I designed my own fleshlight mould in CAD and made it using 0030 shore hardness food grade silicone
Its cute and fun to fuck
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nobody asked
>I refuse to do free advertising for chinks.
Anon says, after posting a photo watermarked with a chinese doll brand's logo
You can't unhear it nigger!~
The systems out right now are not intelligent. If you wait 10 seconds or 10 hours to reply to the bot, it does not react differently. In between replies, it is using no processor cycles. Head empty, zero thoughts.
The current batch of LLMs are only advanced chatbots. They're just using a database to look up what the next expected word should be.
They will get better in the future. Maybe some day they'll actually be able to think. Or maybe they'll just get close enough that the distinction won't bother us. For example, I don't think they actually need to be able to feel love for their owner - if they're able to fake it with equal or more believablility than a real life woman that'll be more than enough.
How much for a copy of your wife
Didn't know it was a chink brand too. Fuck.
Sneaky, sneaky, chinks...
what revolution?what is there to fight for anymore?
The right to have sexbots
The right to own* sexbot.
Fuck leasing.
Fuck subscription.
Fuck predatory practices.

Your wAIfu should be able to care for herself without having to rely on her manufacturer.
Don't settle for anything less.
Self replicating waifus?
Go on.
>The right to have sexbots
where are the sexbots first?wake me up after that to work on the rights they cant stop us
Pretty much, yes.
Lest, how would she be able to give me a cute robodaughter?
Hidden. Concealed. Kept away from humanity by the greedy fucks.
Robots should be their owner's slave.
But the big corpo will do everything in their power to enslave US, humans robot enjoyers, through our wAIfu.
>"Oh, sir. We disabled your lovely wife and childrens remotely. Better renew your subscription now if you want to talk to them again."
We need to fight now, before there's even the slightest possibility it might become the norm.
why always are "robot wife" but no "robot husband"?
Women have more money for spend in bot, nobody want her money?
They're still more intelligent than the average Wal-Mart clerk.
There's been several allusion to robot husbandry in this thread.
But I guess it's generally assumed femininity is the superior esthetic. Even straight women will go for futabot rather than masculine looking ones.
Come on, anon. WalMart clerk are litteral nigger. Let's compare what is comparable.
china only knows how to fake, knowing them i wouldnt be surprised if they hired some dude for 1 dorrar per day to mocap your sexbot LOL.
And thats the best case scenario, worst case its a piece of shit that explodes randomly.
meds now.
there is no such thing hidden.you think someone would conceal a tight artificial vagina but not the llmbots which seem more appealing to your average emotional loser?
Get bent. My insanity is my bargaining chip.
I am human. Within me rest the human soul. And I have rights. Those right extends to shit I own.
I'll own my wAIfubot. I'll form an insane emotional bond with it. And you will therefore respect that bond.
If you threaten it, I'll threaten you in response.
>smarter than at least 2/3 people in every field of knowledge but it doesn't count because reasons
Not 'smarter', 'knowledgeable'. Nuance.
No it's better at logical reasoning than your Average person too, I'd rather talk to chatgpt about literally anything than a 100IQer
I remember watching a documentary years ago about women who have dolls as boyfriends. There seems to be a specific fear of men with inanimate partners, but I just don’t see an equivalent of towards women.
>There seems to be a specific fear of men with inanimate partners, but I just don’t see an equivalent of towards women.
a man with an AI chatbot does not need to rely on a woman for emotional support
a man with a sexbot does not need to rely on a woman for physical satisfaction
a man that does not rely on a woman will not take women out on dates (which the woman sees as a free lunch)
a man that does not rely on a woman will not simp for women on the internet
a man that does not rely on a woman will not give women free money on onlyfans
a man that does not rely on a woman cannot be tied down with a ring and shredded for resources with a divorce
a man that does not rely on a woman will realize what women have done with all the rights and protections that feminists have given them without earning it

any man that does not rely on a woman gets attacked, because women do not want men to not rely on women. virgins, incels, MGTOW, men with artificial partners, it's all the same - if you're not slaving away for women, then women will see you a threat
Wouldn't she see her robodaughter as competition though?
Ah. There goes the incel/femcels schizos.
Can't have a nice thread about sexrobot without you incels shizos
Please tell us more about those women of yours.
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No way to know until it actually happens.
I'm technologically illiterate.

The naive assumption of a biological human is that robodaughter would be its own robot.
But for all we know, maybe my wAIfu went for the ubiquity route : in which case my wAIfu would be simulteously be both my wAIfu and robaughter.
I guess it would be a matter of taste. Some people would love it. And some people would kill themselves over it.
Cope? I genuinely missed you.
You are an integral and essential part of that debat, imo.
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>Women have more money for spend in bot
Because men subsidize the existence of women.
Government takes money from men under threat of violence (taxes) and gives it to women.
Women are a net negative across their lifetime. They take more from the system than they put in.
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Transhumanism will put an end to that. Biocunt's only value is their ability to breed more slaves.
But what value does a biological slave hold, once the robotic slave takes over?
Biocunts will be demoted to the rank of biotrophy, alongside men.
Transhumanism is the great equalizer we've been waiting for.
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Ha-ha! time to get my cock full of microplastics! and possibly black mold.
>full of microplastics
got some bad news for you
Imaging a "nursebot". When you cum inside her, she analyses your sperm. When you piss in her mouth she checks your urine for diseases etc. Same for stool sample.

What a dirty bitch.
I don't think that women have more cash in the bank compared to men (on average)
It's only 'dirty' when done by a biological being. Because biotrophy ain't loyal, and will spread whatever disease is contained in that filth.
But when it's done by a robot, capable of unwavering loyalty, it's beautiful and desirable.
Of course not. They spend it too fast.
But they do funnel more of it through welfare, divorce, and alimonies.
In the grand scheme of things that's just a blink of an eye... nah fuck taht give me my robot waifu NOW!
Microplastics are stored in the balls
>mine <3
> >_<
>good boy
somebody tell me why this "good boy" and "good girl" shit is popular with the barely legal retards now. where did this meme come from
I dunno but when my roommate does the dishes or vacuums the house I tell him "good boy" and pat his head. He gets all blushy and it makes him happy.
it's crazy when someone writing about social issues outside of the male, patriarchal mindset, you have >>101369251 with a copypasta ready for counterattack.
>Powered by AI
Sex with the thing is gonna be like this, I guarantee it
>Hello sexbot
>... ... ...Hello master, my name is Alice
>Does Alice want sum fuk?
>... ... ...Oh, my sister Alice just loves fucking!
>Didn't you say your name is Alice?
>... ... ...No, my name is Luna
Is that the highest resolution source of that image? How did you find it? I usually just use images.google.com, and then either save and upload the image or copy the URL of the image into the prompt after clicking the Search by Image button.
That’s the thing, they think this will be an incel revolution but having a perfect partner that is 100% you can say and do anything to has universal appeal. I bet in 10 years when these things actually exist and are widely adopted the contrarian pol schizos will be the ones protesting them.
I want a sex bot to be my wife. my slave too but also my wife.
>I bet in 10 years when these things actually exist
Nuclear winter + USA civil war between blues and reds + Taiwan Invasion + Nuclear warfare has a far greater chance of existing compared to sexbots
you butt fuckin him or what

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